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Directions for Graphic Organizer Assignment

1. Open up a blank Microsoft Word Document

2. Click the “Insert” tab
3. Click the “Shapes” button
4. Pick one large shape to be your header
5. Next, pick three different shapes to go under your header in a
horizontal line
6. Under those, pick two different shapes to go in a horizontal line
7. Last, pick another large shape to go at the bottom of your page
8. Insert arrows to connect each row of shapes to the one below it

After you have your diagram set up, let’s focus on the content

1. Chose a creative title, different from the one I have provided in

my example
2. Next, chose THREE important reasons why the Great Depression
happened. Make sure they are reasons we have talked about in
class, you should not need any outside sources for this
3. Once you have chosen three reasons, chose 1 picture per reason
to show what your reason is/how was it represented in the media
during that time.
4. Move down to the next set of shapes (there should be two), and
give me 2 effects, ONE Personal effect of the Great Depression on
an individual during that time, and ONE nation-wide effect during
that time.
5. As we have learned, the Great Depression had a lot more than
three factors behind it to explain why it happened. Explain why
you chose the three reasons behind the stock market crash in 5-6
6. Save your Document, and submit it to me via e-mail

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