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Mothers, Monsters, and Machines .asthat which cannot easly be fied within the parameters of phallogo- centric language ‘The configuration of ideas am tying to ep mothers, mons, machines, therefore 2 case study--not only intro is propo ‘na content but aso in defining my place of exciton an, thee {ore my tlationship tothe readers eho remy pater ints discur sive game 3 new futon of emit bjt. ‘Quoting Deleuze, would ike to deine hs relationship as “hi omni" that io Say ot only cerebral, ela Yo experience ‘hich implies a sregthened connection hetween though and ie» renewed proxi othe thinking process to eset ely Ins thinking, “thizomatc” hiking lead to what all “nomad: se ‘Moreover, 2"nomadic”connertin ota dats or oppositonl way of thing? but ar one that views discourse a postive, mule layered network of power relations" it me develop the ems of my nomadic new by reference to Foucaulan ceques of he power of couse he argues thatthe pro ‘ction of sieilc knowledge works ae a compen, leet met. ‘wrk of rth, power, and dee, cet onthe sbject as» boy entity. Ina double moversent hat nd mos pitealy useful, Focal highlights bom the normative foundations eereticl esan nd lo the ational model of power. “Power” thus Becomes the name fr 9 ample set of ineteonnections, between the spaces whee ath ad now are pred at the systems af conta and doviation ‘Sal unwrap my thre inereated noon nthe ight of this definon of power. ‘ast, but at eas hissy ples the smutaneous dslocation not only of my place of enunciation as a feminist inllcual but lo scoring fhe poston of my readers. Arm inerlocurs am con Sucing those rede tobe "ot us tadtonal nllectuas ae ot leis but ao ative, intrested and concerned aiciantsna pro ect of esearch ad experimeration fo new way of hiking abot human subjectivity in general and female sujet in pater ‘mean fo appeal hereore nt ony to a require fr pases th but ao toa pasionate engagement in he seognion ofthe thee Cal and dicursive implications of exialdierence inthis choice of = Theoretical se hat leaves ample room er the exploration of subje tv allowing the lead of Donna Haraway, whose ples for pas slonate detachment in theory making uly she? Let us ott the thematic or propositional content of my con ‘elation of ides: others, monster snd machines, For the sake ofelaniy, lt me define thers mothers eet the ‘matral function of women. By WOMEN I mean nt only the bea ‘ural ents ths represented, the empire! subjects sooo «alreaitis,butalsoa discursive ele theory. The kid of em inj want to defend ress onthe presence ad the experince ofl lie women hose polical consciousness ben um changing the instuion of power in ur society Tominit theory isa two-layered project involving the critique of xing defnons, representations 3 weil ste elaboration of nav theories about women. Feminism Hhe movement tat brings Into practice the dimension of sexual elilerence threugh the equ 0 render a power tsituton, Fenn she question the aman seul diference she ser "his pints particularty important in height of modesty mp ive to think diferent about our ois! candiion. The ene _estion sens tobe ete: how can we ali he post offal subjectivity ata tine in hse when ur aceite peteptions ofthe subject” are being adicaly questioned? Haw ca we teconele the ‘recognition ofthe rable nate ie ton athe conten ‘ofthe subject with the potest neces o os famat subjotye By MACHINES! mean the sein glial aa discursive he of 'echnolog inthe broadest sen ofthe term Er sie Hei he Pllosophy of madera hos been tng o come ens wih ie logical reason. The Fant School reir ois “vumental os son": one ha places he end of ts endeavors well above the means rd suspend al ugent oon og tn my rk | meno ‘he previos chapter approach the technegy sve om within the Freeh tation, flowing he matrlsm of Bachelor, Conger, snd Foucault By MONSTERS! mean atid hind of discourse: the history al phi lesopy ofthe biological Sciences, and th relation fo diference and to diereot bees Monstes ate human ts who ate bo th con ett malformations of hei cy onanism They als epee Me inbetween, the mise the ambivalent simpli nthe een Greek ‘oot athe word monsters fers which means bat haribe and won. el cjectof aberration ad adoration. Since the intent century, Following the classcation system of monstosty by Geatioy Sain

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