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Angelica Marchini

Lesson date: 9/26

Course: Biology & Honors Biology

Length of period: 90 minutes

# of students: 18-33

I. Content

In this lesson, students will delve into cell theory via a hands on approach. After having explored the
microscope for the first time on their own, we will reexplore the microscope using specific vocabulary
and technical terms. Like last time, they will draw what they see but it will be specific slides so that we
can compare student understanding on a more standardized basis.

II. Standards

III. Prerequisites

Students are aware that cell is the basic unit of life. Students should understand that the study of cells
is one of the most important topics in Biology. Looking at a sample from an organism will yield images
of cells through the miscroscope, as that is the smallest unit.

Students will understand that like any technology, the microscope was developed over a long period of
time and was essential to analyzing small organisms

Students will be familiar with lab procedures, safety and will have signed a lab safety contract prior to
the start of this lab.

IV. Objectives

Students will be able to draw images of two cells in a microscope at standard resolutions

Students will be able to identify and describe the vocabulary of the parts of the microscope IOT operate
a simple light microscope

V. Students will complete a do now to discuss where they are at with the microscopes. Then,
they will go back to the microscopes with specific vocabulary to learn about the technology.

5E Part of the Lesson: What will the teacher and the Rationale: Expected Teacher’s
(Note which students be doing? (Include specific questions, tasks, or What purpose does each step, Reactions: Anticipations:
phase of the activities.) question, task, or activity accomplish This is largely Include specific
activity the step conjecture-driven response to
refers to) and there may be students’ reactions
multiple possible and things to
reactions for a given remember.
Engage Do now: Where are we Introduces topic in an Students will Take care of
engaging way come in and classwork
Rate yourself 1-5
How comfortable do you feel using the work on the do during the do
microscope? now now
What was the biggest issue you had using the
microscope last class? Students may
What’s something you’d like to look at under a not know the
microscope? answers or try to
talk- ignore and
take attendance
Technical video on using a microscope
Education videos
Microscope vocabulary Students will become familiar Students will Allow students
with the technical aspects of copy down to reference
the microscope vocabulary for their experience
the instrument to discuss the
they are now vocab
more familiar
Explore Students will be given same two slides Students of all backgrounds Students will Ensure students
will be able to draw pictures draw pictures of continue
They will receive the same worksheet of images they see in what they see. completing the
Use these two slides to draw it in low, medium, different resolutions Some students work
high may struggle
Students who never have and it’s ok if
See attached worksheet experienced a microscope their friends
will discover how to focus. show them how
This is a basic level of to do it.
understanding how to use
the technology that will be The students will
needed in this class see the cells but
may struggle
completing it
Explain Students will answer questions about parts of the After exploring the ESL students Go to ELL
microscope microscope, they will put may struggle students to
words to the parts they with this part, make sure they
See attached worksheet explored but it’s understand the
essentially work.
matching Rotate to the
picture-picture other students
to answer
questions about
working the
Evaluate How do I change resolution using the name of the Students will apply name and One student will Have students
parts parts to their understanding reply cope it down on
of microscopes their paper

VI. Follow up Assignments: microscope vocabulary, using microscopes on cells

VII. Materials and technology
a. Projector
b. Powerpoint
c. to be determined
d. Microscope
e. Slides
f. microscope parts vocabulary
g. Microscope lab worksheet, microscope parts worksheet
VIII. Assessment: vocab from microscope will show up on the next quiz
IX. Differentation
Pictures to draw rather than word for ESL, videos as well as fill in the blanks for the do
now, movement for students that struggle with ADD, touching the microscope for
kinesthetic learners

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