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International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107 (2018) 48–54

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Dynamic model validation using blast vibration monitoring in mine backfill T

a,⁎ b c
Muhammad Zaka Emad , Hani Mitri , Cecile Kelly
Department of Mining Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Punjab 54890, Pakistan
Department of Mining & Materials Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Birchtree Mine, Vale Manitoba Operations, Thompson, Manitoba, Canada


Keywords: Sublevel stoping mining methods with delayed backfill are employed for mining steeply dipping ore deposits at
Underground mining deeper horizons. Cemented rockfill (CRF) is used as a backfilling material for open stopes formed during mining.
Blast-induced vibrations In primary-secondary mining sequence, blast vibrations are induced in CRF during the extraction of adjacent
Numerical modelling stopes. Higher magnitude of blast vibrations may destabilize CRF causing failure and dilution of precious ore.
This paper presents a methodology for calibrating a FLAC3D numerical model, encompassing mine backfill with
blast-induced vibration data recorded from field instrumentation. Two FLAC3D models are prepared, one for
simulating the blasting process and the other is prepared for backfill stability analysis. The first model resulted in
load vectors to be applied to backfill and rock interface. The second model showed that the backfill fails under
the blast vibrations induced by the adjacent production stope. The results of the back analysis of fill failure are
presented and discussed. The methodology may serve as numerical model calibration procedure for mine

1. Introduction loading. Recently,7 the effect of different simulated blast loads is ex-
amined through numerical modelling study. In that study a stable CRF
Canadian hard rock mines have adopted sublevel stoping method stope under static load fails when dynamic load is applied.
with delayed backfill or its variations such as vertical block mining In order for dynamic modelling to be used as a reliable tool for the
(VBM) for extraction of steeply dipping ore bodies.1 In VBM, the ore- design of CRF material, it must be first calibrated with field measure-
body is divided into rectangular prism blocks or stopes; which are ments of blast-induced vibrations. This paper presents a stepwise
mined-out while following pyramidal sequence. Stope production is methodology for numerical model calibration using the results of a field
carried out in three blast rounds or lifts as shown in Fig. 1. Each lift is investigation into the effect of blast-induced vibrations on CRF failure
blasted and mucked until sufficient room is available for the anticipated at an underground mining operation. A FLAC3D dynamic numerical
material from proceeding blast. Backfill is required to fill up the empty model is constructed for a typical layout of a primary-secondary stoping
stopes. Cemented rockfill or consolidated rockfill (CRF) is a type of system, encompassing a previously mined and backfilled primary stope.
backfill, made by mixing cement slurry with rock aggregates from ei-
ther development waste or quarry.2,3 2. Case study
Generally, CRF is designed with either limit equilibrium methods4
or simple numerical models, which is rare. Static limit equilibrium The case study mine utilize VBM for extraction of a tabular steeply
methods are used to estimate the required uniaxial compressive dipping ore-body with a thickness of 8–30 m. Length of ore-body is
strength of the backfill material and are based on gravity loading only.4 1450 m along strike (N45E) and dip is 85 West. The ore-body is divided
However many authors believe that blast loading may influence the into different zones as per geological settings. The zone studied is lo-
stability of CRF, in addition to the static loading.2,4–9 An effective CRF cated at a depth of 839 m. The geology of the ore-body can be generally
design should accommodate static loading due to gravity and dynamic described as a brecciated-ultramafic rock in a sulphide matrix. The
loading from blast-induced vibrations.2,3,8–10 It is reported that blast geology department of mine terms this rock as peridotite. Footwall rock
vibrations from stopes adjacent to mined ones are perhaps one of the comprise of biotite, plagioclase, pyrrhotite and quartz. The hanging-
major causes of CRF failure.2,8,9,11–14 Yu and Counter2 and Yu4 pro- wall rock is schist in major portion of ore-zone under study.
posed that a safety factor of 2.5 can help CRF to withstand blast The massive ore-body is mined out with VBM in transverse retreat

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.Z. Emad), (H. Mitri), (C. Kelly).
Received 16 January 2017; Received in revised form 25 April 2018; Accepted 29 April 2018
1365-1609/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.Z. Emad et al. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107 (2018) 48–54

Fig. 1. Stope extraction sequence in vertical block mining system: a) longitudinal section; b) plan view.

Table 1 0.87 kg/ton and 0.59 kg/ton. The charge per delay ranged from 31.5 kg
Rock mass properties for different geological units at the case study mine.10,11 to 106 kg for Blast 1, 81.1 to 180.81 kg for Blast 2 and 68.18 to 180.9 kg
Material σt σc E ϕ c υ
for Blast 3.
(MPa) (MPa) (GPa) (°) (°) (MPa) Fig. 4 show the results of monitoring blast vibrations in backfill. The
maximum vibration magnitudes recorded in CRF are 33 mm/s at 0.32 s,
Ore 0.45 22.36 37.8 43 12.70 0.3 86 mm/s at 0.33 s, and 425 mm/s at 1.52 s, for the blasts 1, 2 and 3
Footwall 0.3 13.6 35.8 44 6.25 0.29
Hanging-wall 1.12 47.53 56.85 45 19.38 0.25
Cemented Rockfill 0.03 3 2.5 37 1.1 0.35

4. Numerical models
Table 2
In-situ stress magnitude at level 2750 (839 m).16 Two FLAC3D18 models are developed for model calibration (Fig. 5).
σ1 σ2 σ3
The first model is “backfill model” used for simulating mining sequence.
The second model is “equivalent cavity model”, used to derive the ve-
Herget and Miles (MPa) 31.8 26.7 15 locities (or blast vibrations) to be applied in the backfill model. The
Orientation Perpendicular to ore Parallel to ore Vertical equivalent cavity method is employed by19–23 for simulating blast-in-
body body
Computed using FLAC3D 31.75 26.8 14.98
duced vibrations. The primary and adjacent secondary stopes are
(MPa) modeled with finer mesh to reduce the computation time. The stope is
Boundary stresses (MPa) 13.39 11.67 8.62 18 m long, 12 m wide and has a height of 34 m. CRF and rock interface
is created through ten centimeters thick zones surrounding primary
stope. A small gap of 1 m on top of the backfill is also modeled to
primary-secondary panels from hanging wall to footwall. The ore-body prevent stress load transfer from strata above the backfill.
is divided into sublevel with intervals of approximately 30 m. A stope is Model boundaries are placed at a distance of 285 m from the stope.
mined from top sill and mucked from bottom. Fig. 1 shows extraction of The model boundaries are transformed to viscous boundaries during the
a typical stope in three blasts. CRF is placed in empty stope through top dynamic analysis. The geo-materials are assumed to be homogeneous-
sill drive using a load-haul-dump machine. Stope adjacent to CRF is isotropic for this analysis. After setting boundary conditions and ma-
blasted no earlier than 28 days to ensure curing of CRF. Likewise, VBM terial properties, the model is solved for equilibrium using linear-elastic
is employed for the extraction of secondary stopes. The rock mass constitutive model.
properties obtained from the mine are shown in Table 1.8,9 The me- Linear-elastic constitutive model is employed to solve the model for
chanical properties of CRF are taken from the CRF testing conducted initial equilibrium. The numerical model is solved with elasto-plastic
by.3 The in-situ stress values at the mining level 2750 (839 m depth) are Mohr-Coulomb material model. Once equilibrium is established the
shown in Table 2.15 stope mining and backfilling sequence is simulated with gravity
loading. At this point, the numerical model is ready to receive vibration
3. Monitoring blast-induced vibrations on-site data as input parameter on face of CRF. The equivalent cavity method is
used for simulating the effects of blast-vibrations on CRF stope.
In-situ blast vibration monitoring experiment is conducted to The radius of equivalent cavity is considered within three to nine
monitor blast vibrations in the CRF from adjacent production stope. times the diameter of blast hole.20 The equivalent cavity model is also
Fig. 2 shows the schematic of the blast vibration monitoring experi- generated using FLAC3D code.18 The diameter of blast-hole is 10 cm.
ment. The details of blast vibration monitoring experiment are pub- One quarter of the blast hole is simulated as 30 cm diameter equivalent
lished by.16 cavity. The model boundaries are placed 25 m away from the cavity
During the experiment two geophones are mounted; one of them with the depth of the model to be 35 m. The mesh is graded and mesh
inside a drill-hole in CRF, and the second is mounted on the surface of sensitivity analysis is performed. The material is modeled as linear-
the backfill using a bolt that is cement-grouted. The detonation se- elastic and material properties for ore are taken from Table 1. The
quences employed for the three blast lifts are shown in Fig. 3. Total length of blast hole charged with explosive is constructed with finer
explosive charge for Blast 1, 2 and 3 is 1216.9 kg, 2476.86 kg and zones, as shown in Fig. 5.
3175.6 kg. The total powder factor for Blast-1, 2 and 3 is 1.1 kg/ton,

M.Z. Emad et al. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107 (2018) 48–54

Fig. 2. Schematic showing the blast vibration monitoring setup and observation point.17

4.1. Dynamic analysis model at a location of monitoring.15 The bottom of the model is fixed
vertically. The applied stresses are fine-tuned using trial and error
Dynamic loading effects due to blasting on CRF stope are integrated method to achieve the desired level. The iterative process continued
in the numerical model through simple procedure including conversion until the error ratio is reduced to acceptable range of measured stress
of model boundaries to viscous boundaries, specifying damping coef- values. A normal stress equal to 8.52 MPa is applied on top of the
ficient and applying time varying stress load on mined-out stope. model. Normal stress of 13.39 MPa and 11.67 MPa are applied on sides
Viscous boundaries can be represented by dashpots installed along the of the model with major stress oriented perpendicular to ore-body. This
model boundaries in normal and shear directions. Local damping value may serve as numerical model calibration with in-situ stresses. Table 2
is considered to be 10% for this analysis. Time varying load is applied in shows results of the calibrated numerical model using stress values.
the form of PPV on CRF. The load is applied only once for each blast
hole during the analysis. 5. Numerical model calibration with blast-induced vibrations

4.2. Failure condition The dynamic model is calibrated with blast-induced vibrations re-
corded during field monitoring program at the mine. The field data is
Backfill material fails with development of relaxation zones or incorporated through equivalent cavity method. The model is devel-
tensile stress in backfill. This is due to the fact that backfill is very weak oped to determine the magnitude of blast load to be applied on face of
in tension. Practically it has even lower tensile strength as the in-situ CRF. Calibration process initiates with computing borehole pressure
strength of CRF is lesser than laboratory determined values due to using Eq. (1).
segregation, improper mixing and placement.2,3,10 In this work major
ρe D 2
and minor principal stresses in CRF are used to define failure in CRF. Pd =
4 (1)
CRF fails with the development of tensile stress in filled stope, as CRF is
weak in tension and development of tensile stress in backfill is con- Where Pd is the borehole pressure, ρe is the density of explosive and D is
sidered as failure condition. the detonation velocity of explosive. Borehole pressures for ANFO and
low-energy ANFO used by mine are 1560 MPa and 930 MPa, respec-
4.3. Numerical model calibration with in-situ stresses tively. The blast load profile used for applying dynamic load can be
represented by Gaussian curve used by.22 The equation creates positive
The numerical model is calibrated with the field observations in- skew profile which approaches maximum amplitude at 0.5 millisecond.
cluding in-situ stresses determined by.15 The model calibration is ac-
P (t ) = Pd t ne−φt (2)
complished by applying a compressive stress load on the free model
boundaries and observing the stress magnitude inside the backfill Peak particle velocity (PPV) is computed at a distance of 2 m

Fig. 3. Detonation sequence employed for blast-3.17

M.Z. Emad et al. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107 (2018) 48–54

Fig. 4. Profile of blast load monitored on site: a) Blast-1; b) Blast-2; c) Blast-3.17

(location A) and 12 m (location B) away from blast hole using Eq. (3)24 R −s
ppν = K ⎛ 0.5 ⎞
(Fig. 5b). The locations are calculated from blast design. The equivalent ⎝W ⎠ (3)
cavity is applied with normal stress denoted by P(t). It is ensured that
the numerical model obeys charge weight scaling law presented in Eq. The values of constants K and s are extracted from work done on
(3).24 The average initial stress load Pd for the model is found to be similar geologic units by25 (K = 141, and s = 1.20). The value of radial
around 101 MPa. distance in meters, and charge per delay in kg, are extracted from blast
design for each production blast hole. Once the required magnitude of

Fig. 5. Numerical models for the calibration procedure: a) backfill model; b) equivalent cavity model.

M.Z. Emad et al. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107 (2018) 48–54

Fig. 6. Peak particle velocity computed for blast lifts using numerical model: a) Blast-1; b) Blast-2; c) Blast-3.

PPV is attained, the PPV distributions are extracted for each borehole in 6. Results and discussion
the form of x, y and z components of peak particle velocity. The
damping coefficient is considered as 10% for the built-in local damping The mining and backfilling sequence used for this study is the
feature in FLAC3D. practice of case study mine for stope extraction. No tensile stress con-
Blast load vectors and distributions extracted from equivalent cavity tours appear as a result of blast-1. It can be suggested that the CRF is not
model are applied on walls of mined-out secondary stope of the backfill affected by blast-1, though it has the highest powder factor. Blast-1 is
model in terms of x, y and z-velocity. While solving the dynamic model, the smallest blast in terms of quantity of explosive consumed, and vo-
PPV is computed inside the CRF at the monitoring station. The fre- lume of rock blasted. The reason that CRF is stable can be attributed to
quency of the PPV is 550 Hz for blast-1, 520 Hz for blast-2 and 490 Hz the support provided to the CRF by the remaining ore block on top of
for blast-3 at the monitoring station. The local damping coefficient blast-1. The ore block on top absorbing the reaction of blast-induced
imported from the equivalent cavity model is also applied to the backfill vibrations and confines the block.
model to simulate blast wave transmission accurately. The blast-2 is simulated in a similar fashion by applying a series of
The trapezoidal shaped dynamic load profile is applied on the ex- dynamic load pulses on the face of the exposed backfill. The results
posed CRF face for duration of 7 ms. It approaches its maximum mag- show that there is a thin band of tensile stress which appears near the
nitude between 3 and 4 ms. The blast load magnitude from equivalent top of the exposed backfill face area of blast-2. It can be suggested that
cavity model and damping coefficient are varied between ± 20% to the backfill is only slightly affected by blast-2. The development of a
equate the peak particle velocities observed on site and the ones cal- thin band of tensile stress band can be considered as an indication of the
culated from the backfill model. This concludes calibration of one blast- onset of a critical condition. Blast-2 is an intermediate blast with re-
hole. The entire blasting sequence is simulated and calibration process spect to quantity of explosive used and volume of rock blasted. The
is repeated for each blast-hole. Fig. 6 present results of peak vector sum reason again for no failure is the fact that backfill is supported by re-
of velocities computed from the backfill model. This process serves as maining ore block present on top of the blasted block. The ore block on
numerical model calibration with on-site blast vibration monitoring top is confining the block and damping reaction of blast vibration.
results. Fig. 7(a) shows contours of minor principal stress under gravity
loading. As can be seen the CRF block contains no tensile stress. Blast-3
is simulated and results are shown in Fig. 7(b). It can be seen that the
top portion of the exposed CRF is under relaxation due to development

M.Z. Emad et al. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107 (2018) 48–54

Fig. 7. Minor principal stress contours after blast-3: a) gravity loading; b) blast loading.

of tensile stress. This is an indication of CRF failure as described in the centerline of the exposed CRF face during the dynamic analysis and is
failure criteria. The blast-3 is the largest in terms of volume of ore shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that the higher magnitudes of peak
blasted. The reason for failure is clear, there is no more ore left on top of particle velocities are computed by FLAC3D near the top most part of
this blast to support CRF or to counteract the reaction from CRF. The the exposed CRF face. Notably the same zones present failure for minor
reaction from blast vibrations destabilizes CRF from the top of the ex- principal stress shown in Fig. 8. By comparing Figs. 8(a) and 9 it can be
posed face as there is very little confinement for fill mass. As can be suggested that the peak particle velocities around the magnitude of
seen from Fig. 7, the CRF is failing from top of the exposed face and the 278 mm/s or more are initiating failure in CRF. This is consistent with
failure is wedge shaped. The term wedge shape failure is a generic term the observations of22 which is failure at ppv of greater than 250 mm/s
applied to CRF failures but circular failure is the most common mode of and by10 who suggest that a magnitude of around 300 mm/s damages
failure in CRF in three dimension. The wedge shape failure is in ac- CRF.
cordance with the field observations reported by.5–9,11
Fig. 8(a) shows the profiles of minor principal stresses computed 7. Conclusions
along the vertical center line of exposed CRF face for both gravity
loading and blast loading cases. It can be seen that the blast loading Blast vibration monitoring in CRF and its integration into a nu-
profile shows that the top portion of CRF is under the zone of relaxation merical model for stability analysis is of prime importance. This paper
as indicated by the tensile stress region of the curve. However the presents dynamic numerical model setup for CRF at the case study
gravity loading curve shows CRF to be stable. Notably the CRF stope is mine. The numerical model uses in-situ stress values measured at a
failing from the top of the exposed face, as observed at case study and depth of 839 m at the case study mine. This is followed by dynamic
other mines.5,6,22 Fig. 8(b) shows the profiles of major principal stress numerical model calibration with blast vibrations, which incorporates
computed along the vertical center line of exposed CRF face for both the development of an equivalent cavity model, applying blast load on
gravity loading and blast loading cases. The result of gravity loading equivalent cavity and computing vibration levels in the model with
shows no failure in CRF. For blast loading profile it can be seen that the charge-weight scaling laws. Once the model obeys charge weight
top most portion of CRF is under the relaxation zone indicated by low scaling law, the blast vibration distribution is extracted from the
compressive stress. equivalent cavity model and applied to the backfill model. The blast
The profile of the peak particle velocity is also computed along the vibrations in CRF are computed at the monitoring station and blast load

Fig. 8. Principal stresses computed at the center line of exposed face.

M.Z. Emad et al. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107 (2018) 48–54

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