English Conversation About Yogya

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English Conversation about Yogyakarta

1. Dra. Umi Kulsum
2. Anis Khifdliyah, S.Pd
3. Ida Rukmana Sari, S.Pd


1. What is Yogyakarta? What are interesting places to visit in Yogyakarta?

Yogyakarta, together with its twin city Surakarta (Solo), is the cradle of civilization on
Java. This city was the seat of power that produced the magnificent temples of Borobudur and
Prambanan in the 8th and 9th century and the new powerful Mataram kingdom of the 16th and
17th century. Yogyakarta is known as Neverending Asia for its endless appeals. This city is one
of the foremost cultural centres of Indonesia. From climbing the magnificent Borobudur temple,
visiting the Keraton (Sultan’s Palace) and the famous Alun Alun, to watching silversmiths
produce amazing jewelries at Kotagede and also learn to make one yourself. Maybe try a splurge
shopping up at Malioboro road, relaxing Javanese Spa and many more ways to never get bored
in this relatively small yet bustling city.
From natural wonders, local art and traditions, examples of Javanese heritage to delicious
culinary delights. Try the Gudeg, a special cooking of traditional Javanese recipe. Taste the
Bakpia, a traditional snack with many enticing flavours. Yogyakarta is indeed a city with
numerous attractions to enjoy. All of this and many more to explore has bring Yogyakarta as the
second most visited destination in Indonesia after Bali.

2. How to get there?

There are numerous daily flights from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali to Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta is also served by AirAsia from Kuala Lumpur. There is a regular train service
between Yogyakarta and other major cities. Yogyakarta is also easily accessible by road in cars or
public overland bus services.

3. How to get around Yogyakarta?

Once you arrive, there are a number of ways you can explore Yogyakarta. Walking is a
great way to take in the sights and meet the locals though it can get hot by the middle of the day.
Embrace the local mode of transport and try a becak, traditional three wheeled pedal powered
cart. Remember to negotiate the price before you start on your journey. Traditional horse drawn
carts known as andong can be found in the tourist areas of Yogyakarta. These are a relaxed and
romantic way to take in the sights.
You may wish to organise a car and driver for the duration of your stay in Yogyakarta. If
you know how to ride a motorbike you can hire one in the city. Taxi's are available and can be
arranged through your hotel. Buses are the major form of public transportation here however
their hours of operation can be limited. If you take a bus beware of pickpockets.

Which area in Yogyakarta to stay?

Tentrem Hotel will welcome you in a tranquil settings match to her name. A traditional
beverage called Jamu, mixed of herbs in Javanese recipe will also be greeting you to begin your
lovely leisure. With luxurious ambiance and modern architecture, you will comfortably sleep in a
cozy bedroom interior. One of the highlight for family travelling with kids is the incredible kids
club, with floor to ceiling playground that will certainly put more smile on the little ones.
Address : Jl AM Sangaji 72A, Yogyakarta 55233, Indonesia
Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is situated in
central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be
preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the
greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.
Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. It needed
more than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple in the world.
After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists, both
domestic and foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its
elegance and the story of the relief on its walls.
Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like to
join travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and
itinerary. There are some money changers around the location. It makes them easier to change
their money. But some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.

1. What do you know about Borobudur Temple ?

2. Where is it located ?
3. Who built Borobudur Temple ?
4. What do some tourists admire with Borobudur Temple ?
5. How do some domestic tourists and some foreign ones visit Borobudur Temple ?
Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is Hindu - Budhist temple. It was built in the nineth century under Sailendra
dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java,
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta
architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like
stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Budist
sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-
stupa. The entire height is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the top circle.
The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and starways. The design of
borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia.
Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable
treasure for Indonesian people.
1. When was Borobudur Temple built?
2. The construction of Borobudur Temple is influenced by..
3. What is the shape of stupa at the upper of temple?
4. When was Borobudur temple rededicated as an Indonesian monument?
5. Describe briefly the physical description of Borobudur Temple !

Borobudur is a magnificent Buddhist temple located near Magelang in Java, Indonesia.

Borobudur is a Buddhist stupa in the Mahayana tradition and it is the largest Buddhist monument
in the world. It is one of the world’s most complex buildings. There is no written record of who
built Borobudur or of its intended purpose. The construction time has been estimated by
comparison between carved reliefs on the temple’s hidden foot and the inscriptions commonly
used in royal charters during the 8th and 9th centuries. Borobudur was likely founded around 750
AD.The construction has been estimated to have taken 75 years and been completed during the
reign of Samaratungga in 825 AD.
The monument consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, topped by
a central dome.
The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area
of 2,520 m2.

The temple is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues.

The central dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa.
The vertical division of Borobudur Temple into base, body with the conception of the Universe
in Buddhist cosmology.
It is believed that the universe is divided into three superimposing
spheres, kamadhatu, rupadhatu, and arupadhatu, representing respectively the sphere of desires
where we are bound to our desires, the sphere of forms where we abandon our desires but are
still bound to name and form, and the sphere of formlessness where there is no longer either
name or form.
At Borobudur Temple, the kamadhatu is represented by the base, the rupadhatu by the
five square terraces, and the arupadhatu by the three circular platforms as well as the big stupa.
The whole structure shows a unique blending of the very central ideas of ancestor worship,
related to the idea of a terraced mountain, combined with the Buddhist concept of attaining
This extraordinary structure is built as a single large stupa. An aerial view of Borobudur shows
the form of a giant tantric Buddhist mandala.
, and superstructure perfectly accords

Borobudur is a unique temple located in an elevated area between two twin

volcanoes and two rivers.
Enormous amount of stones, approximately 55,000 cubic meters, used in the construction
of Borobudur were taken from neighboring rivers. The stone was cut to size, transported to the
site and laid without mortar.
Most temples were built on a flat surface while Borobudur was built on a bedrock
hill located 265 m above sea level and 15 m above the floor of a dried-out paleolake.
It was built during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty.
It was only in 1814 that Borobudur started to gained worldwide attention and fame
through the efforts of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles when Java was under British rule.
The first photograph and the first monograph of the detailed study of Borobudur were published
in 1873.

The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian
government and UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a UNESCO World
Heritage Site.
Borobodor, Indonesia’s single most visited tourist attraction is visited by 2.5 million visitors
1.When Borobudur temple was built?
2.How many monuments in Borobudur temple?
3.Where borobudur temple takes place?
4.The eruption of Mount Merapi is also considered as one of the potential threats because of its
deposit acidic ash as happened in_____
5.The temple was used as a Buddhist temple from its construction until sometime between
6.In Borobudur, Kamadhatu represented
7.The total surface area was…..
8.How many stupas there?
9.The monument is located in____
10.Borobudur has been built during the region of___
Conversation between Student and Tourist in Borobudur Temple

Student : Good Morning.

Tourist : Good Morning.
Student : My name is Endah, I’m is your tour guide today. Welcome to Borobudur temple.
Tourist : This is the most beautiful temple I have ever seen.
Student : Yeah. Borobudur is buddhist stupa and temple complex in Central Java, Indonesia
dating from 8th century and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Tourist : Please tell me about the history of this temple.
Student : There is no definite written record of who built Borobudur or why it was built. It was
likely founded as a religious site in the 8th century at the peak of the Sailendra dynasty
in central Java. The construction is thought to have taken a period of 75 years, and
completed in about 825.
Tourist : Hmmm… This temple still holds many mysteries.
Student : Yeah… According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th
century concomitant weakening of the influence of Hindu and Buddhist kingdom in
Java and from the inclusion of the influence of Islam. The world began to realize the
existence of this building since 1814, discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles,
who was then serving as the British Governor-General of Java. Since then Borobudur
has suffered a series of rescue and restoration efforts. 's Largest refurbishment project
called century effort in 1975 to 1982 the Government of Indonesia and UNESCO, and
historic sites in the World Heritage Sites list.
Tourist : The building of this temple is unique. Is there have a meaning?
Student : The monument consists of six square-shaped core are on top there are three circular
courtyard, the walls are decorated with 2672 relief panels and original there are 504
Buddha statues. The single largest Stupa are located in the middle once crowned this
building, surrounded by three circular line 72 perforated stupa in which there is a
statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfect with Mudra (hand
gesture) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).
Tourist : Yeah, I see… What’s next?
Student : This monument is a model of the universe and built as a shrine to honor the Buddha as
well as serve as a place of pilgrimage to lead humanity from nature earthly passion
turned to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha. The
pilgrims enter through the east side start at the base of the temple ritual by walking
encircling the shrine clockwise, while continuing to climb the stairs to the next
through the three levels of the realm in Buddhist cosmology. The third level is
Kamadhatu (the realm of the passions), Rupadhatu (the realm of intangibles), and
Arupadhatu (intangible realm). In this journey of pilgrims walking through a series of
hallways and stairs with no less than 1,460 witnessed the beautiful relief panels carved
on the walls and balustrades.
Tourist : I ever hear about the eruption of Mount Merapi on 2010. Does it give effect to the
building of Borobudur?
Student : Borobudur was heavily affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi in October and
November 2010. Volcanic ash from Merapi fell on the temple complex, which is
approximately 28 km (17.5 mi) west-southwest of the crater. During the strong
eruption of 3-5 November for example, a layer of ash up to 2.5 cm (1 in) thick fell
onto the temple. This also killed nearby vegetation. Experts feared that the acidic ash
might severely damage the historic site. The temple complex was closed from 5-9
November 2010 to clean up that ash-fall, and the upper levels remained closed to the
public until late September 2011. Upon reopening the upper levels, the Borobudur
Conservation Agency announced that visitor numbers to those levels were restricted to
under 82 people.
Tourist : Oh, it sounds bad.
Student : Ok, that’s all for today, and lets enjoy this trip. Thank you for your attention, and have a
nice trip.

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