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PYP Exhibition

Parent Booklet

The PYP Exhibition
The PYP exhibition creates opportunities for students to:
 engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry
 demonstrate independence and responsibility
 explore an idea or issue from multiple perspectives
 synthesize and apply learning from previous years
 demonstrate how learning can lead to personal action to effective change
 celebrate the transition of learners from Primary to Secondary School

The Exhibition process

The inquiry process in the Exhibition works from inquiring into the student’s own
passions and wonderings to the outside. Our students identify those passions and
interests that are personally meaningful, explore more ideas through the
transdisciplinary themes and make further connections to the global community.
Throughout their journey, students will be reflecting and making meaning. The idea is
that the exhibition will be more than a culminating task. It will be a significant and
relevant culminating experience, which is connected to the issues in the hearts of the
individuals involved.

Explore the Transdisciplinary Themes

Explore within the


Explore within one’s own


Personal interests, issues,


Role of parent
The parent will:
 Have an understanding of the purpose and requirements of the exhibition.
 Support and encourage children throughout the inquiry process.
 Be informed by reading weekly posts on blog, attending meetings, checking school
website and talking to children.
 Help children access resources: people, places, media and information.
 Provide expert knowledge of the subject (where applicable).
 Encourage independent inquiry and respect student ownership of the process
 Have an opportunity to reflect and give feedback on the exhibition.
 Celebrate with students by attending the staging of the exhibition.

Role of student
The student will:
 understand the purpose and requirements of the exhibition.
 write a planner for the exhibition by:
o participating in selecting an issue (“what matters to me”) for the
o deciding the central idea, inquiry points and questions
o planning assessment tasks that will show understanding of the central
 carry out an open-ended inquiry into the selected passion (using different sources of
information – interviews, surveys, excursions, artifacts, science investigations, working
models, not just books or websites).
 engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process.
 be academically honest when referring to sources of information.

 document inquiry progress in journal.

 talk to teachers, other students, parents and mentor about how the inquiry is going.
 demonstrate an understanding of how the components of the PYP have been used
within the inquiry:
- learner profile - attitudes
- concepts - knowledge
- skills - action
 reflect on participation in the different stages of the exhibition.
 celebrate learning by presenting the exhibition to the school community.

Questions to Ask During Each Phase of the Process
Research/ Investigating
 Why did you choose these lines of inquiry?
 What connections have you made to the central idea?
 How are you doing with locating resources?
 Tell me what you have found out about your topic so far?
 What is something that I can do to help you?
 Can I help you think of more questions?

Synthesis/ Making Connections

 What have you learned about your topic?
 How is all your information connected?
 What is the “big idea” of what you learned from your inquiry?
 Is there any information that you are unsure about? How can you check that it is
 Can I help you access expert people from the field?
 Have you completed your inquiry or action plan? What do you need to do next?

The exhibition is an opportunity to assess students’ performance and understanding
throughout the PYP. Both students and teachers use rubrics and a variety of
assessment tools to assess both process and product throughout the exhibition.

Students will be graded according to:

Formative Assessment (Process)

 Social Skills
 Communication skills
 Thinking skills
 Research skills
 Self-Management skills
 Reflection
Summative Assessment (Product)
 Action
 Written Work
 Presentation – sharing research
 Presentation – evokes emotion
 Oral Presentation

Calendar and Key Dates
Dates In school process Parent’s support

October 16th Tuning In - What moves you

November 6th Narrowing down ideas

Creating lists of related concepts and matching our
Writing a central idea

November 16th Create a bank of resources with the school

to December

November 23rd PYPx – Information Meeting with Parents

Sharing process so far and setting expectations

February 5th to Explore bank of resources - select an issue, related

March 2nd concept and key concepts that connects. (forming

February 26th Writing lines of inquiry (2-3)

March 5th to Finding Out and Sorting out Support students in finding books or
March 16th Refining our central idea, lines of inquiry and guiding other resources at home.
Setting goals for research.

Researching in primary and secondary sources. Support students in finding primary


Analysis and synthesis of information gathered Support students in organizing ideas and
during the inquiry period thoughts.

March 16th to Sorting out Support students in organizing ideas and

March 23rd Students will revisit their inquiry questions to decide making connections.
if they still need to go further.

March 16th to Drawing conclusions Support students in stating the big ideas
March 23rd Work on final written piece about their Exhibition

March 26th to Planning and taking Action Support students in selecting their course
April 20th of action and justifying their reasoning.

April 16th to Planning our Presentation Support students in their presentation

April 27th Preparing how best to communicate the process skills
and new understandings

Final rehearsals and visuals Guiding pupils to think about the

presentation of their inquiry and action

May 8th - May Exhibition week Support and celebrate their

11th Share our new learning and growth to the achievements

May 2nd - May Final Reflection and Self Assessment Help pupils to reflect on their experience

The PYP 8 staff: Mrs. Weber, Mr. Hurst, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Cury, Mrs. Vieira, Mrs.
Feldman, Mrs. Amorim, Mrs. Vaz, Mrs. Alves, Mrs. Montesano, Mrs. Pires.

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