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Teacher: Number:_________ Class: :________

Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Evaluation: ______________________________________________________________________________
Enc. De Educação: _____________________________________________

I – Reading and Comprehension

Read the following text and then answer the questions.

This is Magic Village .It’s a wonderful place*! There are three magic shops, two
swimming polls and one magic library. The library is in Magic Road, between the bank
and the supermarket. The magic school is in Mystery Avenue, next to the bookshop. The
school is pink.
Sandy’s house is in Stars Street, opposite Jane’s house. The walls of Jane’s house
are blue and Sandy’s house is orange. Sandy’s house is next to Magic Shop 2.
There is a park in Magic Village. It is on the corner of Mystery Avenue and
Magic Road. The Star Café is next to the park. The trees in the park aren’t green, they
are yellow and purple!
*wonderful place – local maravilhoso

1 – Complete the street plan above with the words in the box.

Café Jane’s house School Library Sandy’s House

2 – Describe where the following places are on the street plan.

a) The bank is __________________________________________________________


b)The cinema___________________________________________________________

c) The supermarket_______________________________________________________

d) The swimming pool 1__________________________________________________


3 – Answer the questions in full.

a) How many magic shops are there?


b) How many libraries are there?


c) What colour is the school?


d) Where is the park?


e) What colour are the trees?


f) Where is the hotel?


II – Grammar

1 - Complete the dialogue between Andy and Sandy.

Andy - _____________________________________________________Sandy?
Sandy – My magic books are under the table.
Andy - __________________________________________________________?
Sandy – My radio is pink.
Andy - __________________________________________________________?
Sandy – Yes, my radio is magic.
Andy - __________________________________________________________?
Sandy – There are two magic TVs in my house.

1-Where´s Nutty? Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of place.

Nutty is _____ the table. Nutty is_____ the box. Nutty is ________ the bed.

Nutty is ___________ of the books Nutty is ___________ of the television

1 – Colour the balls with the correct colour.

black 2 green 3 blue

4 orange pink 6 purple


7 grey 8 yellow 9 red

1.1- Ask and answer the questions about the colours above.
a) ___________________________________________________ the ball number one?
It´s black.

b) Is the ball number four black?


c) _________________________________the balls numbers two and seven?

They are_______________________________________________________________.

1 – Look at the box and follow the model.

A - How many strawberries are there?

B - There is one. 3 apples 5 oranges
7 pears 2 hamburgers
1 strawberry

1.1. apples
A - ___________________________________________________________________
B - ___________________________________________________________________

1.2. oranges
A - ___________________________________________________________________
B - ___________________________________________________________________

1.3. pears
A - ___________________________________________________________________
B - ___________________________________________________________________

1.4. hamburgers
A - ___________________________________________________________________
B - ___________________________________________________________________

1. Follow the model.
Play the piano Ride a bike Portuguese

Mary   

Miklos   

Suzie and Bob   

a) Mary:
She can play the piano and speak Portuguese, but she can’t ride a bike.

b) Miklos:

c) Suzie and Bob:


III – Text Production

1 – Look at the map. Complete with the prepositions of place in the box.

Next to
a) The school is _______________________ the police station.
b) The railway station is ___________________ the Hospital.

c) The police station is __________________ the school and the railway station.

Good work!

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