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In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The All-Merciful SURAH AL-FEEL (105)"The Elephant”(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 5) Hast thou

not seen how thy Lord did with

Men of the Elephant?(1)Did He not make their guile to go astray,(2)and sent against them flocks of birds,(3)which pelted them with stones of baked clay,(4)then He
made them like eaten up straw?(5) SURAH AL-QURESH (106)"The Quraish"(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 4) For the composing of Quraish,(1)their composing for
journeys in winter and summer,(2)let them serve the Lord of this House,(3)who has fed them against hunger and secured them against fear.(4) SURAH AL-MAOON
(107)"The Household"(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 7) Hast thou seen him who gives lies to the Recompense?(1)And that is he who repulses the orphan,(2)and does
not urge the feeding of the needy.(3)So woe to those that pray,(4)those who are unmindful of their Prayer, (5)those who make display,(6)and refuse household
stuff.(7) SURAH AL-KAUSAR (108)"THE Abundance"(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 3)Surely We have given thee abundance (of good).(1)So pray to thy Lord and make
sacrifice.(2)Surely thy enemy shall be the one cut off.(3) SURAH AL-KAFAROON (109)"The Unbelievers"(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 6) Say: O unbelievers,(1)I serve
not what you serve,(2)nor do you serve what I serve,(3)nor shall I serve what you are serving,(4)nor shall you be serving what I serve.(5)To you your religion, and to
me my religion.(6) SURAH AN-NASR (110)"Help"(Revealed At Medina, Verses 3) When comes the help of God and victory,(1)and thou seest people entering God's
Religion in multitudes,(2)celebrate the praise of thy Lord, and pray for His forgiveness; He is surely All-returning.(3) SURAH AL-L'AHAB (111)"THE FLAME"(Revealed
At Mecca, Verses 5) Perish the hands of Abu L'ahab, and perish he!(1)His wealth is of no avail to him,(2)nor what he earned. He shall enter the flaming Fire,(3)and
also his wife, the carrier of the firewood;(4)around her neck a rope of palm-fiber.(5) SURAH AL-AKHLAS (112)"Purity"(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 4)Say: HE is God,
the Only;(1)the Absolute, Self-subsisting God;(2)He has not begotten, nor has He been begotten;(3)and none equals Him.(4) SURAH AL-FALAK
(113)"Daybreak"(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 5) Say: I take refuge with the Lord of the daybreak,(1)from the evil of what He has created,(2)and from the evil of
darkness when it gathers,(3)and from the evil of the women who blow on knots,(4)and from the evil of envier when he envies.(5) SURAH AN-NAS
(114)"Mankind"(Revealed At Mecca, Verses 6) Say: I take refuge with the Lord of men,(1)the King of men,(2)the God of men,(3)from the mischief of the whispering
of the slinking whisperer,(4)who whispers in the breasts of men,(5)of jinn and men.(6)
Salat:1Intro:1Q”Recite what is sent of the book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular prayer: for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds;” 2h”The
thing that Allah loves most is when His people pray Salah on time” 2:Cmplsry on all ages: 3:imprtnce in Q: 1“Who blve in unseen, are stdfast in prayer, and spnd out
of what We have provided for them;” 2” Seek assistance through patience and prayer” 3” Guard strictly your prayers” 4 imp in H:1Miraj 2key 3sins drop off as dry
leaves 4pilar of deen and foundation of Islam. Upholds has upheld islam and leaves has left islam”5Riverandwashesoursins5impacts:*spiritual:1physicalcleanliness
2Taharat3closenessofGod 4purifictnofsoul5patienceandpreservernce 6slave7senseofDuty8practceOfObedience 9fearofGOD10awarnessofDivineLaw *Moral:
1puntuality2dutyndResponsiblty 3trainnginSelfDisciplne 4characterBuilding5Selfcontrol*Social:1socialorganistionNdsocialDiscipline 2MutualHelpAndCoopertn
3EqualtyndBrtherhd4TrnngInJihad 5Tolerence6Unity7MosquesAsCommunityCenters.

Zakat:1Q” Be steadfast in prayer, practice regular charity” 2characterstic Feature Of Muslims ”They establish regular prayer and practice regular charity” 3Evasion of
Zakat is attribute of polytheists and infidels “And woe those who join gods with God, those who practice not regular charity, and who even deny the Hereafter.”
4”Take Alms of their wealth make them pure and clean.” 2H: 1”fightagainstpeopletilltheytestifythat ThereisNogodButAllah,NdEstablishPrayerAndPayZAKAT>blood
andProperty are guaranteedprotection on my behalf and their affairs rest with Allah” 2H”GoldNdSilver>platesofFire3ZakatObligtryRemainingWealthPureforYou.
Impacts: 1spiritual; 1removesGreed 2removesMaterialism 3BringsManClosertoGod 4SelfPurification 5IndividualStrength 2Social; 1collectiveWelfare 2Cooperation
3Defense “And do Jihad economically and physically” 4DistributionOfWealth 1Q “And it should not be that wealth is accumulated in few rich hands”
5ShieldAgainstCrimes 3Moral; 1CreatesGeneroisty 2HumantarianSpirit 3PurifiesHeartAndProperty

Economic:intro:Goals:1EconomicWellbeing&MoralNorms 1Q.Eat&DrinkOfThAtWhichGodHasProvided&ActNotCorruptly,makingMischiefInTheWorld. 2Q:”WhenThe

PrayerisEnded,thenDisperseInTheLand&SeekOfGod’sBounty” 1GainMasteryoverNature 2ProhibitedBeggeging&ToEarnLivelihood 3IslamIsBlessing”GODdesires
ToAlleviate yourBurdens,ForManIsCreatedWeak”Ghazali:ShariahMainAimIsWelfare.1HThereIsNothingWrongForHimWhoFearsGOD.4IslamBothMaterial& Spiritual
Needs 2UniversalBrotherhd&Justice: 1UniversalBrotherhood”OMankind!WeCreatedYouFromMale &aFemale&MadeYouIntoNations &TribesThatYouMayKnow
EachOther.VerilyTheMost Honoured ofYouBeforeGODisTheMostRighteousOfYou;SurelyGodIsKnowing,Aware” 2Social Justice.1H.Black&White2 4Caliphs 3Economic
justice Q”withholdNotThingsJustlyDueToOthers”JustWage IdealWage 3EquitableDistributionOfWealth Q Resources ‘GiftsofGodToAllHumanBeings 1Finding
EmploymntForUnemployed 2Zakat3DivisionOfEstatesOfDiceased

Morality: 1Intro;MoralSenseInborn;JusticeBravery&Truthfulnes >FalsehoodInjusticeDishonesty&BreachOfTrust.FellowFeelingCompasion&Fidelity >SelfishnesCruelty

Miserliness&Bigotry PreserverenceDetermination&Courage approved> ImpatienceFickleMindedness Q”And(ALLAHGaveToSoul)ItsEnlightenmentAsToItsWrong&Its
right” 2IslamicConceptOfLife&Morality;1GoalOfMoralStriving2SanctionBehindMorality3MotivesAndIncentives 3MoralCharacters:1Wife&Family”TheBelieversWho

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