Fleming October 201 ONewsletter

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To the Nations The Fleming Family on Mission for the Glory of God!
A MONTH OF CELEBRATION Let the silence be broken To do
September was a joyful month for us! First we While studying, Miana asked me (Sonya) “Who was Passports, visas, physicals, shots...
celebrated Labor day with our family. It was the Helen Keller?” Of course I told her she was a blind and
We’ve got a lot to do and a little bit of time
first time in years that the whole family was deaf woman, but as our studies often do, this lead us to
‘google’. to get it all done. Please pray that as we race
present. It was a wonderful time of reuniting and
Helen, at the age of 19 months was stricken by scarlet against the clock we can get it all done in
enjoying each other’s company.
fever, which left her blind and deaf. Helen was trapped in time to reach our goal of leaving in January.
Second, we celebrated Elijah’s 6th birthday on the darkness and in a world of silence. At the age of 6, half And that our financial needs will be met.
11th. He is becoming quite a young man. He wild, Helen was united with a young inexperienced Thanks to those of you who have caught
celebrated with a paper airplane party where he teacher named Anne Sullivan. Anne began spelling out
words on Helen’s hand as she handed her the object in the the vision and are partnering with us in
had an airplane cake and had a paper airplane ministry. Without your prayers and
other hand. First was “d-o-l-l” which was a gift Anne
flying contest. Who knew he would win “Best all brought Helen. One day as Anne was pumping cool water financial support it would not be possible
around”? into Helen’s hand while spelling out the word in the other for us to do what we are doing. Your
Helen had a miraculous break-through and she slowly faithfulness is such an encouragement to
began to understand. By nightfall Helen had learned 30
words! She learned Braille and how to use a typewriter. us. Please know that we are praying for
Her world of darkness began to fade. Helen became one of you as partners.
history’s remarkable women. She is known for her Please prayerfully consider partnering
dedication to improving the conditions of blind and the
deaf-blind around the world. Her teacher Anne is with us. Your financial gifts are tax-
remembered for her lifetime dedication, patience and love deductible and are handled with utmost
to a half- wild child trapped in a world of darkness. integrity. We understand that we’re
Helen and Anne’s story inspired me. Many times I feel living in unstable times and there are
inadequate to do the job God has called me to do. Like many ways to spend our dollars
Anne I am inexperienced and the task is too great. I am
then reminded that in my weakness He will be made We’re praying that as partners God will
Lastly, we celebrated our wedding anniversary strong. I’m also reminded about the Bible-less peoples. supply all your needs as you step out on
on the 12th. God has blessed us with 12 They, like Helen, are trapped in darkness. In this darkness faith to support our ministry. TO GOD BE
wonderful years together. Through these years they are living without hope of God’s word, without light.
A pastor among the Kaiwa people in Brazil stated once, THE GLORY!
God has given us 3 beautiful children! He has
also strengthened our love for each other and for “When we read God’s word in Portuguese it was like a Brad and Sonya
blank sheet of paper. We got nothing from it. But now
when we read it in Kaiwa it’s like a crystal clear stream.
We can see the very depths of it.”
Anne dedicated her life to help one person and that one
person impacted countless others. It is our prayer that God
will use us in a way that will glorify His name among the http://www.wysite.org/sites/
nation of Vanuatu and that even after we are long gone, fleming.
His word is left to change the lives of countless others.
wordsofofa Partnership.aspx?mid=90EA2C
a book,andand
of their
of their
the Blog
the eyes
of theofblind
the blind
shall shall
see.” see.”
29:1829:18 www.flemingmoments.blogspot.com

Wycliffe Bible Translators
• Traveling mercies • That Christ is glorified in P.O. Box 628200
all that we say and do
• Easy transitions
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
• Continued health
• Financial provisions
• Our family
Brad & Sonya Fleming PO Box 1479 Pound, VA 24279 Home 276-796-7541 Cell 276-275-3367 brad_fleming@wycliffe.org
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