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Methodolgy Adopted

For our project the methodology that we have choosen is Descriptive Checklist
Method. The Satelletite Launch Program has a huge impact on various
environmental parameter and since it is such a high investment and high
importance project for a country, environmental effects of this should be given in
detail so that the appropriate precautionary measures should be taken. For every
parameter both short term as well as long term effect has to be there.

Descriptive Checklist Method: It aim to provide all the relevant issues whether
high importance or low importance for the purpose of identification and scoping.
It includes identification of environmental parameterand guidelines on how
parameter and data are to be measured. Descriptive checklist is more helpful in
planning and conducting if more than one checklists are there for the specific
project. Checklists provide a structured approach for identifying key impacts of
environmental factors that is considered for study. Checklists can be easily
modified which means various items can be added or deleted to make them
specific for particular project type or to a specific location at which the project is
carried. In this method documentation is must in order to rationalise key factors
and their impacts and ranking are provided in order to give the highest prefernce
for the most importanat parameter. For this factor-impact quantification and
comparison w.r.t standards are much relevant.
We have consider 4 major parameter for EIA. These are as follows:

 Air Quality
 Water Quality
 Noise Quality
 Sonic Boom

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