English Conversation: (When The Administration Section Calls The Patient Queue Number)

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English Conversation

(When the administration section calls the patient queue number)

Admission : Queue no 21

Patient : Yes, me

Admission : Good morning, please sit down!

Patient : Good morning. Yes thank you

Admission : I need to collect your personal data

Patient : Yes of course

Admission : What is your complete name?

Patient : My name is Christiana Natalia

Admission : How old are you?

Patient : I am 20 years old

Admission : Where do you live?

Patient : I live in Banjar

Admission : Excuse me miss, are you here through the general patient line or using

Patient : I use insurance

Admission : Well miss, may I know what the name of the insurane is?

Patient : The insurance is BPJS

Admission : Ok. All data is complete, please can enter the doctor room

Patient : Yes, thank you

Admission : Your welcome

(Later patient knock on the door at doctor room’s)

Patient : Assalamualaikum

Doctor : Waalaikumsalam, please come in!

Patient : Yes doctor

Doctor : Please sit down!

Patient : Oh okey

Doctor : What is your problem?

Patient : I have problem fever and nauses

Doctor : How long have you had these symptoms?

Patient : About there days now

Doctor : Okey, first I’m going to check your vital sign. Please lie in the bed

Patient : Yes doctor

(5 minute later)

Doctor : Okey, I have finished checking your vital sign. The results your blood
pressure is 90/70 mmHg, your temperature is 38,20C, your respiration
18x/minute and your heart rate is 100x/minute

Patient : How must I do doctor?

Doctor : Next time I will give you medicine recive and you can take it in

Patient : Yes doctor

(Then doctor write medicine recive)

Doctor : Okey this is medicine recive. And get well soon

Patient : Okey, thanks doctor

Doctor : Your welcome

(Then, patient came to pharmacy for take medicine)

Patient : Sir, this is recive from doctor

Pharmacist : Wait, I am going to take the medicine

Patient : Yes sir

Pharmacist : This is medicine it name Paracetamol for to go down fever drink

3x1/day, and it is Ranitidin for relieve your nausea drink 2x1/day

Patient : Yes sir

Pharmacist : Okey get well soon

Patient : Thank you

Pharmacist : Your welcome

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