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A Simplified Approach of Determining the Specific Gravity of Soil Solids

Article  in  Geotechnical and Geological Engineering · August 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s10706-012-9521-6


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4 authors, including:

K. Prakash A. Sridharan
Indian Institute of Science

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A Simplified Approach of Determining the
Specific Gravity of Soil Solids

K. Prakash, A. Sridharan, H. K. Thejas &

H. M. Swaroop

Geotechnical and Geological

An International Journal

ISSN 0960-3182
Volume 30
Number 4

Geotech Geol Eng (2012) 30:1063-1067

DOI 10.1007/s10706-012-9521-6

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Author's personal copy
Geotech Geol Eng (2012) 30:1063–1067
DOI 10.1007/s10706-012-9521-6


A Simplified Approach of Determining the Specific

Gravity of Soil Solids
K. Prakash • A. Sridharan • H. K. Thejas •

H. M. Swaroop

Received: 23 January 2012 / Accepted: 5 May 2012 / Published online: 22 May 2012
 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Many computations in the field of geo- 1 Introduction

technical engineering require the use of specific
gravity of soil solids. Presently, specific gravity of Specific gravity of fine-grained soil solids (GS) is an
soil solids is determined in the laboratory by the important soil grain property, which is required in the
sensitive pycnometer/density bottle method, which is computations of other quantities such as void ratio,
characterized by many complexities and difficulties. degree of saturation, soil densities; in the sedimenta-
The present technical note suggests the use of some of tion analysis; in the compaction and consolidation
the measurements taken during the routine shrinkage analysis and the like. Hence, it has to be determined in
limit test in the laboratory to compute the specific the laboratory with utmost care. While the specific
gravity of soil solids fairly accurately. It is shown gravity of coarse grained soils can be determined
through exhaustive experimental results that the without much difficulty, same thing cannot be said
values of specific gravity of soil solids obtained from about that of fine-grained soils, particularly of clays,
the proposed method is in very close agreement with due to many practical difficulties.
those determined from the conventional pycnometer/ Conventionally, specific gravity of soil solids is
density bottle method. determined in the laboratory by the pycnometer/density
bottle method (ASTM Designation D 854-06, 2007; IS:
Keywords Density bottle  Fine-grained soils  2720-Part 3/sec 1, 1980; BS: 1377-Part 2, 1990). The
Shrinkage limit  Specific gravity test is of moderate difficulty with the major source of
error due to the presence of entrapped air in the soil
sample (Bowles 1997). The value of GS of inorganic
silts and clays varies over a narrow range of 2.6–2.8.
Presence of entrapped air, even to a small extent may
result in appreciable error in the determined value of GS
K. Prakash (&)  H. K. Thejas  H. M. Swaroop (see Appendix 1).
Department of Civil Engineering, Sri The difficulties one faces with the laboratory
Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, determination of GS using pycnometer/density bottle
Mysore 570 006, India method are as follows;
• The pore liquid used in the experimentation shall
A. Sridharan
be air-free, distilled water and if the available
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India distilled water is not air-free, it has to be de-aired
e-mail: before use.

Author's personal copy
1064 Geotech Geol Eng (2012) 30:1063–1067

• The entrapped air in the soil mass has to removed measurements made during the determination of the
by any one of the following tedious procedures. shrinkage limit in the laboratory, one can calculate the
value of specific gravity of soil solids easily. Follow-
• By keeping the density bottle without stopper,
ing are the steps involved.
containing soil and water, in a vacuum desiccator
and by applying vacuum in a controlled condition • The soil is mixed with distilled water such that the
for several hours ranging from 4 to 8 h. water content of the soil paste is slightly above the
• By heating the density bottle with the soil and liquid limit of the soil, which ensures the complete
water inside on a water bath or sand bath. filling of the soil voids with water.
• After the moisture equilibration of the soil paste is
• The test is required to be conducted in a constant
achieved, the soil paste is worked into the shrink-
temperature room or cabinet. In the absence of
age dish without entrapping the air bubbles in the
such a facility, it is required to keep the density
soil paste in the dish and the mass of the wet soil
bottle with water and the density bottle with soil
paste in the shrinkage dish (m1) is recorded. The
and water on a constant temperature bath, before
entrapped air bubbles, if any, can be removed by
determining the masses of density bottle with
keeping the shrinkage dish with wet soil paste in a
water and density bottle with soil and water.
vacuum desiccator, with the vacuum pressure
• If the soil is highly expansive, then the addition of
water to the soil mass leads to cluster formation
• The volume of the wet soil mass (V) in the
and uniform dispersion of soil particles in water
shrinkage dish is taken as the volume of the
cannot be achieved. This situation makes the
shrinkage dish itself. Conventionally, the volume
removal of air entrapped within the cluster all the
of the shrinkage dish is measured by the mercury
more difficult. In addition, the soil swells inside the
displacement method. However, it can also be
density bottle, thus increasing the complexity of
measured by directly measuring the internal
the process. For soils containing soluble salts, use
dimensions of the shrinkage dish with a slide
of water as the test liquid is not preferred. Instead
calipers. Prakash et al. (2009) have shown that the
kerosene or white spirit or carbon tetra chloride
volume of the shrinkage dish measured by the slide
may be preferred (ASTM Designation D 854-06,
calipers is the same as that obtained from mercury
2007; IS: 2720-Part 3/sec 1, 1980). The use of
displacement method.
organic liquids is not admissible as they prove to
• After allowing the wet soil mass in the shrinkage
be health hazardous substances.
dish to air dry to prevent the cracking of the soil
• The time consumed by the conventional pycnom-
pat, the air dried soil pat is oven dried for 24 h at
eter/density bottle method is, with clays, prohib-
105–110 C to constant mass. The oven dried soil
itively more.
pat is cooled in a desiccator and the mass of the dry
In view of overcoming various difficulties encoun- soil pat (md) is recorded.
tered during the determination of specific gravity of soil
The value of specific gravity of soil solids is then
solids, an alternate simple method of determining the
calculated using Eq. 1, the derivation of which is
same in the laboratory is suggested in this technical note.
provided in Appendix 2.
GS ¼ ð1Þ
Vqw  ðm1  md Þ
2 Specific Gravity from the Shrinkage Limit
Test Data where qw = density of water (which can be taken 1 g/
cm3); m1 = mass of the wet soil paste in the shrinkage
Shrinkage limit (wS) is one of the three Atterberg dish, in g; md = mass of the dry soil pat in g;
limits of fine-grained soils, the other two being liquid V = volume of the wet soil paste in the shrinkage
and plastic limits. Any laboratory testing of fine- dish, in cm3.
grained soils invariably involves the determination of It may be noted that for determining the specific
the Atterberg limits of soils. Using some of the gravity, volume of the dry soil pat is not required.

Author's personal copy
Geotech Geol Eng (2012) 30:1063–1067 1065

3 Experimental Program limit of the soils varied in the range 16–52 %;

shrinkage limit of the soils varied in the range
Soils with wide variation in their plasticity charac- 9.1–33.5 %; the clay mineralogy of the soils varied
teristics (both pure clays and natural soils) were from kaolinite and montmorillonite clay minerals
used in the experimental work (Table 1). Liquid (i.e., commercial clays) to multi clay minerals (i.e.,
limit of soils varied in the range 26–402 %; plastic field soils).

Table 1 Details of the soils studied and the comparative statement of the values of specific gravity obtained from conventional
method and from the proposed method
Soil Soil wL, (%) wP, (%) wS, (%) GCon GSL % deviation

I. Pure clays and mixtures of pure clays

1. Fine kaolinite 46.8 29.4 33.5 2.65 2.60 ?1.89
2. Kaolinite (K) 59.8 30.0 24.8 2.58 2.54 ?1.55
3. China clay 68.0 30.0 24.8 2.67 2.68 -0.37
4. 90 K ? 10 B 74.2 31.2 24.8 2.63 2.68 -1.90
5. 85 K ? 15 B 85.2 31.5 25.5 2.65 2.60 ?1.89
6. 75 K ? 25 B 118.0 31.9 24.6 2.68 2.70 -0.75
7. 50 K ? 50 B 186.4 39.5 24.2 2.79 2.76 ?1.08
8. Bentonie (B) 402.0 47.4 9.9 2.92 2.84 ?2.74
II. Natural soils
9. Brown soil – 3 26.7 17.5 20.6 2.66 2.67 -0.38
10. Red earth-3 29.8 18.2 14.2 2.71 2.76 -1.84
11. Vaddara palya soil 31.7 16.3 13.4 2.65 2.68 -1.13
12. Red earth-2 38.5 20.1 16.1 2.71 2.64 ?2.58
13. Red earth-1 38.6 18.0 14.7 2.64 2.63 ?0.38
14. Pandavapura soil-1 40.7 17.7 11.5 2.65 2.63 ?0.75
15. Silty soil 41.4 30.5 28.6 2.82 2.82 Zero
16. Field soil-4 44.2 30.0 25.0 2.76 2.71 ?1.81
17. H.D. kote soil 45.2 22.8 13.5 2.62 2.66 -1.53
18. Brown soil-2 47.0 22.4 13.8 2.79 2.79 Zero
19. Satagalli soil-2 47.1 23.6 13.6 2.70 2.70 Zero
20. Silty clay 47.7 23.6 10.1 2.68 2.64 ?1.49
21. Peenya soil-8 50.7 35.5 28.6 2.64 2.63 ?0.38
22. Satagalli soil-1 51.6 24.0 14.0 2.73 2.71 ?0.73
23. Field soil-8 53.1 42.0 28.6 2.75 2.71 ?1.45
24. Pandavapura soil-2 56.2 18.5 11.5 2.58 2.61 -1.16
25. H.P. soil 58.5 31.0 19.2 2.82 2.84 -0.71
26. Bikaner clay 58.5 25.4 17.5 2.76 2.74 ?0.72
27. Raichur B.C. soil 61.6 27.8 11.2 2.65 2.67 -0.75
28. Brown soil-1 64.6 26.6 14.5 2.66 2.61 ?1.88
29. Bannur soil 67.0 30.0 16.1 2.68 2.70 -0.75
30. R.K. nagar soil 68.0 35.6 9.8 2.69 2.66 ?1.12
31. Peenya soil-7 72.2 52.2 29.5 2.68 2.67 ?0.37
32. B.C. soil-3 73.8 31.4 9.1 2.63 2.71 -3.04
33. B.C. soil-2 76.6 35.4 9.9 2.71 2.75 -1.48
34. B.C. soil-1 100.8 51.9 13.2 2.67 2.61 ?2.25

Author's personal copy
1066 Geotech Geol Eng (2012) 30:1063–1067

For each of the soils, the value of the specific Table 1 presents the comparative statement of the
gravity of soil solids was determined by two methods. values of specific gravity obtained from the conven-
tional density bottle method and from the shrinkage
1. The conventional density bottle method using
limit test procedure. It can be noted from Table 1 that
carbon tetra chloride as the test liquid: Here, the
the deviation of GSL, from GCon is quite negligible.
specific gravity was determined by conducting
Considering the complexities in conducting the con-
three trials on each soil. Care was taken to see that
ventional density bottle method of testing and the
the results by the three trials calculated do not
utmost care that needs to be exercised during testing,
differ by more than 0.03. The average of the three
this deviation can be considered allowable, as the
or two very close values obtained was recorded as
values obtained from the conventional density bottle
the specific gravity of soil solids by the conven-
method themselves cannot be treated as error free.
tional method, GCon.
2. Shrinkage limit test: Three determinations were
made on each soil as per the procedure explained
in the previous section of this note. The value of 5 Conclusions
specific gravity in each case was determined using
Eq. 1. The average of three or two very close Determination of specific gravity of fine-grained soil
values obtained was recorded as the specific solids in the laboratory by the conventional density
gravity of the soil solids predicted from the test bottle method is quite sensitive and involves a lot of
procedure described above, GSL. complexities. In the present technical note, it is
proposed to determine the value of specific gravity
of fine-grained soils by the shrinkage limit test
4 Results and Discussion procedure. Since, the shrinkage limit test is a routine
test that is done on all fine-grained soils during their
Figure 1 presents the relationship between the values laboratory testing, some of the measurements done in
of specific gravity obtained from the conventional that process can also be utilized to calculate the value
density bottle method and those obtained from the of specific gravity. This does not necessitate any new
shrinkage limit test procedure. Statistical analysis measurements and additional procedures. The values
shows that the relationship between the two quantities of specific gravity obtained from the shrinkage limit
mentioned above is given by test procedure are in good agreement with those
GCon ¼ 1:0027 GSL ð2Þ obtained from the cumbersome conventional density
bottle method. As a consequence, one can dispense
with a correlation of 1.00. with the conventional specific gravity test. Since the
proposed method does not require the use of any non-
polar chemical or the use of health hazardous mercury
for the determination of specific gravity of soil solids,
the proposed method is an eco-friendly method.
GCon= 1.0027 GSL
r = 1.00
6 Appendix 1


The value of specific gravity in the conventional
pycnometer/density bottle method is calculated using
2.60 the following equation.
2.55 md
2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 GS ¼ ð3Þ
GSL md  ðm3  m4 Þ
where, md = mass of dry soil sample; m3 = mass of
Fig. 1 Comparison of values of specific gravity obtained from
conventional density bottle method with those obtained from the (pycnometer ? soil ? water); m4 = mass of (pyc-
proposed method nometer ? water)

Author's personal copy
Geotech Geol Eng (2012) 30:1063–1067 1067

Ex: 1 Soil: Clay; md = 100 g; m3 = 614.03 g; m4 = 550 g; By definition, the specific gravity of soil solids is
Actual value of GS = 2.78 the ratio of the mass of a given volume of soil solids at
Volume of entrapped air Calculated value a given temperature to the mass of an equal volume of
in the soil–water system, cm3 of GS distilled water at that temperature, which is expressed
0.5 2.74
1.0 2.71 qs
GS ¼ ð4Þ
1.5 2.67 qw
2.0 2.63 mS 1 md 1
2.5 2.60 i:e: GS ¼ ¼ ð5Þ
VS qw VS qw
3.0 2.57
From the figure,
m1  md Vqw  ðm1  md Þ
Ex: 2 Soil: Clayey silt; md = 52.2 g; m3 = 706.71 g; VS = V  ¼ ð6Þ
qw qw
m4 = 674.28 g; Actual value of GS = 2.64
Volume of entrapped air Calculated value Substituting Eq. 6 in Eq. 5, the following equation
in the soil–water system, cm3 of GS results.
0.5 2.58 GS ¼ ð7Þ
1.0 2.51
Vqw  ðm1  md Þ
1.5 2.45

7 Appendix 2
The phase diagrammatic representation of a saturated ASTM Designation D854-06, 2007, Standard test method for
soil mass is shown below: specific gravity of soil solids by water pycnometer: annual
book of ASTM standards, Vol. 04.02, ASTM, West
Conshohocken, PA
Bowles JE (1997) Foundation analysis and design. The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, p 29
Vw Water BS: 1377-Part 2, 1990, British standard methods of test for soil
for engineering purposes: classification tests, BSI, London
IS: 2720-Part 3/sec.1, 1980, Indian standard methods of test for
soils: determination of specific gravity of fine-grained
V m1 soils, BIS, New Delhi
Prakash K, Sridharan A, Ananth Baba J, Thejas HK (2009)
VS Soil Solids mS = md Determination of shrinkage limit of fine-grained soils by
wax method. Geotech Test J ASTM 32(1):86–89


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