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Textbook Scavenger

1. Find the table of contents at the beginning of the book. If I want to learn about frogs, what
chapter should I go to?
a. Spiders?
b. The human heart?
c. Dinosuars?

2. Go to the index at the back of the book. If I give you a topic to learn about like “Mitochondria,”
what pages would you go to in order to find the term?
a. What are some terms related to Mitochondria that might help you find more

3. How are terms arranged in the back of the book?

4. Research “Genetics” in the textbook (a general term with a lot of information)

a. What is the definition in the glossary?

b. In the index, what pages can you find genetics between?

c. In those pages, where is genetics highlighted and how does the textbook define the
term within the chapter?

5. Research “Galapagos Islands” (a specific term with only a few entries)

a. What pages can you find information on the Galapagos?

b. Why are the Galapagos islands important to Biology?

c. What chapter are the Galapagos in?

d. What would be a follow-up term to look up in order to understand the Galapagos


Cellular Study Guide

1. What are the three parts of the Cell Theory

a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
c. ______________________________________

2. Compare and contrast the highlighted structures on pg. 56 & 57 in Plants, Animals and Bacteria

Animal Plant

3. For the following organisms, draw a “P” for prokaryote and an “E” for eukaryote based on the
definitions on pg. 57 & 58

Fish ____________ Algae___________

Dinosaur____________ Human_________

Pneumonia___________ Yeast__________

Plankton_______________ E. Coli__________

4. Which one of your organs might have cilia on the outside cells?

5. What are the differences in the function of the three cytoskeletal fibers listed on page 59?

6. Using the description and pictures on pg. 60, how describe how a lipid bilayer is constructed. How
does the structure assist the cell in keeping water out?

7. The head of a phospholipid, which contains a phosphate group is _______ and is ______ to water.
In contrast, the two fatty acids, or tails, are _______-_______ and therefore are ___________ by
8. Of the four proteins described on pg. 61, pick one and describe its function on the cell membrane
and draw the picture of it from the image above

9. Which organelle houses the DNA in your cell?

10. How many chromosomes do you have?

11. How do cells make proteins?

12. What is the difference between the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

13. How are proteins moved from the ER to the golgi apparatus?

14. What does the golgi apparatus remind you of in in your everyday life?

15. Write these steps in the correct order: Distribution of proteins inside and outside of cell->
Ribosomes make proteins->Lysosomes digest and recycle components -> proteins are processed in
the GA and repackaged-> Vesicles transport proteins from the ER to the Golgi apparatus

16. What compound does Mitochondria produce? Why is this important for you?

17. What are two unique features of plant cells on pg. 66?

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