Graphic Organizer Rubric

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As we have learned, the Great Depression had a lot more than three factors behind it to explain

why it happened. Explain why you chose the three reasons behind the stock market crash in 5-

Graphic Organizer Rubric

Title, -Creative title -Basic title - Has title, shows lack -No title
(different than -layout is somewhat of creativity - Viewer cannot follow
Layout, example) organized, shows - layout is unorganized, layout.
& -layout is organized lack of effort hard for viewer to - Too many spelling/
Grammar - No/minimal spelling -increased follow. Grammar errors for
and grammar errors spelling/grammar - many spelling/ viewer to understand.
(4 Points) (4) errors (3) grammar errors (2) (1)

3 Reasons -3 reasons are easy to -3 reasons are hard -3 reasons are lacking -Missing 1-2 reasons
for the find on diagram to understand Importance -Missing pictures
-includes picture that -pictures are - pictures are not
relates to topic blurry/not visible Related to topic
Depression -topics are events we - topics are unrealted (2) (1)
(text & picture)
talked about in class to events talked
(4) about in class (3)

- 1 personal effect for

- 1 personal effect, - 2 Reasons, not -1 Reason, not specific
Effects of the an individual not thoroughly specific to personal or To personal or nation
Great - 1 Nation-wide effect
thought out nation-wide (2) wide. (1)
Depression -organized on chart- 1 Nation-wide
effect, unclear
(4) -slightly disorganized
5-6 Sentences - 5-6 Sentences -4 Sentences -3 Sentences that are - 1-2 Sentences that
explaining explaining clearly why explaining why you Unclear as to why you are very unclear
why you chose you chose your 3 chose your 3 reasons, Chose your 3 reasons. -Too many grammar/
your 3 reasons reasons slightly unclear - many grammar/ spelling errors (1)
-no grammar/spelling -minimal Spelling errors (2)
errors (4) grammar/spelling
errors (3)

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