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Dear Mr./Ms. Talent Recruitment of Rimau Group

I am writing to express my interest for the position of Junior Surveyor Recruitment in your
Company. I recently finished my study in Naval Architect & Shibuilding Department at Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and will graduate in this September. While I have a
comprehensive marine background, my emphasis is on engineering projects. As a student, I
have great reputation on ship design, my team win international world ferry safety asociation
in America as 2nd winner, my job are drawing a construction of the ship and estimate weight
of ship using Class Rule.

I am currently working at NaSDEC ITS (National Ship Design & Engineering Center, a marine
consultant company from ITS. At NaSDEC, I contribute drawing and calculate ship
construction (detail, midship section, logitudinal). I also survey a ship in Lampung for electric
ship. At NaSDEC also provide Maxsurf software training for students and professionals which I
am being a software trainer in it.

Upon graduating from marine background , I have high interest become a ship surveyor. With
the right opportunities and experience, I believe I can achieve this goal. I hope to with your
company’s help.

I previously held an apprenticeship at Lamongan Marine Industry, a marine shipyard and BKI.
While there, I used several marine software such as AutoCAD for drawing structure of Tanker
Ship. I also given chance to attend at shipyard field as marine surveyor.

I also have software proficiencies in Maxsurf, AutoCAD, ANSYS, Corel Draw and Microsoft
Office. I also possess an active TOEFL Certification with 497 score. So, I consider myself for
having a good English skill for both oral and written.

It is my interest to gain knowledge and experience by joining Rima Group as a junior surveyor. I
would like the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the opportunity you might have.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regard,
Novario Pratama Adiguna

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