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1. Which of the following is NOT a major influence on the rate of comprehension?

1.Voluntary retirement

2. Competition
3. Laws.
4. Company’s profitability
5. Unions

2. Which type of separation is most unpleasant for an employee?

1. voluntary retirement

2. Mandatory retirement

3. Resignation

4. Voluntary lay-off

5. Termination

3. The management of people or labor should be handled by what department in an organization?

1. Administration

2. Accounting

3. Information Systems

4. Human Resources

5. Customer Service

4.The external environment factor that states “the values and culture affect the way people feel
the organization they are in and about work itself” is what we call ______?

1. political factor

2. sociological factor

3. technological factor

4. psychological factor

5. economic factor

5.The factor that has a less immediate effect on a business such as the nation’s rate of inflation or
recession, unemployment rate or standard of living is known as _______ .

1. sociological factor
2. technological factor economic factor
4. indirect economic factor
5. political factor
6. When a candidate for a position is asked general, open-ended, job-related questions, he is
experiencing what kind of interview?
1. Structured interview

2. Relaxed interview

3. Stress interview

4. Unorganized interview

5. Unstruc tured interview

7. The process by which the sender transmits content is known as…

1. Encoding

2. Decoding

3. Sending

4. Receiving

5. Feedback

8. Written to a potential employer, a short letter with a resume attached is known as _______.

1. a friendly letter

2. an introduction letter

3. an ice-breaker letter

4. an interview letter

5. a cover letter

9. Which of the following is NOT a basic function of the management process?

1. Controlling

2. Organizing

3. Directing

4. Planning

5. Working

10. Which of the following functions or activities requires recruiting and designating qualified
personnel needed for the organization so that it may achieve its objectives and goals?

1. Controlling

2. Organizing

3. Directing
4. Staffing

5. Planning

11. When a subordinate or lower-level manager passes information or offers suggestions to higher-
level management, he or she is using which level of communication?

1. downward communication
2. upward communication
3. lateral communication
4. diagonal communication
5. informal communication

12. Strategic planning is ________.

1.Addresses the organization’s basic mission or business and issues broad statements of purpose or
direction that have a long lead time.
2. looks specifically at resources, finances, and market conditions to determine ways to accomplish the
overall plans of the organization
3. involves managers who are responsible for achieving the unit’s objectives within a specified period of
4. includes planning that has measurable targets, schedules, and timetables.
5. determines the day-to-day operations within an organization

13. The process of using the resources and personnel of an organization in an orderly way to achieve
the objectives and long-term goals of the organization is known as____________.

1. controlling
2. organizing
3. directing
4. staffing
5. Planning

14. Which of the following is the most common type of departmentalization?

1. Process Departmentalization

2. Geography Departmentalization

3. Customer/ Market Departmentalization

4. Method Departmentalization

5. Function Departmentalization

15. A manufacturing company has divided its departments into pattern-making, fabric-cutting, and
fabric-coloring. What type of departmentalization is this?

1. Geography Departmentalization

2. Function Departmentalization
3. Process Departmentalization

4. Product Departmentalization

5. Project Departmentalization

16. Which of the following organizational structures is the simplest and has clear lines of authority
and ease of decision-making?

1. Horizontal

2. Line

3. Line and staff

4. Staff

5. Vertical

17. GAP analysis is _____________.

1. Is a planning approach for determining where an organization is at present.

2. Is a planning approach for determining where an organization will go into the future.

3. is a planning approach for determining how an organization will reach its goals.

4. is a planning approach that provides a diagram showing a company’s present momentum and its

5. all of the above.

18. Leaders can ____ subordinates to help the organization achieve its goals.

1. Motivate

2. Influence

3. Direct

4. Communicate

5. All of the above

19. Which source of the power is based on one’s knowledge, special skills , abilities , or previous

1. Legitimate power

2. Reward power

3. Expert power

4. Referent power

5. Coercive power
20. Which source of power is based on a manager’s ability to punish a subordinate?

1. Legitimate power

2. Expert power

3. Reward power

4. Referent power

5. Coercive power

21. A budget is what type of control?


2. Financial

3. Division

4. Standard

5. Process

22. A formal evaluation of an organization’s financial statements, performed either by an outside

accounting firm or by an internal department is called______________.

1. An incident log

2. A rating scale

3. A revenue operating budget

4. A financial audit

5. A balance sheet budget

23. Which type of decision-making is carried out by the lower-level management and deals with
specific day-day processes?

1. strategic decision making

2. administrative decision making

3. operational decision making

4. mid-level decision making

5. programmed decision making

24. The behavioral approach to management focuses on _________.

1. the worker

2. the manager
3. the owner

4. the work itself

5. none of the above

25. The resources within an organization, used to achieve its goal, make up the _________ of a

1. external environment

2. workers’ motivation

3. internal motivation

4. social responsibility

5. planning

26. If a solution to a particular problem is not vital to the operations of an organization, and if the
management is willing to overlook the causes of the conflict, managers may choose to use which type
of conflict resolution?

1. Dominance

2. Compromise

3. Avoidance

4. Confrontation

5. Smoothing over

27. What type of cost varies directly with the quantity produced of a product?

1. fixed

2. semi-variable

3. variable

4. potential

5. changing

28. Who studied the nature of specific jobs, and broke the tasks into basic work units with the end
result providing the one right way to perform the job?

1. Henry L. Gantt

2. Frederick W. Taylor

3. Mary Parker Follet

4. Douglas m Mcgregor
5. Elton Mayo

29. A manager ________ is considered a problem solver.

1. who seeks to maintain status quo.

2. Who actively looks at situations, searches for problems, or anticipates possible problems so that
corrective action can be taken before the problem grows.

3. who notices a problem and does not react on it.

4. who confronts the problem, reacts to it, and makes necessary changes

5. none of the above

30. The process of getting results accomplished through others is called______.

1. leading

2. working

3. delegating

4. mandating

5. ordering

31. Which of the following may be a reason to enter international markets?

1. global marketing

2. proximity to customers

3. proximity to raw materials

4. labor savings

5. all of the above

32. The Hawthorne Studies _______.

1. found that to increase the efficiency of the workers, management must analyze and minimize the
motions required to complete a task.

2. found that workers accept a managerial directive only if it is acceptable in terms of their personal

3. found that workers are being watched, their productivity increases.

4. found that workers are inherently lazy and will use any excuse not to perform their duties.

5. found better ways to manage projects by creating charts of when tasks should be completed.

33. The SWOT approach assesses an organization’s ________.

1. Speed, Wants, Order, Timing

2. Studies, Workflows, Opportunities, Trials

3. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

4. Signs, Worries, objectives, Techniques

5. Structure, Workforce, organization, Types

34. Ms. Mendiola is a new employee in your department. In her first two weeks, she was able to
handle all the tasks given to her. As her supervisor, you were able to monitor her closely. You believe
she will be able to handle more difficult tasks. Ms. Mendiola accepted the tasks given to her but you
believe she will need more job knowledge in performing the newly assigned tasks. As Ms. Mendiola’s
supervisor, you would:

. 1. assign her the tasks. Explain what, when, and how the work is to be done. Show her what to do
when problems related to the new tasks arise. Supervise her closely.

2. assign her the tasks. Explain what, when, and how the work is to be done. Show her what to do when
problems related to the new tasks arise. Include her suggestions and ideas when applicable. Listen to
her concerns. Supervise her closely.

3. assign her tasks. Include her suggestions and ideas when applicable. Listen to her concerns. Reassure
her that she can do the task. Check her work regularly.

4. assign her the new tasks. Check her work results periodically.

5. assign her the tasks. Explain what, when, and how the work is to be done. Show her what to do when
problems related to the new tasks arise. Include her suggestions and ideas when applicable. Supervise
her close

35. Which of the following conflict response modes involves or puts an emphasis on winning one’s
own concerns at the expense of another?

1. competing

2. accommodating

3. collaborating

4. avoiding

5. compromising

36. Which of the following is an advantage of internal recruitment?

1. Unsuccessful contenders may become upset.

2. Selection is more susceptible to office politics.

3. Candidates’ current work may be disputed.

4. Internal moral is increased due to upward-mobility opportunities.

5. Expensive training may be necessary.

37. Which of the following forms of structuring to re-design an organization pertains to borrowing
money to buy a majority of a company’s stock?

1. merger

2. acquisition

3. takeover

4. leveraged buyouts

5. none of the above.

38. Which of the following is a disadvantage of external recruitment?

1.Candidates are a potential source of new ideas.

2. The new employee may have a slower start because of the need for orientation to the organization.

3. Candidates may have broader experience.

4. Candidates may be familiar with competition.

5. Candidates may have new specialties.

39. Which of the following corporate-level growth strategies wherein a company acquires its

1. Backward Integration

2. Horizontal Integration

3. Joint ventures

4. concentric diversification

5. Conglomerate diversification

40. The type of control that occurs while an activity is in progress is known as concurrent control. This
type of control corrects problems as they happen. Which of the following best illustrates this type of

1. direct supervision

2. getting feedback

3. performing corrective actions

4. preparing financial statements

5. administering psychological tests

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