Pimpisa Hiranrath - G

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G10 Language and Literature

​Student Pimpy
Parent/Guardian Signature*
* by adding your name you are acknowledging you have read and discussed the content of this 
Statement of Inquiry:  

"To gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the complexities of our own r​elationships 
and identities​​, we can observe and analyse the ​connections​​ between others in the literature 
we read. By doing this, we can also learn to appreciate how the ​context​​ of a situation can 
shape the decisions a ​character​​ may make." 

Key Concept:  Related Concepts:  Global Context: 

Connections  Character and Context  Identities and 


Approach to Learning Skills 

Critical Thinking  Task one requires you to use your critical thinking skills to 
interpret the text and analyse the intended effects the 
author’s style and strategies have on the audience. 
Task Two requires you to analyse and synthesise the themes 
in the books in order to establish a connection between the 
novel and your own lives 

Summative assessment task: 
Task 1: Literary Analysis Essay
You ​will each write a literary analysis essay about one of the major themes found in ​Of Mice and Men​. Your essay
needs to follow the structure of a literary analysis. You will use the appropriate format (font, font size, spacing,
indentation size) when submitting their final product. 

How you will be assessed: 
Criterion A: analysing  
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Provides ​limited ​analysis of the Provides ​adequate​​ analysis of Competently​​ analyzes the Provides ​perceptive​​ analysis
content, context, language, the content, context, language, content, context, language, of content, context, language,
structure, technique and style structure, technique and style structure, technique, style of structure, technique, style of
of text(s) and the relationship of text(s) and the relationship text(s) and the relationships text(s) and the relationship
among texts. among texts. among texts. among texts.

Provides ​limited ​analysis of the Provides ​adequate​​ analysis of Competently​​ analyzes the Perceptively​​ analyzes the
effects of the creator’s choices the effects of the creator’s effects of the creator’s choices effects of the creator’s choices
on an audience. choices on an audience. on an audience. on an audience.

Rarely​​ justifies opinions and Justifies opinions and ideas Sufficiently​​ justifies opinions Gives ​detailed justification​​ of
ideas with examples or with ​some​​ examples and and ideas with examples and opinions and ideas with a​ ​range
explanations; uses ​little or no explanations, though this may explanations; uses accurate of examples, and ​thorough
terminology. not be consistent; uses ​some terminology. explanations; uses ​accurate
terminology. terminology.
Evaluates ​few​​ similarities and Evaluates​ ​similarities and
differences by making ​minimal Evaluates​ some​​ similarities differences by making Perceptively compares and
connections in features across and differences by making substantial​​ connections in contrasts​​ by making
and within genres and texts. adequate​​ connections in features across and within extensive​​ connections in
features across and within genres and texts​. features across and within
genres and texts. genres and texts.

Task specific clarifications:

Summative #1: ​You will analyze the novel, identifying one major theme of the work. You will prove your ideas through
specific textual evidence and explanation of literary devices used effectively by the author.

Student justifications: Teacher Justifications:

I think I will give myself a 5 for this criterion because I am
able to analyze the specific textual evidence that I used to
prove how the textual evidence connected between the
book and our life. I identify how the author show the
theme through he novel.

Criterion B: organising 
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Makes ​minimal​​ use of Makes ​adequate​​ use of Makes ​competent​​ use of Makes ​sophisticated​​ use of
organizational structures, organizational structures that organizational structures that organizational structures that
though these may not always serve the context and intention. serve the context and intention. serve the context and intention
serve the context and intention. effectively​​.
Organizes opinions and ideas Organizes opinions and ideas
with ​some degree of in a ​coherent and logical Effectively​​ organizes opinions
Organizes opinions and ideas coherence and logic​​. manner, with ideas building on and ideas in a ​sustained​​,
with a ​minimal degree of each other. coherent and logical​​ manner
coherence and logic​​. Makes ​adequate​​ use of with ideas building on each
referencing and formatting tools Makes ​competent​​ use of other in a ​sophisticated​​ way.
Makes ​minimal​​ use of to create a presentation style referencing and formatting tools
referencing and formatting tools suitable to the context and to create a presentation style Makes ​excellent​​ use of
to create a presentation style intention. suitable to the context and referencing and formatting tools
that may ​not​​ ​always​​ ​be intention. to create an ​effective
suitable​​ to the context and presentation style.

Task specific clarifications:

Summative #1:​​ You will follow the structure of a literary analysis essay by including an introduction paragraph, multiple
body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. You will use effectively use transitions and follow appropriate formatting.

Student justifications: Teacher Justifications:

I think I will also give myself 5 for this criterion because I
follow the structure of a literary analysis essay by including
an introduction paragraph , multiple body paragraph and a
conclusion paragraph, and follow appropriate formatting.
But I think I did not use the the transition effectively
throughout my essay.

Criterion D: using language 
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Uses a ​limited​​ range of Uses an ​adequate​​ range of Uses a ​varied range​​ of Effectively​​ uses a range of
appropriate vocabulary and appropriate vocabulary, appropriate vocabulary, appropriate vocabulary,
forms of expression. sentence structures and forms sentence structures and forms sentence structures and forms
of expression. of expression ​competently. of expression.
Writes in an ​inappropriate
register and style that ​do not Sometimes​​ writes in a register Writes ​competently​​ in a Writes in a ​consistently
and style that serve the context register and style that serve the appropriate​​ register and style
serve the context and intention. that serve the context and
and intention. context and intention. intention.
Uses grammar, syntax and
punctuation with ​limited Uses grammar, syntax and Uses grammar, syntax and Uses grammar, syntax and
punctuation with ​some degree punctuation with a punctuation with a ​high degree
accuracy; errors ​often hinder
of accuracy; errors are minor
communication. of accuracy; errors ​sometimes considerable degree​​ of
and communication is
hinder​​ communication. accuracy; errors ​do not​​ ​hinder effective​​.
Spells/writes with ​limited effective communication.
accuracy; errors ​often​​ ​hinder Spell/writes with ​some degree Spells/writes with a ​high
of accuracy; errors ​sometimes Spells/writes with ​considerable degree​​ of accuracy; errors are
communication. minor and communication is
hinder​​ communication. degree​​ of accuracy; errors ​do effective​​.
not hinder​​ effective

Task specific clarifications:

Summative #1: ​You will use effective diction that clearly expresses your ideas, including appropriate use of literary
devices and transitions. You will follow a formal essay style with few grammar, syntax, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Student justifications: Teacher Justifications:

I think I will give myself a 4 for this one because I did not
use various range of vocabulary and diction as effectively. I
follow the formal essay style with few spelling errors but I
still have some past tenses and grammar errors in my

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