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BossKey is a simple virtual desktop program. Create hot-keys to switch between

the desktops and have one set of windows/applications on one and a different set
of windows/applications on another and flip between them instantly with a single
keypress. Up to 10 "virtual desktops" can be defined and windows can be designat
"always visible".
Run bosskey.exe.
To select a key combination that will show and hide this main BossKey window
click in the box labeled "Show this window" and press the key you want to use.
By default this is set to "Ctrl + Num +" (the Control key in combination with
the numeric keypad "+" key). Then click the "Apply" button next to this box.
To select a key combination that quickly switches between the current and
previously used desktop click in the box labeled "Switch current/last" and press
the key you want to use. By default this is set to "Ctrl + Num -" (the Control
key in combination with the numeric keypad "-" key). Then click the "Apply"
button next to this box.
To use multiple desktops, up to 10, select the desktop number from the drop-down
"Desktop #" list and click in the box next to it and enter the key to use for
that particular desktop number. Click the "Apply" button next to it to register
key. By default each desktop uses the numeric keypad numbers from 0 to 9 in
combination with the "Ctrl" key.
If you would like to switch between various desktops but always keep a certain
window visible on all the desktops, click in the box in the section labeled
"Always displays windows..." and type in a unique part of the title text from th
window you want to always show. For example, to always keep Internet Explorer
visible when switching desktops, type "Microsoft Internet Explorer" into the box
and click "Add". The text you type is case sensitive. To remove an item from thi
window list, select it from the drop down list and click remove.
When you are ready to use the BossKey virtual desktops, click "OK" and the windo
will disappear. You can now use any of the hot key combinations you have set up
switch between your desktops. To bring up the BossKey window again you should pr
the hotkey combination you assigned in the "Show this window" section. If, for s
reason you forgot the keys you used to show BossKey, find the file called BossKe
in the folder you extracted BossKey to (or use Search from the Start menu) and d
it and re-start the program.
To start BossKey without showing the initial window, append the text "/go" or
"-go" to the end of the command line that starts BossKey. For example, if you ha
placed BossKey in your Startup folder, find the shortcut icon to BossKey and
right-click on it. Select the Properties menu item and in the box labeled Target
add a space to the end of the line and then type "/go" (without the quotes). Now
BossKey will start in invisible mode (I hope you remembered the hotkey to show t
BossKey window!).
Nov 19th 2000
Version 2.00
o BossKey can now have up to 10 virtual desktops, each with it's own associated
hotkey. It still has the ability to toggle between the current and last deskt
with a separate hotkey.
o Added the ability to specify any number of windows that should be excluded fr
hiding. You enter a partial text string and if that text is contained in the
bar of any window (case sensitive) it will not be hidden.
o Fixed order of taskbar icons being reversed when switching desktops.

Version 1.06
o Window in 1.05 was resizable but should not have been.

Version 1.05
o Added a command-line parameter "/go" (or "-go") that will enable BossKey to
start without showing the window at all. Use this if you run the program from
startup shortcut and don't want to have to click "OK" every time you start yo
Version 1.04
o Fixed a bug that would occur if a window in the "hidden" desktop was closed
for some reason. An example would be if you were downloading something using
Internet Explorer and switched to the other desktop. If the download window c
after the download was done while being hidden, when you attempted to switch
to the Internet Explorer desktop nothing would be shown.
This software was written by Robin Keir and is distributed as freeware.
I take no responsibility for any damage or problems caused by using it
but I do welcome comments and suggestions.

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