Step by Step Dus Integration

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1- Connect DUS Splitter to LMT port in the DUS

2- Connect a serial to USB cable from Port LMT A at the splitter to client usb port.

3- Open a hyper terminal (Eg: TerraTerm)

4-Put the DUS in backup mode:

$ reload --

OSE Delta PowerPC/BL410393

Welcome to OSE Shell ose5.5.

Start of @(#)CXC1731599 R2A13 2012-02-17 09:46:41 GMT

Plug-in Unit Product Name: DUS4101
Plug-in Unit Product No: KDU137624/1
Plug-in Unit Product rev: R3C
Plug-in Unit Product Date: 20120903
Plug-in Unit Product Serial: C826325559
Ethernet MAC_address 0: 0x9055AE526F8D
RAM size: 2048 Mbytes

Stop due to remain in basic/backup set

5-Format both drive D and C2

$ formathd /d
All data on volume will be destroyed. Continue? y/n (n):y

Formatting Hard Disk...

$ reload --

OSE Delta PowerPC/BL410393

Welcome to OSE Shell ose5.5.

Start of @(#)CXC1731599 R2A13 2012-02-17 09:46:41 GMT

Plug-in Unit Product Name: DUS4101
Plug-in Unit Product No: KDU137624/1
Plug-in Unit Product rev: R3C
Plug-in Unit Product Date: 20120903
Plug-in Unit Product Serial: C826325559
Ethernet MAC_address 0: 0x9055AE526F8D
RAM size: 2048 Mbytes

Stop due to remain in basic/backup set

$ formathd /c2
All data on volume will be destroyed. Continue? y/n (n):y

Formatting Hard Disk...

$ reload --

OSE Delta PowerPC/BL410393

Welcome to OSE Shell ose5.5.

Start of @(#)CXC1731599 R2A13 2012-02-17 09:46:41 GMT

Plug-in Unit Product Name: DUS4101
Plug-in Unit Product No: KDU137624/1
Plug-in Unit Product rev: R3C
Plug-in Unit Product Date: 20120903
Plug-in Unit Product Serial: C826325559
Ethernet MAC_address 0: 0x9055AE526F8D
RAM size: 2048 Mbytes

Stop due to remain in basic/backup set

6- Set IP

$ ifconfig le0 netmask

$ ifconfig
le0: inet netmask broadcast

Connect Ethernet cable to Port LMT B at the splitter to Ethernet Port at client
Turn of anti-virus/Symantec
Change laptop IP to the following:
7- FTP Basic Package

Connect to DUS using FTP and transfer directory /c2 and /d of the basic package
CXP9021502%16_R21CK to directory /c2 and /d of the DUS. Do ensure your transfer
mode set to Binary
8- Activate Basic Package

$ reload

OSE Delta PowerPC/BL410393

Welcome to OSE Shell ose5.5.

Start of @(#)CXC1731599 R2A13 2012-02-17 09:46:41 GMT

Plug-in Unit Product Name: DUS4101
Plug-in Unit Product No: KDU137624/1
Plug-in Unit Product rev: R3C
Plug-in Unit Product Date: 20120903
Plug-in Unit Product Serial: C826325559
Ethernet MAC_address 0: 0x9055AE526F8D
RAM size: 2048 Mbytes

BoardMgr: Starting Configuration Version: basic_cv

CM State: Fallback (own)
Copying new boot image to flash..
Image copied suÿ

OSE Delta PowerPC/BL410512

Start of @(#)CXC1731602 R79X10 2012-06-18 07:54:20 GMT

Plug-in Unit Product Name: DUS4101

Plug-in Unit Product No: KDU137624/1
Plug-in Unit Product rev: R3C
Plug-in Unit Product Date: 20120903
Plug-in Unit Product Serial: C826325559
Ethernet MAC_address 0: 0x9055AE526F8D
RAM size: 2048 Mbytes

BoardMgr: Starting Configuration Version: basic_cv

CM State: NormalActive (own), Undefined (peer), peer supa=0xffffffff
Component rtrdb (V08.05.0000 (PATCH-A)/OSE-powerpc EMBEDDED)
Copyright (C) 1994-2012 by Enea Software AB
Constructing Database rtrdb
RTRDB: Default persistence is transient
Loading '/gzip//d/configuration/cv/basic_cv/db.dat'

All programs loaded and started

All configured PIUs started on node

Login Server Ready

--------------activate basic package done. Reconnect to DUS using hyperterminal------

username: rbs
Welcome to OSE Shell ose5.5.
$ cv ls
Please wait for list....
Name: basic_cv
Date: Sat Aug 25 22:29:19 2012
Id: no value (cv product id)
Type: other
Package upgrade: CXP102051/16_R21CK
Operator: no value (operators name)
Comment: no value (operators comments)
Status: ok
Number of CVs = 1 (Max 50)
$ vols
volume total used free frw device unit
/ 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FR-
/null 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FRW
/gzip 1K 1K 100% 0K 0% -RW none
/mole 1K 1K 100% 0K 0% -RW none
/erpdout 1K 1K 100% 0K 0% -RW none
/ffs 1K 1K 100% 0K 0% -RW none
/rmd 1014K 22K 2% 992K 98% FRW ram_disk 0 <4-2031>
/h 1014K 14K 1% 1000K 99% FRW ram_disk 1 <4-2031>
/d 976M 123M 13% 852M 87% FRW usbdd 0 <4-1999999>
/zip 1K 1K 100% 0K 0% -RW none
/c 5859M 257M 4% 5602M 96% FRW usbdd 0 <2000000-13999999>
/j 5859M 257M 4% 5602M 96% FRW /c 0 <2000000-13999999>

9- Upgrade Package

Ftp L12B ICP4 CXP102051%16_R25AK Upgrade package folder to directory /c/tmp in


10- Once upgrade package transferred, connect to hyperterminal and reload

$ reload

OSE Delta PowerPC/BL410512

Start of @(#)CXC1731602 R79X10 2012-06-18 07:54:20 GMT
Plug-in Unit Product Name: DUS4101
Plug-in Unit Product No: KDU137624/1
Plug-in Unit Product rev: R3C
Plug-in Unit Product Date: 20120903
Plug-in Unit Product Serial: C826325559
Ethernet MAC_address 0: 0x9055AE526F8D
RAM size: 2048 Mbytes

BoardMgr: Starting Configuration Version: basic_cv

CM State: NormalActive (own), Undefined (peer), peer supa=0xffffffff

All programs loaded and started

Component rtrdb (V08.05.0000 (PATCH-A)/OSE-powerpc EMBEDDED)
Copyright (C) 1994-2012 by Enea Software AB
Constructing Database rtrdb
RTRDB: Default persistence is transient
Loading '/gzip//d/configuration/cv/basic_cv/db.dat'
All configured PIUs started on node

Login Server Ready

11- Connect to EM with IP

Go to Upgrade and Backup

Go to UP tab
Click on Create UP button and fill up the following and click create package button.
Next, click on Install Package button when it became visible.
Click on Full Install
Click on Upgrade Node, and select Hard Upgrade
Click on Confirm Upgrade and Select Make upgrade permanent – Yes.
Upgrade Node complete.
Create CV
Set autoConfigurationAllowed to TRUE

Upgrade SW done.

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