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Choose the correct answer: 15x1=15

1. Physical quantity which is scalar among the fallowing is--------a]displacement
b]acceleration c]distance d]force. object travels 16m in 4 sec and another 14m in 2sec.the average speed of object is------a]5m-1s
Page | 1 b]6ms-1 c]8ms-1 d]10ms-1.

3.action and reaction forces-----a]are equal b]are negative c]act on same body d]act on different

4.momentum of an object is given by ------a]mxa b]mxv c]mxg d]mxn. the attitude increases the acceleration due to gravity-------a]remains constant b]becomes zero
c]decreases d]increases.

6.the temperature at which a solid melts to become a liquid at atmospheric temperature and
pressure is----a]boiling point b]melting point c]latent heat d]fussion.

7.the unit of pressure is----a]Kelvin b]pascal c]Celsius d]watt. which solids are dispersed in liquids are called -------a]solution b]suspension c]colloid d]solute.

9.identify the chemical change occurs in the fallowing a]cutting of tree b]salt in water c]rusting of
iron d]melting of ice.

10.when no more solute can be dissolved in a solution at agiven temperature is called-----

a]saturated solution b]unsaturated solution c]solute d]colloid.

11.many cell organells are present in-----a]nucleous b]cell wall c]cytoplasm d]cell membrane.

12.the plastids which contain colour is called------a]leucoplast b]chloroplast c]chromoplast


13.lysosomes are membrane bound sacs are filled with----- a]enzymes b]proteins c]fats

14.blood is a------ type of tissue.a]epithelial tissue b]connective tissue c]muscular tissue d]adipose

15.fat storing area in our body is------a]adipose b]areolar c]tendon d]muscle.

II. Fill in the blanks: 1x5=5

1.the value of gravitational constant G is------.

2.A moving body when comes to rest has velocity-----.

3.the------ method is used to purify solids.

4the S.I unit of temperature is-----.

5.Amoeba aquires its food through a process is called------.

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