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To promote sustainable and inclusive investment development Bangladesh Investment Development

Authority (BIDA) ha undertaken massive reform activities to ensure:

 Creation of true one-stop service for the investors,

 Facilitation of the development of entrepreneurs,

 Facilitate to create necessary skills to match the needs of higher value production chains,

 Endeavor to improve the ratings of Bangladesh in various indicators such ‘Doing Business report
of World Bank’, ‘Global Competitive Index’ of the World Economic Forum and others.

The endeavors undertaken are:

 Improve the ratings of Bangladesh which currently 176th out of the 189 economies mentioned
in the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ report to a ‘double digit’ ranking by 2021.

 Reform area includes streamlining regularity service delivery in the National Board of Revenue,
Directorate of Environment, RAJUK, Courts, Export Promotion Bureau, Chief Controller of Import
and Export (CCIE) and other agencies in the 11 thematic areas which are

 Starting a Business,

 Dealing with Construction Permits,

 Getting Electricity,

 Registering Property,

 Getting Credit,

 Protecting Minority Investors,

 Paying Taxes,

 Trading across Borders,

 Enforcing Contracts and

 Resolving Insolvency as mentioned in the report.

The reforms when implemented will ensure better business climate and smother business operation.

 2nd largest RMG producers and leading to become 1st within 2019
 57% of the population is under the age of 25
 Privileged market access to EU, Japan, China India with duty free quota free access of
around 3 billion people in the region and 160 millions in the country.
 Becoming major player in pharmaceutical sector with 20% growth and exporting to 100
countries and exemption of patent requirements till 2032
 An API (Active pharmaceutical industry) industry is underway
 66 among 100 private and public economic zones are underway comprising 77000 acres of
fully serviced land
 Unbroken 6% economic growth for a decade
 Most competitive cost base for production in South Asia
 Almost all sectors are open for investment
 No capping on amount or percentage of investment
 Repatriation of profit or equity is most hassle free
 World class One stop service is going to be in place
 Investment related services are mostly online
 Fast integrating in the global value chain

The Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) was established in 2016 by the
Bangladesh Investment Development Authority Act, 2016 to encourage investment in private sector,
identify hindrances to investment and provide necessary facilities and assistance in the establishment
of industries. The wide range of services BIDA provides include investment promotion and
facilitation covering support, counselling and aftercare services to the investors. The prime vision of
BIDA is to promote domestic and foreign investment as well as to enhance international
competitiveness and contribute to overall social and economic development of Bangladesh.

 Trade License from respective city corporation and local government body are given within 48 hours,
assuming all required documents are provided. Bangladesh Investment Development Authority with local
government division insures this service.

 Company registration from Joint Stock Register’s office company registration complete within 48 hours.
 Registration of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority is complete within a day, assuming all
required documents are provided.

 Electricity connection’s result are given within 10 days after receive the application from BIDA where
representative of power development board authority is working.

 Assistance for Land acquire are supported by BIDA.

 Environmental certificate are given within 10 days from BIDA where respective officer from Environment
Department are working.

 From Bangladesh Investment Development Authority representative of Titas Gas Authority the result of
gas connection are given within 10 days from the date of application received.

 Foreign loan borrowing application disposed within 30 days assuming all required documents are provided.
 Tax related complication is taken from BIDA by respective National Board of Revenue officer after getting
application from entrepreneur and result are given within 10 days.

 Online services also provided by BIDA.

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