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10/27/2018 Chapter 7 Risk, Return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model - PDF

 Anabel Austin (/user/12880187/)  2 years ago  Views: 461

 Transcription
1 Chapter 7 Risk, Return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Suppose Sarah can borrow and lend at the risk free-rate
of 3%. Which of the following four risky portfolios should she hold in combination with a position in the risk-free asset? a. portfolio with a
Top Stocks to Invest In standard deviation of 15% and an expected return of 12% b. portfolio with a standard deviation of 19% and an expected return of 15% c.
portfolio with a standard deviation of 25% and an expected return of 18% d. portfolio with a standard deviation of 12% and an expected
Best Bond Funds return of 9% To determine which portfolio is the best, draw a line from the risk-free rate to each dot in the gure and choose the line with the
highest slope. DIF: H 2. Suppose David can borrow and lend at the risk-free rate of 5%. Which of the following three risky portfolios should he
hold in combination with a position in the risk-free asset? a. portfolio with a standard deviation of 16% and an expected return of 12% b. portfolio with a standard deviation of
20% and an expected return of 16% c. portfolio with a standard deviation of 30% and an expected return of 20% d. he should be indi erent in holding any of the three portfolios

2 To determine which portfolio is the best, draw a line from the risk-free rate to each dot in the gure and choose the line with the highest slope. DIF: H 3. The risk-free rate is
5% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 13%. A stock has a beta of 1.5, what is its expected return? a. 17% b. 12% c. 19.5% d. 24.5% E(R) = 5% + 1.5(13%-5%) = 17%
DIF: E 4. The risk-free rate is 5% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 13%. A stock has a beta of 1.0, what is its expected return? a. 8% b. 13% c. 5% d. none of the
above E(R) = 5% + 1.0(13%-5%) = 13% DIF: E 5. The risk-free rate is 5% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 13%. A stock has a beta of 0, what is its expected return?
a. 0% b. 5% c. 13% d. none of the above E(R) = 5% + 0(13%-5%) = 5%

3 DIF: E 6. According to the CAPM (capital asset pricing model), the security market line is a straight line. The intercept of this line should be equal to a. zero b. the expected risk
premium on the market portfolio c. the risk-free rate d. the expected return on the market portfolio ANS: C 7. According to the CAPM (capital asset pricing model), the security
market line is a straight line. The slope of this line should be equal to a. zero b. the expected risk premium on the market portfolio c. the risk-free rate d. the expected return on
the market portfolio 8. According to the CAPM (capital asset pricing model), what is the single factor that explains di erences in returns across securities? a. the risk-free rate b.
the expected risk premium on the market portfolio c. the beta of a security d. the expected return on the market portfolio e. the volatility of a security ANS: C DIF: E 9. If the
market portfolio has an expected return of 0.12 and a standard deviation of 0.40, and the risk-free rate is 0.04, what is the slope of the security market line? a b c d Slope = = A
particular asset has a beta of 1.2 and an expected return of 10%. The expected return on the market portfolio is 13% and the risk-free is 5%. Which of the following statement is
correct? a. This asset lies on the security market line. b. This asset lies above the security market line. c. This asset lies below the security market line. d. Cannot tell from the
given information. ANS: C Equilibrium return = 5% (13%-5%) = 14.6%

4 11. A particular asset has a beta of 1.2 and an expected return of 10%. The expected return on the market portfolio is 13% and the risk-free is 5%. The stock is a. overpriced
b. underpriced c. appropriately priced d. Cannot tell from the given information Equilibrium return = 5% (13%-5%) = 14.6% 12. An asset has a beta of 2.0 and an expected return
of 20%. The expected risk premium on the market portfolio is 5% and the risk-free is 7%. The stock is a. overpriced b. underpriced c. appropriately priced d. Cannot tell from the
given information Equilibrium return = 7% (5%) = 17% 13. A stock that pays no dividends is currently priced at $40 and is expected to increase in price to $45 by year end. The
expected risk premium on the market portfolio is 6% and the risk-free is 5%. If the stock has a beta of 0.6, the stock is a. overpriced b. underpriced c. appropriately priced d.
Cannot tell from the given information Equilibrium return = 5% (6%) = 8.6% Stock expected return = (45-40)/40 = 12.5% 14. A particular stock has a beta of 1.4 and an expected
return of 13%. If the expected risk premium on the market portfolio is 6%, what s the expected return on the market portfolio? a. 10.6% b. 4.6% c. 8.4% d. 9.3% 13% = R f (6%) R f
= 4.6% Expected market return = 4.6% + 6% = 10.6%

5 15. A particular stock has an expected return of 18%. If the expected return on the market portfolio is 13%, and the risk-free rate is 5%, what s the stock s CAPM beta? a b c d
% = 5% + (8%) = A particular stock has an expected return of 11%. If the expected risk premium on the market portfolio is 8%, and the risk-free rate is 5%, what s the stock s
CAPM beta? a b c d % = 5% + (8%) = The stock of Alpha Company has an expected return of 15.5% and a beta of 1.5, and Gamma Company stock has an expected return of 13.4%
and a beta of 1.2. Assume the CAPM holds. What s the expected return on the market? a. 12% b. 7% c. 10.3% d. 11.2% Suppose the risk free rate is R f, and the expected market
return is R m. 15.5% = R f +1.5(R m -R f ) 13.4% = R f +1.2(R m -R f ) R f = 5% R m = 12% 18. The stock of Alpha Company has an expected return of 18% and a beta of 1.5, and
Gamma Company stock has an expected return of 15.6% and a beta of 1.2. Assume the CAPM holds. What s the risk-free rate? a. 8.0% b. 6.0% c. 0% d. 4.7% Suppose the risk free
rate is R f, and the expected market return is R m.

6 18% = R f +1.5(R m -R f ) 15.6% = R f +1.2(R m -R f ) R f = 6% R m = 14% 19. The CAPM (capital asset pricing model) assumes that: a. all assets can be traded b. investors are
risk-averse c. investors have homogeneous expectations d. all of the above ANS: D DIF: H 20. A portfolio has 40% invested in Asset 1 and 60% invested in Asset 2. If Asset 1 has a
beta of 1.2 and Asset 2 has a beta of 1.8, what s the beta of the portfolio? a b c d e. cannot tell from the given information Suppose the expected return of Asset 1 is R 1, the
expected return of Asset 2 is R 2, the risk free rate is R f, and the market return is R m. Portfolio expected return = 0.4R R 2 = 0.4[R f +1.2(R m -R f )]+ 0.6[R f +1.8(R m -R f )]= R f
+1.56(R m -R f )] DIF: H REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios 21. A portfolio has 40% invested in Asset 1, 50% invested in Asset 2 and 10% invested in Asset 3. Asset 1 has a beta
of 1.2, Asset 2 has a beta of 0.8 and Asset 3 has a beta of 1.8, what s the beta of the portfolio? a b c d e. Cannot tell from given information ANS: C Suppose the expected return
of Asset 1 is R 1, the expected return of Asset 2 is R 2, the expected return of Asset 3 is R 3, the risk free rate is R f, and the market return is R m. Portfolio expected return = 0.4R
R R 3 = 0.4[R f +1.2(R m -R f )]+ 0.5[R f +0.8(R m -R f )]+ 0.1[R f +1.8(R m -R f )] = R f +1.06(R m -R f )] DIF: H REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios 22. A portfolio consists 20% of a
risk-free asset and 80% of a stock. The risk-free return is 4%. The stock has an expected return of 15% and a standard deviation of 30%. What s the expected return a. 12.8%

7 b. 9.5% c. 15.0% d. 4.0% Portfolio expected return = 20%(4%) + 80%(15%) = 12.8% REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios 23. The stock of Alpha Company has an expected
return of 0.10 and a standard deviation of The stock of Gamma Company has an expected return of 0.16 and a standard deviation of The correlation coe cient between the two
stock s return is 0.2. If a portfolio consists of 40% of Alpha Company and 60% of Gamma Company, what s the expected return of the portfolio? a b c d Portfolio expected return
=.4(0.10) +.6(0.16) = REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios 24. Asset 1 has a beta of 1.2 and Asset 2 has a beta of 0.6. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Asset 1 is
more volatile than Asset 2. b. Asset 1 has a higher expected return than Asset 2. c. In a regression with individual asset s return as the dependent variable and the market s
return as the independent variable, the R-squared value is higher for Asset 1 than it is for Asset 2. d. All of the above statements are correct. 25. An investor put 40% of her
money in Stock A and 60% in Stock B. Stock A has a beta of 1.2 and Stock B has a beta of 1.6. If the risk-free rate is 5% and the expected return on the market is 12%, what s the
investor s expected return? a % b % c % d % ANS: C Expected return (stock A) = 5% + 1.2(12%-5%) = 13.4% Expected return (stock B) = 5% + 1.6(12%-5%) = 16.2% Portfolio
expected return =.4(13.4%) +.6(16.2%) = 15.08% REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios 26. You have the following data on the securities of three rms: Return last year Beta Firm
A 10% 0.8 Firm B 11% 1.0 Firm C 12% 1.2

8 If the risk-free rate last year was 3%, and the return on the market was 11%, which rm had the best performance on a risk-adjusted basis? a. Firm A b. Firm B c. Firm C d.
There is no di erence in performance on a risk-adjusted basis Expected return ( rm A) = 3% + 0.8(8%) = 9.4% < actual rm A return Expected return ( rm B) = 3% + 1.0(8%) = 11%
= actual rm B return Expected return ( rm C) = 3% + 1.2(8%) = 12.6% > actual rm C return Only rm A beats the market on a risk-adjusted basis. 27. Expected returns are: a.
always positive. b. always greater than the risk-free rate. c. inherently unobservable. d. usually equal to actual returns. ANS: C DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 28. Which of the
following is not a method used by analysts to estimate an asset s expected return? a. historical approach b. probabilistic approach c. risk-based approach d. estimation approach 2/18
10/27/2018 Chapter 7 Risk, Return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model - PDF
ANS: D DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 29. A drawback to the historical approach of estimating an asset s expected return is: a. the risk of the rm may have changed over time.
b. history always repeats itself. c. that the range of potential outcomes is often very broad. d. all of the above are drawbacks to the historical approach. DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected
Returns 30. An advantage of the probabilistic approach to estimating an asset s returns is: a. history always repeats itself. b. it does not require one to assume that the future will
look like the past. c. recent history is more important than future risk. d. exact probabilities are easy to estimate. DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 31. A disadvantage of the
probabilistic approach to estimating an asset s returns is: a. history always repeats itself. b. it does not require one to assume that the future will look like the past. c. recent
history is more important than future risk. d. that the range of possible outcomes is often broader than the scenarios used. ANS: D REF: 7.1 Expected Returns

9 32. Suppose that over the last 20 years, company XYZ has averaged a return of 13%. Over the same period, the Treasury bond rate has averaged 4%. The current estimate of
the Treasury bond rate is 6.5%. Using the historical approach, what is the estimate of XYZ s expected return. a. 13.0% b. 16.5% c. 15.5% d. 19.5% ANS: C Historical Risk Premium =
13% - 4% = 9% Expected Return = 9% + 6.5% = 15.5% DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 33. Suppose that over the last 30 years, company ABC has averaged a return of 10%. Over
the same period, the Treasury bond rate has averaged 3%. The current estimate of the Treasury bond rate is 5%. Using the historical approach, what is the estimate of ABC s
expected return. a. 13.0% b. 12.5% c. 12.0% d. 11.0% ANS: C Historical Risk Premium = 10% - 3% = 7% Expected Return = 7% + 5% = 12% DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 34.
Suppose that over the last 25 years, company DEF has averaged a return of 7.5%. Over the same period, the Treasury bond rate has averaged 1.5%. The current estimate of the
Treasury bond rate is 4%. Using the historical approach, what is the estimate of DEF s expected return. a. 13.0% b. 12.5% c. 12.0% d. 10.0% ANS: D Historical Risk Premium =
7.5% - 1.5% = 6% Expected Return = 6% + 4% = 10% DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 7-1 Exhibit 7-1 Outcome Probability Return Recession 25% -30%
Expansion 40% 15% Boom 35% 55% NARREND 35. Given Exhibit 7-1, what is the expected return? a % b %

10 c % d % ANS: D 0.25* * *0.55 = DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns NAR: Exhibit Given Exhibit 7-1, what is the expected variance? a % b % c % d % Outcome Probability Return
Return - E(r) (Return - (E(r))2 Recession 25% -30% % % Expansion 40% 15% -2.75% 7.56% Boom 35% 55% 37.25% % 100% Variance % REF: 7.1 Expected Returns NAR: Exhibit Given
Exhibit 7-1, what is the expected standard deviation? a % b % c % d % ANS: D Outcome Probability Return Return - E(r) (Return - (E(r))2 Recession 25% -30% % % Expansion 40%
15% -2.75% 7.56% Boom 35% 55% 37.25% % 100% Variance % Std Dev 32.54% REF: 7.1 Expected Returns NAR: Exhibit 7-1 NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 7-2 Exhibit 7-2 Outcome
Probability Return Recession 40% -25% Expansion 25% 20% Boom 35% 45% NARREND 38. Given Exhibit 7-2, what is the expected return? a % b %

11 c % d % 0.4* * *0.45 = DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns NAR: Exhibit Given Exhibit 7-2, what is the expected variance? a % b % c % d % Outcome Probability Return Return -
E(r) (Return - (E(r))2 Recession 40% -25% % % Expansion 25% 20% 9.25% 85.56% Boom 35% 45% 34.25% % 100% Variance % REF: 7.1 Expected Returns NAR: Exhibit Given Exhibit
7-2, what is the expected standard deviation? a % b % c % d % ANS: C Outcome Probability Return Return - E(r) (Return - (E(r))2 Recession 40% -25% % % Expansion 25% 20%
9.25% 85.56% Boom 35% 45% 34.25% % 100% Variance % Std Dev 30.71% REF: 7.1 Expected Returns NAR: Exhibit The rst step in the risk-based approach to estimating a
security s expected return is to: a. de ne what is meant by risk and to measure it. b. quantify how much return we should expect on an asset with a given amount of risk. c.
estimate the risk-free rate. d. de ne what is meant by return. DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 42. Standard deviation measures: a. systematic risk. b. unsystematic risk. c. total
risk. d. beta risk. ANS: C DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns

12 43. Investors can eliminate what type of risk by diversifying? a. systematic risk b. unsystematic risk c. beta risk d. total risk DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 44. Which type of
risk a ects many di erent securities? a. return risk b. variance risk c. unsystematic risk d. systematic risk ANS: D DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 45. Which type of risk a ects
just a few securities at a time? a. return risk b. variance risk c. unsystematic risk d. systematic risk ANS: C DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 46. A standardized measure of risk is: a.
alpha b. beta c. gamma d. omega DIF: E REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 47. Which type of rm would most likely have the greatest systematic risk? a. A grocery store chain b. A electric
company c. A telephone company d. A vibrating chair manufacturer ANS: D REF: 7.1 Expected Returns 48. The beta of the risk-free asset is: a b. 0.0 c. 0.5 d. 1.0 DIF: E REF: 7.1
Expected Returns NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 7-3 Exhibit 7-3 Security Weight Expected Return 1 30% 10% 2 15% 3 10% 21%

13 NARREND 49. Given Exhibit 7-3, what is the weight of Security 2? a. 20% b. 40% c. 60% d. 80% ANS: C = 60 DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit Given
Exhibit 7-3, what is the expected return on the portfolio? a. 14.1% b. 15.0% c. 16.3% d. 17.9% 0.3* * *0.21 = DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit 7-3
NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 7-4 Exhibit 7-4 NARREND Security Weight Expected Return 1 7% 2 35% 9% 3 40% 51. Given Exhibit 7-4, what is the weight of Security 1? a. 25% b. 35% c. 45%
d. 55% = 25 DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit Given Exhibit 7-4, if the expected return on the portfolio is 9.7%, what is the expected return for Security 3?
a. 10% b. 11% c. 12% d. 13% ANS: C 0.25* * *X = 0.097

14 X =.12 REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit 7-4 NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 7-5 Exhibit 7-5 NARREND Security $ Invested Expected Return 1 $5,000 7% 2 $7,000 9% 3
$9,000 12% 53. Given Exhibit 7-5, what is the weight of Security 1? a. 42.9% b. 33.3% c. 23.8% d. Cannot be determined with the data given ANS: C $5,000/$21,000 =.238 DIF: E
REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit Given Exhibit 7-5, what is the weight of Security 2? a. 42.9% b. 33.3% c. 23.8% d. Cannot be determined with the data given
$7,000/$21,000 =.333 DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit Given Exhibit 7-5, what is the weight of Security 3? a. 42.9% b. 33.3% c. 23.8% d. Cannot be
determined with the data given $9,000/$21,000 =.429 DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit Given Exhibit 7-5, what is the expected return on the portfolio? a.
9.81% b. 9.00% c % d. Cannot be determined with the data given

15 5000/21000* /21000* /21000*0.12 = DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit If you believed a stock was going to fall in price, a strategy to pro t from the
stock decline is known as: a. buying long. b. buying short. c. selling long. d. selling short. ANS: D DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 7-6 Exhibit 7-6
NARREND Security $ Invested Beta 1 $9, $5, $8, Given Exhibit 7-6, what is the portfolio beta? a b c d /22000* /22000* /22000*1.2 = DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios
NAR: Exhibit 7-6 NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 7-7 Exhibit 7-7 NARREND Security $ Invested Beta 1 $3, $7, $2, Given Exhibit 7-7, what is the portfolio beta? a b c d /12000* /12000*
/12000*0.9 = DIF: E REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios NAR: Exhibit 7-7

16 60. The country with the highest level of systematic risk is: a. Russia b. Poland c. Taiwan d. USA DIF: H REF: 7.2 Risk and Return for Portfolios 61. The di erence between the
return on the market portfolio and the risk-free rate is known as the: a. total return. b. systematic premium. c. unsystematic return. d. market risk premium. ANS: D DIF: E 62. An
investor has $10,000 invested in Treasury securities and $15,000 invested in stock UVW. UVW has a beta of 1.2. What is the beta of the portfolio? a b c d ($10,000/$25,000 * 0) =
($15,000/$25,000 * 1.2) = The slope of the security market line is: a. E(R m ) - R f b. 1/(E(R m ) - R f ) c. R f - E(R m ) d. R f 64. The intercept of the security market line is: a. E(R m ) - R
f b. 1/(E(R m ) - R f ) c. R f - E(R m ) d. R f ANS: D 65. The slope of the security market line is: a. the return on the market. b. beta. c. the market risk premium. d. the risk-free rate.
ANS: C 66. The formula for the Capital Asset Pricing Model is: a. E(R i ) = R f + i(e(r m ) - R f ) b. E(R i ) = R f + ie(r m )

17 c. E(R i ) = i (E(R m ) - R f ) d. E(R i ) + R f = i(e(r m ) - R f ) DIF: E 67. Security I has a beta of 1.3, the risk-free rate is 4%, and the expected return on the market is 11%. What is
the expected return for Security I? a. 15.0% b. 18.3% c. 14.6% d. 13.1% ANS: D 4% + (11% - 4%)1.3 = 13.1% DIF: E 68. Security I has a beta of 1.3, the risk-free rate is 4%, and the
expected market risk premium is 11%. What is the expected return for Security I? a. 15.0% b. 18.3% c. 14.6% d. 13.1% 4% + (11%)1.3 = 18.3% DIF: E 69. The idea that asset prices
fully re ect all available information is known as the: a. fair price hypothesis. b. e cient market hypothesis. c. full information hypothesis. d. full price hypothesis. DIF: E REF: 7.4
Are Stock Returns Predictable? 70. The hypothesis that states that it is nearly impossible to predict exactly when stocks will do well relative to bonds is known as the: a. fair price
hypothesis. b. e cient market hypothesis. c. full information hypothesis. d. full price hypothesis. DIF: E REF: 7.4 Are Stock Returns Predictable? 71. A mutual fund that adopts a
passive management style is called: a. an index fund. b. a research fund. c. an active fund. d. a technology fund. DIF: E REF: 7.4 Are Stock Returns Predictable? 72. What type of
mutual fund managers do extensive analysis to identify mispriced stocks? a. passive

18 b. index c. active d. short ANS: C DIF: E REF: 7.4 Are Stock Returns Predictable? 73. A buy-and-hold strategy: a. typically earns higher returns, after expenses, than an active
stock picking strategy. b. always earns the lowest returns. c. always have the lowest risk. d. typically outperforms most market indexes. DIF: E REF: 7.4 Are Stock Returns
Predictable? 74. Active managers: a. generate lower expenses for their shareholders than passive managers. b. trade more frequently than passive managers c. always use
trading rules to decide when to buy and sell stocks. d. all of the above. REF: 7.4 Are Stock Returns Predictable? 75. Modern nancial markets are: a. competitive. b. transparent. c.
e cient. d. all of the above. ANS: D REF: 7.4 Are Stock Returns Predictable? 3/18
10/27/2018 Chapter 7 Risk, Return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model - PDF

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Chapter 11, Risk and Return (/20725790-Chapter-11-risk-and-return.html)

Chapter 11, Risk and Return 1. A portfolio is. A) a group of assets, such as stocks and bonds, held as a collective unit by an investor B) the expected return on a
risky asset C) the expected return on

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10/27/2018 Chapter 7 Risk, Return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model - PDF

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Test3 1. The market value of Charcoal Corporation's common stock is $20 million, and the market value of its riskfree debt is $5 million. The beta of the
company's common stock is 1.25, and the market

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Ratio Portfolio Excess Return E[ RP ] r

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t = 1 2 3 1. Calculate the implied interest rates and graph the term structure of interest rates. t = 1 2 3 X t = 100 100
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Chapter 5 Risk and Return ANSWERS TO SELECTED END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS (/20877812-Chapter-5-risk-and-

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investor takes by holding only one asset. Risk is

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Answers to Concepts in Review (/13249716-Answers-to-concepts-in-review.html)

Answers to Concepts in Review 1. A portfolio is simply a collection of investments assembled to meet a common investment goal. An e cient portfolio is a
portfolio o ering the highest expected return

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CHAPTER 9: THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL (/23749519-Chapter-9-the-capital-asset-pricing-model.html)

CHAPTER 9: THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL PROBLEM SETS 1. E(r P ) = r f + β P [E(r M ) r f ] 18 = 6 + β P(14 6) β P = 12/8 = 1.5 2. If the security s correlation
coe cient with the market portfolio

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Practice Set #4 and Solutions. (/5192193-Practice-set-4-and-solutions.html)

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Lecture 15: Final Topics on CAPM (/9282338-Lecture-15- nal-topics-on-capm.html)

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1. a. (iv) b. (ii) [6.75/(1.34) = 10.2] c. (i) Writing a call entails unlimited potential losses as the stock price rises.
1. Solutions to PS 1: 1. a. (iv) b. (ii) [6.75/(1.34) = 10.2] c. (i) Writing a call entails unlimited potential losses as the stock price rises. 7. The bill has a maturity of one-
half year, and an annualized

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CHAPTER 7: OPTIMAL RIKY PORTFOLIO PROLEM ET 1. (a) and (e).. (a) and (c). After real estate is added to the portfolio, there are four asset classes in the
portfolio: stocks, bonds, cash and real estate.

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and measuring the risk of a single asset. 3.

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average of 30 large industrial stocks. )

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b. The standard deviation of the return.

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annual returns. 2. De ne risk and explain how uncertainty

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nancial asset, including stocks, bonds, CDs, coins,

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Basic Financial Tools: A Review. 3 n 1 n. PV FV 1 FV 2 FV 3 FV n 1 FV n 1 (1 i) (/13666163-Basic- nancial-tools-a-review-

Chapter 28 Basic Financial Tools: A Review The building blocks of nance include the time value of money, risk and its relationship with rates of return, and stock
and bond valuation models. These topics

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The Case For Passive Investing! (/12850662-The-case-for-passive-investing.html)

The Case For Passive Investing! Aswath Damodaran Aswath Damodaran! 1! The Mechanics of Indexing! Fully indexed fund: An index fund attempts to replicate a
market index. It is relatively simple to create,

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Chapter 20 Understanding Options (/11619485-Chapter-20-understanding-options.html)

Chapter 20 Understanding Options Multiple Choice Questions 1. Firms regularly use the following to reduce risk: (I) Currency options (II) Interest-rate options (III)
Commodity options D) I, II, and III

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Corporate Finance, Fall 03 Exam #2 review questions (full solutions at end of document) (/9754207-Corporate-
Corporate Finance, Fall 03 Exam #2 review questions (full solutions at end of document) 1. Portfolio risk & return. Idaho Slopes (IS) and Dakota Steppes (DS) are
both seasonal businesses. IS is a downhill

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CHAPTER 22 Options and Corporate Finance (/10105554-Chapter-22-options-and-corporate- nance.html)

CHAPTER 22 Options and Corporate Finance Multiple Choice Questions: I. DEFINITIONS OPTIONS a 1. A nancial contract that gives its owner the right, but not the obligation,
to buy or sell a speci ed asset 14/18
10/27/2018 Chapter 7 Risk, Return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model - PDF

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RISKS IN MUTUAL FUND INVESTMENTS (/19660381-Risks-in-mutual-fund-investments.html)

RISKS IN MUTUAL FUND INVESTMENTS Classi cation of Investors Investors can be classi ed based on their Risk Tolerance Levels : Low Risk Tolerance Moderate
Risk Tolerance High Risk Tolerance Fund Classi cation

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The cost of capital A reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake O U T L I N E 1. Introduction... 1 2. Determining the proportions of each source of capital that
will be raised... 3 3. Estimating the marginal

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Chapter 14 Capital Structure in a Perfect Market (/6623182-Chapter-14-capital-structure-in-a-perfect-market.html)

Chapter 14 Capital Structure in a Perfect Market 14-1. Consider a project with free cash ows in one year of $130,000 or $180,000, with each outcome being
equally likely. The initial investment required

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CHAPTER 21: OPTION VALUATION (/5848594-Chapter-21-option-valuation.html)

CHAPTER 21: OPTION VALUATION 1. Put values also must increase as the volatility of the underlying stock increases. We see this from the parity relation as
follows: P = C + PV(X) S 0 + PV(Dividends). Given

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Chapter 9 Interest Rates (/16312166-Chapter-9-interest-rates.html)

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Finance 3130 Corporate Finiance Sample Final Exam Spring 2012 True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or falsewith A for true and B for false. 1.
Interest paid by a corporation is a tax deduction

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FTS Real Time System Project: Portfolio Diversi cation Note: this project requires use of Excel s Solver Question: How do you create a diversi ed stock portfolio?
Advice given by most nancial advisors

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NorthCoast Investment Advisory Team 203.532.7000 NORTHCOAST ASSET MANAGEMENT An established leader in the eld of tactical
investment management, specializing in quantitative research

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Concentrated Stock Diversi cation Analysis (/19741695-Concentrated-stock-diversi cation-analysis.html)

Concentrated Stock Diversi cation Analysis Example analysis Three Harbor Drive, Suite 315 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 339-4300 Copyright
2013 Aperio Group LLC Aperio v. [Latin] to make

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BUSINESS FINANCE (FIN 312) Spring 2008 (/21583193-Business- nance- n-312-spring-2008.html)

BUSINESS FINANCE (FIN 312) Spring 2008 Assignment 3 Instructions: please read carefully You can either do the assignment by yourself or work in a group of no
more than two. You should show your work how

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TPPE17 Corporate Finance 1(5) SOLUTIONS RE-EXAMS 2014 II III Instructions 1. Only one problem should be treated on each sheet of paper and only one side of the sheet
should be used. 2. The solutions folder

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Key Concepts and Skills (/11350391-Key-concepts-and-skills.html)

Chapter 10 Some Lessons from Capital Market History Key Concepts and Skills Know how to calculate the return on an investment Understand the historical
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BUSM 411: Derivatives and Fixed Income (/15141714-Busm-411-derivatives-and- xed-income.html)

BUSM 411: Derivatives and Fixed Income 2. Forwards, Options, and Hedging This lecture covers the basic derivatives contracts: forwards (and futures), and call
and put options. These basic contracts are

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= 35% σ (standard deviation)

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Review for Exam 1 Instructions: Please read carefully The exam will have 21 multiple choice questions and 5 work problems. Questions in the multiple choice
section will be either concept or calculation

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Economics and Finance Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute

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Madison Investment Advisors LLC (/13883455-Madison-investment-advisors-llc.html)

Madison Investment Advisors LLC Intermediate Fixed Income SELECT ROSTER Firm Information: Location: Year Founded: Total Employees: Assets ($mil):
Accounts: Key Personnel: Matt Hayner, CFA Vice President

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1 Proactive risk management is sometimes described as re ghting. (/6816535-1-proactive-risk-management-is-

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1 Proactive risk management is sometimes described as re ghting. 2 Software risk always involves two characteristics A) re ghting and crisis management B) known and
unknown risks C) uncertainty 17/18
10/27/2018 Chapter 7 Risk, Return, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model - PDF

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Mean-Variance Portfolio Analysis and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (/22399387-Mean-variance-portfolio-analysis-
Mean-Variance Portfolio Analysis and the Capital Asset Pricing Model 1 Introduction In this handout we develop a model that can be used to determine how a
risk-averse investor can choose an optimal asset

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FINANCIAL ECONOMICS OPTION PRICING (/5409218-Financial-economics-option-pricing.html)

OPTION PRICING Options are contingency contracts that specify payo s if stock prices reach speci ed levels. A call option is the right to buy a stock at a
speci ed price, X, called the strike price.

More information (/5409218-Financial-economics-option-pricing.html)

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