SECOND UNIT TEST (2016-2017) : Write Your Name and Roll Number. Answer All The Questions. Write Neatly With Pen

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SECOND UNIT TEST (2016-2017)

Subject: Islamic Studies Grade: IX Student Name:

Date: 13/10/16
Duration: 90 min Roll Number :
Facilitator: VP Approval: Invigilator’s sign:
Total: /50
Sr. Saleema
Examiner’s sign:
S.G. Mohammed Hussain

Second Unit Assessment Assessment Type: Written

Question Instructions:
 Write your name and roll number.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write neatly with pen.


1. First migration to _______________________ was made in the fifth year of Prophethood.

2. _______________________ was the king of Abyssinia.

3. A group of ______________men and ______________ women made the first migration.

4. The group of emigrants in the second migration comprised of ___________men and ___________


5. _________________________________addressed the king to explain about their religion. He also

recited the opening verses of Surah _____________________.

6. ________________________ and __________________________ conversions to Islam marked a

turning point in the history of Islam.


1. What was Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] commanded to do by Allah [swt] in surah Al-

Muddaththir? [3]

2. What is the purpose of Dar-al-Arqam? [3]

3. Describe the tortures faced by Kabbab ibn Al-Aratt [r.a]. [3]

4. What were the attempts made by pagans to stop the message of Islam? [3]

5. How did the pagans try to pressure Abu Talib and what was his reaction? [3]
SECOND UNIT TEST (2016-2017)
6. Who approached the Prophet [pbuh] on behalf of the Quraish to make negotiations and what did

he offer? [3]

7. Give the reasons for the revelation of Surah Al-Kafiroon. [3]

8. What did king Negus of Abyssinia tell the Quraish man after he was told the truth? [3]

9. In which year of the prophethood did the social boycott from the Quraish start and how long did

it last. [2]

10. Describe the hardships faced by the prophet and his companions during the year of the boycott.


11. Who initiated the dissolution of the pact of boycott? [1]

12. How did the pact of boycott dissolve? [3]

13. Reflecting upon the incident of boycott, what are you willing to sacrifice in the way of Allah. [3]

14. Name atleast three incidents that inspire you to stay steadfast on the deen of Allah. [3]

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