Jots and Tittles

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Jots and Tittles

By Tzephanyahu O’heachthighearna
Declare it if you know, teach the way if you are able to discern, if you are infallible. Is it
so broad a path to heaven? Is it so free and untroubled that we are allowed to be covered still
living in the covenant in agreements of mighty ones other than Yahuah? Has one jot or tittle
passed from the Torah? Has Messiah not come to fulfill, to turn mother from daughters and
sons from fathers? Are we left no answers, no understanding? Are we cut off? Are we to
submit to regulation, putting authority of mankind above the inspired Word of the Most High?
Are we to be regulated, slaves, and give honor and submission to rulers of earth and ignore that
great King of Kings? Shall we justify ourselves through Scripture and not allow to be justified
by it? Are we to accept deceptions and suffer the statutes of Babylon and be happy retaining a
catalogue mark, number, and name of a beast that controls and regulates our lives?
Is it a broad way to heaven or a narrow path? Do we accept evils while evils are sufferable,
or do we expose, denounce, rebuke, and throw off such things? You tell me if you are so wise, so
bold, so sure that no deception has overtaken. Teach me your reasoning, your philosophy, if I am
so low and you so infallible.
Shall blind elders scold and reprove the young if they find fault in the traditions of man?
Are the young to respect their fathers and mothers who live in sin? If all sin, shall we go on
sinning and simply repent again and again? Is it the old who see visions, set in their ways, doing
what is right in their own eyes or the young men and women fed up with entrapment searching
diligently for a better way? Do we continue to fund through tax those who oppress, allowing
them unlimited funding to work and promote iniquity? Shall we accept the wisdom of the world,
though scripture calls it foolishness?
Who is our mighty one if you know? Shall we save ourselves by our own hands? Shall we
accept tyrants into the congregation and call them our people? Is the majority to ascend up to
our father and that minority perish who are so different, so stranger than the rest? And shall
we all be cowards?
Ye of little faith, ye blind guides and fools. Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven draws near.
Repent, he comes quickly to fight you with the sword of His mouth. Turn away and sin no
more. For whoever shall offend one of these little ones to cause them to stray from truth, it is
better you were drowned in the depths of the sea, and to pluck out your eye than to allow it to
cause you to sin. Stop taking the easy path, stop doing what is acceptable to man while ignoring
the jots and tittles of Yahuah. Stop thinking what is right in your own eyes.
Woe to those who build unrighteousness and oppression and lay deceit as a foundation.
Woe to those who build their houses with sin and who acquire gold and silver. Woe to you, you
rich, for you have trusted in your riches. Woe to you who fulminate anathemas which cannot be
reversed. Woe to you who requite your neighbor with evil. Woe to you lying witnesses and
those who weigh out injustice. Woe to you sinners for you persecute the righteous. Woe unto
you you sinners, for your riches make you appear like righteous but your hearts convict you of
being sinners. Woe to you who devour the finest of the wheat and drink wine in large bowls, and
tread under foot the lowly with your might. Woe to you who drink water from every fountain.
Woe to you you mighty, who with might oppress the righteous. Woe to you who acquire silver
and gold in unrighteousness and say, we have become rich with riches and have possessions and
have acquired everything we have desired. Woe to you fools, for through your folly shall you
perish, and you transgress against the wise. Woe to you obstinate of heart. Woe to you who
love the deeds of unrighteousness, where do you hope for good unto yourselves? Woe to you
who work unrighteousness and glory in lying and extol them, you shall perish and no happy life
shall be yours. Woe to them who pervert the words of uprightness and transgress the eternal
law. Woe to you who spread evil to your neighbors. Woe to you who make deceitful and false
measures, and cause bitterness on the earth. Woe to you who build your houses through the
greivous toil of others and all their building materials are bricks and stones of sin. Woe to them
who reject the measure and eternal heritage. Woe to them who work unrighteousness and help
oppression. Woe to you sinners who afflict the righteous and burn them with fire. Woe to you
sinners on account of the words of your mouth and on account of the deeds of your hands which
your unrighteousness has wrought.
Woe to you who deny the name of Yahuah Elohim of Hosts. Woe to you who deny to say
Yah-shua. Woe to you who put other mighty ones before Yahuah’s face. Woe to you who make
images of anything in the heavens above, in the earth beneath, or in the abyss below, who bow
down to anything but the Most High. Woe to you who bring the name of Yahuah to nought.
Woe to you who do not keep the Sabbath. Woe to you who do not respect your Father in the
heaven or your mother earth. Woe to you who slay the innocent. Woe to you who are whores
and adulterers. Woe to you who steal. Woe to you who bare false witness. Woe to you who
covet what you are not given. Woe to sorcerers and wiccans, heathens and pagans. Woe to
those who commit unnatural unions and fornication. Woe to you oppressing foreigners in your
land, and those who are different than yourself. Woe to you who afflict the widow or the
fatherless. Woe to you who extract interest. Woe to you who revile the elohim and curse
rulers of his people. Woe to you who give not of your first fruits. Woe to you the majority who
do not set yourselves apart. Woe to you who make covenants with the wrong and foolish. Woe
to you who follow a crowd to do evil, and turn away from what is right. Woe to you who do
not keep away from a false matter. Woe to you who do not rest every seventh hour, day, year,
and doing likewise for your servants, land and beasts. Woe to you who invoke the names of
other mighty ones. Woe to you who do not observe the feasts and days of Yahuah. Woe to
you males who do not appear before Yahuah three times a year. Woe to you serving other
mighty ones and putting trust in anyone but the Most High. Woe to you serving yourselves
and not Yahuah Elohim of Hosts.
Woe to those who are not humble and meek. Woe to those who do not mourn. Woe to
those without hunger and thirst for righteousness. Woe to those without compassion. Woe to
those who are not clean in heart. Woe to those who are not peacemakers. Woe to those who
are not persecuted for righteousness sake. Woe to them who reproach and persecute and say
wicked words against His people. Woe to them who do away with and destroy the Torah or
the Prophets. Woe to those who break even the least of the commandments or teaches any of
the children of men to do likewise. Woe to those who swear falsely by the name of Yahuah or
by heaven, or by earth, or by Yahrushalayim, or by your head or by anything. Woe to you who
do not give acceptable things when asked of you. Woe to them who do not love their enemies or
bless those who curse you, or do good to those who hate you, or do not pray to those oppressing
and persecuting you. Woe to those not seeking perfection. Woe to those not praying in secret.
Woe to those praying in multitude of babbling words. Woe to the unforgiving and merciless.
Woe to those serving more than one master, as Yahuah is our master. Woe to those judging
others. Woe to those who enter not into the narrow gate, for few pass through it. Woe to
them not doing the words of Yahushua Messiah, our only Master and King. Woe to those
who love their father or mother more than Yahushua Messiah. Woe to them who transgress
the commands because of traditions. Woe to them who nullify the commands. Woe to those
who teach and obey oral commands of men. Woe to them not knowing the scriptures, nor the
power of Elohim. Woe to you who shut up the reign of the heavens before men. Woe to you
false prophets. Woe to you who preach apostasy to the children of men. Woe to you who lead
astray the chosen ones. Woe to them by whom the son of Adam is delivered up. Woe to you
when all men speak well of you. Woe to you who do not weep. Woe to you who build the
tombs of the prophets and kill them. Woe to you who take away the key of knowledge. Woe
to them who are not found watching and seeking for the reign of the heavens. Woe to them who
are the first to cast stones. Woe to them who are not saved from this crooked generation.
Woe to the uncircumcised in the flesh and in the spirit. Woe to them not baptized in the water
and in the blood. Woe to them who do not believe in Yahushua Messiah, placing Him as your
covering, as master and sovereign. Woe to this wicked, abominable and adulterous generation.
The thing that has been is that which shall be. And that which is done is that which shall be
done and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything whereof it may be said, see this is
new? It has been already of old time, which was before us. There is no remembrance of former
things, neither shall it be remembered of things that are to come with those that shall come
after. There were nephilim in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the B’nai Elohim
came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. The same became mighty men
which were of old, men of renown. And the angels who left their own habitation, he has kept in
everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of that great day. Even as Sodom and
Amorrah and the cities around them in a similar way to these, giving themselves over to whoring
and fornication are set forth as an example.
Who is the image of the invisible Elohim? The firstborn of every creature. For by Him were
all things created that are in heaven and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, whether they
be thrones, or dominions, principalities or powers, all things were created by Him and for him.
While we look at the things which are seen and not at the things which are not seen, the things
that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal.
Whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand scripture? Them
that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept.
Precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little and there a little. And I knew
such a man, whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell, Yah knoweth how that he was
caught up to paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
Mark the perfect man who is made in the image and likeness of Elohim and behold the upright.
For the end of that man is peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together with the
wrong shall be cut off. I will open my mouth in a parable. I will utter dark sayings of old which
we have heard and known and our fathers have told us. For the fascination of wickedness
obscures what is good and raving desire perverts the innocent mind. The wisdom of the scribe
depends on the opportunity of leisure and he who has little business may become wise. How can
he become wise who handles the plow and who glories in the shaft of a goad, who drives oxen and
is occupied with their work?
I have seen the watcher in great power and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet the
watcher passed away and lo, he was not, yea, I sought him but he could not be found. For there
are certain men crept in unawares who were of old ordained to this condemnation. Unrighteous
men turning the commands of Elohim into lasciviousness. And denying the only Elohim Yahuah,
and our Master Yahushua Messiah.
The Elohim of mercy shall prevent me, Yahuah shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies.
Slay them not lest my people forget. Scatter the wicked and the children of their fornication by
thy power and bring them down. Think not that he comes to destroy the Torah or the Nebi’im,
he came not to destroy but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you til heaven and earth shall pass,
one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Torah until it is fulfilled. How is it we speak
wisdom among the righteous but not the wisdom of the world nor of the wicked that come to
naught. We speak of the wisdom of Yah ordained before the world unto our glory which none of
the wicked comprehended. For had the comprehended it, they would not have impaled the master
of glory. They know not neither will they understand. They walk on in darkness and all the
foundations of the earth are out of course. Yah has said to them, Ye are eloah, and all of you
are b’nai elohim, but you shall die as men and fall as one of the princes. So if he called them eloah
unto whom the word of Elohim came, and the scriptures cannot be broken, open then our eyes
that we may behold wondrous things out of the Torah. We are strangers in the earth, hide not
your commandments from us.
Who is worth to open the book and to loose the seals thereof? No man in heaven nor in the
earth, neither under the earth was able to open the book, neither to look within. Blessings to the
righteous and a rod for the fools back. And the sinners shall cry aloud and see the righteous
resplendent, and they indeed will go where days and seasons are prescribed for them. Amain.

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