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The fulfilment and satisfaction that accompany the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose
constant guidance and encouragement crowned our efforts with success. We have
benefited greatly from the wonderful support, both technical and non-technical that
we have received from many people in our college. We consider this as our privilege
to express few words of gratitude and respect to all who have guided and inspired us
in completing this project.

We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to our guide Mr. Manjunath
G, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
BITM, Ballari, for his valuable guidance and useful suggestions, which helped me in
completing the project in time.

We will take immense pleasure in thanking Dr. B.M Vidyavathi SPOC,

MTLC, Professor and Dr. R.N Kulkarni Prof & Head, Department of Computer
Science Engineering, BITM, Ballari, for their valuable suggestions and expert advice.

We would like to thank Prof. Prithviraj Y.J Deputy Director, BITM, Ballari,
for his moral support towards the completion of our project.

We would like to expand our deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and
indirectly guided us in completing this project.

Finally, yet importantly, We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our
beloved parents for their blessings, our friends/classmates for their help and wishes
for the successful completion of this project.



Automated Hospital Token System

In the real-life scenario, there is a need of an automated system for efficient work to be
done in any educational institution. Such a system is needed in order to help certain
teaching or non-teaching staff of any institution to make easy and automate their
burdened work of maintaining the details of all the students in the institution. Keeping the
aforesaid perspective in mind, here we have developed smart proctor which does the work
of automation where ever the manual work of entering the details of the student is done.

The wastage of electricity is one of the major problems nowadays. It has been observed
that particularly in the office sectors including collages, industries and other related areas,
fans and lighting points are kept on even if there is nobody in the room. This may happen
due to negligence or lack of care by the people or sometime they may forget to turn off
the lights and fans in a hurry. Hence there is a need to conserve energy. To overcome all
such situations the feature to the INSTITUTE-MATE system of power saving is proposed
for the real-life implementation at our institution.

In this digital word we need every possible thing around us to be automatic which reduces
the human efforts and currently there is a lot scope for research in the field of Robotics
and automation. In this regard the proposed system is robotized with sufficient sensor
modules and wireless modules for real time power monitoring applications.

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 2

Automated Hospital Token System






1.1 Problem Definition 5

1.2 Objectives of the Project 5

1.3 Proposed Block Diagram of the system 6


FEATURE FINALIZATION Error! Bookmark not defined.



3.1 Major System Components 10

3.1.1 Unified Learning Kit 10
3.1.2 Ardino Module 11
3.1.3 Thermal Printer (CSN-A1X) Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2 Finalized Implementation 17

3.3 Alternative Design 19




Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 3

Automated Hospital Token System



CVS Error! Bookmark not defined.


Figure 1.1: Block Diagram of Automated Hospital Token System Error! Bookmark not
Figure 3.1: UTLP Trainer KIT 10
Figure 3.2: Arduino Mega 2560 11
Figure 3.3:Thermal Printer Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.4: Workflow of the Proposed System 18

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 4

Automated Hospital Token System



The wastage of electricity is one of the major problems nowadays. It has been observed
that particularly in the office sectors including collages, industries and other related areas,
fans and lighting points are kept on even if there is nobody in the room. This may happen
due to negligence or lack of care by the people or sometime they may forget to turn off
the lights and fans in a hurry. Hence there is a need to conserve energy. To overcome all
such situations the feature to the INSTITUTE-MATE system of power saving is proposed
for the real-life implementation at our institution.

In this regard, the innovating of a user friendly robot which does the power saver
and circular work and implemented a system titled “Institute mate”

1.1 Problem Definition

To design and develop an automated system using the UTKP KIT in normal mode that is
used to perform and automate the burdened work in any institution.

1.2 Objectives of the Project

The objectives of this project are

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 5

Automated Hospital Token System

The aim of this project is to design an autonomous robot which will roam around the
institution and detect for energy wastage if any. Major tasks include:

 To build the hardware system which enables servant to read its environment
 To build software backend to interpret this data and take logical decisions.
 To build Smart-Switch Hardware as well as software.
 To Set up Wireless communication between Smart-Switch and the servant.
 To develop robotized system for circular announcement.

1.3 Proposed Block Diagram of the system





with sensors Wireless interface

Zigbee 7 SEG

Smart switch


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Automated Hospital Token System

Figure 1.1: Block Diagram of Automated institute mate

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Automated Hospital Token System

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Automated Hospital Token System

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Automated Hospital Token System



1.3 Major System Components

Major components used in our system are:

1.Unified Learning Kit.

2.Arduino Board.

3.RF module

4.fird bird v robot

1.3.1 Unified Learning Kit

ULK, based on Texas instruments OMAP3530 application processor & Spartan6
FPGA.The OMAP3530 processor supports interfaces such as mobile DDR, Nand-
Flash, Audio in & out, Touch-Screen LCD, Ethernet, keypad, USB-OTG, USB cards
& external interface and connectors such as control sensor header and input output
expansion connectors, I2C connector, Camera Connector and LCD connector.

Figure 3.1: UTLP Trainer KIT

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 10

Automated Hospital Token System

1.3.2 Ardino Module

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino

consists of both a physical programmable circuit board which is a microprocessor and
an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to
write and upload computer code to the Arduino. And we can fed the code into the
board just by using a USB cable. Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified
version of C++, making it easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino provides a
standard form factor that breaks out the functions of the micro-controller into a more
accessible package.

Figure 3.2: Arduino Mega 2560

The Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has
54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog
inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB
connection, a power jack, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support
the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it
with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Mega 2560 board is
compatible with most shields designed for the Uno and the former boards
Duemilanove or Diecimila.

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 11
Automated Hospital Token System

Fire Bird V will help you get acquainted with the world of robotics and
embedded systems. Thanks to its innovative architecture and adoption of the
‘Open Source Philosophy’ in its software and hardware design, you will be
able to create and contribute too, complex applications that run on this
platform, helping you acquire expertise as you spend more time
with them. Fire Bird V is designed by NEX Robotics and Embedded Real-
Time Systems lab, CSE IIT Bombay.
Research Areas
Artificial Intelligence
Multi-Agents System
Control systems
Autonomous navigation
Mobile sensor network
Collaborative robotics
Real-Time systems
Automotive technologies

Unique Features

Ideal for doing research in the areas of robotics, embedded systems,

artificial intelligence and sensor networks etc.
Modular Design: Unique layered design gives versatility in design
Hands-on learning platform
Covers wide range of subjects like Microcontrollers, Embedded Systems,
Mechatronics, Sensor Networks, Image processing.
Detailed tutorials help in interactive learning.
Ideal for doing research in the areas of robotics, embedded systems,
artificial intelligence,
sensor networks etc.
Supports Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio (MRDS)
Modular Design: Unique layered design gives versatility in design
Powered by rechargeable 9.6V 2100mAh NiMh battery pack with smart
battery charger
High performance white line sensors with the illumination modulation
facility for improved performance in line grid based navigation with improved
power conservation
Up to five IR range sensors covering front half of the robot with range up to
150cm for intelligent navigation Robotized Power Monitoring System 2016-17
Dept. of E&CE, BITM Ballari 7

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 12

Automated Hospital Token System

Eight analog IR proximity sensors for close proximity detection up to

distance of 20cm.
Eight directional light intensity sensors
Supports four DC motors with position encoders
Battery voltage monitoring and audible battery low warning for battery
Battery current monitoring
Closed loop motion control using position encoders
16x2 character LCD for displaying sensor data or any other information
Easy to interface with PC using wired and wireless communication
Supports 2.4GHz Wireless ZigBee for communication with multiple robots
or with PC
Extensive hardware and software documentation and many application
notes and example C programs in AVR studio.
Available in Hexapod, Omni directional robot, tank drive, Insect and 4
Wheel drive with gripper configuration
Supports servo motor based wireless camera with pan and tilt motion, IP
camera and sensor pods.
Easy hardware integration for add on sensors like GPS, Magnetometers,
accelerometers and gyroscope etc.

3.1 Fire Bird V ATMEGA2560 Technical Specification

In this section we discuss about the technical specifications which are as

3.1.1 Microcontroller

Atmel ATMEGA2560 as Master microcontroller (AVR architecture based

Atmel ATMEGA8 as Slave microcontroller (AVR architecture based

3.1.2 Sensors

Three white line sensors (extendable to 7)

Five Sharp GP2D12 IR range sensor (One in default configuration)
Eight analog IR proximity sensors
Eight analog directional light intensity sensors
Two position encoders (extendable to four)
Battery voltage sensing
Current Sensing (Optional)
Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 13
Automated Hospital Token System
Robotized Power Monitoring System 2016-17
Dept. of E&CE, BITM Ballari 8

3.1.3 Indicators

2 x 16 Characters LCD
Indicator LEDs

3.1.4 Control

Autonomous Control
PC as Master and Robot as Slave in wired or wireless mode

3.1.5 Communication

Wireless ZigBee Communication (2.4GHZ) (if XBee wireless module is

USB Communication
Wired RS232 (serial) communication
Simplex infrared communication (From infrared remote to robot)
3.1.6 Dimensions

Diameter: 16cm
Height: 10cm
Weight: 1300gms

9.6V, 2100mAh Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery pack and external
Auxiliary power from battery charger.

Battery Life:
2 Hours while motors are operational at 75% of time

Two DC geared motors in differential drive configuration and caster wheel at
front as support
• Top Speed: 24 cm / second
• Wheel Diameter: 51mm
• Position encoder: 30 pulses per revolution
• Position encoder resolution: 5.44 mm
Robotized Power Monitoring System 2016-17 Dept. of E&CE, BITM Ballari 9

3.2 Using Fire Bird V Robot

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 14
Automated Hospital Token System
In this section, various components of the robot and their principal of
operations are
explained in detail. It is very important that user go through chapter before
starting to use
Fire Bird V robot has 6 important modules:
1. Power management
2. Sensing
3. Actuation (locomotion)
4. Other peripherals
5. Communication
6. Intelligence (microcontroller)

3.3 Fire Bird V Block Diagram

The block diagram and top view of the firebird V Robot as shown in figure 3.1
and 3.2

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 15

Automated Hospital Token System


RF module is an electronic device used to transmit and receive

radio signals between two devices. In an embedded system it is often
desirable to communicate with another device wirelessly.
The wireless communication may be accomplished through optical
communication or through radio
frequency communication. For
many application the medium of choice is RF since it does not
Require line of sight.

RF communication incorporate a transmitter and receiver. They are of

various types and range some can transmit upto 500 feet. RF module are
widely used in electronic design owing to the difficulty of designing
radio circuitry.

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 16

Automated Hospital Token System

2.2 Finalized Implementation

Proposed system includes several components which are interrelated with each other.

Hardware peripherals of UTLP used:

1. Seven segment LED

4. GPIO Expansion Slot for external interfacing

Other external peripherals used:

1. RF module
2. Buzzer
3. Bread board
4. Ardino
5. Firebird v robot

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 17

Automated Hospital Token System

It roams around and does all the manual work of any attender in an institute. It
also detects if there is a wastage of electricity. When the robot enters the room
if the IR sensor detects any motion it goes to the next room without switching
off any lights . If it does not detect any motion it turns off all the lights and
saves the power. It also displays the circular in all the classes. The firdbird v
robot along with aurdino is connected and bread board which contains RF
module along with aurdino are communicated wireless using transmitter and

Figure 3.3: Workflow of the Proposed System

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Automated Hospital Token System

1.4 Alternative Design

 The chosen method for switching off MCB is using wireless technology
 The alternate method for switching off the MCB is using robotic arm
which can be implemented further.
 From the different wireless technologies RF transmitter and receiver is
used to provide the communication between UTLP kit and firebird v





1. White line is detected Robot will follow the

Path & displays
the white line sensor
values on the
LCD display.
Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 19
Automated Hospital Token System

2. White line is not Robot will not move but

detected only displays
the white line sensor
values on the
LCD display.
3. Window node is Stop the Robot and PIR
detected senses the
Human movement.
4. Window node is not Robot will follow the
detected Path as test
5. If PIR Output is high Servo motor will not turn
on& go to
next window node.
6. If PIR Output is low Buzzer will turn on for
100ms &
Servo motor will turn on
at the mcb
node & go to next
window node.
7. If robot passes the last Robot triggers the
mcb node Ardino & Room
Condition will be sent as
SMS to
Department through
GSM module.

Case 1: robot on displaying the circulars

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Automated Hospital Token System

Case 2: Robot on power saving mode.

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Automated Hospital Token System

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Automated Hospital Token System

When the room is vacant and robot switches off the power.

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Automated Hospital Token System


This work can be extended in future in the following directions:

1. The robotic arm used in the system just uses one servo motor and it is possible

to use the arm by using more than one servo motor for gripping of objects


2. The designed system can be used with advanced wireless modules.

3. Color sensor can be used in the system to detect whether the MCB is on or off.

4. Cloud computing and other advanced wireless technologies can be

incorporated for better performance.

Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre 2016-17 24

[1]. Fire Bird V ATMEGA2560 Robotic Research Platform.http://www.nex
research platform.html
[3]. XBee Interfacing Module.

[4]. PIR Motion Detection Sensor

robotic arm.html
[6]. AVR studio.

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