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UGC-CSIR: Model Examination

Duration:2 Hrs 100 Marks

1. For a thermodynamic system, work done in a process depends upon

(a) the path (b) state of the system (c) external pressure (d) nature of the system

2. One mole of a perfect gas expands adiabatically. As a result of this, its pressure, temperature and volume change
from P1 , T1 , V1 to P2 , T2 , V2 respectively. If molar specific heat at constant volume is Cv , then the work done by the
gas is

P12 V12 −P22 V22

(a) 2.303P1 V1 log VV12 (b) RT1 log VV21 (c) R(T2 −T1 )
(d) Cv (T1 − T2 )

3. A system consists of 1024 atoms and is at a temperature of 300 K. Assuming that there is no interatomic energy in
the system, its total internal energy is

(a) 12.4 KJ (b) 12.4 J (c) 4.12 KJ (d) 4.12 J

4. In an isothermal change, the internal energy of ideal gas is

(a) may increase or de- (b) does not change (c) increases (d) decreases

5. A system A interacting with a reservoir R undergoes a reversible transformation of its thermodynamics state. If
∆SA is the change of entropy of A and ∆SR that of R during the transformation, then in general

(a) ∆SA = ∆SR = 0 (b) ∆SA = ∆SR (c) ∆SA = −∆SR (d) ∆SA = 0, ∆SR > 0

6. The function which remains constant if thermodynamic process is carried out isobarically and isothermally is called

(a) Internal energy (b) Gibbs function (c) Helmholtz function (d) Enthalpy

7. Which of the following gives volume, V

(a) ∂G
∂P (b) ∂U
∂V (c) − ∂G
∂T (d) ∂U

8. In an isobaric process the heat intake or release in a thermodynamic system is equal to the change in

(a) Helmholtz free energy (b) Gibbs free energy (c) Enthalpy (d) Internal energy

9. Consider a gas contained in a box at a pressure P and temperature T having entropy S. If the box is divided into
two parts of volume V1 and V2 with corresponding entropies S1 and S2 then S − (S1 + S2 ) is

(a) > 0 (b) < 0 (c) = 0 (d) None of these

10. Assume that the heat capacity at constant volume of a metal varies as aT +bT 3 at low temperatures. The temperature
dependence of entropy is given by

(a) aT + bT 3 (b) a + bT 2 (c) aT + 3b T 3 (d) aT 2 + bT 4

11. An ideal diatomic gas (of γ = 5/3) is expanded adiabatically so that its volume is doubled. By what ratio is its
temperature reduced in this process

(a) 2 (b) ( 21 )1/3 (c) ( 12 )2/3 (d) ( 12 )5/3

12. The isothermal compressibility − V1 ∂V

∂P of one mole van der Waals gas as a function of temperature and volume is (a
and b are constants in the van der Waals equation of state)

(a) V 2 (V − b)/(RT V 2 − a(V − b)) (c) V 2 (V − b)2 /(RT V 3 − 2a(V − b))

(b) V (V − b)2 /(RT V 2 − 2a(V − b)) (d) V 2 (V − b)2 /(RT V 3 − 2a(V − b)2 )

13. An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal expansion (at a constant temperature T ) from an initial volume V1 to a final
volume V2 . The change in the entropy per mole is

(a) R(V1 /V2 ) (b) R ln |V1 − V2 | (c) R ln(V1 /V2 ) (d) R ln(V2 /V1 )

14. Which of the following integrals depends only on the initial and final states of a thermodynamic system (i.e.,
independent of the path of transformation)
T 2 dS
(a) P dV (b) dQ (c) T (d)

15. When 100g ice at 0◦ C melts, the change in entropy in cal/K is about (Take latent heat of fusion (melting) as
80 cal/g)

(a) 29.3 (b) zero (c) 0.34 (d) 39.2

16. When heat Q flows into a monoatomic gas, the volume increases keeping the pressure constant. The fraction of the
heat energy used for the gas expansion is:

(a) 1/3 (b) 1/5 (c) 2/3 (d) 2/5

17. To a pure substance undergoing an infinitesimal reversible process. Which of the following relations is not a Maxwell

(a) ( ∂V )S = −( ∂P
∂S )V (b) ( ∂P ∂V
∂T )V = ( ∂S )P (c) ( ∂P ∂S
∂T )V = ( ∂V )T
(d) ( ∂P )S = ( ∂V
∂S )P

18. One mole of a monoatomic perfect gas is initially at a constant temperature of T0 . It expands from a volume V0 to
2V0 under constant pressure. The heat absorbed by the gas is:

3 5
(a) RT0 (b) 2RT0 (c) 2 RT0 (d) 2 RT0

19. Each of the two isolated vessels A and B of fixed volumes contain N molecule of perfect monoatomic gas at a
Pressure P . The temperature of A and B are T1 and T2 respectively. The two vessels are brought into thermal
contact. At equilibrium the change in entropy is
h 2 2i h i
T1 +T2 (T1 +T2 )2
(a) 3/2N KB ln 4T T
1 2
(c) 3/2N K B ln 4T T
1 2

(b) N KB ln( TT12 ) (d) 2N KB

20. Consider an ideal gas whose entropy is given by
nh U Vi
S= σ + 5Rln + 2Rln
2 n n
where n =number of moles, R =universal gas constant, V =volume and σ =constant. The specific heat at constant
volume is given by

5 1 3 9
(a) 2 nR (b) 2 nR (c) 2 nR (d) 2 nR

21. The free energy of a gas of N particle in a volume V and at a temperature T is

F = N KB T ln[a0 V (KB T )3/2 /N ]

where a0 is a constant and KB denote the Boltzmann’s constant. The internal energy of the gas is

(a) 3/2N KB T (c) N KB T ln[a0 V (KB T )3/2 /N ] − 3/2N KB T

(b) 5/2N KB T (d) N KB T ln[a0 V (KB T )3/2 ]

22. The Vander Waals equation of state for a gas is given by

(P + )(V − b) = RT
where P, V, and T represent the pressure, Volume and temperature respectively, and a and b are constant parameters.
At the critical point, where all the roots of the above cubic equation are degenerate, the temperature is given by

a 8a a
(a) 9b (b) 27bR (c) 27b2 (d) 3b

23. If the equation of state for a gas with internal energy U is P V = 1/2U then the equation for an adiabatic process is

(a) P V 1/3 =Constant (b) P V 4/3 =Constant (c) P V 3/2 =Constant (d) P V 5/3 =Constant

24. For a particular thermodynamic system the entropy S is related to the internal energy U and volume V by

S = CU 3/4 V 1/4

where C is a constant. The Helmholtz free energy F = U − T S for this system is

4/3 4/3
S S 4/3
(a) 0 (b) − 3C 4/3 V 1/3
(c) − 3C4S
4/3 V 1/3 (d) 3C 4/3 V 1/3

25. The efficiency of a Carnot cycle is 1/6 on reducing the temperature of the sink by 65◦ C the efficiency increases to
1/3, then the temperate of the source is

(a) 325K (c) 390K

(b) 373K (d) 0K

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