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8 Piece Portfolio
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

1 Name of Piece:
Bernard Fanning
Year: Name of Topic: Stage:
My Happiness – Powderfinger 2000 Popular Music 4

• Song Detail: highlighted with colour
• 2 Chosen musical elements or compositional features are underlined
• 4 pieces for Stage 4 (Year 7 & 8).
• 5 pieces for Stage 5 (Year 9 & 10).
• Australian compositions are found among the composer box labelled as so (Australian).
• References for each song at the end.

Link to 9th Piece:

8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:

Structure: Chord Sequence, Simple Structure, Call and Response, Motifs.
Texture: Role of Instrumentation, Doubling of Melody.

Composition/Creativity activity:
Students will need to create a motif of 4-8 bars, similar to one in “My Happiness” through Noteflight. This motif must be accompanied by 4
instruments. You must choose a role for each instrument: melodic, harmonic, bassline and rhythmic. This must be notated through your piece
and explain in 500 words. You must explain; What the instruments role are, how it adds to texture, and how it accompanies the motif.
Aural activity:
Students will need to listen to the musical excerpt and analyze the instruments among the piece. For example: What are the instruments, what
role is the instrument playing, and graphically notate two instruments of their choice. Students can challenge themselves further to graphically
notate each layer throughout the musical excerpt.
Musicology activity:
Students are to research about the Australian Composer chosen. They are to create a short report on his performing history including the songs
made and a simple meaning behind the musical excerpt. Once this has been completed, they are to choose a song they liked from this composer
and analyse the song’s lyrical content, it’s meaning and the role that the lyrics play among the song.
Performance activity:
Students must perform in groups in which they will perform a chord progression drone. During this drone each student will participate within
the group in attempting to play either the melody, harmonic sequence or the motif. Once each student has had a turn in playing a textural layer.
They will be asked to attempt the first verse as a group with each student picking an individual textural layer to play.
Students will then progress throughout the song either sticking to their textural layer or switching among each section.

Name of Piece: Composer: Year: Name of Topic: Stage:

2 True Colours – Anna Kendrick, Billy Steinberg, Tom Kelly 1986 Popular Music. 4
Justin Timberlake (Originally performed by Cyndi Lauper)
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:

Duration: Beat, Tempo – Slow, Rhythm – Silence within piece, long & short sounds.
Tone Colour: Sound Source Material, use of voices. (Refer to Syllabus, pg. 17)

Composition/Creativity activity:
Students will be divided into groups to use their voices to create an acapella cover of true colours.
If students are not comfortable with singing they are allowed to hum or use their body as percussion.
The idea is to focus on tone colour and the arrangement of sound sources, for example: the way our voices can be used to imitate sounds.
An activity before group work arranging could be; defining nature sounds with our voices.
Aural activity:
Students will analyse the song “true colours” through watching and listening to the YouTube clip. They must identify rhythmic aspects like
silence, short sound and long sounds from the instruments used and explain within their books how each instruments role affects the tone
colour of the piece.
Musicology activity:
Students are to explore YouTube to find examples of the repertoire: film music. They must find music that has been feature within a film that
conveys each of the following emotions: Sad, Angry, Happy, Exhausted, Tired, Excited. They must cite in their books; what the name of the song
is, the composer, the performer and the film the song was used in. This may require further research using google as a search engine.
Performance activity:
Students will engage among a soundscape set by the teacher; an example: the school field. Students will form a circle and will re-enact the
sounds they hear around them. (e.g. cars, kids laughing, wind.) Groups will then be formed and each group will be assigned a topic to improvise
and perform to. (Topics: Emotions/ Feelings, Scenario, Setting.)

Name of Piece: Composer: Year: Name of Topic: Stage:

3 Canon in D major Pachelbel 1680 Baroque 4

Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:

8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Structure: Phrases, Repetition, Contrast

Pitch: Harmony, Melodic Patterns.
Composition/Creativity activity:
Students will engage with Noteflight to create a canon. This will be done through students working in groups to create and notate a canon for 8
bars of a song.
Students must be able to recognize the structure of a Canon and the relevance of pitch throughout the 8 bars. The arranged piece must be
suitable for students within each group to perform in future lessons.
Aural activity:
Students will identify the melodic structure of ‘Canon in D’ by understanding and learning about ground bass. They will engage among the
example ‘Canon in D’ through highlighting the repetition of phrases among sheet music throughout their listening’s of the piece.

Musicology activity:
Students will undertake research that will help define the use of canon throughout the musical eras. They must identify 2 songs that use the idea
of a canon and must represent either a musical era or genre. This must be documented through either Microsoft word or one note, and must
highlight the key features of the songs being Artist, Name of song, Composer and Year.
Performance activity:
Students must practice their canons created within their composition activity and add an extra compositional element of percussion this can
involve using body percussion or instruments. Once students have practiced they will come together to perform in front of one another.
Students will participate in providing positive feedback that will highlight creativity and motivate critical and deeper thinking.

Name of Piece: Composer: Colin Hay, Year: Name of Topic: Stage:

4 Down Under – Men At Work Ron Strykert 1981 Music of a culture 4
(Australian) (Australian)
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:

Pitch: High/ Low Pitches, melody, harmony.
Texture: Layers of sound and their function.

Composition/Creativity activity:
Students must analyse the lyrics of ‘down under’ in battle groups. (See performance activity- singing battle groups)
Their objective is to identify the layers among each section within the piece and convey understanding of these layers through performance.
If students are not comfortable with singing they can replicate the sound of an instrument. Students must use their creativity to create an
acapella style of the song ‘down under’ that will be performed.
Aural activity:
Students will interact within a listening activity that involves listing instruments, their roles and the position in which they may appear in the
listening. (e.g. Foreground, middle ground and background). This can further be discussed in terms of what instruments are playing throughout
each section of the piece through visual instrument mapping.
Musicology activity:
Students will research about ‘Australian Classics’, in other words songs that are iconic to our nation. They will create a mind map that will
include the song name, why it is iconic and compositional intent. (There can be doubling of compositional intent and why it is iconic)
**Extension work to this activity involves highlighting any terms that represent double meaning or involve reference to culture. There must be
a minimum of 5 songs within the mind map and 1 attempt at trying the extension task.
Performance activity:
Students will learn through performing the range of high to low pitches within the piece “Down Under”. This will be shown through a class
singing battle. This battle will work in accordance to sections of the song. Battle groups will be allocated without notice to what section they
will be performing. They must keep the song alive and participate either by singing or imitating an instrument. There is no limitation to what
can be done to add textural layers to the piece.
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Name of Piece: Composer: Year: Name of Topic: Stage:

5 Four Seasons – Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi 1720- Baroque 5
(Violin Concerto in F minor, Op.8, No.4.) 1725
Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:
Structure: Multi-movement structures, ways of organizing thematic materials.
Duration: Tempo, Metre, Rhythm.
Composition/Creativity activity:
Students will interact with notating software among this activity. The activity will be to create 4-8 bars of music that conveys the setting of a
poem of their choice.
Aural activity:
Students will define the characteristics of a Concerto. They must provide equivalent amount of detail (3-4) points from each musical concept.
Students will then need to convey these characteristics through an analyses of a ‘season’ from Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”.
Musicology activity:
Students will engage in an research activity that looks into the compositional content of each ‘season’. Students will the need to link any
musical characteristics (dynamic change, accented note) to compositional intent to show understanding of how Vivaldi has used musical
expressions to convey these poems.
Performance activity:
Students will get to play their notated compositions to their peers and receive feedback on how they have included musical characteristics to
show poem content. (Through musical characteristics)

Name of Piece: Composer: Year: Name of Topic: Stage:

6 Didge Fusion William Barton 2014 Music of Culture 5
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:

Tone Colour: Sound Source Material, Method of Sound Production
Dynamics & Expressive Techniques: Range of Dynamics, Phrasing.
Composition/Creativity activity:
Students will participate among creating an acoustic performance incorporating Indigenous percussion instruments and some indigenous
words. Students are to think of the sound sources that resemble indigenous hymns, actions and words.
Aural activity:
Listen to the piece “Didge Fusion” and analyse the piece in terms of the dynamic techniques and tone colour conveyed throughout the piece.
Create a mind map and list the use of voice, use of instruments, techniques used to manipulate the timbre of the piece and whether it conveys
acoustic, electronic and synthesized sounds. Students then must highlight the use of dynamic techniques and when they appear within the
piece. Students can work in pairs to complete this task and will need to have access to YouTube to listen further to the piece.

Musicology activity:
Students will need to research the history of the didgeridoo and when it’s use in orchestras came about. They may refer to William Barton’s
Biography to start a lead to their research. Students must then evaluate the use of didgeridoo among modernized music and reflect their
opinion on the use of didgeridoo in Contemporary music.
Performance activity:
Students will create and perform a phrase by using indigenous percussion instruments and indigenous words. Students must convey tone
colour within their performances for reflection purposes. Students will then provide feedback for students by highlighting the tone colour they
thought was conveyed.

Name of Piece: Composer: Year: Name of Topic: Stage:

7 Si Dolce E’l Tormento Claudio Monteverdi 1632 Baroque 5
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:

Structure: Appropriate Repertoire Studied, Multi-Movement Structures
Pitch: Stylistic Indications – repertoire studied.

Composition/Creativity activity:
Students must create 2 lyrical phrases and translate these phrases to a common language used in the baroque era. (e.g.Latin) They must
highlight where the piece will be performed and the compositional intent of the piece. Once this is complete they must list what instruments
they will use to accompany the lyrics.
Aural activity:
Students will listen to the song ‘Si Dolce E’l Tormento’ and read the translation of lyrics to English. Students will then be asked what the song
was about, how it made them felt and where they would expect this type of music to be played in this era.
Musicology activity:
Students will explore into the history of the baroque period, in which they will focus on Claude Monteverdi and his history as a composer.
Students will research into some of the musical characteristics features witness in the baroque period like basso continuo, Oratorio, Concerto,
Sonata and use of Contrast.
Performance activity:
Students will engage in acting out scenes from an opera. They will interact with the Opera though a call and response system of lyrical lines and
instrumentation. Students will need to create setting through musical characteristics that reflect mood, tonality and scene.

Name of Piece: Composer: Year: Name of Topic: Stage:

8 Streets of London – Ralph McTell Ralph McTell 1969 Music of a Culture (Folk 5
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

Musical elements and composition features chosen as focus:

Texture: Interaction of the layers of sound.
Pitch: Simple Melodies, Cadences.

Composition/Creativity activity:
Students will need to create a lead sheet folk song with simple melodies like shown in the song the ‘Streets of London’. They can do this within
groups but each student must participate in the composition. Students will need to notate the piece by using non-traditional techniques like
neumes and tablature on notating software.
Aural activity:
Students will find another folk song from England and will create a comparison report on the “Streets of London”. Their focus will be on all
concepts of music and musical contrasts between both pieces. Students can complete this through listing their answers under musical concept
headings for both songs and drawing lines to the matching answers.
Musicology activity:
Students must focus on three musical concepts chosen from the Aural activity and evaluate how the use of these concepts fall under the genre
of folk music. Students must then research the multiple genres that fall under folk music.
Performance activity:
Students must pass their folk lead sheet to a new group and practice another groups lead sheet. Students will then perform the folk song and
reflect on any improvements or improvisation that can be done.

REFERENCES (Song links and other resources)

Stage 4
1) My Happiness – Powderfinger (2008) Universal Music Australia. Retrieved from YouTube, 27 th July 17.
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

2) True Colours – Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick (2016) justintimberlakeVEVO. Retrieved from YouTube, 7 th August 17.

3) Pachelbel Canon in D Major – the original and best version. (2008) Voices of Music. Retrieved from YouTube, 27 th July 17.

4) Down Under – Men at Work. (2013) MenAtWorkVEVO. Retrieved from YouTube, 7 th August 17.

Stage 5
5) Four Seasons – Vivaldi (2011) AnAmericanComposer. Retrieved from YouTube, 27th July 17.
8 Piece Portfolio | Assignment 1: Curriculum 1A

6) Didge Fusion – William Barton (2014) Wet Didgeridoo, Retrieved YouTube 7th August 17.

7) Si Dolce e’l Tormento– Claudio Monteverdi (2013) whatimnotcooldude. Retrieved from YouTube, 7th August 17.

8) Streets of London – Ralph McTell (1969) JediRedShirts. Retrieved from YouTube 7th August 17.

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