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Get basic level of understendyn: why I’m doing this? Why I care? What’s amazing?

Diggest the
core. What you did why you did? Why you went to that project?

What to have in the story?

Character: specie
Obstacle: design process
Revelations ‘Aha-ha moment’: what I found and find the excitement about it.

What is your ‘hook’?

A good question
A dramatic situatiin
An interesting character
Surprising fact
A funny situation
A quote that says a lot

Why standardize?
Before any presentation or lecture

7 word summary:

solid fuels micro-size defects accidental explosion

Parts of a story
1 Setting: a time or a place. Understand context of your world.
2 Characters: new product u are developling? Material under study? New methodology?
3 Problem: Knowledge gap you are trying to fill.
4 Happenings: Expriments, gathering datat.
5 Solution: Did u sole the problem? Did you find the gap? Did u find something different?

Establish assertion in less 8-14 words.

Tell audience members up front why they should care and what’s in it for them.
What problem will your work help solve?

Using the individual development plan to navigate your own plan


Create academic a professional growth trajectory.

To help you and your mentor communicate.
Set expectations that are clear and consistent.
Way to have a timeline to revisit to asses , if golas are being achived.

IDP tempated

Discuss tools for managing stress and wellness in graduate school


Telling your story with data visualization

To communicate information clearly and effectively through graphical means.

Ask questions
Show context
Understand your audience and what it feels like not to understand. Allow them to make
meaningful comparisons.
Megan Sapp Nelson
CE 498


Skype or phone interview

Career wiki
Before interview
Create list of questions to ask at the interview
Review career goals in relation to the organization
STAR: Situation Task Action and Result
Briefly stay the situation, tell me what you did and how was the result (even failure).

During the interview

-Opening/small talk
-Questions for you, and about the employer, make them sell to you.

Stay enthusiastic/alert/culturally appropriate

-Show interest in the job
-Stay alert for the “so tell me what surprised you most about your day

Questions you can ask:

-Avoid yes/no questions. Ask open-ended. What do you like best about working for this
-Gather information NOT in the job description: What do you think are the most important
qualities to succeed in this role?
-Always find out when you can reasonably expect to hear back: what are the next steps in the
interview offer?

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