A Guide To Quantifying Qualitative Data - SocialCops PDF

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A Guide to Quantifying Qualitative Data

APRIL 25, 2016 · 7 MINUTE READ
The ways in which qualitative data can be collected
and analyzed are virtually infinite. (Guest,
MacQueen, Namey, 2011)

Most current researchers and social scientists prefer quantitative data. Unlike qualitative data,
quantitative data is easy to measure and analyze with a wide variety of analytical techniques.
Moreover, most organizations require quantitative data for reports or reviews. However,
despite these advantages, qualitative data can’t be ignored.

Many times, qualitative data is the only option, such as for a nonprofit that does not have the
budget for a rigorous quantitative study. Other times, qualitative data is the best option.
Certain aspects are better conveyed through words and cannot directly be observed in
numerical form. For example, studies on behavioral patterns, emotions, and cognitive sciences
collect a lot of data that is purely qualitative.

When you only have qualitative data, how can you quantify it for easier analysis or for
organizational requirements?

In this blog, we will discuss effective methods of quantifying qualitative data that will help you
extract maximum benefit from subjective information.

Likert System of Questionnaire Design

The Likert-type scale is a unidimensional (measures a single trait) method of measuring

responses. It is a common tool in social surveys or questionnaires. On a Likert-type scale
question, respondents indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a particular
statement or question using an ordinal scale (Harry N. Boone & Boone, 2012).
Text and emoticon Likert-type scale
questions on Collect.

This methodology was developed by Dr. Rensis Likert from the University of Michigan. In 1932,
his paper titled “A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes” presented the idea of
estimating mental attitudes in a “scientific” manner. His goal was to develop a way to measure
attitudes akin to measuring length in meters and weight in grams.

The most common Likert-type scale uses a 5-point response system: Strongly Disagree (1),
Disagree (2), Neither Agree nor Disagree/Neutral (3), Agree (4), and Strongly Agree (5). The
numerical code usually begins with 1 and generally has 1 value increments with each level.
Some Likert-type scales (like the one below) use more points to give respondents a slightly
wider palate of preferences or opinions to choose from.

Likert-Type Scale vs. Likert Item

There is a crucial difference between Likert-type scales and Likert items.

Technically, a Likert-type scale is the sum of responses to several Likert items. A Likert item is a
single question in the Likert format.

In a Likert-type scale question, the scores of individual Likert items are combined for data
analysis purposes. This implies that the researcher is interested in the composite score, not
necessarily the score on any given question.

The above questions can be combined into a composite score on attitudes towards healthy
eating. In this case, the summed scores of the 3 questions can be used directly in the analysis.
Each question above is a Likert item on a scale of 1 to 5. The Likert-type scale is a sum of the
entire survey, which would result in a scale of 3 to 15.

For a survey of Likert items, the responses to the questions are not combined or summed into a
comprehensive single scale. In these cases, the researcher uses the multiple questions to
determine mutually exclusive interests; moreover the researcher is not looking to combine the
score results.

The example above is a survey of Likert items, not a Likert-type scale. The questions are
unrelated and the researcher is interested in the individual scales for each question.

Both the Likert-type scale and Likert item are questionnaire design mechanisms that facilitate
easier collection and conversion of qualitative data.
Collect both qualitative as well as quantitative data using our mobile
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Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis is a flexible, accessible tool that researchers use to quantify qualitative data.

In surveys that solicit subjective answers from participants, the collected data is completely
qualitative. In such situations, thematic analysis can be applied to find important or frequent
themes from the data. In this context, a theme is something important about the data in
relation to the research question, which represents some level of meaning within the data set.

The steps that are commonly used to conduct a comprehensive thematic analysis are as follows
(Braun & Clarke, 2006):

1. Familiarize yourself with the data data: This requires repeated reading of the available
data. It’s important to scrutinize the text in detail to ensure that you don’t overlook
patterns or meanings.

2. Note any patterns

patterns: After reading the data, make a list on the contents of the data and
its salient features. All visible patterns or features should be taken into account.

3. Search for themes

themes: Once you’ve noted all potential patterns, look for possible ways to
group them into themes.

4. Review the themes

themes: Look back at the data to check how valid your themes are. Be sure
to check if sufficient data is available for each theme, if the themes are varied, and if the
data within each theme is homogenous. If the observations under a single theme are too
varied, the theme classification is not appropriate.

5. Define and name themesthemes: Now that your themes are set, define them clearly. At this
stage, the list of themes should be a proper map of the information — the themes should
describe the main points the respondents expressed in the surveys/questionnaires
without overlapping in meaning. For example, don’t create a theme called “Educational
Goals” and another theme called “Learning Aspirations”. The meanings are too similar.

6. Analyze the data

data: Categorize individual words or phrases from the qualitative data into
their appropriate themes. These themes can then be analyzed statistically.
Example of Thematic Analysis

“Picture of Me” was a question in a survey given to students in a particular summer camp. The
question asked these students to describe themselves in words. Their answers could cover
anything from career ambitions to emotional or personal goals.

Using the 6-step process above, the researcher found the following themes (and actual
phrases) in the data:

Educational Goals and Skills: University; Sociology; Writing; Go to a university; Get good
grades in GCSE; English; History; Mechanics; Design and technology; Geography; Physics;
Computing; Spanish; Science; Biology; Maths; Chemistry; Photography courses; Art
workshops; Creative subjects; Languages; Textile technology; Arabic; French.

Work and Career Aspirations: Be a nurse; Fashion designer; Work with children; Have my
own business; Medical care; Dentistry; R.A.F. maintenance engineer; Independent cartoonist;
Pharmacist; Be a vet; Psychologist; Psychiatrist; Fashion modeling; Work in media; Product

Family and Friends: Family; Friends; Memories with cousins; Going out with family;
Spending time with friends; Understand family better; Girlfriend; Looking after little sisters;
Loyal to friends; Playing more with my brothers and sister.

Extracurricular Interests: Games; Football; Volleyball; Movies; Rounders; Music; Hip hop;
Cricket; TV shows; Computer games; Take photos; Dancing; Going to the park; Play video
games; Going out; Telling stories; Illustration; Watch TV; Horse riding; Badminton; Social
media; Motor biking; Concerts.

Volunteering and Charity: Volunteering activities; Babysitting; Volunteering at animal

shelter; Duke of Edinburgh charity; Charity volunteering; Volunteering in the library;
Volunteering brownies; Fundraising for charities.

Behavioral Aspirations: Loyalty; Confidence; Proactive; Be a good listener; Be responsive to

feedback; Sympathetic; Honesty; Enthusiasm; Standing up for people; Be more patient;
Organized; Communication; Be more determined; Confidence talking to people; Cheering up
people; Staying positive and calm.
Personal Goals: All around sports person; Visit a lot of countries; Go on a holiday every year;
Live in Los Angeles; Live in Japan; Travel around the world; Religion; Fly around the world; Win
an Oscar; Go to L.A. ; Own a horse; Travel by myself; Be a star; Explore different cultures.

The data were grouped under 7 main themes, which emerged after careful scrutiny of the data.
The themes were checked for internal homogeneity and external heterogeneity. Once this has
been done, the number of words or phrases under each theme can be tallied and compared.

In this case, descriptive statistics showed that the themes “Work and career aspirations” (36%)
and “Extracurricular interests” (28%) showed up most in the data. Since previous questions of
this form found that “Personal goals” and “Friends and family” were most common, this survey
showed that the summer camp improved students’ interest in pursuing future career goals and
extra-curricular interests. The scores gathered from this thematic analysis can also be used for
more advanced computations, like correlating the use of different phrases or themes.

Read More

Braun, V., and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative
Research in Psychology, pp:77-101.

Guest, G., MacQueen, K. M., and Namey, E. E. (2011). Applied Thematic Analysis. New
York: Sage Publications.

Harry N. Boone, J., and Boone, D. A. (2012). Analyzing Likert Data. Journal of Extension.

Whether you’re collecting qualitative or quantitative data, collecting data in the field is always
easier with a mobile app. We’ve helped over 150 partners collect over 20 million data points
through our mobile data collection app Collect
Want to know more about collecting high quality data? We’ve compiled our learnings on how to
build a stellar data collection plan in our first ebook. This 30-page guide contains everything
you need to know, including an entire chapter dedicated to qualitative vs. quantitative
research, to improve the way you collect data. Download now!


Uttara Rajasekar

Uttara Rajasekaran is an avid animal lover and has 3 cats and a dog. This Miranda House and
LSE alumna is passionate about writing and wishes to put her math degree to good use by
writing about analytical content.


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Brian Dates
APRIL 12, 2018 AT 9:06 PM

I admit this is picky, but having studied with Rensis Likert I think it’s important. A
Likert scale is one which has been through Likert’s scaling procedure. A scale that is
constructed with multiple options, as with those above, but has not used Likert’s
scaling process is called a Likert-type scale. In fact, it really is questionable regarding
results given that it really hasn’t been through any scaling process. So maybe another
blog subject is to discuss scaling procedures, like Likert, Guttman, Thurstone, item
analysis, item response, etc. I enjoy your site because it is simple and provides
information regarding useful topics to people and organizations which are probably
not very experienced in evaluation/research. You do, however, need to remember that
sometimes trying to simplify things takes important considerations out of them.


APRIL 25, 2018 AT 6:48 PM
I totally agree with this comment that it’s easy to forget some of the
background. I really like this site and often refer junior colleagues to it, bec
there are often very simple ways of describing some of the basic
methodologies that are used to start many project. But I do, like Brian, use
Likert-type scale terminology all the time unless I’m truly doing scale
development where I’d be calculating a total score based on many
psychometric properties of variables other than face validity of why I put
them in the same group on the same page within the same section of a survey.
All in all, this site provides a lot of useful information, but simplifying some
things misses key information. Perhaps more references to methodologic
rationales for some activities might be useful.


Christine Garcia
APRIL 27, 2018 AT 11:38 AM

Hey Brian and Judy, thank you both for taking the time to flag this
error! You’re completely right that we slipped up on the difference
between Likert scales and Likert-type scales. I’ve fixed this in the blog,
so hopefully it should be more accurate now.


Debra Hodges, PhD

AUGUST 17, 2016 AT 12:14 AM

This appears to be all about selling this “socialcops” software, or whatever it is.
Nothing was remarkable about this writing. It’s all stuff that is covered in a freshman
psychology/sociology/statistics course. I agree with the commenter who asked “how
do you know most researchers and social scientists prefer quantitative data?” We all
have to be careful about making declarations without being able to back them up. A
good or even just a competent, evaluator will be searching for the implications behind
the qualitative data. Trying to see patterns, yes, but also trying to see the trees while
looking at the forest.

Christine Garcia
AUGUST 17, 2016 AT 10:13 AM

Hey Debra, thanks for the comment.

I’m not sure what you were expecting, but we are a company. Yes, our content
does help bring new people to our website, and some of them do start using
our platform (http://blog.socialcops.com/other/socialcops-what-we-do). But
that’s not why we write content. We write to help teach our partners about
how to use data. We work with over 150 organizations, many of which have a
pressing need to use data but very little knowledge about how to actually get
and analyze data. Small nonprofits are a good example. We write many of our
basic resources (a good example: http://ebook.socialcops.com/) for these
partners, which is why they rightfully seem basic to you. But that’s what these
partners — who haven’t been through freshman stats/psych/sociology
courses – need.

Separately, we also write more in-depth materials based on our field

experience (like these: http://blog.socialcops.com/resources/create-an-
http://blog.socialcops.com/resources/11-piloting-tips) or our engineering
experiences (http://blog.socialcops.com/engineering/machine-learning-
python, http://blog.socialcops.com/open-data/built-iot-devices-track-air-

FYI we’ve replied to that commenter. We didn’t elaborate on that statement

because it wasn’t the point of this article, but you and Kurt are right that it
could have used a bit more support.

All the best, and thanks again for the critical comment!


Diane aboubakar
AUGUST 12, 2016 AT 12:03 PM

thank you for this useful course


AUGUST 11, 2016 AT 12:33 PM

Good stuff indeed , I enjoyed the reading and it is a very helpful read. keep on
empoering others. God bless


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