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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas /Semester : VII / I
Hari/Tanggal :
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 35 menit
Nama Siswa :

- Menyebutkan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang dekat dengan
kehidupan siswa

Look at the following pictures!

What the pictures is about ?

What is Noun?
Animals, things, and public places are kinds of nouns

When we want to show a picture/noun we must used..

Activity 1
Tell the names of the animals we can find near our school and our houses

Activity 2

Tell the names of ten things that we really have in our classroom
Activity 3
Tell the names of the public buildings and other facilities in our town or village and their locations.

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