A Message To Fellow Co-Creators

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100-Day Reality Challenge – Co-Creating Our Reality

If you are reading this then you are at the point in your life where you are ready to move into a
higher awareness, a higher experience and a higher expression of yourself. If you are reading
these words then you are ready to claim the power of your TRUE SELF, the power of your GOD
SELF. If you are reading this then that means somebody believe you have the will and resolve to
take yourself and life’s experiences to the next level. If you feel somehow this isn’t you then
there is no reason for and no one forcing you to read on. If you KNOW this is for you then
prepare yourself for what may possibility be the first step towards a newer life created in the
image you would have it and the first step towards an amazing transformation that is about to
unfold before and within you.

You may be aware that each and every human being on this planet possesses a gift and a power
unlike any other. You may be aware that this gift, this power is the power of the Creator
him/her/itself – the power to create reality as we see fit – for we are the creators; we are all co-
creating our realities. However while one may be aware of this fact, they may not be actively and
consciously putting it into practice. We may go blindly creating a reality we do not wish for or
desire and instead of claiming our creative power thus moving into the experience we truly wish
to have, we surrender our greatest, blaming the forces of fate for the predicament we find
ourselves in.

I’m writing this my friends (whoever and wherever you are) to tell you about a magnificent tool
and wondrous community that will give you the strength, structure and support you need to
consciously create the destiny you choose and to walk awaken in the path of your Higher Self.
The tool and community I speak of is the website www.cocreatingourreality.com. The site is a
community where like-minded individuals come together to support and share with one another
their created experiences, each one focusing on and sharing one main goal – conquering the 100-
Day reality challenge.

What is this 100-Day reality challenge you ask? I suggest going to the site and seeing for
yourself. Basically the 100-Day reality challenge is exactly how it sounds, you dedicate
yourselves to creating the changes in yourself and your life you want to see; for the next 100 days
(after you start) you will dedicate yourself to using universal laws and principles to consciously
create your idea reality. Have I gotten you attention yet? Yes, you read right, this challenge
challenges you to declare, experience and express your God-Self by consciously creating your
reality for the next 100 days. Does this sound like a joke, hogwash, magic? It’s whatever you
make of it but I ask you not to turn your back on this and give it a chance to see what taking on
this challenge will make of you. There are no ups or downs, lefts or rights, right or wrong when it
comes to this challenge, what there is however is the opportunity for you to visualize the reality
you want to experience and through a daily commitment, putting in the time and energy needed to
realize that reality, become aligned with thus experiencing the reality you seek.

For those of you that are ready I know there is no need for me to go on. I have prepared
something that you may find quite useful on your newfound journey. It is a folder that contains
various things to help you get started. The name of the folder and its various contents are listed

100-Day Reality Challenge (Main Folder):

A Message to Fellow Co-Creators (this very address – word doc.) [1]

CCOR- How to start the 100-Day Reality Challenge (mp3) [2]

Co-Creators practices during The 100 Day Reality Challenge (a web link to various daily
practices that will help you center your focus and manifest the reality you want)

Step by Step | The 100 Day Reality Challenge (a web link to a step by step guide for the

100 Days Workbook and Visualization (Sub Folder):

02 100-Day Reality Challenge Visualizations (a guided meditation / visualization - mp3) [3]

Lilou-MEDITATION-1 (the album artwork to above mp3 – JPEG)

100-Day Reality Challenge Workbook (a PDF workbook that will aid and guide you through the
challenge – please note that this workbook is sold on the site, I have taken the liberty buying this
workbook and putting it in this folder for your personal use)

This folder will be accessible as a shared folder in my Dropbox. If you have not heard off
Dropbox then I advise you to visit their site, www.dropbox.com. Dropbox is a very useful and
popular online backup, file syncing and file sharing service. You will need a Dropbox account if
you don’t already have one. You can create a “Basic” account that will start you off with 2GB of
space for free. Also you can have myself or someone you know with an account invite you, that
way both you and the person inviting you will receive (I believe) an extra 500MB. Whether you
create an account of your own accord or someone invites you, you will need to contact a person
who has access to the folder so they can invite you to share it. If you wish to be invited to
Dropbox and/or wish to gain access to this folder you may contact me, either through Facebook
(my name is Arlon Michael Peoples) or by email, an email address you can reach me at is
saiyochi.3rd.gensis@gmail.com (yes, with one “e” in genesis). Please let me know you are
interested in Dropbox and/or this folder and provide me with your email address and I will send
the proper invite to you.

You may have notice behind certain file names there are tiny numbers. Those are files you can access by
simply going to the links below (or clicking the numbers themselves if you’re reading this in Word). This is
for those interested but don’t want to go through the hassle of creating a Dropbox account and feel
comfortable not having access to all the files listed available.

1) A Message to Fellow Co-Creators (docx):

2) CCOR - How to Start (mp3): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8184346/100-Day%20Reality


3) Challenge Visualization (mp3): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8184346/100-Day%20Reality


A crucial and very powerful factor/force when it comes to this challenge is community. If you
plan on doing this challenge, writing the next big chapter in your life, try to (if at all possible)
start with family and friends who wish to do the same. I say this because the energy of many
minds focused upon any particular outcome is phenomenal. Starting with like-minded Love Ones
means you will have a support group that will continuous help to build you up so you can reach
you dreams. With them giving their attention, intention and energy to the manifesting of your
goal & your dreams, and you doing the same for them, you all create a power wave of attraction
that can’t help but rush any desired results into all of your realities. Also the site itself has a
vibrant community of individuals moving along the same path you are. Get involved! The energy
you put out is the energy you get back. If you wish for someone to aid, encourage and support
you through out your challenge aid, encourage and support someone through out his or her

For those people that know me personally, I will be starting ‘Season One’ of the challenge some
time in October (hopefully). (Each challenge time frame is a “season.” If you’re new to the
challenge then you will be starting your first season. If it is your second time doing the challenge
then it would your second season, and so on and so forth.) I look forward to organizing a start
date and supporting each other on this expansive, transformative and life-changing journey we’ll
be taking over next 100 days (after starting). You can easy find me on the site, just search for
“Arlon” (I believe I’m the only Arlon on the site) and add me as a friend. I’ll be sure to do the
same for you. For anyone who wants to know me personally you are free to find me on Facebook
and/or the challenge’s site. I look forward to co-creating new and beautiful friendships.

Please... if you know someone ready to take on this challenge, someone at the point in their
development where an opportunity like this is a warm and much needed welcome, then do not
hesitate to send them this message. We need to spread this light to as many as we can, helping all
who are ready to awaken to their true potential. I pray this letter, this note, this message, whatever
one wishes to call it, leads many into the next stage of their Self-awakening, Self-growth, Self-
creation and Self-expansion. May Source flow through you, the Universe guide you and most of
all you awaken to your True Self, claiming your God-like and God-given power.

Love  Light  Laughter (L3)


October 7, 2010

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