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A geologic recipe for transient slip within the seismogenic zone:

Insight from the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico

Allen Husker1, Luca Ferrari2, Claudia Arango-Galván1, Fernando Corbo-Camargo3, and Jorge Arturo Arzate-Flores2
Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Juriquilla 76230, Mexico
CONACYT–Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 76230 Juriquilla, Mexico

ABSTRACT Nishenko and Singh, 1987; Mogi, 2004; Espinosa-Aranda et al., 2009).
The largest-magnitude slow slip events (SSEs) in the world are Both gaps have SSEs, but those in Mexico are the largest-magnitude in
found to invade the seismogenic zone in the Guerrero seismic gap in the world, and reduce the slip in the Guerrero gap by 4× compared to the
Mexico. The Guerrero SSEs repeat within the same region every 4 rest of the seismogenic zone (Ozawa et al., 2002; Radiguet et al., 2012).
yr. Here we examine the geological and geophysical evidence for the Unlike in the Tokai gap, the recorded history of earthquakes in Guerrero
mechanism that allows for transient slip in the gap and at no other is limited to only ~200 yr, so the gap is defined by the subduction rate and
point along the >1000-km-long subduction zone. We find that long- the recurrence rate of large (M 7+) earthquakes along the plate boundary
lasting past magmatic activity most likely produced an imperme- (Nishenko and Singh, 1987). No large earthquake has occurred in the
able gabbroic layer in the lower crust within the gap. This body has Guerrero gap for >100 yr, whereas the typical recurrence interval is on
acted as a seal to trap fluids and over-pressurize the plate interface, the order of 30–60 yr for the rest of the plate boundary (Nishenko and
thereby generating a transient slip region allowing for SSEs to invade Singh, 1987). There were M 7+ earthquakes in the Guerrero gap in A.D.
the seismogenic zone. This suggests that transient slip can occur in 1899 and 1911, but their exact epicenters are poorly constrained (García
typically seismogenic regions, but requires special conditions. It also Acosta and Suárez Reynoso, 1996; UNAM Seismology Group, 2015). A
adds to the growing evidence that the Guerrero gap may have a lower recent study found that even now, average epicentral locations recorded
seismic hazard compared to the rest of the coast, which is opposite in global catalogs (>M 5) in the Mexican subduction zone are on average
to what is reported by government agencies. 26 km toward N54°E relative to those determined by local catalogs with
the denser local network (Hjörleifsdóttir et al., 2016).
INTRODUCTION The geometry of Mexico’s plate boundary allows for a detailed study of
Slow slip events (SSEs) are found to repeat within a given region in the gap and the SSEs there. It is the only place in the world where there is
a subduction zone. Commonly this is in the transition between the updip 1000 km of coastline within 100 km distance of the trench with a seismic
brittle zone, where earthquakes occur, and the downdip freely slipping gap in the middle. Large earthquakes (>M 7) have ruptured at least par-
ductile regime (Hyndman et al., 2015; Audet and Kim, 2016). Evidence tially beneath the coast (Fig. 1) so that characteristics of the seismogenic
suggests that a seal at the base of the crust just updip from the mantle zone can be measured from land-based studies. We take advantage of that
wedge tip traps fluids, creating very elevated pore fluid pressure, which to look for physical differences throughout the seismogenic zone of the
allows for transient slip as opposed to stable sliding or dynamic slip dur- plate interface that coincide with the gap by combining evidence from
ing earthquakes (Audet et al., 2009; Peacock et al., 2011). However, this seismotectonic analysis, magnetotelluric (MT) profiles, and the previ-
model does not explain the along-strike limits of SSE regions nor those ous magmatic history. The combined geophysical evidence allows us to
SSE regions that have been observed further updip on the plate interface determine the conditions that allow for transient slip in the seismogenic
within the seismogenic zone where megathrust earthquakes typically occur zone of the Guerrero gap and explore the implications for seismic hazard.
(Radiguet et al., 2012; Dixon et al., 2014; Wallace et al., 2016). An out-
standing question is, then, what geophysical conditions define the limits MULTI-TECHNIQUE EVIDENCE
of a SSE region. Brudzinski and Allen (2007) linked the limits of SSEs
with specific recurrence intervals to the overlying plate geology in Casca- Seismotectonics
dia. These limits are important for seismic hazard when SSEs are found All of the well-recorded earthquakes on the plate-plate interface are
within a megathrust earthquake region. Because geophysical conditions offshore within the gap, but extend onshore to either side (Fig. 1). The
seem to determine the type of slip, SSEs and earthquakes usually occur in trench-perpendicular extent of the seismogenic zone is then defined by
separate areas, and zones of SSEs have been used to ascertain the limits where thrust earthquakes are observed to either side of the gap. The
of megathrust earthquakes (e.g., Chapman and Melbourne, 2009; Beroza rupture of the recent A.D. 2014 Mw 7.3 Papanoa, Mexico, earthquake
and Ide, 2011; Dixon et al., 2014; Hyndman et al., 2015; Audet and Kim, initiated at the northwest edge of the gap, then traveled northwest away
2016). SSEs within the seismogenic zone may indicate purely transient from the gap (UNAM Seismology Group, 2015). However, its two larg-
slip, therefore limiting the region where megathrust earthquakes can occur. est aftershocks (Mw 6.5 and Mw 6.1) and their aftershock region lie away
It is particularly important to understand the role of SSEs in seismic from the Mw 7.3 event and exclusively offshore within the Guerrero gap
hazard in Guerrero, Mexico, where GPS evidence suggests that SSEs (Fig. 1). Their locations coincide with a band of thrust earthquakes on
are invading the seismogenic zone within a well-established seismic gap the interface recorded over a 13 yr period (Fig. 1, pink area) (Pacheco
(Singh et al., 1981; Radiguet et al., 2012). The Guerrero gap, like the Tokai and Singh, 2010). The earthquake locations were determined as part of
gap in Japan, is cited as the hazard that leads to the highest seismic risk a detailed earthquake (M 2.9–6.6) relocation and focal mechanism study
for the country due to its proximity to the capital, the megacity Mexico in Guerrero (Pacheco and Singh, 2010). Within the gap this band is lim-
City with >20 million inhabitants in the greater metropolitan area (e.g., ited to the updip, offshore area, whereas to the southeast of Acapulco,

GEOLOGY, January 2018; v. 46; no. 1; p. 35–38  |  Data Repository item 2018007  | |  Published online 16 November 2017
© |  Volume
2017 Geological 46  | ofNumber
Society America. |
1  For permission to copy, contact 35
Mexico Figure 1. Study area (red square, inset) in southern Mexico coast. Pro-
City -120
files P1–P4 are magnetotelluric profiles evaluated in this study, with
-100 triangles showing sounding locations. Solid black line outlines repeat-
ing slow slip event (SSE) region, with thick dashed line showing poorly
-80 constrained extent of SSEs (Radiguet et al., 2012). Thick green outline
is area of A.D. 2014 Mw 7.3 Papanoa, Mexico, earthquake determined by
-60 inverting teleseismic waves and static field (UNAM Seismology Group,
2015). Green star is epicenter of mainshock (UNAM Seismology Group,
North American Plate
2015). Small green circles are aftershocks recorded within 1 month of
mainshock, as determined by Mexican National Seismological Ser-
vice. Red stars are epicenters of the two largest aftershocks (northern
P2 Oaxaca
Gue P3
star, Mw 6.5; southern star, Mw 6.1) (UNAM Seismology Group, 2015)
Gap ro with associated aftershocks as red circles. Pink area is zone where
Acapulco thrust events were located at slip interface by a relocation and focal
-40 mechanism study (Pacheco and Singh, 2010). Large historical mega-
P4 thrust earthquakes (dotted gray lines) (Kostoglodov and Pacheco,
Mid 1999) and depth (km) of subducting slab (solid thin gray lines) (Ferrari
Am -20 et al., 2012) are also shown. The contours are a global model to show
Cocos Plate eric
a Tr
enc where the flat slab is in the region, but are not well constrained. More
Huatulco well-constrained slab interfaces are shown in Figure 2. Cream-colored
region represents Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. In inset, green line is
the coast, purple lines are the tectonic plate interfaces at the surface.

the band is found inland coinciding with the downdip extent of the large as well as a region to the east-southeast (P2, P3, P4) (Fig. 1). Soundings
megathrust earthquakes (Fig. 1). Many other small earthquakes were of profiles P2 and P4 were obtained in previous studies (Jödicke et al.,
found to be off of the interface within the gap, but those on the interface 2006; Arzate-Flores et al., 2016) but have been reexamined here, whereas
were limited to the pink region from Figure 1 (Pacheco and Singh, 2010). profiles P1 and P3 were obtained exclusively for this study. Ten sound-
Similarly, Audet and Kim (2016) found that earthquakes within six sub- ings for profiles P1 and P3 were measured using three MTU Phoenix
duction zones around the world tend not to be located on the interface in (Phoenix Geophysics) devices working simultaneously (Fig. 1), but one
regions of slow slip. This trend is not universal, as seismicity (1.8 ≤ M ≤ sounding from P3 was unusable due to noise in the measurement. Loca-
4.1) in Ecuador seems to be located directly on the SSE patch (Vallée et al., tion and measuring time depended on site availability and security. The
2013). However, the coincidence of the limit of the interplate earthquakes security limited the inland distance the new profiles could be extended.
with the Guerrero gap and the SSEs seems to define a region. The exact We have limited all profiles examined here to the same length to compare
updip extent of the SSEs is poorly constrained from GPS inversion due the same area, although the soundings from P2 and P4 extended much
to a lack of station coverage (Radiguet et al., 2012), so we suggest that further inland (Jödicke et al., 2006; Arzate-Flores et al., 2016). More
the limits of these events outline the limit of the transient slip zone, and information about the MT methodology and resolution is provided in
that the SSEs most likely end at the coast (Fig. 1). the GSA Data Repository1.
Figure 2 shows the results of the MT profiles and the slab interface as
Magnetotelluric Soundings deduced by seismic studies (Domínguez et al., 2006; Pérez-Campos et al.,
Magnetotelluric (MT) probes provide insights into the electrical con- 2008), except in profile P4 where it was deduced in an extended MT study
ductivity distribution in the crust and uppermost mantle, which can be (Fig. DR12 in the Data Repository; Arzate-Flores et al., 2016). Another
used as a proxy for certain phenomena observed in subduction zones receiver function study covering the area of profiles P3 and P4 was not as
such as fluid distribution, partial melting, magmatic and metamorphic
processes, plate locking, or subducted sediments (e.g., Jödicke et al., 2006; GSA Data Repository item 2018007, MT resolution details and supplementary

Wannamaker et al., 2014). We present four MT profiles running roughly figures, is available online at or
perpendicular to the coast and covering the center of the gap (profile P1) on request from

Figure 2. Magnetotelluric P1: In Gap P2: Edge of Gap P3: Far from Gap P4: Far from Gap
(MT) profiles, southern

Mexico coast (see Fig. 1 for


locations). Color scheme Gab

goes from resistive (cold bro
ic S
Depth (km)


[blue] colors) to conduc-

tive (hot [red] colors). Slab
interfaces (black line): The

interface in P1 comes from

earthquake relocations

(white dots) and P-wave

tomography recorded by

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
a temporary seismic net-
Distance from the coast (km) Distance from the coast (km) Distance from the coast (km) Distance from the coast (km)
work located within the
Guerrero seismic gap
(Domínguez et al., 2006).
The P2 slab interface was 1 3 10 25 70 150 400 900

determined from receiver functions recorded by a temporary dense (5 km station spacing) seismic line (Pérez-Campos el al., 2008). The slab
interface in P4 is explained in Figure DR12 in the Data Repository (see figure caption; see footnote 1). The slab interface in P3 is shown as in
P2, but it should be between P2 and P4 (which do not greatly vary) according to seismicity studies that indicate a gradual change in depth
between the two (Pardo and Suárez, 1995). P3 and P4 each have another sounding within 10 km of the right edge of the figure.

|  Volume 46  |  Number 1  |  GEOLOGY

dense, but it found similar depths to the slab interface where it coincided gabbroic plutons in the Guerrero gap. We suggest that the gabbroic lower
with those profiles (Rodríguez-Domínguez, 2016). Profiles P1 and P2, crust in the gap created a seal, trapping the downgoing fluids from the
located in the gap and on its edge, respectively, show high conductivity subduction zone within the slab. This elevates the pore fluid pressure and
below or near the plate interface. The opposite—high conductivity in the allows for SSEs. The forearc removal brought the plutons even closer to
overlying crust and none below the plate interface—is observed in P3 and the trench and allowed the SSEs to invade the seismogenic zone.
P4, located outside the gap. In the gap, the high-conductivity layer likely
indicates free fluids within the oceanic crust, capped by an impermeable DISCUSSION
seal. The widely favored explanation for slow slip transients in subduc- The evidence suggests that SSEs can partially invade the seismogenic
tion zones is that the capped free fluids are likely over-pressurized, which zone in the Guerrero gap due to fluids trapped beneath a highly resis-
lowers the normal stress allowing for the SSEs. This explanation coincides tive, thick gabbroic crust. The conditions that allow for transient slip
with our MT results in the seismic gap and the existence of the SSEs there. within the seismogenic zone are very specific and unusual. Magmatic
However, outside of the seismic gap, free fluids appear to be pervasive underplating lasted for ~45 m.y. in the gap, something that did not occur
in the upper plate, with no free fluids in the oceanic crust, suggesting a at any other point along the Mexican subduction zone. In addition, the
more permeable upper plate and the absence of fluid overpressure in the subsequent truncation of the margin and forearc removal (reviewed in
oceanic crust (consistent with a strong megathrust fault). This is also Ferrari et al., 2014) brought the gabbroic lower crust very close to the
seen in Figure DR12 where SSEs and tremors occur only where there is trench. The implication is that SSEs located within a seismogenic zone
evidence of fluids (high conductivity) trapped within the plate beneath are related to the conjunction of unusual geological processes that allow
the SSEs and tremors. for transient slip. There is no other point along the 1000+ kilometers of
the subduction zone where SSEs have been observed within the seismo-
Geology and Magmatic Evolution genic zone despite a GPS network along the coast that sits directly above
The structure of the subducting plate does not change significantly it. The magmatic intrusions that created this zone have been in place for
inside the gap. The age of the oceanic plate uniformly increases from the past 35 m.y. The evidence suggests that this is the only place where
west to east, being ca. 15 Ma in the gap area. Similarly, the volume of SSEs can occur in the seismogenic zone and that they are a permanent
incoming and subducting sediment slightly increases from west to east, feature of the subduction zone.
but is not anomalous in the gap (Manea and Manea, 2003). In turn, the This leads to the question of what this implies for seismic hazard. The
analysis of the magmatic evolution of the upper plate sheds light on the SSEs reduce slip by 4× within the gap (Radiguet et al., 2012). At the very
origin of the impermeable seal. From 90 Ma to 20 Ma, arc magmatism least, the return time for a large earthquake there should be 4× that of the
migrated 1200 km along the coast from west to east (Fig. 3) (Ferrari et rest of the coast, which means that the seismic hazard within the gap is
al., 2014). Along most of the coast, magmatism only lasted for ~10 m.y. much less than outside. The only two large earthquakes (M 7+) in the gap
However, in the region of the Guerrero gap magmatism started ~35 m.y. were poorly located events (UNAM Seismology Group, 2015). They may
before the eastward-migrating pulse arrived. In total, the Guerrero gap have occurred outside the gap or offshore within the region where smaller
region experienced ~45 m.y. of continuous magmatism compared to ~10 earthquakes are found on the interface (Fig. 1). The much better-studied
m.y. for the rest of the coastal belt. This persistent magmatic activity began 2014 Mw 7.3 earthquake started at the edge of the gap, and the current
in the Late Cretaceous–Paleocene with the emplacement of granitic to conditions (i.e., not enough accumulated strain in the gap or the transient
granodioritic bodies and continued in the Eocene with the emplacement slip region) propagated the rupture away from the gap. Then the two larg-
of geochemically distinct dry magmas and, particularly, a series of gab- est aftershocks occurred in the offshore small thrust earthquake region,
broic plutons near the coast (Ferrari et al., 2014). In other subduction 30–40 km from the Mw 7.3 epicenter and the rest of the aftershocks (Fig. 1).
zones, the occurrence of SSEs has been explained by the existence of We suggest that this behavior in the offshore region is due to the typical
an impermeable gabbroic lower crust (Katayama et al., 2012). Persistent strain buildup and dynamic slip release of the stick-slip cycle, but the
magmatism in western Guerrero between ca. 75 Ma and 30 Ma (and onshore transient slip region limits the dynamic earthquakes on the inter-
especially the dry Eocene magmatism) is likely to have produced a thick face. The lone case recorded thus far of a megathrust earthquake invading
gabbroic lower crust that coincides with the resistive lower crust seen in a SSE region was the Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki (Japan) earthquake, although
profile P1 (Fig. 2). According to Ferrari et al. (2014), the formation of a the exact dimensions of the SSE are unknown because it was measured
temporal slab window that opened in the gap region and was followed by by only a few stations (Ito et al., 2013). Perhaps the extremely large size
forearc removal in the late Oligocene–early Miocene explains why some of the earthquake allowed it to invade the transient slip zone. Nonethe-
magmatism moved along strike but another pulse persisted and produced less, the many other examples of the separation of SSEs and megathrust

Late Cretaceous - Tertiary magmatism of southern Mexico
80 G - Gap
Vallarta Trans-M 20º
70 exican Volcanic Figure 3. Magmatic activity
Belt of Mexican subduction zone
Age (Ma)

from available isotope ages

60 U-Pb
(modified from Ferrari et al.,
Ar-Ar 18º
Ixtapa G-Gap 2014) taken from near coast.
50 Rb-Sr Lavender area depicts mag-
matic pulse migrating along
40 Neogene volcanism 16º
coast. G-Gap—Guerrero
Gap; SSE—slow slip event
48 - 35 Ma gabbros described here and shown
Puerto 90 - 25 Ma magmatism in Figure 1.
Vallarta Ixtapa Acapulco 98º 96º
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Distance along the coast (km)

GEOLOGY  |  Volume 46  |  Number 1  | 37

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|  Volume 46  |  Number 1  |  GEOLOGY

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