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EST. AUG. 3, 1902 Knights of Columbus Council 697

A Matter of Trust Membership: an Honor and Our Duty

W hen I was 18, the thing I wanted
more than anything else was to M any words have been
imparted and talks given
on the issue of membership in the
have my Dad trust me. The days of lib-
eration came when he gave me the keys Knights of Columbus. I thought
to the car and even permission to leave it would be benefecial to reflect
town with it. I was proud, not because I a bit here on just how important
had a car, but that he trusted me. member recruitment is to our very
Trust is a difficult virtue. It means to future as a Council.
commit myself to the truth of another. Our Supreme Knight has
Before one can do this, he must believe properly stated that it is our
or have confidence in himself. When duty as Brother Knights to offer
membership in the Order to every 1907 headlines: things were booming
a person doesn’t believe in himself,
he rejects his own strengths and locks eligible practical Catholic man. sent teams out to talk to men at
himself in The term duty is employed for a Racine parishes. On just one day,

the prison of reason. Indeed, it is not just an they returned with more than 60
faithful obligation, but a moral imperative.
self-doubt, applications for membership.
which is re- friar’s We owe it to our fellow Catho- The best way for us to show
ally hard to focus lic men to offer the benefits of that we truly believe in the
escape. Only Knighthood. We owe it to our Knights of
when we make peace with ourselves, Council to provide the men to Columbus is
own up to our feelings and recognize carry our Order into the next to recruit a
our own limitations can we trust others. generation and beyond. new member.
When we trust in ourselves, we develop We need look no further for In August,
inspiration than to the Brother I received a
an attitude that is confident and positive,
Knights who went before us.
which enables us to look at life in a con- written sug- knight’s
structive way. God made us to discover At the Council 697 meeting on gestion from
April 18, 1907, 28 membership message
what is right about ourselves and to trust a Knight on
that discovery, so that what is best in us applications were read. Two weeks a prospect for
begins to emerge. earlier, nine applications were us to contact. Perfect! It has been
When people begin to trust us, we read. On May 2, 1907, seven done. We need more of the same.
begin to enlarge the lives of others by applications were read and nearly We have more than 108 years
believing in them. The only thing Jesus 30 others were approved. At the of legacy to draw from, but we
asks of us is “to believe in Him.” What time, the initiation fee was $10 also bear the weight of history.
he is saying is, “Trust me!” Trusting in and there was much more com- Our inheritance from councils
Jesus is responding with something more petition from fraternal lodges and past is a sacred one. Let us seek to
than just our minds. It is something civic societies. do it proud in the coming year.
more than just a feeling. Jesus doesn’t ask In the late 1940s, Grand Vivat Jesus!
for sophisticated intellects or overflow- Knight George H. Wheary Jr. — Joe Hanneman
ing hearts. He asks us to respond with
our total personality. It’s the kind of SEPT. 9 SEPT. 18 SEPT. 26
response that friends and lovers know;
that the commitment of oneself begins FRATERNAL PUNT, PASS PANCAKE
— Father Richard Molter
September 2010

‘That Man is You!’ starts Sept. 16 Punt, Pass & Kick held Sept. 18
An exciting men’s leadership program will be held Our annual Council 697 Punt, Pass & Kick compe-
for 13 weeks this fall at McGivney Hall. The first ses- tition will be held Sept. 18 at a new venue, the Racine
sion is Thursday, Sept. 16. Kaycee Limited and Council Youth Sports complex at Haban Park near Franksville.
697 will be host for the “That Man is You!” leadership Hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the park, 1330 Borgardt
program. The program Road, just off of Highway C about a half mile east of
has proven a great way to Highway V. Competition is open to boys and girls ages
recruit new Knights! Each 8 to 12. We will have a warm-up area and competition
of the weekly sessions runs staging areas.
90 minutes, split between Because the event is at the Racine Youth Sports park
breakfast, a DVD presenta- where other activities will be ongoing, we have poten-
tion and group discussions. tial for a large turnout for PPK. We need volunteers for
The fall sessions focus registration, measuring results, general supervision, etc.
on development of the Anyone available to work the event should contact Grand
Scriptural vision of man, Knight Joe Hanneman ( or Bill
especially as he relates to his family and society. The Frayer ( Winners will advance to
series runs every Thursday (except for Thanksgiving) district competition.
through Dec. 16. Start time is 5:45 a.m. with continen-
tal breakfast, followed by the program. To register for the
free series, contact our Worthy Lecturer, Mike Benner,
Special needs grants awarded
Checks totalling more than $4,600 have been distrib-
by e-mail ( or phone, 554-1367.
uted to four agencies that support people with intellectual
or other disabilities in our comunity. Council 697 raised
Fraternal benefits night is Sept. 9 the funds last spring
Make sure to attend the Sept. 9 Council 697 meet- as part of our annual
ing to hear our new general agent Tootsie Roll giveaway
describe the great fraternal benefits and fund drive. Grants
available from the Knights of Co- were provided to The
lumbus. The presentation by agent Arc of Racine, Racine
Ken Sosnowski will be informative County Opportunity
and entertaining, covering the latest Center, Developmental
news on insurance and financial Disabilities Informa-
products from the Knights of tion Service, and Ca-
Columbus. Our Order’s insurance reers Industries. Grant
program takes care of our families, totals were down this year in our area and statewide, in
and generates funds for Knights of part due to the economy.
Columbus charity around the world. Come learn more! Thanks to all Brother Knights, Ladies and family
members who helped with the 2010 fund drive. This con-
Round Table supports St. Rita tinues our more than 35 year effort to uplift and support
some of society’s most precious assets.
Thanks to the Council 697 Round Table at St. Rita
Catholic Church for staffing our game booth at the
St. Rita festival Aug. 20-22. Ten gentlmen worked the Charity card party set for Nov. 12
“roller bowler” game, one of the most popular booths Plan to participate or help out at our annual Charity
at the festival each year. Our volunteers included Jim Card Party, set for 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12 at the St. Lucy
Corona, Joe Hanneman, Victor Kendl, Dave Koker, Ken church hall. We need Brother Knights to sell raffle tickets,
Kortendick, Jim Marks, Germaine Suchla, Bob Sullivan recruit participants, put up fliers and staff the event. If
and Warner Williams. Our soon-to-be newest member, you can lend a hand, contact Steve Jansta (554-6376),
Richard Sertuche, also volunteered time at the booth. Tom Goetz (878-4260), Rollie Dretzka (554-8841) or
Thanks to Bob Sullivan for coordinating our presence at Dave Poisl (859-2936). This is a major charity fundraiser
the festival. for the Council, so let’s all help by supporting it!


September 2010

Memorial Mass will be Nov. 6 Coats for Kids sponsors needed

The annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass for We need Brother Knights to sponsor a child or a
departed Knights and Ladies will be held at 6:30 p.m. family to help launch this year’s Knights of Columbus
Saturday, Nov. 6 at St. Lucy Catholic Church. Father Coats for Kids program. You can sponsor a child for just
Mark Jones will be the presider. $15 or a family for $45. We will be placing our order for
We will gather to remember and pray for Knights and new coats in late October and we’d like to order as many
Ladies who died as possible. Last season the demand quickly outstripped
over the past year, our supply. Bring a check to the Council 697 meeting or
and remember contact GK Joe Hanneman at 886-9087.
those who have
died over the District Deputy news and notes
more than 108
Officer Installation – Thanks to all who participated
years of Council
or in any way helped to make our officer installation on
697 history.
Aug. 15 a success, especially my District Warden, Bill Pin-
This year we
now. Almost 100 were there and it went very well – both
will add a special
the Third Degree and Fourth Degree programs. Thanks to
feature to our
Eastern District Master Sir Knight Carl Duch for leading
annual remembrance. For several years we’ve been de-
the Fourth Degree ceremony!
veloping a memorial honor roll encompassing deceased
First, Second Degrees – We should have candidates
Knights from 1902 up to the current day. Containing
from Racine, Kenosha and Twin Lakes for the First/Sec-
what will eventually be thousands of names, the book
ond Degree exemplifications at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16
will be present during the Mass.
at McGivney Hall. Plan to be there!
Plan to be at this special event Nov. 6.
Third Degree – A Third Degree exemplification is
scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 14 at Sacred Heart
School of Theology in Hales Corners. Details to follow.
Strive to be better Christians Diocesan Meeting – Sacred Heart in Hales Corners
puts on an excellent lunch and a number of us will be
My Dear Brother Knights,
there for the diocesan meeting on Sunday, Sept. 12. Arch-
As we go through life, let us be satisfied with what we bishop Jerome Listecki is slated to receive a $12,000 check
are. However, we should become better in the future. from the Penny a Knight a Day contributions. The money
I am satisfied that I am a priest. In fact, I am happy. will be used for Catholic education. If you’d like to attend
My only concern is to become a better priest. Although I the luncheon, contact me,
am retired, nevertheless I am continuing my priesthood Vocations Convention – Knights are being asked
by being a chap- to help provide transportation for arriving priests Sept.
lain of the Knights 11-13 for the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation
Words of Columbus, a Directors being held in Milwaukee. If you can provide
of good Catholic rides from Mitchell International Airport to Milwaukee
Wisdom organization. hotels, contact Immediate Past State Deputy Roland Ran-
So I am asking som II ( or 262-363-4099) or DD
Rt. Rev. Msgr.each member to 64 Patrick Reiff ( or 414-327-0821).
Stanley B. Twin Lakes Fundraiser – Council 6554 Twin Lakes is
become a better
Witkowiak co-sponsoring a fundraiser for the American Foundation
Christian, parish-
ioner and Knight for Suicide Prevention at New Munster Ball Park from
of Columbus. Attend meetings and take part in pro- noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 5. The event includes
grams sponsored by the Knights. You will be doing a lot music, an auction, raffle and food. Tickets are $10.
for God and Country. St. Mary’s Corp Communion – Council 14362 at St.
This is my hope and prayer. Mary’s in Kenosha is organizing a Corporate Communion
Sept. 25-26 and they are inviting other councils in the
[From the April 1988 issue of The Compass]
district to join in. More information to come.


September 2010

Notes from the Third Degree Notes from the Fourth Degree
Thanks to the Brother Knights and Ladies who at- Sir Knights, remember to attend our first business
tended our Founder’s Day remembrance of PGK Martin meeting of the 2010-11 fraternal year at 7:30 p.m.
J. Gillen on Aug. 2 at Calvary Cemetery. Monday, Sept. 27 at McGivney Hall. We need you there
Some 40 Knights, Ladies and family attended our an- to help plan for a successful year! Officers should plan to
nual Family BBQ on Aug. 26 at McGivney Hall. We had arrive at 6:30 p.m.
wonderful weather, great food and a We continue our work on the flag
good time for everyone. Hope to see retirement/replacement program, Keep
many more of you next year! Christ in Christmas, Get out the Vote,
Many Knights and families veterans support and other projects.
helped out to make the parish fes- New ideas are always welcome. Contact
tivals at St. Rita and Sacred Heart a Faithful Navigator Jim Sisak, jsisak@
success. Thank you!
About 40 Knights, Ladies and The Tri-Assembly Formal will be
family participated in our Corporate
RAC IN E , WI S CO N S I N held at the Kenosha Country Club on
Communion Aug. 29 at St. Lucy. Saturday evening, Nov. 20. This year’s
The Fourth Degree Honor Guard, a great brunch catered event is hosted by Assembly 1201. The
by the Heck family and an informative program from event will include great food, music and
the Archdiocesan Office for Vocations helped make a dancing. This year’s honoree is a 100-year-old Sir Knight
great event in spite of the heat. from Assembly 1201.
There will be a Fourth Degree Western District exem-
Baseball outing for homeless vets plification Saturday, Oct. 30 in Plover, Wis. The exempli-
Sir Knights from Msgr. Anthony G. Weiler Assembly fication is set for 12:30 p.m. along with a Ladies program.
1207 treated a group of homeless veterans from Union Mass will be at 4 p.m. and the banquet at 6:30 p.m. Third
Grove to a baseball game at Beaumont Field in Burl- Degree members interested in joining the Fourth Degree
ington. The group was treated royally by the Beaumont at this exemp should contact Jim Sisak or Bill Frayer. The
Field committee with a tailgate party and free admis- Eastern District exemplification will be in April 2011.
sion. One of the vets was asked to throw out the first Thanks to Sir Knight John Shelby for organizing the
pitch. It was a great event, enjoyed by the vets and our August gathering at Infusino’s. Forty Sir Knights and their
Sir Knights. Thanks to John Clark, John Corvelyn, John Ladies, along with Father Molter and Father Jones, had a
Ramaker, Bill Pinnow and Bob Sullivan for their help. very enjoyable time on Aug. 23.
Special thanks go to Sir Knight Tom Goetz for the idea
and organizing the whole event. Great job! Kaycee Limited monthly report
Thanks to everyone who pitched in at the old hall as
Ushers still needed for Holy Hill we continue our transition into McGivney Hall. John
Tom Goetz can still use help ushering at the 9 a.m. Shelby organized several flea market sales. A crew in-
Mass on Sunday, Sept. 12 at the basilica of Holy Hill at cluding Bill Frayer, Matt Nelson and son, Jim Sisak, Joe
Hubertus, Wis. Assembly 1207 annually holds an usher- Hanneman and
ing day at Holy Hill. Third or Fourth Degree Knights are Kaycee Limited Inc. daughters did a
major organiz-
welcome to participate. If you can help, call Tom at 878-
4260. A luncheon at the Sawmill Restaurant will follow ing and clean-
the 12:30 p.m. Mass. ing project.
All the work helped put the building in shape to show to
prospective buyers. We continue talks with several pos-
Reserve an Entertainment® Book sible buyers. Let’s all pray for success in completing the
Make sure to reserve your Entertainment® Books, hall sale.
being sold again this year as a fund-raiser. For $35, you The Kaycee Limited board will be discussing a pro-
get a book full of valuable coupons and offers worth cedure for scheduling events at St. Lucy Parish. Board
thousands of dollars. To reserve a book, send an e-mail to president Bill Wehnert is the contact for anyone wishing or call Rollie Dretzka at 554-8841. to use St. Lucy’s church hall for a K of C event.
September 2010

Serra Club to honor Missureli Ladies of Columbus report

The Racine Serra Club will honor Deacon Russ Mis- Thanks to all who baked, donated money or helped
sureli, a Fourth Degree Sir Knight, at the 17th Annual with setup or takedown for our annual bake sale. We
Religious Appreciation Night being held Tuesday, Oct. raised $615. Without your help, the sale would not have
19 at Roma Lodge. been such a success. Wonderful job done by all!
The event begins Thanks to Joyce Junge, Carol Brown, Ann Wehnert,
with Mass at 5 p.m., Barb Pippenger, Gail Otwaska and Delores Pinnow for
followed by a short stepping up to become our new board for the upcoming
reception, dinner and year. Keep in mind: Oct. 3, Life Chain at the northwest
a program. Tickets corner of Highways 20 and 31, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
cost $20 per person.
Tickets will not be sold at the door, so get yours now. For Dartball gears up for new season
reservations or more information, contact John Murphy
New players are needed for the upcoming dartball
at 681-2690 or Bob Miller at 886-4699.
season that begins in September. This year, we’ll play
home games at St. John Nepomuk. Games are held on
St. Ed’s pancake breakfast set Tuesday evenings (practice 6:30, game time 7:00). The
Council 697 will run a pancake breakfast Sunday, first practice will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 7 at St. John
Sept. 26 to close out the fall festival at St. Edward Cath- Nepomuk. See the calendar on Page 6 for the September
olic Church. The event will run from 8:30 a.m. to noon. and October dates of play. For more information, call
The Knights will provide Warner Williams at 633-1586.
materials and labor and
split proceeds with the Life Savers® for Life in October
parish. It’s a great way We’re starting a program in October to provide fund-
to raise money for our ing for pro-life programs. We will run a “Life Savers® for
charity programs while Life” drive after all Masses Oct. 9 and 10. The program is
having fun and serving similar to the Tootsie Roll drive, except we use packets of
the Catholic commu- gummi Life Savers as the hand-out. Proceeds will be used
nity. Knights, Ladies and families are urged to lend a for pro-life programs such as the Alpha Center, Project
hand. For more information or to volunteer, contact Bill Rachel and the annual Teens for Life leadership camp.
Frayer, John Shelby, Rollie Dretzka or Herb Spalla.

Racine’s Fourth Degree Honor Guard leads a procession of some 500 Knights down College Avenue
Looking Back to open the K of C 1954 state convention. Council 697 Grand Knight Anthony Drewek (at right)
shakes hands with Notre Dame head football coach Terry Brennan at the convention banquet.
September 2010


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 1 2
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29 30 24/ 25 26 27 28 29 30

06 Labor Day, national holiday (fly your flag proudly!) 03 Life Chain, NW corner of Hwys 31 & 20, 1:30 p.m.
07 Dartball practice, 7:00 p.m., St. John Nepomuk 04 Kaycee Ltd. board, McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m.
07 Kaycee Ltd. board, McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m. 05 Dartball at Christ Church, 6:30 p.m.
08 Council 697 officers mtg., McGivney Hall, 6:30 p.m. 07 That Man is You!, McGivney Hall, 5:45 a.m.
09 Council 697 business mtg., McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m. 09 Life Savers for Life drive after all Masses
Fraternal Benefits Night, Be Sure to Attend! 10 Life Savers for Life drive after all Masses
10 Anniversary of the death of Msgr. Anthony G. Weiler 11 Columbus Day (honor our patron, fly your flag!)
11 K of C World Day of Prayer for Peace 12 Dartball vs. St. Patrick, @St. John Nepomuk, 6:30 p.m.
12 Diocesan meeting, Hales Corners, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 14 That Man is You!, McGivney Hall, 5:45 a.m.
12 Ushering at Holy Hill, 9:30, 11, 12:30 Masses 14 Council 697 officers mtg., McGivney Hall, 6:30 p.m.
14 Dartball vs. St. Joseph, @St. John Nepomuk, 6:30 p.m. 14 Council 697 business mtg., McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m.
16 That Man is You!, McGivney Hall, 5:45 a.m. 19 Serra Club dinner, Roma Lodge, 5:00 p.m.
16 1st/2nd Degree exemp, McGivney Hall, 7:00 p.m. 21 That Man is You!, McGivney Hall, 5:45 a.m.
18 Punt, Pass & Kick Competition, Haban Park near 21 1st/2nd Degree exemp, McGivney Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Franksville, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 25 Assembly 1207 meeting, McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m.
21 Dartball vs. St. John, @St. John Nepomuk, 6:30 p.m. 26 Dartball vs. St. John, @St. John Nepomuk, 6:30 p.m.
23 Deadline for October Compass articles
28 That Man is You!, McGivney Hall, 5:45 a.m.
23 That Man is You!, McGivney Hall, 5:45 a.m.
28 Ladies of Columbus meeting, McGivney Hall, 7 p.m.
23 Ladies of Columbus meeting, McGivney Hall, 7:00
28 Council 697 social meeting, McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m.
23 Council 697 social meeting, McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m.
25 St. Edward fall festival, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

25 St. Robert Bellarmine festival with rib dinner, 11 a.m.
to 11 p.m., Union Grove
25 Fourth Degree Eastern District semi-annual meeting, Knights of Columbus Council 697

Published 12 times per year by Msgr. S.B. Witkowiak Council 697

Winneconne, 9 a.m. to noon McGivney Hall, 2516 Winthrop Ave., Racine, Wisconsin 53403
26 K of C / St. Ed’s pancake breakfast fund-raiser, 8:30
Editor ....................................................................... Bill Frayer
a.m. to noon, St. Edward fall festival
Chaplain ............................................Rev. Richard Molter
27 Assembly 1207 officers, McGivney Hall, 6:30 p.m. 3rd Degree ................... Joe Hanneman, Stan Fortuna
4th Degree .....................................Jim Sisak, John Shelby
27 Assembly 1207 meeting, McGivney Hall, 7:30 p.m.
History.................................. Joe Hanneman, Bill Frayer
28 Dartball vs. Epiphany, @St. John Nepomuk, 6:30 p.m. Kaycee Limited ....................... Bill Wehnert, Jim Marks
30 That Man is You!, McGivney Hall, 5:45 a.m. Ladies of Columbus ...........Joyce Junge, Terry Smith


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