German Class Ix X

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German (code 020)

In 2008 a curriculum has been devised for classes VI to VIII. As a result of that the syllabus for class IX now does not
start at the very beginning, as was the case till now, but where the class VIII syllabus finishes.

The syllabus continues to follow the communicative and interactive approach. The stress is now not so much on
grammar but on communication. Translations have been removed. Translation science has made enormous progress and
the word to word translations that students at this level generally attempt are not relevant today any longer. Translation
is a science within itself and needs rigorous training before it can be attempted.

What has been incorporated is the summarisation of a German text in English. The students will get a passage in
German that has to be summarised in English. Other written tasks should include- making a poster for the school notice
board, writing short messages as also short formal Emails. This is in consonance with the language policy of the CBSE.

Reading skills have been given special attention. Students should be familiarised with reading strategies. Awareness has
to be created that there are no difficult texts but only difficult questions. This effectively means that the texts chosen
should be authentic and teachers have to develop the skill of forming tasks/ exercises that help students extract the most
from a seemingly difficult text.

Listening skills and speaking skills have also been incorporated. The same approach as to reading applies also to
listening skills. Authentic texts using audio texts from all German speaking countries with appropriate exercises should
be used. People in German speaking countries have multiple dialects and accents and are proud to use them in their day
to day life. It is important to make students aware of this and get their ears used to these regional differences. The Swiss
do speak in a somewhat different accent than the residents of the city of Hamburg in northern Germany.

Speaking skills are to be promoted in class. This is what motivates students and makes the language come alive for
them. Speaking about friends, school, parents, hobbies, social awareness and the environment in class will give them
confidence to also express themselves in the real world.

Finally the assessment will have to reflect the new approach. There should be more stress on understanding and
expression rather than grammar tests. Grammar though important should not become the primary focus of testing
pushing communication to the background.

Learning Objectives
The following objectives build upon the objectives already stated for classes VI to VIII. The objectives given below will
apply to both classes IX and X which can be treated as one unit

1. Listening and responding

By the end of class X students should be able to

 Listen and understand the main points and some details from an extended dialogue or a short spoken text and
 Listen to a short audio text and respond by asking for more details
 Listen to announcements at public places e.g. railway stations and act accordingly
 Listen to a audio text, extract the relevant details and complete the gaps in a written text
2. Speaking
By the end of class X students should be able to

 Talk about future plans and intentions

 Ask someone to clarify and elaborate what they have just said
 Give or seek informal views in an informal discussion with friends
 Recall and narrate an incident they have seen or remember from their childhood

3. Reading and responding

By the end of class X students should be able to

 Read and respond to an extract from a story, an e-mail message or song or simple text from the internet
 Read descriptions of people in the school or class and identify who they are
 Read fairytales or stories and summarise them in German or English

4. Writing
By the end of class X students should be able to

 Write a short text using pointers e.g. biography

 Summarise an unseen passage in English
 Writing a semi-official E-mail with complete sentence constructions

5. Intercultural awareness
By the end of class X students should be able to

 Handle everyday problems i.e. cope with less routine problems on public transport, handle travel arrangements
 Demonstrate understanding of and respect for cultural diversity
 Recognise how aspects of the culture of different countries become incorporated into the daily life of others
 Recognise advantages of another culture and try and apply to their own lives e.g. environmental awareness and
waste management
6. Knowledge about language
By the end of class X students should be able to

 Learn to use subordinate clauses of time, place and purpose to qualify the main clause
 Learn the use of grammatical structure e.g. verbs with prepositions to express oneself more succinctly
7. Language learning strategies
By the end of class X students should be able to

 Apply known rules when creating new language

 Integrate new language into previously learnt language
 Use the context of what they see/ read to determine some of the meaning
German Class IX

For first Summative

Module 7

Lesson Situation/ Speech intention Structure Suggested activity

Professions and  To ask and talk  ‘werden’- to become  Students discuss their future
Lesson their about professional  Genetiv professional plans
1 characteristics plans  Revision of the  Counselling
 To talk about subordinate clause  Game – Guessing the profession
the positive and “weil”and introduction after listening to the description
negative aspects of a of “dass” of what one does

Skills  Reading Comprehension – seen passage with True/False exercises

 Writing: Students maintain a diary during the year recording their progress in German language learning

 To talk about future  Future tense  Compare celebrities and show

Lesson Future plans  Comparative and one’s preferences.
2 Prospects  To draw comparisons superlative for  Compare cars, mobikes,
between people and adjectives and gadgets , clothes etc.
things adverbs  A day in my life in the year
 To predict the future  Revision of 2050
interrogative  Find out, how many types of
pronouns schools are there in Germany
and what is the difference
between them
Skills  Writing a text with given elements
 Speaking: A simulated conversation on future plans (Structure to be given)

 To lay down  Subordinate clause “  Students discuss conditions

Lesson Language conditions wenn” under which they would
3 holiday  To express an  Subordinate clause undertake a journey and set
intention and to “um….zu” aims for the same
set an aim  Verb specific  Webquest- students look for a
prepositions language course in one of the
 Revision of Modal geman speaking countries
verbs ,suitable for their age group
and exposure to the German
Skills  Writing: Write a postcard to a friend from a vacation spot you are visiting
 Listening: Comprehension with multiple choice exercises

For second Summative

Module 8
Lesson Situation/ Topic Speech intention Structure Suggested activity
 To talk about  Perfect of strong verbs  Students prepare their resume
Lesson Selecting a Life the past  Perfect of “haben”  Students prepare the resume of a
1 partner  To ask for and “sein” celebrity
the  Introduction of double
confirmation barrel verbs eg.
of an Kennenlernen
occurrence  Revision of “dass”
and fix it  Revision of separable
temporally . verbs

Skills  Reading: Comprehension Seen Passage (Does the text contain the following information, If
yes, where?)
 Writing: Write a paragraph on “favourite past times”

 To reflect  Simple past  Students discuss their time in

Lesson Memories about their (Praeteritum) of Kindergarten
2 past Modal verbs  Students discuss their favourite
 To narrate  Simple past activities at the ages of 5, 8,
what had (Praeteritum) of 10,and 12 years
taken place “haben” and “sein”
when  Subordinate clause –
Skills  Reading: Comprehension: Unseen Passage with questions about the content using interrogative
 Writing: Write the biography of a famous person

 To narrate  Simple past of both  Students read Fairytales in

Lesson Fairytales fairytales strong and weak verbs German . eg. Fairytales by
3 and stories  Subordinate clause of Grimm brothers
purpose –“damit”
 Revision of Dative
und Akkusative
Skills  Writing: Summarising an seen passage in English
 Listening: hear a text and complete a text with blanks

Class IX

Suggested activities for Formative Assessments 1 and 2

Suggested activities for Formative Assessment Basis of Evaluation

1.  Students talk about their future plans  Vocabulary
 Confidence
 Presentation
 Fluency
 Diction

2.  Group discussion followed by presentation on a  Creativity

day in one’s life in 2050  Vocabulary
 Confidence
 Presentation
 Originality

3. Dumb Charade(in groups).  Acting skill

One Member of each group to enact  Creativity
 Situations  Understanding of theme
 Characters  Recognition of character
 Professions

4.  Power point presentation on schooling system in  Confidence

Germany .  Understanding of topic
 Presentation
 Clarity of ideas
 Creativity

5.  Listening comprehensions  Understanding of text

(in the text book and others from internet or other  Correct response to questions
sources)  Analytical ability

6.  Composing a text or changing the given text.  Originality

 Visual stimulus in the form of picture, cartoon  Creativity
,movie clip be provided  Fluency
 Verbal stimulus in the form of words, stories,  Imagination
incidents etc. to be provided)  Expression
7. Spell check (can be a group activity also)  Memorisation of correct spelling
 spelling  Correct sentence formation
 meaning  Right usage of word
 pronunciation  Part of speech
 sentence making
8.  Just a minute  Promptness
Topics can be from the text or from life .  Imagination
 Presentation
 Fluency of ideas
 Confidence
 Concise expression

Suggested activities for Formative Assessments 3 and 4

Suggested activities for Formative Assessment Basis of Evaluation

2. Resume : a. Self  Vocabulary
b. Celebrity  Presentation
 Originality
 Concise expression

2.Group discussion followed by presentation  Understanding of topic

(eg. Favourite past times)  Conversational skills
 Confidence
 Presentation

3.Dumb Charade(in groups)  Acting skill

One Member of each group to enact  Creativity
 Situations  Understanding of theme
 Characters  Recognition of character
 Professions etc.
Others to identify
4. Reading aloud of a fairy tales  Confidence
(texts to be provided by the teachers , from internet  Diction
or the library)  Fluency
5. Listening comprehensions  Understanding of text
(in the text book and others from internet or other  Correct response to questions
sources)  Analytical ability
6. Composing a text or changing the given text.  Originality
 Visual stimulus in the form of picture,  Creativity
cartoon ,movie clip be provided  Fluency
 Verbal stimulus in the form of words,  Imagination
stories, incidents etc. to be provided)  expression
7. Spell check (can be a group activity also)  Memorisation of correct spelling
 spelling  Correct sentence formation
 meaning  Right usage of word
 pronunciation  Part of speech
 sentence making
8. Just a minute  Promptness
Topics can be from the text or from life .  Imagination
 Presentation
 Fluency of ideas
 Confidence
 Concise expression

Assessment Scheme for Class IX

First Summative
1.Summarizing a German passage in English(seen) 10 marks
2. Comprehension (unseen –short answers) 10 marks
3. Comprehension(unseen –objective type questions) 10 marks
4. Composition based on verbal Stimulus such as Notice, letter, e Mail(30-40 words)
10 marks
5. Applied Grammar : 40 marks

a. Subordinate Clause(weil, dass , wenn, um……zu)

b. Modal Verbs
c. Adjectives(comparative and superlative)
d. Prepositions
e. werden(as a verb and auxiliary verb)
f. Articles
Second Summative

1.Summarizing a German passage in English(unseen) 8 marks

2. Comprehension (unseen passage) 12 marks
3. Comprehension(unseen passage) 12 marks
4. Composition based on verbal Stimulus such as Notice, letter, e Mail(30-40 words)
4 marks

5. Postcard(30-40words) or Paragraph writing(50-60 words) 4 marks

6. Completing a passage with the vocabulary provided 8 marks

6. Applied Grammar : 32 marks

a. Perfekt
b. Separable verbs
c. Prepositions
d. Past tense
e. Subordinate clauses(als, dass, damit………..)
f. Question making
g.Accusative/Dative personal pronouns


The following teaching material is prescribed for classes IX and X :

Prescribed Book : Wir 3 (Textbook and Workbook)

(Klett Publishing House, Published In India by Goyal Publishers)

Suggested References : Planet

Ping Pong 2
DVD- Wir Live
Langenscheidt Euro Dictionary
K.M. Sharma; German-Hindi/ Hindi-
German Dictionary. Rachna
Publishing House
Class X
For first Summative

Module 9

Lesson Situation/ Speech intention Structure Suggested activity

Characterstics  To describe a  Adjectives as  20 questions to identify a
of a person person attributes famous personality
Lesson physically -with indefinite  Relate characteristics to
1  To describe his/ Article specific sun signs
her personality  In Nominative and
traits Accusative case
Structures : Was für

Skills  Writing: Write the description of a person in class

 Reading: Read the horoscopes in German newspapers and extract the information relevant to you and
your friend

 To  Adjective als Attribute  Each student brings pictures of

describe  With definite Article garments to class and describes
Lesson Fashion garments  Interrogative pronoun: them
2  To express “Welch…”
your opinions
about fashion
Skills  Writing: Summarising an unseen German language passage in English

 To  Relative pronoun in  Role Play : Discussion between

describe your Nominative and parents and chid about going
Lesson Parent-child family members Accusative out with friends for a movie late
3 relationship  To  Relative clause in the evening
characterise your
relationship with
Skills  Writing : Write a mail to your parents while you are away on an adventure camp
 Reading : Reading comprehension of unseen passage

For second Summative

Module 10
Lesson Situation/ Speech intention Structure Suggested activity
Environment  To talk about  Indirect questions  Find out about waste
environmenta in the form of management in your school
Lesson l problems subordinate clauses  Suggest ways in which you
1  To discuss can help protect the
measures to environment
save the
Skills  Reading : Visual material is to be matched with the text and suitable title to be provided
Related sentences have to be completed with words from the provided Text

Youth and  To discuss  Verb +  Start an eco-club in your class

social about socially Prepositions  Find out how waste disposal is
Lesson awareness relevant issues  Interrogative structured in Germany
2  To discuss pronouns with
about how one can prepositions for people
contribute towards and things and answers
alleviating social to the same
Skills  Writing : Make a Poster appealing to students to keep the school premises clean
 Reading :Read Advertisements and extract the relevant information from them
School  To discuss the  Recognition of the 
magazine content and passive structure
Lesson layout of a without active usage
3 school (present tense)
magazine  Relative sentences-
Skills  Write a notice for the school board asking for contributions to the school magazine
 Write a short advertisement for the school magazine announcing the establishment of a German club and
requesting students to join

Class X

Suggested activities for Formative Assessments 1 and 2

Suggested activities for Formative Assessment Basis of Evaluation

1 Quiz on famous personalities (e.g. playing 20  Vocabulary
questions in the class)  Syntax

2. Group discussion on Sun Signs and their  Understanding of topic

characteristics.  Conversational skills
 Confidence
 Presentation

3. Dumb Charade(in groups).  Acting skill

One Member of each group to enact  Creativity
 Situations  Understanding of theme
 Characters  Recognition of character

4. Role play: Discussion between parents and child  Confidence

about going out with friends for a movie late in the  Diction
evening.  Fluency
 Acting skill
 Creativity

5. Listening comprehensions  Understanding of text

(in the text book and others from internet or other  Correct response to questions
sources)  Analytical ability

6. Composing a text or changing the given text.  Originality

 Visual stimulus in the form of picture, cartoon  Creativity
,movie clip be provided  Fluency
 Verbal stimulus in the form of words, stories,  Imagination
incidents etc. to be provided)  expression
7. Spell check (can be a group activity also)  Memorisation of correct spelling
 spelling  Correct sentence formation
 meaning  Right usage of word
 pronunciation  Part of speech
 sentence making
8. Just a minute  Promptness
Topics can be from the text or from life .  Imagination
 Presentation
 Fluency of ideas
 Confidence
 Concise expression

Suggested activities for Formative Assessments 3 and 4

Suggested activities for Formative Assessment Basis of Evaluation

1. Project work : Outline the waste management system  Vocabulary
in the school and suggest improvements.  Creativity
 Presentation skills

2. Power point presentation on waste management  Understanding of topic

system and ecological awareness in Germany  Creativity
 Confidence
 Presentation skills

3. Dumb Charade (in groups).  Acting skill

One Member of each group to enact  Creativity
 Situations  Understanding of theme
 Characters  Recognition of character

4. Writing articles (in German) for the school magazine.  Creativity

 Knowledge of language
 Vocabulary
 Expression
5. Listening comprehensions  Understanding of text
(in the text book and others from internet or other  Correct response to questions
sources)  Analytical ability

6. Composing a text or changing the given text.  Originality

 Visual stimulus in the form of picture, cartoon  Creativity
,movie clip be provided  Fluency
 Verbal stimulus in the form of words, stories,  Imagination
incidents etc. to be provided)  Expression
7. Spell check (can be a group activity also)  Memorization of correct spelling
 spelling  Correct sentence formation
 meaning  Right usage of word
 pronunciation  Part of speech
 sentence making
8. Just a minute  Promptness
Topics can be from the text or from life .  Imagination
 Presentation
 Fluency of ideas
 Confidence
 Concise expression

Assessment for Class X

First Summative

1.Summarizing a German passage in English(unseen) 10 marks

2. Comprehension (unseen –short answers) 10 marks
3. Comprehension(unseen –objective type questions) 10 marks
4. Composition based on verbal Stimulus such as Notice, letter, formal e Mail, poster 10 marks
5. Applied Grammar : 40 marks

a. Adjective endings in Nominativ and Akkusativ

b. Was für ein / welche
c. Relative pronoun in Nominativ and Akkusativ
d. Prepositions
e. Subjunctive(Konjunktiv II –wäre , hätte and würde + infinitive)
Second Summative

1.Summarizing a German passage in English(unseen) 10 marks

2. Comprehension (unseen passage) 10 marks
3. Comprehension(unseen passage) 10 marks
4. Composition based on verbal Stimulus such as Notice, letter, formal e Mail, poster 10 marks
5. Completing a passage with the vocabulary provided 05 marks
6. Applied Grammar : 35 marks

a. Perfekt
b. Passiv Present without modal verbs
c. Fixed prepositions with verbs
d. Adjective endings
e. Subordinate clauses


The following teaching material is prescribed for classes IX and X :

PRESCRIBED BOOK : Wir 3 (Textbook and Workbook)

(Klett Publishing House, Published in India by Goyal Publishers)


Ping Pong 2
DVD- Wir Live
Langenscheidt Euro Dictionary
K.M. Sharma; German-Hindi/ Hindi-
German Dictionary. Rachna,
Publishing House

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