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British Constitution

Question no.1

Discuss the Salient Features of British Constitution (1999)?

1. Introduction:
“The English Constitution has made a great circuit of the globe and has become a common
possession of civilized man.”

2. Salient Features of U.K Constitution:

Following are the salient features of the U.K Constitution.
1) Unwritten:
The British Constitution is unwritten in nature but it does not imply that all of its parts are
unwritten. It means that it has not been reduced to writing in a single document.
2) Flexible Constitution:
British constitution is a flexible Constitution and parliament can amend it. Like alteration
in the statutory laws by a simple majority.
3) Unitary:
Britain has a unitary Constitution. All powers of the state are concentrated in the hands of
a single government for the whole country. There are no units or state in Britain.
4) Supremacy of the parliament:
In U.K., Parliament has complete Supremacy or sovereignty, No law enacted by the can be
challenged in the court on the plea that is against the constitution.
5) Constitution Monarchy:
From Constitution point of view, the crown is the repository of the entire Government or
authority in Britain.
6) Collective responsibility:
Ministers must stand together and they cannot oppose the government policy. Every
minister is also responsible to the House of Commons and the Crown.
7) Independence of Judiciary:
Necessary safeguards have been provided against all sorts of interference in judicial
process. Judges are paid liberal and ensured security of services.
8) Rule of Law:
U.K Constitution provides rule of law. The principle of rule of law may be defined as that
none of the person is above the law. All the persons are equal in the eyes of law.
9) Fundamental Rights:
The U.K Constitution has been provided fundamental right for the people of U.K
fundamental rights are equal.
10) Two party System:
Two party system is flourished in Britain right from the beginning of the parliamentary
period. Before the emergence of the present labour party in the second decay of the present
century, the fight was between the conservatives and the liberal party, but now the liberal
party has lost its political significance.
11) Mixed Constitution
The British Constitution is a mixture of the monarchical, aristocratic and democratic
12) Establishment of Local Government Institutions:
The Existence of local Governments in U.K Constitution is another comprehensive feature
of the constitution. Local Governments institutions are symbols of the civil liberties and
freedom of the people.
13) Unreality:
Another Characteristic of the English Constitution is its unreality. It has rightly been pointed
out that nothing in it is what it seems or seems what is.
14) Conclusion:
The U.K Constitution is flexible and mixed Constitution two party system. The U.K
Constitution provides an independent and provides rule of law for every kind of man.

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