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William Cooper's Mystery Babylon: Part 01 The Sun of God (aired February 12th, 1

(audio link:
(Personal note: This is the only mp3 link I could find on the web, although I do
not endorse the person who runs this site.)
transcribed by Dok (edited/formatted by wakingup72 @
You re listening to the Hour of the Time. I m your host, William Cooper.
Tonight, ladies and gentleman, we begin the origin, the history, the dogma, and
the identity of the ancient Mystery Religions, which are now known as the Myster
y Schools, the Order of the Quest, Freemasonry, the Ancient Order of the Rose an
d Cross, The Knights Templar, the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of
Malta, the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, the [i]Prieuré de Sion[/i], the Thu
le Society, or sometimes known as the Thuley Society, the Order, the Skull and B
ones, the Russell Trust, the Jason Society, the Scroll and Key, the Illuminati,
and I could go on, and on, and on, and on.
But the most important thing to realize is that they all have been collectively
known throughout the ages as the Mystery Schools. The Illuminati, which literall
y means, "illumined ones". International Socialism, Communism, they are all one
and the same as you will come to know, and you will understand perfectly how the
y've been able to infiltrate all of our society.
What you hear tonight does not necessarily reflect my views, or beliefs, or reli
gion...nor those of WWCR.

(opening music: [i]I Can See Clearly Now[/i], written by Johnny Nash, performed
by Liza Minnelli)

That song will have a clearer meaning to you as we progress in your education in
to the Mystery Religion. But we have to begin in the beginning, with every story
and every history. And we have to begin at the beginning of mankind. And the be
ginning is the beginning according to the Mystery Religion. And they believe, wh
oleheartedly, that man is a product of evolution, not of an extraterrestrial rac
e, and not of the creation of some benevolent god.

[Reading from [i]The Future of Man[/i], written by Robert Klark Graham]:

"[They believe that] the tree-dwelling ancestors of man were among the most inte
lligent beings of their distant age.
"And when these creatures finally abandoned the trees and walked fully upright,
freeing their hands to serve as implements of their minds as well as their bodie
s, there began the most successful evolutionary drive toward higher intelligence
ever witnessed in Nature.
"As ground dwellers, these creatures were easy victims of the great predators, w
ho hunted them down by day and surprised them at night as they huddled in cleari
ngs or in caves. They could not compete in strength, ferocity or speed with thei
r attackers. Armed with little except their hands and what their complex brains
enabled them to do with those hands, they had to think or die. For untold thousa
nds of years most of them met early, violent deaths. Only a few in each generati
on had the good fortune and the ability to outwit their enemies. [And] these fav
ored ones survived long enough to have and rear offspring. The unwary, maladroit
or stupid died early. [William Cooper: And folks, I'm afraid that the stupid, w
ho live today, are going to die early also. But back to the beginning.] Their o
ffspring, if they had any, were left to starve or be eaten by predators.
"Natural selection was operating on the earliest types of man with grimmest inte
nsity. Perhaps no other extant creature has undergone so severe and protracted a
period of selective elimination. Yet here and there small groups managed to sur
vive because they had the intelligence to use sticks, stones and clubs to defend
themselves. Crude and puny as these implements were, they were [i]weapons[/i] a
nd their possessors were the first creatures who could kill without having to co
me in direct contact with their antagonists.
"'As the great beasts grew larger and either faster or more formidable, man beca
me ever more watchful, ever more successful in pitting his wits against mass and
power, more and more adept at slipping out of trouble, and as the challenge gre
w greater, so did his brain, for the laggards on both sides got left behind in t
he race for the future.' [Quoted from Norman J. Bernill's [i]Man's Emerging Mind
[William Cooper]: ...and we are still engaged in that race for the future.
"The steps in the development, of man's brain are revealed by the progressively
larger braincases which appeared with the passage of centuries. Basing our judgm
ent on the improvements in tools and weapons which took place as the intelligenc
e of their inventors increased, we can construct some of the ways in which natur
al selection may have worked to bring about a doubling in size of the human brai
"Many edible nuts are too hard for even a caveman to crack between his teeth. Ac
cordingly, they were useless to early man, until some genius of his day discover
ed that any nut could be opened if it were just placed up on one stone and stuck
hard with another. Better fed, the family of this innovator proliferated while
the others died off.
"Perhaps centuries later, while a man sat cracking nuts between two stones, one
stone broke and the broken edge cut his hand. Previously, men in the same situat
ion had thrown the broken stone away and nursed their cuts. But this man, this m
an started thinking. [William Cooper: He possessed an original thought.] Since t
he edge had cut through his skin and drawn blood, it might also cut through the
skin of the small animals he caught, making it easier to get at the meat. The fi
rst knife was invented! He and those close to him, and those intelligent enough
to imitate him, increased in number [William Cooper: and the rest died off]. The
y had a cutting tool which made it possible for them to skin and eat meat in les
s time, so they had more time for hunting. Many of the descendants of this excep
tional man became increasingly skillful at breaking and chipping hard stones int
o sharper tools and weapons."
[William Cooper]: And if you ve been to a museum of natural history, and you ve seen
these fine, beautiful flint arrowheads and spearheads, then you know that it to
ok patience and great skill, and this means a further development of the human m
"Natural selection, favoring better knife makers, went on for hundreds of thousa
nds of years [William Cooper: according to those who guard the Secrets of the Ag
es, and even according to modern science].
"A great many centuries later a young father foraging for his brood, may have co
me upon a long straight stick, splintered at one end. [Well] he pulled and chewe
d at the splinters until only one stout point was left [William Cooper: or at le
ast that's how we can imagine that it was done]. It seemed to him a very useful
stick, for it was sharper than the digging sticks, which the women used. He may
have remembered a night during his boyhood, when a great cat had charged his fam
ily's campsite and dragged away a younger sister. Now that he had small children
of his own, the memory of that attack was ever present. Lately, he had seen fre
sh panther tracks. Another family, not far away, had been attacked and the mothe
r had been killed. His dawning intelligence told him his pointed stick might be
a better weapon against big cats than the clubs which he and the other men carri
ed. [So] for many days he kept the long stick near him, even when he was laughed
at for having what was regarded as a woman s tool."
[William Cooper]: Not only did he possess a greater intellect than his fellow ma
n, but he possessed more courage to resist their laughter.
"Then one night, he heard a faint rustling. He whispered a quick warning to his
family. Suddenly, a dim shape charged at him in the darkness. Kneeling, he raise
d the point of his long stick toward the beast. It sprang, clawed at him savagel
y, then fled! The creature had struck the point so hard that the blunt end of th
e stick was shoved deep, deep into the ground.
"Next morning, following a trail of blood, the man found a panther dead from a p
unctured chest. The long, sharp stick had saved his life and the lives of his fa
mily members. In the same situation less perceptive men, armed only with clubs,
would have been killed.
"From that time he, his sons and their sons, carried impaling sticks whenever bi
g predators were near. Foresight, genetically transmitted to their descendants,
had given them a new weapon, which they used with devastating effect against the
ir natural enemies.
"Perhaps many generations later a bright descendant of the inventor of the impal
ing stick mated with the daughter of a man who had thought of throwing a club at
fruits, nuts and small animals on the lower branches of trees. Now and then, th
is brought down an extra meal.
"The man who knew how to defend his family from feline prowlers soon learned fro
m his woman the new way to collect additional food. [And] their young family thr
ived and some of the children, with good mental inheritance from both sides of t
he family, showed an even higher order of intelligence than either of their pare
With impaling sticks added to their clubs and cutting stones, men no longer had
to be such furtive food gatherers. The hunted gradually evolved into hunters. An
d in times of famine when battles over food were fierce, those with impaling sti
cks threw them with deadly accuracy at members of other hunting bands. Sharper s
tone knives and spears gave a double survival advantage during times of crisis,
but the most telling gains were the increasing sharpness of minds.
"'However incomplete our knowledge of human ancestry, there [was] scarcely any d
oubt that the development of brain power, of intelligence, was the decisive forc
e in the evolutionary process which culminated in the appearance of the species
to which we belong. Natural selection [they believe] has brought about the evolu
tionary trends towards increasing brain power because brain power confers enormo
us adaptive advantages on its possessors. It is obviously brain power, not body
power, which makes man, by far, the most successful, biological species which li
ving matter has produced.' [quote from Theodosius G. Dobzhansky's book, [i]Evolu
tion, Genetics and Man[/i]]"

[Reading from [i]That Old-Time Religion[/i], written by Jordan Maxwell]:

"[Even with man's new weapons and tools] it did not take him very long to decide
that in this world the single greatest enemy to be feared was the darkness of n
ight, and all the unknown dangers that came with it. Simply stated, 'MAN'S FIRST
"Understanding this one fact alone, one can readily see why the greatest and mos
t trustworthy friend the human race could ever have was, by far, heaven's greate
st gift to the world...that Glorious Rising Orb of Day [the Sun]."
[William Cooper]: And with this simple truth understood, we can now begin to unr
avel the most ancient, and still the most successful, religion upon the face of
this earth. Its success lies in its ability to remain hidden from the rest of th
e people. But first, let me assure you, folks, that no people of the ancient wor
ld believed that the Sun to be God. In point of fact, every ancient culture and
nation on earth have all used the Sun as the most logically appropriate symbol t
o represent the glory of the unseen creator of the heavens. In the Old Testament
, it says, The heavens are declaring the glory of God. That's in Psalms 19, verse
1. In the Old Testament, The sun of righteousness will arise. Malachi, chapter 4,
verse 2.
"The ancient peoples reasoned that no one on Earth could ever lay claim of owner
ship to the Great Orb of Day. It must belong to the unseen Creator of the Univer
se...[It became], figuratively speaking, not man's, but 'GOD'S SUN'. Truly, 'God
's Sun/Son was...THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
"As I stated before, [folks,] in the dark cold of night man realized his utter v
ulnerability to the elements. Each night, mankind was forced to wait for the [ri
sing of the sun] to chase away the physical and mental insecurity brought on by
the darkness. Therefore, the morning Sun focused man's attention on heavenly dep
endence for his frail, short existence on Earth, and in doing so, it became the
appropriate symbol of divine benevolence from heaven."
[William Cooper]: For without the sun, there was no light, there was no warmth,
and nothing could grow or live upon the face of this earth. So, just as a small
fire brought limited light into man's own little world of darkness, likewise, th
e great fire of day served the whole earth with its heavenly presence. For this
reason, it was said that the God of the Bible was a consuming fire in heaven, an
d so he was.
"It was accepted by all that man was bound to a life on Earth, but the sky was t
he [William Cooper: abode of God's son. He resided up there, in heaven].
"Ancient man saw in his male offspring his own image and likeness, and his own e
xistence as a father was proved by the person of his son. It was assumed that Go
d s 'Sun' was but a visible representative of the unseen Creator in heaven. So it
was said, 'When you have seen the Sun, you have seen the Father.' [Said another
way,] 'The Father is glorified in his Sun.'
"Ancient man [William Cooper: even with his limited intelligence at that time] h
ad no problem understanding that all life on Earth depended directly on life-giv
ing energy from the Sun. Consequently, all life was lost without the sun. It fol
lowed that God's 'Sun' was nothing less than [man's savior].
" from the Sun gave life, and we sustained our very existence by t
aking energy in from our food (which came directly from God s Sun), the Sun must g
ive up its life supporting energy so that we may continue to live. 'God s Sun [mus
t give] his life for us to live.'"
[William Cooper]: I know that if you are intelligent out there listening, you ar
e making some connections here. You see, the Mystery Schools believe that Christ
ianity is a perversion of the Mysteries.
"While it was plainly true that our life came from and was sustained each day by
'Our Savior...God's Sun', it was and would be true only as long as the Sun woul
d return each morning. [And] our hope of salvation would be secure only in a 'RI
SEN' savior. For if he did not rise from his grave of darkness, all would be los
t. All the world waited for his 'imminent return' [each morning]. The...Father w
ould never leave us at the mercy of this world of darkness. [The] Heavenly promi
se...was surely that...'He would come again' light our path, and save those
lost in the darkness...
"Logically, even if man himself died, as long as the Sun comes up each day, life
on Earth will continue forever. Therefore, it was said in the ancient texts tha
t everlasting life was 'the gift'...the Father gives through his Sun. For... 'Go
d so loved the world that he gave his only begotten SUN that we may have life ev
erlasting'...on Earth! [William Cooper: And the ancient text did not mean] for y
ou personally - but ON EARTH...everlasting life!"
[William Cooper]: That is the interpretation of the Mystery Schools.
"Since evil and harm lurked at every turn in the fearful dark of night, all evil
or harmful deeds were naturally, the...'works of darkness.'
"[And] with the return of the Sun each morning, man felt more secure in his worl
d and therefore, was at peace. Therefore, God's 'Sun' was with his warm rays of
hope...The Great 'Prince of Peace'.
"And of course the reverse was equally true. The...evil of night was ruled over
by none other than...[the] 'Prince of Darkness' [William Cooper: Hence, evil is
of the dark, or the Devil]."
It was only a short step to see [that] 'The Light of God's Sun' equated with [ri
ghteousness and] truth - and evil with darkness. From then on, it was simple to
understand...LIGHT was GOOD - DARK was BAD."
[William Cooper]: And the priests of the ancient Mystery Religion always followe
d the light. They always looked toward the East. They considered themselves to b
e illumined.
"That being true, then the Great Orb of Day (God's Sun) could rightly say of its
elf [that], 'I AM THE LIGHT' [and the truth].
"We should all [William Cooper: in their words, not mine] 'give thanks' to the F
ather for sending us His 'Sun'..."
[William Cooper]: ...spelled S-U-N, in case some of you are getting confused. In
every instance where I have mentioned the word [i]sun[/i], it has been in refer
ence to the sun, S-U-N.
"For the peace and tranquility he brings to our life is even called 'Solace' [Wi
lliam Cooper: solace is from the word solar, which means sun]..."
[William Cooper]: Are you beginning to see the light? (laughs)
"We now have before us two cosmic brothers - one very good, and one very [bad].
One brings the 'truth to light' with the 'light of truth'. The other is the oppo
site, or in opposition to the light - 'The Opposer'...[the] Prince of [the] Worl
d of Darkness...
"It is at this point...we come to Egypt. More than 3,000 years before Christiani
ty began, the early morning [Sun, the Savior] was pictured in Egypt as the 'New
Born Babe'. The infant savior's name was 'HORUS'.
"The early morning Sun, or 'New Born Babe', was pictured in two ways: the Dove -
[known as the] Bringer of Peace, the Hawk - [the] God of War (who punishes the
enemies of God!)."
[William Cooper]: Today, in government, we still use these terms, doves and hawk
s, and that s how powerful this hidden religion is; is that we use the terms of th
is religion even today and know it not.
"At daybreak, this wonderful newborn child is of course 'Born Again' (hallelujah
). Horus is Risen. [William Cooper: That is what [i]hallelujah[/i] means.] Even
today, when the Sun comes up, we see it on the "Horus-Risen", or "HORIZON". His
life was also divided into 12 parts or 12 'Horus=hours' [William Cooper: the twe
lve signs of the Zodiac].
"But now, what about the evil brother of God's Sun, that...old Prince of Darknes
s himself? In the Egyptian belief system he was called 'SET' [William Cooper: or
sometimes Typhon]. We are told in the Bible that when God's Sun died, the world
was left in the hands of the Prince of Darkness at... SUN-SET."
[William Cooper]: SUN-SET. Do you understand? God's Sun was killed by the Prince
of Darkness, "SET", at SUN-SET.
"It was generally observed that 'God's Sun' could be depended upon to return in
the same manner that he left - namely, 'On a Cloud'...and 'Every eye will see Hi
m'...(unless, of course, you're blind or dead).
"Keeping in mind that 'God's Sun' not only represented the [u]light[/u] of truth
, but was [u]put to death[/u] by His enemies who could not endure the light of t
ruth in their life, it was taught by the ancients that the very act of opposing
or denying the light of truth to the point of killing it, happened in one's own
mind! When we are confronted with harsh realities of life [the truth], the light
of truth, which we do not wish to face, and which runs counter to our views, su
ch truth is [u]put to death[/u] by your mind, and in your [u]head[/u]! Therefore
, 'God's Sun' - The Truth and The Light - is put to death at the 'PLACE OF THE S
KULL,' or 'SKULL PLACE,' located somewhere between your ears! This putting to de
ath of the light of hope in your mind is always accompanied by the two thieves:
[b]Regret[/b] for the past and [b]Fear[/b] of the future."
[William Cooper]: Don t go away folks, we have to take a short break. I'll be back
right after this pause.

(break music: unknown instrumental piece)

[continuing reading from [i]That Old-Time Religion[/i]]:

"And of course 'God's Sun' goes to his death wearing a 'corona' - [Which in] Lat
in [means] 'CROWN OF THORNS'. Remember the Statue of liberty? [William Cooper: I
t was given to us by Masonic France.] To this day, kings still wear a [b]round c
rown of thorns[/b], symbolizing the [rays of the sun].
"[Now] as far back as we can go into the ancient world [in our research], we fin
d that all known cultures had a 'THREE-IN-ONE' [or] TRIUNE GOD. The very first t
rinity was simply the three stages of life of the sun: [b]New Born[/b] at dawn,
[b]Mature[/b] or full grown [in its full power] at [b]12 noon[/b], and old and [
b]dying[/b], at [b]the end[/b] of day (going [b]back to The Father[/b]. All thre
e were of course [b]ONE DIVINITY! THE TRINTIY IS NOT MYSTERY[/b] [in the Mystery
"The Egyptians knew that the Sun was at its highest point in the sky (or [u]high
[/u] noon) when no shadow was cast by the pyramid. At that point, all Egypt offe
red prayers to the 'Most [u]High[/u]' God!
"As stated before, to the ancients, the sky was the abode, or heavenly temple of
the 'MOST HIGH.' Therefore, 'God's Sun' was doing his heavenly Father's work in
the temple at [noon].
"The world of ancient man kept track of times and seasons by the movement of the
Sun - daily, monthly and yearly. For this, the sundial was devised. Not only wa
s the daily movement of the sun tracked on the round dial, but the [u]whole year
[/u] was charted on a round calendar dial. Examples [are]: Ancient Mexican, Maya
n, Inca, Aztec, Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Celtic [or Celtic as s
ome pronounce it], Aryan, etc. [And] with this method, certain new concepts emer
ged in the mind of ancient man.
"Since the Earth experienced four different seasons, all the same and equal (in
time) each year, the round calendar was divided into four equal parts. This repr
esented the complete story of the life of 'God's Sun'. This is also why we have,
in the Bible, only four gospels. Of this point there can be no doubt. [For] [u]
Tertullian[/u] and many early church fathers stated this [exact fact themselves
in their own writings].
"[And] this [the Mystery School claims] is why the famous painting of the 'Last
Supper' pictures the 12 followers [or houses] of the Sun in four groups (of 3)..
.the seasons [with the Sun in the center alone.]!
"On the round surface of the yearly calendar, you draw a straight line directly
across the middle, cutting the circle in half - one end being the point of [b]th
e winter solstice[/b], the other end being the point of [b]the summer solstice[/
b]. Then draw another straight line (crossing the first one). One end of the new
line being the [b]spring equinox[/b], the other end being the [b]autumn equinox
[/b]. You now have the starting points for each of the four seasons. This is ref
erred to by all major encyclopedias and reference works, both ancient and modern
, as '[b]The Cross of the Zodiac[/b]'. Thus, the [b]life[/b] of God's '[b]Sun[/b
]' is on '[b]the Cross[/b]'. This is why we see the round [b][u]circle[/u][/b] o
f the [b]Sun[/b] on the [b]crosses[/b] of Christian churches. The next time you
pass a Christian church, look for the [b]circle (Sun)[/b] on the cross.
"On December 22nd, the [b]Sun[/b], going south, reaches its lowest point in the
sky (our winter solstice). At that lowest point, the Sun [u]stops moving on the
sundial[/u] for [b]three days[/b], Dec 22nd, Dec 23rd, and Dec 24th in the [b]So
uthern Constellation[/b] known as the [b]Southern Cross[/b]. Hence our Savior (d
ead for three days) died on [b]THE CROSS[/b]. The 'SOUTHERN CROSS CONSTELLATION,
' that is.
"This is the only time of the year [folks] that the Sun actually stops its movem
ent in our sky [William Cooper: according to the Mystery Schools]. On the mornin
g of Dec. 25th, the Sun begins its annual journey back to us in the northern hem
isphere, bringing, of course, our spring. Therefore, on Dec 25th, the Sun is BOR
N AGAIN. And to this day, His worshipers celebrate His BIRTHDAY!
"It is at this point that we should look at the significance of the recurring nu
mber 12 in the Bible. First, 13 is said to be unlucky for humans. It is a heaven
ly number and represents...the Sun + 'the 12' = 13!"
[William Cooper]: Or Christ plus the 12 disciples equals 13. It's unlucky for a
different reason, folks, and I will explain that on another program. But it has
to do with the persecution of the Mystery School, the Mystery Religion.
"It would be well to get a Bible Concordance and look to see how many times the
number 12 is used in the entire Bible."
[William Cooper]: Remember, the Mystery Religion is a religion of the heavens. A
lso, in the Bible you will find many combinations of the number seven. In the My
stery Religion, that represents the seven stars of the Pleiades. And you can see
the emergence of the Mystery Religion in the UFO movement, when the Pleiadians
come to talk to Billy Myers in Switzerland. (laughs) Oh my, how we are deceived
by these people!
"[Here are a few examples of the use of the number 12 in the Bible]: the 12 Mont
hs of the Year, the 12 Apostles of the [b]Sun[/b], the 12 Tribes of Israel, the
12 Brothers of Joseph, the 12 Judges of Israel, the 12 Great Patriarchs, the 12
[Old Testament] Prophets, the 12 Kings of Israel, the 12 Princes of Israel, God'
s [b]Sun[/b] in Temple at 12 [and there are many more.]
"All of these examples and countless more derived directly from the ancient worl
d's fascination with the [b][u]12 Signs[/u] of the Zodiac[/b]."
[William Cooper]: Now remember, folks, what I'm given you is the teachings of th
e Mystery Schools. This does not necessarily reflect any of my own beliefs, or m
y own religious beliefs, or those of WWCR. We cannot fight against these manipul
ators unless we know who they are and what they believe. Now, what you want to b
elieve is your own business.
"As we noted before [folks], the year was divided into 12 equal parts, or months
. And to each month was appointed a heavenly symbol or astrological 'SIGN.' [Wil
liam Cooper: Each of these signs made up one season in the world of the heavens,
thus divided into four separate seasons.] Each of the 12 monthly signs were cal
"...The astronomers of Babylon divided the sky into twelve 'houses.' [William Co
oper: They did this to account for the fact that the planets were not always exa
ctly in the ecliptic, but appeared to wander a certain number of degrees either
side of it.] They [therefore had to assume that] each sign of the Zodiac extende
d its influence through a fixed [portion] of the sky, which they thought of as a
house [William Cooper: to which a planet could return when it completed one of
its journeys about the sun]...The great god of the day had its house in Leo [Wil
liam Cooper: Leo, the Lion of Judah], where he ruled at the head of his splendor
; the Moon ruled in Cancer, at the right hand of the Sun...The other planets wer
e given two houses. One for day and one for night. And since the Zodiac divided
the sky into twelve equal [portions], each of these houses was also equal, compr
ising 30°, [or] one-twelfth of the 360° circle.
"[And] THE HOUSES/SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC were as follows: Aries was THE RAM or LAMB
of God. Taurus THE BULL/GOLDEN CALF, Gemini THE TWINS [which represented] Cain-
Abel, Jacob-Esau [or] Jesus-Satan [William Cooper: for in Mystery Babylon, Jesus
and Satan are brothers, and in some sects of the mystery religion, they are the
same entity], Cancer THE CRAB, Leo THE LION/of the tribe of Judah [that can be
found in Revelations 5, verse 5], Virgo the VIRGIN/spring birth of God's Sun..."
[William Cooper]: or Mary. Mary or Marie means pure, thus Mary the virgin, the m
other of God, when God is reborn or born in the spring. And that is where the mo
ther holding the child, Isis with the child, Horus, and all through the history
of the world you will find a virgin holding a child in every culture, every lang
uage, in every continent, of this Earth.
"...Libra THE SCALES, Scorpio THE SCORPIAN, the back-biting traitor...Judas, Sag
ittarius THE ARCHER, Capricorn THE SEA-GOAT [or the goat of Mendes]. Aquarius, M
[William Cooper]: The age that we are leaving at this point in time, is the age
of Pisces. And, according to the Mystery Religion, we are entering into the Age
of Aquarius very soon in our future. And to them this has great meaning, for it
means the dawn of the New Age, the age of the illumined man. The number of the m
an is 666 in the Mystery Religion.
"Today we have expressions when someone dies. We say things like, 'They passed'
or 'They Passed On' or 'They Passed Away.' The ancients said 'They [u]Passed Ove
r[/u]' (from one life to another). [William Cooper: Over what? Over the river.]
And so it was with the coming of spring, as God's Sun is 'Resurrected' from the
[u]Death[/u] of [u]Winter[/u] to His [u]New Life[/u] (in [u]spring[/u]). This is
why Christians celebrate 'The Resurrection' with a Sun-Rise service at...'EASTE
R'...and the Jews, who knew [William Cooper: this ancient religion from their ti
me in captivity in Babylon] celebrate the same with their...'PASSOVER.'
"With this knowledge, we now add the fact that the first [Decan] of the astrolog
ical sign of [u]Virgo[/u] is 'Coma' - or the 'desired one' - of the nations. Thi
s was pictured by the ancient astrologers as a virgin girl holding a new born ba
be. Hence, our 'Madonna and Child' motif, so in the spring, or [u]Virgo[/u], God
's Sun is '[b]Born of a Virgin[/b].' Incidentally, the astrological symbol for V
irgo is the letter 'M' [or] 'Marie' [which] means 'pure', hence 'M'-ary...the pu
re virgin!"
[William Cooper]: And all through every culture, you will sign...find other repr
esentations by other names of the virgin mother with the child. Isis with the ch
ild Horus, born of a magical intercourse, when Isis changes into a bird and flut
ters over the dead Osiris. Osiris representing the sun, Isis representing the mo
on. I will tell you the meaning of the child Horus, other than the Sun in the mo
rning, probably on another episode of the Hour of the Time. Now, we belong to on
e another, according to the Mystery School. We are part of God's creation. We ar
e part of a great fraternity of man, according to them. We are creations voiced
to sing praises to God as we gather in the morning, (laughs) the morning, folks,
to pray. The very time of day recalls our creation and our new creation in Chri
st during the gathering time reflect on this mystery [sic]. Using the silence, t
he sounds of morning, the Psalms and other scriptures, be aware that the rising
sun is the image of Christ, our sun and source of life, and that is taken right
out of a Protestant church's leaflet calling for the congregation to gather for
the Easter sunrise service.
"Next, we read at I Peter [chapter 5 verse 4] that God's Sun is the 'Chief' shep
herd. This word 'chief is very important. For at I Peter [chapter 2 verse 6] and
again at [Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20] God's Sun is called [b]the 'Chief Corne
"[William Cooper: Now in our research in the mystery schools we find that the] w
ord in Greek for 'Chief Cornerstone' simply meant [b]the 'Peak of a Pyramid'[/b]
. [The 'Peak of a Pyramid.] [The] corner foundation (stone) or, peak of the pyra
"The prefix akro- [or] (topmost) was added by the Jews to the already existing G
reek adjective, goniaios [or] (at the corner). In that way the translators of Is
aiah rendered the Hebrew word for 'corner' (pinna Isaiah 28:14), describing the
stone which was a 'sure foundation' and which probably had reference to the futu
re Messiah...well understood by the Christian writers, was that of an important
Stone which was both akro- (a Peak) and a goniaios (a cornerstone). But there ar
e four or more corners to a building, and a stone and a corner cannot be uniquel
y significant."
[William Cooper]: Although you will find in Freemasonry the ceremony of laying a
cornerstone for every building that is built, and you look at all the buildings
in Washington, DC. You will see a cornerstone with the Masonic symbols and Maso
nic date of the Mystery Schools of the calendar of six thousand years.
"[Well, we found that we don t believe that it can be] significant unless the ston
e be at the apex[, apex,] of a pyramid where all corners meet and bond together.
[William Cooper]: ...and that is the secret of the truncated pyramid missing the
cap stone, on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States. For we have f
ound in our research, that in the Mystery Religion the Master Mason is the corne
rstone, or the peak, of the pyramid. The illumined man who functions as the eye
of Horus, or the spy for the Mystery Schools, wherever he is at.
"Just as the great pyramid near Mexico City is called...the '[b]Pyramid[/b] of [
b]The Sun[/b],' so also The Great Pyramid of Egypt was [actually] dedicated to H
orus, '[b]The Sun[/b].' A picture of this you may see on the back of any one-dol
lar bill. Above the pyramid [folks] is The Eye, the Sun - The [b]Eye[/b] of Horu
s, [b]The Sun[/b] (of God).
"The New Testament tells us three different times that God's Sun was [u]taught[/
u] by and [u]learned[/u] all things from the Father. He was...the [b]PUPIL[/b].
"We are told at Matthew [chapter 14 versus 17 and 19] that God's Sun tends to Hi
s people's needs with 'Two Fishes'. The two fishes being the astrological sign a
ll astrologers know as [u]Pisces[/u].
"Thus, we have had for almost 2000 years God's Sun ruling in His 'kingdom' or si
gn of Pisces/Two Fishes. As stated before, these signs are called houses. Theref
ore, Pisces is the 'Lord's House' at this time. Truly, the Greatest 'Fish' Story
Ever Told!
"According to astrology, sometime after the year 2010..."
[William Cooper]: Catch that date, folks: the year 2010 and remember when I told
you about [i]2001[/i]. Arthur C. Clark is obviously a member of the Mystery Sch
ools, and Stanley Kubrick, who's responsible for making the movie, is obviously
a member also.
"According to astrology, sometime after the year 2010 the Sun will enter into Hi
s [u]new Sign[/u], or His [u]new Kingdom[/u], as it was called by the ancients.
This next coming Sign [or] Kingdom, soon to be upon us, will be, according to th
e Zodiac, the House or Sign of [u]Aquarius[/u]. So when we read at Luke [chapter
22 verse 10], we now understand why God's Sun states that He and His followers,
at the last Passover, are to go into 'the house of the man with the water pitch
er'. So we see in the [u]coming millennium[/u], God's Sun will bring us into His
new Kingdom or House of Aquarius (the man with the water pitcher).
"Once we realize that in Astrology, each month is assigned one of the so-called
'Houses' of the Zodiac and [u]in heaven[/u] are 12 houses [or] (12 monthly signs
), then the words we read of God's Sun saying 'In my Father's house are many man
sions', makes sense (when translated correctly). The proper translation is as fo
llows: Father's House = Heavenly Abode, Mansions = Houses.
"So, correctly read in the original text, we read: 'In my father s heavenly abode
are many houses.' Yes, [u]12[/u] to be exact [according to the Mystery Religion
of Babylon]!
"...[By careful intention and study of the houses,] you will be enable to interp
ret Horoscopes. [It is well to] remember [that] just as the influence of one Pla
net in one Sign may be affected for good or ill by another Planet in another Sig
n, so the influence of Planets in Signs in general may be [strengthened, weakene
d, enhanced, afflicted or otherwise altered] by the influence of Planets and hou
ses [according to their beliefs].
"...[A rule of thumb to remember is that] signs measure your inherent qualities,
the Planets [i]influence[/i] those qualities, and the Houses [i]indicate[/i] di
rections for them. In other words, the Houses [i]indicate[/i] certain things, an
d a Planet in a House influences or activates the things indicated."
[William Cooper]: Now, this is all according to their religion. If you want more
explanation, please ask Nancy Reagan.
"Anyone familiar with modern-day Christianity must surely know we are said to be
living in the 'Last Days'. This teaching is, in part, based on the idea express
ed in Matthew [chapter 28, verse 20] of The King James Bible. Where God's Sun sa
ys, I will be with you even to the End of the world. [U]End of the world??!![/u] [
In] another simple mistranslation to clarify [William Cooper: and there are many
in the Bible] with a proper understanding of the actual words used. This 'end o
f the world' is translated [u]differently[/u] in the various Bibles. Some say 'E
nd of Time', [some say] 'End of the Days', and still others say 'Conclusion of t
his system of things.' So what does all this talk of the 'End Times/End of Days'
really mean?
"[Well] here is the simple answer [folks, according to the Mystery Schools]. Whe
n the scripture speaks of 'the end of the world,' the actual word used is [u]not
[/u], I repeat, is [u]not[/u] end of the [u]world[/u]. The actual word in Greek
is 'Aeon, which, when correctly translated, means 'Age,' that s spelled [folks] [u
]A-G-E[/u]! Any library will have Bible concordances. [i]Strong s Bible Concordanc
e[/i] is a good reference work to use here. Look up the word 'age' in any secula
r dictionary or Bible Concordance. There you will find the word for 'age' is fro
m the Greek 'Aeon' [or A-E-O-N]. Remembering that in Astrology each of the 12 ho
uses (or signs) of the Zodiac corresponds to a 2000 year period of time, called
an 'age,' we now know we are 1992 years into the House or Age of Pisces. Now, co
rrectly understood, it can rightly be said that we today, in fact, are living in
the 'LAST DAYS.'
"Yes, [according to the Mystery Schools] we are in the last days of the old '[u]
Age of Pisces[/u]'. Soon, God's Sun will [u]come again[/u] into His New Kingdom
or 'New Age' [William Cooper: and that is where all this new-age movement and ne
w age comes from...'New Age'] of Aquarius (man with the water pitcher - Luke [ch
apter 22 verse 10])."
[William Cooper]: That s right, folks, the new Aeon or the New Age. This, accordin
g to the Mystery Schools, is the perversion of Christianity. This is the theme o
f the Bible, God's Sun in his coming kingdom age, the new age of Aquarius. Now,
what you choose to believe is your business. Remember, don t get mad at me. I am t
eaching you the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon, and I am telling you right
now many people practice this mystery religion in secret, and they hate Christia
ns. They hate Christians because they believe that Christianity is a perversion
of their religion, and thus is their enemy.
"When viewing the shimmering rays of sunlight on a body of water at dawn or suns
et, [according to the Mystery Schools] one can still see today, how God's Sun 'w
alks on water.'"
[William Cooper]: Good night, and God bless you all.
(closing music: [i]Walk on the Water[/i], by Creedence Clearwater Revival)

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