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September 2, 2010

Sarah Larimer
1100 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 601
Arlington, VA 22209

Re: FOIA # 0810-110

Dear Ms. Larimer:

The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) responds to your

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests as follows:

Pursuant to the state open records act, I request access to and copies
of the names of all DCPS employees at the Central Office who moved
to an administrative position while Michelle Rhee was chancellor, or
were promoted to a higher position. I request that the list include the
addresses of the employees, and that the full names of the employees
to be used. I also request that the list indicate which employees were
brought in as new DCPS Central Office employees and which
employees already worked in the Central Office and were promoted
under Chancellor Rhee.

Response: DCPS interpreted your FOIA request as requesting the


1. The names of DCPS employees at Central Office who moved

to an administrative position under the Chancellor
2. The names of DCPS employees who were promoted to higher
positions under the Chancellor
3. A list of the addresses of the employees in these lists with
their full names
4. The names of employees who were brought to DCPS as a new
DCPS employee under the Chancellor
5. The names of employees already working here that were
promoted under the Chancellor

8 25 N or th Ca pi to l Str ee t, N E | W as hi ng to n , D C 20 00 2 | T 2 02 .4 42 .5 00 0 | F 20 2.44 2 .50 58 | w w w .d c p s.d c. go v

August 31, 2010
Sarah Larimer
Page 2

Please see the enclosed documents responsive to request numbers 1 and 4.

DCPS denies request numbers 2 and 5, which seek information regarding
personnel actions for DCPS employees, because such information is required
to be maintained in each employee’s Official Personnel file and thus is not
available to the public pursuant to Title 6 Chapter B31 of the District of
Columbia Municipal Regulations. DCPS also denies request number 3, which
seeks the addresses of DCPS employees, because that information is
personal information, the disclosure of which would constitute an
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. As such, DCPS is withholding
information responsive to request numbers 2, 3 and 5 pursuant to the District
of Columbia official code §§ 2-534(a)(2) and (6). Finally, please note that
DCPS was able to provide information responsive to request number 1 only
since January 2009.

Please know that, under D.C. Official Code § 2-537 and 1 DCMR 412,
you have the right to appeal this letter to the Mayor or to the Superior Court
of the District of Columbia. If you elect to appeal to the Mayor, your appeal
must be in writing and contain “Freedom of Information Act Appeal” or “FOIA
Appeal” in the subject line of the letter as well on the outside of the

The appeal must include (1) a copy of the original request; (2) a copy
of any written denial; (3) a statement of the circumstances, reasons, and/or
arguments advanced in support of disclosure; and (4) a daytime telephone
number, and e-mail and/or U.S. Mail address at which you can be reached.
The appeal must be mailed to: The Mayor’s Correspondence Unit, FOIA
Appeal, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 316, Washington, D.C.

Electronic versions of the same information can instead be e-mailed to

The Mayor’s Correspondence Unit at Further, a copy of
all appeal materials must be forward to the Freedom of Information Officer of
the involved agency or to the agency head of that agency if there is no
designated Freedom of Information Officer there. Failure to follow these
administrative steps will result in delay in the processing and
commencement of a response to your appeal to the Mayor.

8 25 N or th Ca pi to l Str ee t, N E | W as hi ng to n , D C 20 00 2 | T 2 02 .4 42 .5 00 0 | F 20 2.44 2 .50 58 | w w w .d c p s.d c. go v

August 31, 2010
Sarah Larimer
Page 3


Nicole L. Streeter
Deputy General Counsel
District of Columbia Public Schools

8 25 N or th Ca pi to l Str ee t, N E | W as hi ng to n , D C 20 00 2 | T 2 02 .4 42 .5 00 0 | F 20 2.44 2 .50 58 | w w w .d c p s.d c. go v

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