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Title Single Stage RC Coupled Transistor (CE) Ami Objective To Study The equency Response Characteristics of Sing! Stage RC Coupled (CE) Amplitio 1. Single stage RC coupled transistor (CE) amplifier tuner board. 2) T1BVis00mA fixed built in Voltage. 3. Set or pateh cords, Introduction And Theory Most of the transistor circuit have the emitter as the Wransiston(CE) amplifier its current gain and voltage gain are high resulting in high power gaine compared with other configurations. Ite input imped i medium high nd output impedance Is medium as shown in fig. in this the Provides bias stabilization due to DC generation feedback. Gut the this by bypassing RC using a large capacitor (@ few tens of isec).The bypass capacitor effects the frequency response of the amplifier. Frequency Response | Frequency response is the curve drawn on a semi log paper between the gain (usually in db) of the amplifier and input signal frequency. Generally frequency Is taken along X-axis on a log scale and gain (db) along Y-axis on a scale Fig-2 shows the frequency respense curve of the single stage RC coupled: Wwansister (CE) amplifier From the frequeney response characteristics curve, it is observed that the amplifier maintain constant gain in the midband of frequencies. If we observe the gain below the lower cut off frequency it is rolling down. This is because during low frequencies , the reactance of the input capacitor Cb is very high ( Frequency is inversely proportional to the capacitive reactance of the capacitor ). So amplification is poor . Also the emitter bypass capacitor acts as open circuit. During the high frequencies , input capacitor acts as short circuit. But the reactance of the emitter bypass capacitor Ce at low. At high frequencies , the collector emitter junction capacitance, the stray wiring capacitance at the output are responsible for losses of gain. io Frequanay (2) |-Yonaae. essen arn wascTste ree SS ae ene yout 2a [1 Ponnoneer Soaovpnmaey Ne Tew Sona] —P TW Se cooma | The Circuit Diagram: ACn, + Ve Ry =22ka RR 1ke Cou = 10HF _—— ns) Cn = 100F S > Re = 5.6K Ru= 2200 Conclusions Care should be taken while connecting discrete components and the BT on the cireuit board In case of RO coupled amplifier the biasing configuration is always in selfivoltage divider. Mode of biasing in order to make the stabilly of @ point. Therefore, basing configuration is an essential pre-requisite while driving this experiment. ‘The input signal voltage amplitide must be kept minimum throughout the ‘experiment in order to eradicate the saturation at the output Ie should be noticed sincerely that the voltage level should net be changed anyhow while the frequency of the signal generator is tuned. When the load is not connected at the output the output voltage is always ‘measured greater higher than the voltage measured under loaded condition.

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