Configuration Steps Third Party

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Configuration steps:

Create customer master with XD01 by using account¬ group 0001 under 2200 – 10 – 00
sales area.
Create a material master with¬ MM01 with the material type “Trading goods”.
Maintain the data in all the views and make sure that general item category group BANS
Purchasing group 000 in purchasing view
Create a vendor using transaction code XK01¬
Specify vendor number [ Here it is external◊]
Company code 2200
Purchasing organization 2200
Account group 0001 and press ENTER
Maintain the data in all the required fields
Next screen◊ Go to ¬ option
Specify Reconciliation account number [ ] sort key [ ]
Cash management group A1
Order currency EUR (customer is from France)
Save and Exit¬
Go¬ to VA01 and raise the sales order
Change the item category as TAS (from TAN to TAS)
Save the document and note down the sales order number and¬ Exit
Schedule lines and note down the purchase◊ Go to (sales order) VA03 ¬ requisition
number that has been
displayed in purchase requisition field.
Raise the purchase order with reference to purchase requisition¬ number by using
Transaction code ME21
Specify the vendor number [ ]
Purchasing group 005 = Standard
Again purchasing group 000 and press ENTER
¬ Click on with reference to purchase requisition
Select line item and click¬ on Adopts + Details push button on application bar
In this section we have to specify the net price (cost that we maintained in the material
[] UN – check GR (Goods Receipt)
if you uncheck GR, we can do the invoice verification based on the goods receipts.
Save the document and note down¬ the number and Exit
Go to MIRO for invoice verification¬
Here we have to specify invoice date and purchase order number and specify purchase
order number in
purchase order number [ ] field of PO reference tab and specify reference field and press
Then you can view balance amount from right side
The same amount should be specified in amount [ ] field and press ENTER
Then system makes balance amount 0 (zero). That means invoice verification has been
done (completed).
Save the document and note down the number and Exit¬
¬ Raise invoice to the customer VF01
Specify the standard order number and raise the invoice
Save and Exit¬
Go to VA02 (sales document) and observe the¬ document flow.
Third party order processing is as follows:

Assume three companies X, Y and Z

X – The company,
y – The customer
Z – Vendor

When ever X gets a PO from Y to supply some goods, X has an option of either manufacturing
those goods or procuring those goods.

If he is procuring the goods, there are two methods that are generally followed:

Method 1) after receiving the PO from Y, X creates a sales order against Y.

Now at the same time he also creates a PO to a vendor Z to produce the goods
Z produces the goods and supplies to X
X receives the goods from Z
Then X delivers the same goods to Y.
After that X invoices Y and Z invoices X.

Note: Here there is no direct/ indirect relation between Z and Y.

This process is known as Trading Process. And the Material here is created with Material type

The other method is a Third party order processing method:

Here the glaring difference is that instead of Z supplying the material to X and X in turn supplying
the same material to Y.

X authorizes Z to supply the material to Y on his behalf and notify him once the delivery is

Now Z supplies the material to Y and acknowledges the same to X.

Z will send a copy of delivery acknowledgement and invoice to X.

After receiving the delivery confirmation and invoice from Z, X has to verify the invoice and this
process is known as invoice verification and is done in SAP through Tcode MIRO.

The next step for X is to create an invoice and submit to Y

only after the invoice verification document is posted then only X can create an invoice for Y.

This is the business flow that is followed for third party order configuration.

There are few steps that have to be configured to enable the system to function as mentioned

if you are always following a third party process for a material then you having to create the
material using item category group BANS.
The procumbent type should be marked as External procurement (F) in MRP 2 view of the
material master record.

if you are not always allowing third party order processing then u can create a material master
record with item category group as NORM and the procurement type should be marked as ( X)
meaning both types of procurement ( in house manufacturing and external procurement).

Step 2)
the item category in the order should be manually changed as TAS.
For that you need to configure the item category determination

ord type + item cat grp + usge + Hiv level = Item cat + Manual item cat

OR + NORM + + = TAN. + TAS

OR + BANS + + = TAS

Step 3)
make sure that during the item category configuration for TAS you need to mark relevant for
billing indicator as F

step 4)
The schedule line category for this type should be CS.
make sure that you mark subsequent type as NB – purchase requisition in this schedule line
category as this will trigger the purchase requision order immediately after the creation of the
sales order and the PO to vendor is created against this purchase requiesion

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