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Established Transfer

(What content Cell Project
standards and/or See description in project guide and project outline
mission related Microscope labs
goal(s) will this
unit address?)
UNDERSTANDINGS: Students will understand that… ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Students will keep
The function of all objects is determined by its structure considering…
All life is discreetly organized into categorical designs How do different types of life organize into
categorical forms?
How does life look on a microscopic level?

Acquisition of Knowledge and Skill

Students will know… (What facts and basic concepts Students will be skilled at… (What discrete
should students know and be able to recall?) skills and processes should students be able to
The types of cells including Prokaryote versus Eukaryote draw upon and use?)
and plant versus animal using a simple light microscope
The placement of structures throughout the cell and their
relative size taking a cheek swab and preparing a
How to operate a simple light microscope in order to see microscope slide
the larger organelles
How to take a sample from a plant versus an animal for using a key to diagram a complex structure
histological analysis
Stage 2 – Evidence

Evaluative Assessment Evidence: Students will need to show their

Criteria: learning by –
Performance is
judged in terms
of -
(What criteria Transfer Tasks: (What assessments will provide valid Other Evidence: (What other evidence will
will be used in evidence of transfer and understanding (and other Stage 1 you collect to determine whether Stage 1
each assessment goals)?) goals were achieved?)
to evaluate Students will create a 3-D model of a cell using analogous
attainment of the objects in order to demonstrate the geographic location as periodic quizzes, worksheets and activities
desired results?) well as the function of the object.
See outline for final structural quiz
See attached rubric and project outline
After the final day of the unit there will be a
Students will create a large visual model of a cell to show “trivia” day in order to show that they have
the location of various organelles** (limited to classes that indeed learned the structure of the
are not doing the full function unit) organelles that will not be graded
A microscope quiz is given at the conclusion
of the lab portion of the unit
Students are given a coloring sheet where
they must label the color of the organelle
with the name of the organelle to show they
understand matching the name with the
Conclusions from the onion-cheek lab
demonstrate understanding
Stage 3 – Learning Plan

(Summary of Key SWBAT Assessment Activity

Learning Events
and Instruction)
Final Day SWBAT present the analogous Students will be graded Students will put their dioramas in the back of
**Day F-2-Final function of organelles in a according to the rubric the room for students to walk between them
day are displaced visual medium in order to posted in the classroom and grade them. Students should spend some
from the rest of time at their own and be prepared to answer
describe their function by each other and by me
the unit because questions
the unit on
function takes The structural portion of
(See Rubric)
place before the the project evaluates the
evaluation on location of their objects
both being placed in
proportion to where
they would be in the cell
Day F-1 SWBAT reflect on their project Students will grade their After completing their project in class, students
**Day F-2-Final in order to describe the own project according to will write an independent paragraph long
day are displaced function of the organelles with the rubric and reflect on reflection on their work
from the rest of After using this rubric, they will prepare for
greater precision their work
the unit because their presentation during the next class
the unit on
function takes
place before the
evaluation on
Day F-2 SWBAT construct a 3-D model Students will submit a Students will spend the class building their
**Day F-2-Final of a cell using representative progress report using projects and attaching things to their substrate.
day are displaced structures IOT describe the the rubric at the end of It is a hands on class where they will be working
from the rest of in groups.
physical structure of the cell class on how far along in
the unit because
the unit on the project they are
The materials are also due this day
function takes
place before the
evaluation on
Day F-3-Final* SWBAT to identify the Students will Students will use construction paper and
One class is not structures of the cell in order individually be coloring materials to create a large version of
doing the project. to determine how the inside of responsible for one one plant cell. Each student will be responsible
This activity for an organelle that they picked during the
a plant cell is organized organelle and as a class
substitutes for previous class. While the other students work
those 3 days they will be responsible
on the project in their classes, these students
for the appearance of the
will work on creating the large model of the
whole plant cell plant cell. It will have Velcro on the back so that
way they can stick their piece on at the end.
Ideally, if every student does their part then
when it is altogether it will serve as a resource
for the other classes
Day F-3 SWBAT to describe the The students will turn in The students will use a simple guided notes
function AND structure of a “notes” if the class sheet. One side is a picture of a cell and the
*transition generic cell in order to finishes notes and other side is a legend including an isolated
between start of picture of the organelle and a box to write in
describe how the structure of otherwise they will put
function and information. Students will use the isolated
break from certain organelles facilitate forward prerequisite
picture and the whole cell as a key to match the
structure function knowledge about the cell
structure and they will write in an abbreviation
during each organelle for the function in the small box.
Students will be given the student guide to
highlight unclear statements over the weekend
with any questions they have.
Day F-4 SWBAT describe the difference Quiz Students will take a quiz on the difference
between a prokaryote and (see attached cell quiz) between prokaryotes and eukaryotes as well as
Eukaryote in order to cell structure and cell theory
differentiate between different
types of cells
SWBAT to identify the
components of cell theory in
order to compare the
components of all life

Day F-5 SWBAT differentiate the The students will turn in Students will spend 1-2 class periods coloring in
features of a plant and animal the coloring activity and a plant cell and an animal cell in order to
cells in order to understand well colored cells will be develop a more intimate and engaged
the different functions of each hung on the back wall of relationship with the structure. By looking at
the labels and associating them with a color,
cell. the classroom for
they will be more likely to remember the name
everyone to see
of the object they are coloring
Day F-6 SWBAT to identify the parts of Quiz day Students will take a quiz on microscope parts
a simple light microscope in (see attached and lab safety differentiated to various levels
order to practice histology microscope quiz) (see quiz)

Day F-6.5* SWBAT locate the presence of Throughout the lesson Students will receive direct instruction on the
Only specific a nuclear envelope in order formative assessment difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes
classes will do categorize organisms as will be used to evaluate in order to understand the importance of a
this lesson nucleus when we get to later activities
prokaryote or eukaryotes student understanding
of the difference
SWBAT define the three parts
between prokaryotes
of cell theory in order to
and eukaryotes
develop a preliminary
understanding of cells

Day F-7 SWBAT prepare their own Students will draw a The students will take a cheek swab as well as
slide from a cheek swab and an conclusion at the end of peel an onion skin. They will then put these on a
Lab day onion skin in order to compare the onion and cheek lab fresh slide and put dye on them of the
after having looked at appropriate color. After they put the slide cover
on them, they will put them under the
and contrast the features of a both a plant and an microscope to observe them like they have the
plant and animal cell animal cell about the past two microscope sessions. They will draw
differences between what they see and write a conclusion about the
them differences before we give them notes on the
observed differences
Day F-8 SWBAT identify and describe Students will hand in The students will look at a slide of an onion in
the vocabulary of the parts of observations of a mitosis and a insect or hair cell under the light
Lab Day the microscope IOT operate a specific two slides in microscope. They will switch between the
simple light microscope order to standardize magnifications to see how what they can see
changes at various magnifications. They should
what the slides should
learn that the smallest is good for finding the
look like. This way it
object and getting the grand picture while the
will be clear who is highest is good for seeing individual structures
unable to adjust the at the microscope level
magnification of the
microscope properly As this is the second lab they are expected to
refer to the microscope parts by name. A
student will give a demonstration to show which
part is which
Day F-9 Students will be able to draw Students will complete a The students will take notes on lab safety and
images of cells in a microscope an observational rules
Introduction to at standard magnifications drawing of two slides of
lab day They will watch a video on microscope history
their choice. They
in order to develop an appreciation for the tool
should change to each
they will be using
magnification for only
these two slides. While They will then choose two slides and look at
they are sic spaces on them under the microscope. They will change
the worksheet, they will magnifications to show how the image changes
only use two slides at when the magnification is changed. Both high
three magnifications and low magnification have advantages.

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