22FunActivitiesForKidsfor A Camp

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Profesor: Marinescu Rocsana

Colegiul Naţional ,,B.P.Hasdeu” Buzău

Choose the best option:

1. I wish I ….. that the European Cup Final was live on TV.

A) was B) were C) knew D) had known

2. They use their…..of body functions to use those in need.

A) knowlege B) knowing C) knowledge D) know-how

3. Are you familiar ….. properties of these plants?

A) to B) with C) about D) of

4. This shirt has……in the wash.

A) shrink B) shrunk C) shrunken D) shrank

5. He ….. often go for a long walk after he had supper.

A) will B) should C) could D) would

6. Will you comment briefly……the latest news?

A) about B) on C) for D)to

7. Birds…..eggs and hatch their young.

A) lay B) lye C) lay D)lied

8. I heard the bomb…..

A) explode B) exploding C) exploded D) to explode

9. He was never heard ‘’ thank- you all his life.

A) to say) B) say C) saying D) said

10. Sperasem ca John va fi doctor, dar n-a fost asa.

A) I hoped John will be a doctor but it wasn’t so.

B) I had hoped John would be a doctor but it wasn’t so.

C) I hoped John would be a doctor but it wasn’t so.

D) I was hoping John will be a doctor but it wasn’t so.

11. Probabil ca ea va castiga.

A) It is probable for her to win

B) It is probably for her to win.

C) It is likely for her to win.

D) It is likely that she will win.

12……Harry, everything is OK.

A) After B) According C) According to D) Regarding

13. He always looks…..

A) angry B) angrily C) angry man D) a very angry man

14. A discussion…..

A) arose B) rose C) raised D) risen

15. As soon as a student’s work ….., he…..some sort of certificate.

A) will be assessed/will be awarded B) is assessed/is awarded C) is assessed/ is being

awarded D) would be assessed/is awarded

16. Isn’t it about time the brakes of your car…..?

A) were tested B) should be tested C) are tested D) should be tested

17. The party was so awful that we regretted going there.

A) I regret to go there.

B) I wish I weren’t going there.

C) I regret to have gone there.

D) I wish I hadn’t gone there.

18. I’d rather you…..him what we were up to.

A) tell B) didn’t tell C) hadn’t told D) haven’t told

19. I’d never go to see him dancing…

A) So would I B) Nor would I C) Neither I would D) Neither had I

20. There is no point in telephoning him. He is certain……by now.

A) to leave B) leave C) to have left D) to be left

21. A second apparition made her way through the visitors.

A) aparitie B) aparenta C) fantoma D) iluzie optica

22……people admit….. being fashion victims.

A) Most / on B) A few / of C) Few / to D) lots/ about

23. By this time tomorrow the president…..his announcement.

A) will make B)will be making C) will have done D) will have made

24.The coffee …..when I went into the kitchen.

A) was made B) was being made C) has made D) has been made

25. Daca Trump n-ar fi avut atatea promisiuni in timpul campaniei, azi n-ar fi presedinte.

A) If Trump hadn’t made so many promises during his campaign, today he weren’t the

B) If Trump didn’t make so many promises during his campaign, today he wouldn’t be the

C) If Trump hadn’t made so many promises during his campaign, today he wouldn’t have
been president.

D) If Trump hadn’t made so many promises during his campaign, today he wouldn’t be

26. Justice must not also be done, it must also…..

A) do B) doing C) be seen to do D ) be seen to be done

27. Mary not also avoids seeing her neighbor, but she also despises him

A) looks him up B) looks him down C) looks down on him D) looks after him

28. Lucy can’t wait to see her beloved friends in Chester.

A) can’t expect B) looks forward to see C) looks forward to seeing D) expect them to be in

29.The cat forever….. shut in the bathroom.

A) forever get B) forever gets C) is forever getting D) will forever get

30. Do sit down, …..?

A) will you B)won’t you C)can you D) could you


1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. D
26. D
27. C
28. C
29. C
30. B

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