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William Cooper's Mystery Babylon: Part 13 - Skull and Bones (aired March 8th, 19


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Transcribed by wakingup72 @


Get comfortable, ladies and gentlemen, open your ears, sit back and relax. And g
et set for an unbelievable revelation tonight. You're going to want copies of th
is tape...this tape of the Hour of the Time. I'm William Cooper.

(opening music: [i]The Rose[/i], written by Bette Midler, performed by unknown a


Ah, yes, the seed that lies beneath the snow, in the springtime becomes the rose
. I'm going to begin tonight's broadcast, ladies and gentlemen, by reading a por
tion of the introduction of a book, entitled [i]Born in Blood:[/i], by John J. R
obinson, [i]The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry[/i]. Now, you should seek out this b
ook, purchase it and read it. It is a wonderful edition to your own library, and
I begin now:

[Reading from [i]Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry[/i], written by

John J. Robinson]:

"The research behind this book is not originally intended to reveal anything abo
ut Freemasonry or the Knights Templar. Its objective had been to satisfy my own
curiosity about certain unexplained aspects of the Peasants' Revolt in England i
n 1381, a savage uprising that saw upwards of a hundred thousand Englishmen marc
h on London. They moved in uncontrolled rage, burning down manor houses, breakin
g open prisons, and cutting down any who stood in their way.
"One unsolved mystery of that revolt was the organization behind it. For several
years, a group of disgruntled priests of the lower clergy had traveled the town
s, preaching against the riches and corruption of the church. During the months
before the uprising, secret meetings had been held throughout central England by
men weaving a network of communication. After the revolt was put down, rebel le
aders confessed to being agents of a 'Great Society,' said to be based in London
. So very little is known of that alleged organization that several scholars hav
e solved the mystery simply by deciding that no such secret society ever existed
"Another mystery was the concentrated and especially vicious attacks on the reli
gious order of the Knights Hospitaller of St. John, now known as the Knights of
Malta. Not only did the rebels seek out their properties for vandalism and fire,
but their prior was dragged from the Tower of London to have his head struck of
f and placed on London Bridge, to the delight of the cheering mob.
"There was no question that the ferocity that was unleashed on the crusading Hos
pitallers had a purpose behind it. One captured rebel leader, when asked for the
reasons for the revolt, said, 'First, and above all...the destruction of the Ho
spitallers.' What kind of secret society could have that special hatred as one o
f its primary purposes?
"A desire for vengeance against the Hospitallers was easy to identify in the riv
al crusading order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. The pro
blem was that those Knights Templar have been completely suppressed almost seven
ty years before the Peasants' Revolt, following several years during which the T
emplars had been imprisoned, tortured and burned at the stake. After issuing the
decree that put an end to the Templar order, Pope Clement V had directed that a
ll of the extensive properties of the Templars should be given to the Hospitalle
rs. Could a Templar desire for revenge actually survive underground for three ge
"There was no incontrovertible truth, yet the only evidence suggest the existenc
e of just one secret society in fourteenth-century England [William Cooper: just
one], the society that was, or would become, the order of Free and Accepted Mas
ons. There appeared to be no connection, however, between the revolt and Freemas
onry, except for the name or title of its leader. He occupied the center stage o
f English history for just eight days and nothing is known of him except that he
was the supreme commander of the rebellion. He was called Walter the Tyler, and
it seemed at first to be mere coincidence that he bore the title of the enforce
ment officer of the Masonic lodge. In Freemasonry the Tyler, who must be a Maste
r Mason, is the sentry, the sergeant-at-arms, and the officer who screens the cr
edentials of visitors who seek entrance to the lodge. In remembrance of an earli
er, more dangerous time, his post is just outside the door of the Lodge room, wh
ere he stands with a drawn sword in his hand [William Cooper: even to this day].

"I was aware that there had been many attempts in the past to link the Freemason
s with the Knights Templar, but never with success. The fragile evidence advance
d by proponents of that connection had never held up, sometimes because it was b
ased on wild speculation, and at least once because it had been based on a delib
erate forgery. But despite the failures to establish that link, it just will not
go away, and the time-shrouded belief in some relationship between in two order
s remains as one of the more durable legends of Freemasonry. That is entirely ap
propriate, because all of the various theories of the origin of Freemasonry are
legendary. Not one of them is supported by any universally accepted evidence."
[William Cooper]: Ah, here I break from reading from the introduction of the boo
k and interject a comment here. There was [i]never[/i] any universally accepted
evidence until you hear what you're going to hear tonight, produced by John Galt
, an agent of the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence [CAJI]. The connection,
dear listeners, is in the genealogy of the families of the elite. You are going
to be amazed, and now I continue from the introduction to [i]Born in Blood[/i]:
"I was not about to travel down that time-worn trail, and decided to concentrate
my efforts on digging deeper into the history of the Knights Templar to see if
there was any link between the suppressed Knights and the secret society behind
the Peasants' Revolt. In doing so, I thought that I would be leaving Freemasonry
far behind. [And] I couldn't have been more mistaken.
"Like anyone curious about medieval history, I had developed an interest in the
Crusades, and perhaps more than just an interest. Those holy wars hold an appeal
that is frequently as romantic as it is historical, and in my travels I had tri
ed to drink in the atmosphere of the narrow defiles in the mountains of Lebanon
through which Crusader armies had passed, and had sat staring into the castle ru
ins Sidon and Tyre, trying to hear the clashing sounds of attack and defense. I
had marveled at the walls of Constantinople and had strolled the Arsenal of Veni
ce, where Crusader fleets were assembled. I had sat in the round church of the K
nights Templar in London, trying to imagine the ceremony of its consecration [by
] the Patriarch of Jerusalem in 1185, more than three hundred years before Colum
bus set sail west to the Indies.
"The Templar order was founded in Jerusalem in 1118, in the aftermath of the Fir
st Crusade. Its name came from the location of its first headquarters on the sit
e of the ancient Temple of Solomon, helping to fulfill a desperate need for a st
anding army in the Holy Land, the Knights of the Temple soon grew in numbers, in
wealth, and in political power. They also grew in arrogance, and their Grand Ma
ster de Ridfort was a key figure in the mistakes that led to the fall of Jerusal
em in 1187. The Latin Christians managed to hold on to a narrow strip of territo
ry along the coast, where the Templars were among the largest owners of the land
and [the] fortifications.
"Finally, the enthusiasm for sending men and money to the Holy Land waned among
the European kingdoms, which were preoccupied with their wars against each other
. By 1296 the Egyptian sultan was able to push the resident Crusaders, along wit
h the military orders, into the sea. The Holy Land was lost, and the defeated Kn
ights Templar moved their base to the island of Cyprus, dreaming of yet one more
Crusade to restore their past glory.
"As the Templars planned to go on a new Crusade against the infidel, King Philip
IV of France was planning his own private crusade against the Templars. He long
ed to be rid of his massive debts to the Templar order, which had used its wealt
h to establish a major [international] banking operation. Philip wanted the Temp
lar treasure to finance his continental wars against Edward I of England.
"After two decades of fighting England on one side and the Holy Roman Church on
the other, two unrelated events gave Philip of France the opportunity he needed.
Edward I died, and his deplorably weak son took the throne of England as Edward
II. On the other front, Philip was able to get his own man on the Throne of Pet
er as Pope Clement V.
"When word arrived on Cyprus that the new pope would mount a Crusade, the Knight
s Templar thought that their time of restoration to glory was at hand. Summoned
to France, their aging Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, went armed with elaborate
plans for the rescue of Jerusalem. In Paris, he was humored and honored until t
he fatal day. At dawn on Friday, the thirteenth of October, in the year 1307, ev
ery Templar in France was arrested and put in chains on Philip's orders. Their h
ideous tortures for confessions of heresy began immediately.
"When the pope's order to arrest the Templars arrived at the English court, youn
g Edward II had took no action at all. He protested to the pontiff that the Temp
lars were innocent. Only after the pope issued a formal Bull [William Cooper: on
November the twenty-second in the year 1307] was the English king forced to act
. In January [William Cooper: in the year], 1308, Edward finally issued orders f
or the arrest of the Knights Templar in England, but the three months of warning
had been put to good use. Many of the Templars had gone underground, while some
of those arrested managed to escape. Their treasure, their jeweled reliquaries,
even the bulk of their records, had [totally] disappeared. In Scotland, the pap
al order was not even published. Under those conditions England, and especially
Scotland, became targeted havens for fugitive Templars from continental Europe,
and the efficiency of their concealment spoke to some assistance from outside, o
r from each other.
"The English throne passed from Edward II to Edward III, who bequeathed the crow
n to his ten-year-old grandson who, as Richard II, watched from the Tower as the
Peasants' Revolt exploded throughout the city of London.
"Much had happened to the English people along the way. Incessant wars had drain
ed the king's treasury and corruption had taken the rest. A third of the populat
ion had perished in the Black Death, and famine exacted further tolls. The reduc
ed labor force of farmers and craftsmen found that they could earn more for thei
r labor, but their increased income came at the expense of land-owning barons an
d bishops, who were not prepared to tolerate such a state of affairs. Laws were
passed to reduce wages, and prices to preplague levels in genealogies were searc
h to reimpose the bondage of serfdom and villeinage on men who thought themselve
s free. The king's need for money to fight the French wars inspired new and inge
nious taxes. The oppression was coming from all sides, and the pot of rebellion
was brought to the boil.
"Religion didn't help, either. The landowning church was as merciless a master a
s the landowning nobility. Religion would have been a source of confusion for th
e fugitive Templars as well. They were a religious body of warrior monks who owe
d allegiance to no man on earth except the Holy Father [William Cooper: accordin
g to the Holy Father. But according to the Templars, in secret, their allegiance
was only to themselves]. When their pope turned on them, chained them, beat the
m, he broke their link with God. In fourteenth-century Europe there was no pathw
ay to God except through the vicar of Christ on earth. If the pope rejected the
Templars and the Templars rejected the Pope, they had to find a new way to worsh
ip their God, at a time when any variation from the teachings of the established
church was blasted as heresy.
"That dilemma called to mind a central tenet of Freemasonry, which requires only
that a man believe in a Supreme Being, with no requirements as to how he worshi
ps the deity of his choice. In Catholic Britain such a belief would have been a
crime, but it would have accommodated the fugitive Templars who had been cut off
from the universal church. In consideration of the extreme punishment for heres
y, such an independent belief also...made sense of one of the more mysterious...
of Freemasonry's Old Charges."
[William Cooper]: The ancient rules that still govern the conduct of the fratern
ity. The charge says that no Mason should reveal the secrets of a brother that m
ay deprive him of his life and property. That connection caused me to take a dif
ferent look at the Masonic Old Charges.
"They took on new direction and meaning when viewed as a set of instructions for
a secret society created to assist and protect fraternal brothers on the run an
d in hiding from the church. That characterization made no sense in the context
of a medieval guild of stonemasons, the usual claim for the roots of Freemasonry
. It did make a great deal of sense, however, for men such as the fugitive Templ
ars, whose very lives depended upon their concealment. Nor would there have been
any problem finding new recruits over the years ahead: There were to be plenty
of protesters and dissidents against the church among future generations. The re
bels of the Peasants' Revolt proved that when they attacked abbeys and monasteri
es, and when they cut off the head off of Archbishop of Canterbury, the leading
Catholic prelate in England.
"The fugitive Templars would have needed a code such as the Old Charges of Mason
ry, but the working stonemasons clearly did not. It had become obvious that I ne
eded to know about the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons. The extent of
the Masonic material available at large in public libraries surprised me, as did
the fact that it was housed in the department of education and religion. Not co
ntent with just what was readily available to the public, I asked to use the lib
rary in the Masonic Temple in Cincinnati, Ohio."
[William Cooper]: By the way, folks, Cincinnati, Ohio is an extremely important
location in this country, the United States.
"I told the gentlemen there that I was not a Freemason, but wanted to use the li
brary as part of my research for a book that would probably include a new examin
ation of the Masonic order. His only question to me was, 'Will it be fair?' I as
sured him that I had no desire or intention to be anything other than fair, to w
hich he replied, 'Good enough.' I was left alone with the catalog and the hundre
ds of Masonic books that lined the walls. I also took advantage of the publicati
ons of the Masonic Service Association in Silver Springs, Maryland.
"Later, as my growing knowledge of Masonry enabled me to sustain a conversation
of the subject, I began to talk to Freemasons. At first, I wondered how I would
go about meeting fifteen or twenty Masons and, if I could meet them, would they
be willing to talk with me? The first problem was solved as soon as I started as
king friends and associates if they were Masons. There were four in one group I
had known for about five years, and many more among men I had known for twenty y
ears and more, without ever realized that they had any connection with Freemason
ry. As for the second part of my concern, I found them quite willing to talk, no
t about the secret passwords and hand grips (by then, I had already knew them),
but about what they have been taught concerning the origins of Freemasonry and i
ts ancient Old Charges.
"They were as intrigued as I about the possibilities of discovering the lost mea
nings of words, symbols, and ritual for which no logical explanation was availab
le, such as why a Master Mason is told in his initiation rights that 'this degre
e will make you a brother to pirates and corsairs.'"
[William Cooper]: And folks, [i]I'll[/i] explain that to you (laughs) a little l
"We agreed that unlocking the secrets of those Masonic mysteries would contribut
e most to unearthing the past, because the loss of their true meanings had cause
d the ancient terms and symbols to be preserved intact, lest subject to change o
ver the centuries, or by adaptations to new conditions.
"Among those lost secrets were the meanings of words used in the Masonic rituals
, words like [i]tyler[/i], [i]cowan[/i], [i]due-guard[/i], and [i]Juwes[/i]. Mas
onic writers have struggled for centuries, without success, to make those words
fit with their preconceived convictions that Masonry was born in the English-spe
aking guilds of medieval stonemasons.
"Now I would test the possibility that there was indeed a connection between Fre
emasonry and the French-speaking Templar order. By looking for the lost meanings
of those terms, not in English, but in medieval French. The answers began to fl
ow, and soon a sensible meaning for every one of the mysterious Masonic terms wa
s established in the French language. It even provided the first credible meanin
g for the name of Hiram Abiff, the murdered architect of the Temple of Solomon,
who is the central figure of Masonic ritual. The examination established somethi
ng else as well. It is well known that in 1362 the English courts officially cha
nged the language used for court proceedings from French to English. So the Fren
ch roots of all [of] the mysterious terms of Freemasonry confirmed the existence
of that secret society in the fourteenth century, the century of the Templar su
ppression and the Peasants' Revolt.
"With that encouragement I addressed other lost secrets of Masonry: the circle a
nd mosaic pavement on the lodge room floor, gloves and lambskin aprons, the symb
ol of the compass and the square, even the mysterious legend of the murder of Hi
ram Abiff. The Rule, customs and traditions of the Templars provided answers to
all of those mysteries. Next, came a deeper analysis of the Old Charges of ancie
nt Masonry that define a secret society of mutual protection. What the 'lodge' w
as doing was assistance brothers in hiding from the wrath of church and state, p
roviding them with money, vouching for them with the authorities, even providing
the 'lodging' that gave Freemasonry the unique term for its chapters and its me
eting rooms. There remained no reasonable doubt in my mind that the original con
cept of the secret society that came to call itself Freemasonry had been born as
a society of mutual protection among fugitive Templars and their associates in
Britain, men who had gone underground to escape the imprisonment and torture tha
t had been ordered for them by Pope Clement V. Their antagonism toward the Churc
h was rendered more powerful by its total secrecy. The suppression of the Templa
r order appeared to be one of the biggest mistakes the Holy See [has] ever made.

"In return, Freemasonry has been the target of more angry papal bulls and encycl
icals than any other secular organization in Christian history. Those condemnati
ons began just a few years after Masonry revealed itself in 1717 and grew in int
ensity, culminating in the bull Humanum Genus, promulgated by Pope Leo XIII in 1
884. In it, the Masons are accused of espousing religious freedom, the separatio
n of church and state, the education of children by laymen, and the extraordinar
y crime of believing that people have the right to make their own laws and to el
ect their own government, 'according to the new principles of liberty.'"
[William Cooper]: You see, folks, and this is an aside, [i]all[/i] of our forefa
thers who have established this country were Freemasons, and their intent is spe
lled out in Latin on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States of Ameri
ca, where it plainly says, [i]Novus Ordo Seclorum[/i]: the New World Order. And
I will interpret all of the meaning of the symbols on that Great Seal according
to their [i]true meaning[/i], and not the meaning the you read in certain disinf
ormation books written by Freemasons to steer you down the wrong road.
"Such concepts are identified, along with the Masons, as part of the kingdom of
Satan. The document not only defines the concerns of the Catholic Church about F
reemasonry at that time, but, in the negative, so clearly defines what Freemason
s believe that I have included the complete text of that papal bull as an append
ix to this book."
[William Cooper]: ...and I urge you all to get this book and read it.
"Finally, it should be added that the events described here were part of a great
watershed of Western history. The feudal age was coming to a close. Land, and t
he peasant labor on it, had lost its role as the sole source of wealth. Merchant
families banded into guilds, and took over whole towns with charters as municip
al corporations. Commerce led to banking and investment, and towns became power
centers to rival the nobility in wealth and influence.
"The universal church, which had fought for a position of supremacy in a feudal
context, was slow to accept changes that might affect that supremacy. Any materi
al disagreement with the church was called heresy, the most heinous crime under
heaven. The heretic not only deserved death, but the most painful death imaginab
"Some dissidents run for the woods and hide, while others organize. In the case
of the fugitive Knights Templar, the organization already existed. They possesse
d a rich tradition of secret operations that had been raised to the highest leve
l through their association with the intricacies of Byzantine politics, the secr
et ritual of the Assassins [and the Roshaniya], and the intrigues of the Moslem
courts which they met alternately on the battlefield or at the conference table.
The church, in its bloody rejection of protest and change, provided them with a
river of recruits that flowed for centuries.
"More than six hundred years have passed since the suppression of the Knights Te
mplar, but their heritage lives on in the largest fraternal organization ever kn
own. And so the story of those tortured crusading knights, of the savagery of th
e Peasants' Revolt, and of the lost secrets of Freemasonry becomes the story of
the most successful secret society in the history of the world.
[William Cooper]: I've got to take a break, folks. Don't go away. I'll be right
back after this very short pause.

(break music: [i]When You Wish Upon A Star[/i], music by Leigh Harline, lyrics b
y Ned Washington, performed by unknown artist)

[No longer reading]:

Spurned by God in the form of the vicar of Christ on earth, the Pope, and spurni
ng God in their turn, the Knights Templars banded together in secret and formed
what was to become known as Freemasonry. Now, the legend goes that Freemasonry s
prang up from ancient stonecutters, guilds, and the men who built the stone buil
dings of the age. But "Freemason" actually comes from the French: [i]phree messe
n[/i], which literally means, "The Sons of Light." Which light will certainly, i
n researching the problem, that it is not the light of Christ. It is the light o
f the fallen angel of light, for when they were forsaken by the church, by Chris
t vicar on earth, the Pope, they spurned God and turned to Lucifer. They held to
the Luciferian philosophy that the gift of intellect by Lucifer, through his ag
ent Satan, would in its turn make man god. These men were always on the run. The
y took the hidden Templar wealth and built a financial empire that stands to thi
s day is the most powerful on the earth [sic]. Jews, who had traditionally been
persecuted throughout Europe, flocked to the hidden Temple, for there they could
believe as they wished and worshiped whatever god they wished, for all were wel
come. Many of the Templars running [to ground] flocked to England and to Scotlan
d, where they fought for Robert the Bruce, who was engaged in an intense battle
with the King of England.
Now, let me regress just a little bit. King William the Lion, who was born in 11
65 and died in 1214, had a daughter, Isabel of Scotland. Well, Isabel married a
certain Robert Rose [Roos] . Robert Rose [Roos] was a Knights Templar who was he
avily involved in the first efforts -- and was very successful -- at internation
al banking. Plus, he established the first overt and covert international intell
igence gathering organization which all, all subsequent intelligence organizatio
ns had been based upon since. His son, Sir William Roos, and his daughter, Lucy
Roos, figure prominently in the story to follow. Lucy married Sir Robert Plumpto
n. They sired two children: Sir William Plumpton and Alice Plumpton. During this
period of time, this family, this family, as the Knights Templar were going to
ground, in the male progeny of this family always followed in their father's foo
tsteps and entered into the order. They established, in secret, the Scottish Rit
e of Freemasonry, and may have had a significant role in the establishment, for
intelligence reasons, of the order known as the Ancient Order of the Rose and Cr
Now, Alice Plumpton married Sir John Boteler. They gave birth to a daughter, Ali
ce Boteler, who then married John Gerard, who had a child, Constance, who marrie
d Sir Alex Standish. The following children issued from that marriage: Ralph Sta
ndish, Sir Alex Standish, Roger Standish, and Alice Standish, who then married J
ames Prescott. The children of this marriage were Roger Prescott, Ralph Prescott
, John Prescott, and Captain Jonathan Prescott. Jonathan Prescott married Rebecc
a Buckley. They had two children, Abel Prescott and Lucy Prescott, and Lucy marr
ied Jonathan Fay. They sired three children: Samuel Prescott Phillips Fay, Samue
l Howard Fay, and Harriet Eleanor Fay. Harriet married Reverend James Smith Bush
, son of merchant Obidiah [Newcomb] Bush. Their son, Samuel Prescott Bush, becam
e the president of Buckeye Steel Castings Company of Ohio. A pioneer family of F
ranklin, Ohio between Dayton and Cincinnati, and was one of the members of the G
olden Circle and Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society, which gave
issue to most of the political elite of the United States of America, who are,
by the way, all (and I mean [i]all without exception[/i]) related to each other.

Now, Samuel Prescott Bush married, and his son Prescott Bush became a U.S. Senat
or from Connecticut, the director of Prudential Insurance, the director of CBS,
a partner in Brown Brothers Harriman, chairman, National Republican Finance Comm
ittee, funds placed in Merrill Lynch accounts in Switzerland under the guidance
of Donald Reagan. When he married, that marriage gave issue to the following:
Prescott Bush II: an investment banker indicted for fraudulent banking practices
George Bush: Chairman of Zapata Oil from 1963-64; Chairman of Republican Party,
Harris County, Texas, when J.F. Kennedy was killed; delegate to the GOP National
Convention (1964); 1968 member of the 90th and 91st Congress from Texas; from 1
965-66, Nixon appointed Bush as ambassador to the United Nations to deal with Ch
ina; he was the director for the Central Intelligence Agency; Chairman of the GO
P party; Vice President of the United States of America; and President of the Un
ited States of America.
Four other children were William H. Bush, James Bush, Jonathan Bush, and Nancy,
who married Alex Ellis.
The issue of George and Barbara Bush was: Dorothy, who married William LeBlond;
John Ellis Bush; Neil Bush, son of the director of CIA, becomes director of Silv
erado Savings and Loan and launders CIA drug money. Silverado loses over $100 mi
llion dollars and Neil goes unpunished.
And the two other children? Marvin Pierce Bush and George Bush II.
Folks, this intelligence was gathered by one of our agents, code named "John Gal
t," who spent literally years in dusty libraries and books of genealogy. And I'm
not going to tell you which libraries or how he arrived at this information. Bu
t it has been checked, it is absolutely accurate and this is just one portion of
the pedigree of George Bush, who's literally related to most of the royal famil
ies of Europe.
Now, you can have a copy of this chart if you want it. I'll tell you how to get
it later, so have your pencils and paper ready. I'm going to tell you exactly wh
ere the money goes. One half of the money goes to help pay for the airtime here;
the other half goes to our agent, John Galt, to pay for the years of toil and d
usty library books that nobody ever looks in, tracing genealogy. And folks, this
is only one of the charts that he has furnished to us, along with others, other
agents of the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence [CAJI], who are engaged in
the exact same research. And we have found that our most productive connections
of the secret societies, the royal families, and what's happening in the world
today, is through genealogy.
We have found a direct connection between the Peasants' Rebellion [Revolt] in En
gland, the French Revolution, the Ronald Reagan and George Bush political campai
gn, and the George Bush political campaign. As far as the Peasants' Rebellion go
es, the Encyclopedia Britannica calls it a "curiously spontaneous rebellion." Ba
rbara Tuchman, in her fourteenth century history, a distant mirror, said the reb
ellions spread "with some evidence of planning."
Winston Churchill went even further. In his work, [i]The Birth of Britain[/i], h
e wrote: "Throughout the summer of 1381, there was a general ferment. Beneath it
all lay organization. Agents moved round the villages of central England, in to
uch with a 'Great Society' which was said to meet in London...the spark of rebel
lion was being fanned vigorously, and finally the signal was given. Even though
he had been arrested, excommunicated, and even now was a prisoner in the Ecclesi
astic prison at Maidstone in Kent, letters went out from priests John Ball and f
rom other priests who followed him. Clerics were then the only literate class, s
o letters must have been received by local priests who were obviously intended t
o be shared with or read aloud to others. They all contained a signal to act now
, which could put to rest the concept that the rebellion was simply a spontaneou
s convulsion of frustration that just happened to affect the hundred thousand En
glishmen all at the same time."
This, from a letter from John Ball. In it he says, "John Ball greeteth you well
all, and doth you to understand that he hath rongen your bell. Now right and mig
ht, will and skill. Now God speed [haste you in] every dele [William Cooper: whi
ch means 'ideal'], [now is time]."
From priest Jake Carter: "You have great need to take God with you in all of you
r deeds, for now is time to be war."
From priest Jake Trewman: "Jake Trewman doth you to understand that falseness an
d gile reigned too long and truth hath been set under a lock, and falseness reig
nth in evervil flock. God do bote, for now is time."
Now, you'll notice that in every one of those quotes, there was one phrase that
stands out and that phrase is "now is time." One letter from John Ball, "Saint M
ary Priest," is worth quoting in its entirety. Even with the medieval English sp
elling, the meaning will be clear. Lechery and gluttony were frequent points in
his accusations of high church leaders:
"John Ball, Saint Mary s Priest, greets well all manner [of] men [and] bids 'em in
the name of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, stand manly together in t
ruth, and helpeth truth, and truth shall help you. Now reigneth pride in price,
and covetousness is held wise, and lechery without shame, and gluttony without b
lame. Envy reigneth with treason, and sloth is taken in great season. God do bot
e, for now is time. Amen."
Now, folks, if you research the history of the French Revolution, you will hear
that the spark, the word that spread through the country like wildfire that igni
ted the rebellion in France was "now is the time." Literally, the same phrase. S
ome say that in the American Revolution the same phrase was heard and we find me
ntion of it in several texts, but [i]not[/i] like it was heard in the Peasants'
Revolt in England, and [i]not[/i] like it was heard in the French Revolution. Bu
t it was heard again in modern times. It was the campaign slogan of the Bush/Rea
gan campaign, and was used again in the Bush campaign: "Now is the time." [i]Now
is the time.[/i]
One famous photograph staged by George Bush [Sr.] and selected by George Bush fo
r publication in [i]Life Magazine[/i] shows him lying in bed, holding the pyrami
d with the capstone in place, signaling to Masons, Freemasons, and members, the
priests of the Mystery Schools around the world, that [i]he[/i] is the one who w
ill bring into fruition their ages-, centuries-, millennia-old dream of the New
World Order. In our search for the Templars, we have followed them right to thei
r gravestones, and on some of their gravestones it shows the knight, leaning bac
k, reclining with his feet resting up on a dog, denoting that he is the master.
On most of the tombstones, however, we have found something unexpected: the skul
l and crossbones. Now, when the Knights Templars were persecuted, the fleet -- t
hey have vast fleets, an entire navy -- disappeared. And no one, at least no one
in the establishment historian group, claims to know where they went. But we ha
ve found them folks. They became the pirates and hoisted their symbol of the sku
ll and bones to the yardarm. They became the vast fleet of pirates who roamed th
e seas of the world and terrorized nations, navies and merchantmen. And thus aro
se, from the initiation rights of the Templars, the initiatory rights of crossin
g the equator, the International Date Line and others; and accounts for the brot
herhood amongst the pirates of the world. Even to establishing seaports that the
y owned and operated, and where they could always find safety. Those on the land
established what they called the "Brotherhood of Death." Chapters were formed t
hroughout the world.
George Bush was initiated in the crypt, or what is known as the tomb at Yale int
o the Brotherhood of Death, also known as the Russell Trust, also known as the S
kull and Bones. The research of many people have revealed what the interior of t
he crypt, or what is known as the tomb at Yale, the fraternity house of the Bone
smen, contains. And Anthony C. Sutton, in his monumental work, [i]America's Secr
et Establishment[/i], all about the Skull and Bones, and one other who wrote a m
agazine article and published it, revealed the initiation ceremony, revealed tha
t swastikas were found inside the tomb, revealed that the altar is a pile of bon
es and that the secret ceremony that George Bush underwent during his initiation
was thus:

[reading from [i]A History of Secret Societies[/i], written by Arkon Daraul]:

"On the day of his initiation, [George Bush] was conducted through a long dark p
assage into an immense hall draped with black. He was able to see, by the faint
light of sepulchral lamps, corpses [William Cooper repeats: [i]corpses[/i]] in t
heir shrouds. The altar, built of human skeletons, stood in the center. Ghostly
forms moved through the hall, leaving behind them a foul odor. At length two men
, dressed as spectres, appeared and tied a pink band or ribbon smeared with bloo
d around his forehead. Upon this was an image of the Lady of Loretto. A crucifix
was placed in his hand, and an amulet hung around his neck. His clothes were re
moved and laid upon a funeral pyre [William Cooper: in a fireplace], while upon
his body crosses were smeared in blood. Then his pudenda were tied with string [
William Cooper: that's his genitals].
"Now five horrid and frightening figures, bloodstained and mumbling, approached
him and threw themselves down in prayer. After an hour, sounds of weeping were h
eard, the funeral pyre started to burn, and his clothes were consumed. From the
flames of this fire a huge and almost transparent form arose, while the five pro
strate figures went into terrible convulsions. Now came the voice of an invisibl
e hierophant, booming from somewhere below [as George Bush lay in a coffin naked
]. The words were those of these oaths, which the candidate had to repeat:
"'In the name of the crucified one, I swear to sever all bonds which unite me wi
th mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistress, kings, superio
rs, benefactors, or any other man to whom I have promised faith, service, or obe
"'I name the place in which I was born. Henceforth I live in another dimension,
which I will not reach until I have renounced the evil globe which has been curs
ed by Heaven;
"'For now onwards I shall reveal to my new chief all that I have heard or found
out; and I shall also seek out and observe things which might have otherwise hav
e escaped me;
"'I honor the [i]aqua toffana[/i]; it is a quick and essential medium of removin
g from the earth, through death or robbing them of their wits, of those who oppo
se truth, and those who try to take it from our hands;
"'I shall avoid Spain, Naples, and all other accursed lands, and I shall avoid t
he temptation to betray what I have now of heard;
"'Lightning will not strike as rapidly as the dagger, which will reach me, where
ver I may be, should I betray my initiation.'
"Now a candelabrum, bearing seven black candles, is placed before the candidate,
and also a bowl containing [what is supposed to be] human blood. He washes hims
elf in the blood, and drinks a quantity of it. The string around his [genitalia]
is removed, he is placed in a bath to undergo complete ablution. After this, he
eats a meal composed of root vegetables."
[William Cooper]: At this time, he is given his new name by which he will be kno
wn to all of the others in the order, the Brotherhood of Death. And with the com
pletion of his initiation, George Bush joined all of the male members of his fam
ily in a long line of ancestry, traced from Robert Roos to the modern day. He to
ok his place in the order, the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, and has worked dili
gently to fulfill his role in the completion of the plan, The Great Work the fo
rmation of the New World Order, the one-world totalitarian socialist state, the
destruction of all existing nation states, all existing religions, and enslaveme
nt of the mob.
"The very highest degrees of the order show that the rationalism and materialism
of the thinkers who developed it were determined to stamp out belief in religio
n. God and any faith in a deity, the initiate were told, were human inventions,
and no real meaning. Subsequently this was developed further, and the member who
arrived at the highest position (that of Rex, or King) learned that he is now e
qual to a king, and that all men were capable of equal advancement: hence, the n
eed for kings over ordinary mortals was an illusion."
[William Cooper]: And that at the highest rank, the title of Rex Mundi, or King
of the World, is assumed.
If you would like to get this genealogy folks, if you're a CAJI member, it's fiv
e dollars, send it in to the address that you'll hear at the end of this broadca
st. For everybody else, it's ten dollars. Good night, and God bless each and eve
ry single one of you.

(closing music: [i]Amazing Grace[/i], sung by unknown artist)

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