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Sandy Ashraf

43, Suzanne Mubarak Street, Hadayeq Al-Qubba, Cairo, Egypt

01003890717 |


Hiring Manager
Malvern College
B2-B3 South Ring Road, Investment Zone Kattameya, Cairo, Egypt

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a Biophysics student in my senior year, the moment I stumbled upon your ad on

Facebook, i started enthusiastically writing you concerning the job of a science lab
technician. I will be available for the job on your starting date, August 2016.

After spending hours on my senior project (The effect of encapsulating Potassium Diclofenac
in Chitosan Nanoparticles in drug release), I’ve dealt with almost all lab equipment and
enhanced my teamworking skills. Also, giving lab seminars taught me to interact with
students and demonstrate any difficult parts if needed, which makes me fit for the job.

British education system is one of the greatest education systems worldwide and I’m sure
Malvern College is going to be one of the most important schools in changing the future of
Egypt which I’d like to take part in. so please take a moment to review my resume.
I can currently be reached at the above e-mail to discuss the date and time of our meeting
which I look forward to.

Thank you for your consideration.


Sandy Ashraf

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