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Executive Summary

Communication means transferring thoughts, information, emotion and ideas through gesture, voice,
symbols, signs and expressions from one person to another. Three things are most important and
essential in any communication process they are Sender, Receiver and the Channel (medium). There are
two basic types of communications:

 Verbal Communication
 Non-Verbal Communication

There are various fields of business communication like- Communication in Decision Making,
Communication in Management, Communication in IR, Communication in Publicity, Communication in
Industrial relation.

The importance of communication is vast. Exchanging information, preparing plans and policies,
execution of plans and plaices, increasing employee’s efficiency, achieving goals, solving problems,
making decisions, removing controversies etc are the importances of business communication.

We have summarized six articles on different topics and included in the report. We also mentioned the
methods and barriers of communication. There are few challenges of communication like diversity,
distance, technology, budget and untrained-workforce which have been described.

We have selected Sampan Resort as our company and have shown the implication of communication in
their business. We have also recommend them to increase their communication skills.

“Be positive and compliment others, It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” these are the suggestions
from us to the “Sampan Resort” which might help the resort to maximize their communication skill.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
a. Overview of the chapter…………………………………………………………………………… 4
b. Scope of the Study……………………………………………………………………………………. 4-5
c. Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5-7
d. Methodology……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
e. Limitations……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

2. Description
a. Communication……………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
b. Importance of the communication…………………………………………………………… 8-9
c. Details of the theories under communication with examples………………….. 10-12
d. Current challenges/ Issues/ Concerns under communication………………….. 12
e. Company performance / Happenings analysis with communication………. 13

3. Conclusion
o Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………………... 14

 Referrence…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

Communication is a learned skill. However, while most people are born with the physical ability to talk,
not all can communicate well unless they make special efforts to develop and refine this skill further.
Very often, we take the ease with which we communicate with each other for granted, so much so that
we sometimes forget how complex the communication process actually is. Communication is a system
which brings people closer. Communication is as important as our basic needs like eat, sleep, cloth etc. If
one society exists that does means that along with that communication also exists. Through
communication we can share our feelings, expressions, thoughts. While communicating the receiver and
sender should clearly should understand each other’s language. Communication always expects
response to the messages being transmitted by the sender. Communication is the transfer and
understanding of meaning. Organizational communication includes all the patterns, network and
systems of communication within an organization. Managers can evaluate the various communication

methods according to their feedback, complexity capacity, encoding ease, decoding ease, time space,
constraint, cost, interpersonal warmth and time of consumption.

The communication methods include face to face, telephone, group meeting ,formal presentation,
memos, traditional mail ,fax other company publication, voice mail and videoconference. Formal
communication is communication that takes place within prescribed organizational work arrangements
.Informal communication is not defined by the organization’s structural hierarchy. The two main
challenges of managing communication in an Internet world are the legal security issues and the lack of
personal interaction. Finally,a company’s communication efforts need to be ethical. Ethical
communication can be encouraged through clear guidelines and through answering questions that force
a communicator to think through the communication choices made and the consequences of those


Scope of Business Communication is an inseparable feature of human life. It includes all the activities of
a person form his birth to death. We cannot think of passing even a single day without any short of
Communication. The scope of Business Communication is much vast. We cannot limit the scope of
communication. Because communication is a continuous process. Some are stated below:

Communication in Business: Business functions throughout effectual Communication and without it

business can never be run. Communication is personally related to production of goods and services,
purchasing and selling, warehousing, distribution and to other business activities. Furthermore, Business
organization is to do a few social responsibilities also. Therefore, now-a-days every large organization
has a “Public Relation Department” to communicate with its environment.

Communication in Decision Making: Person or organization, each is to take decision on various issues
daily. In each case, proper information is vital to make perfect decision and Communicationplays pivotal
role here by supplying relevant information.

Communication in Management: Communication is careful as one of the greatest weapons of

Management. Each level of Management like planning, organizing, recruiting, leading, motivation,
coordination and control depends on sound Communication method.

Communication is social life: Human beings are gregarious and everybody in the society is related to
each other. Business Communication has played vital role in this social bondage of human beings.
People can share their sorrows, happiness etc. because of the presence of communication.

Communication in state life: State life cannot be run without the flow of info-communication. Business
Communication plays vital role in performing the activities of different ministries, departments, divisions
and offices of the state. Government maintains the functions of the state by the different modes of
Communication. Every government runs a separate ministry name as “Ministry of Communication.”

Communication in Publicity: In this world of information, every organization is keen to advertise itself
through some distinctive ways. By Communicating with concerned parties an organization does publicity

Communication in international relations: This is the age of globalization and due to tremendous
development in communication; the entire world is viewed as a single village (global village). The
diplomatic, economic and trade relations between and among nations in the international arena are
based on effective and efficient Business Communication

Communication in personal life: We do various activities from dawn to dusk and we depend on
Communication for doing that. Nobody can pass his/her daily life without the application of
Communication. Actually it is a part and parcel of our personal life. Everybody is to communicate with
different people and organizations daily.

Communication in Industrial relation: Good industrial relation that means owner-employee relation is a
pre-requisite to bring success in Business. Employees are the main spring of an organization and their
cooperation is a must to operate Business activities. They might be motivated and their morale might be
raised and their complaints and grievances are to be handled with due consideration. To build a
harmonious employer-employee relationship, the department of public relation of each organization
acts closely under the directives of top Management and Communication is indispensable here.

In fine, we can conclude that the Scope of Business Communication is so widened that it cannot be
expressed shortly. We find the presence of Communication in every sphere of our life. Actually Business
Communication is there where information in needed and there is no person or organization to which
information is not necessary. From cradle to cemetery, we find the Scope of Business Communication.


A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and
researchers. Some literature review about business communication is stated below:

Effective Business Communication:Today business communication is simple. There are many methods
of communication like- email, audio and video streaming, social media and so on. Technology makes it
faster and easier. But the question is, are you really reaching your audience? That is why it is required to
use the simple and popular methods of communication depending on the person who will receive the
message. Before communication you need a plan which includes what you want to say, who you want to
say and what you want them to do. So the best combination of plan and communication methods,
depending on the audience, helps the business communication to be effective.

Overcoming the barriers to effective business communication: Overcoming the barriers is very
important for a manager as it is so crucial for an organization. Using feedback and appropriate language
suitable for the recipient can be a solution. Manager can use both verbal and nonverbal and ask
questions about the message to ensure accuracy. Ensuring that message has been transmitted correctly.
By simplifying language manager can overcome the situation. Considering the receiver the manager
should simplify the message. Active listening can help a lot to overcome the barriers. When
communication one should pay attention to body language of others to understand them better.
Managers has to listen actively and provide the right output.

Overcoming the barriers to effective business communication:Developing a deep understanding of the
various barriers to communication must lead the management to devising way and means of
overcoming these barriers. Beside, every communication must take specific steps improve condition and
eliminate roadblocks to effective communication. American management association has formulated
the following commandments for effective communication are clarifying ideas before communication,
knowing purpose of communication, understanding physical and human environments of
communication and consulting other in planning communication.

Effective interpersonal communication: Interpersonal communication is the process that we use to

communicate our ideas, thoughts, and feelings to another person. Our interpersonal communication
skills are learned behaviors that can be improved through knowledge, practice, feedback, and reflection.
While communicating with our co-workers we should focus on some strategies to communicate
effectively.First of all,we should focus on listening. Look them in the eye. Give them all your attention
and focus.Apart from this,focus on hearing. Focused hearing means turning off your silent mental
comments and reactions while the speaker is speaking.Thirdly,balancing the conversation. It means if
listener interrupts you while you are talking you should tell him or her gently that let you finish first.Try
to be generous while talking.Now you should focus on non-verbal communication.
Nonverbalcommunication are the signals that people make while talking to other.For instance, When a
person is remembering an event easily and truthfully, they cast their eyes up and to the right or look
straight ahead.This is an example of non verbal communication. Finally, what you can do that focus on
power of touch.It means reaching out and touching someone while they, or you, are speaking. While it’s
not always appropriate to touch other people in conversation, when it is appropriate, it can be very
powerful.So if someone wants to communicate effectively he or she must follow these strategies.

What is communication: My purpose is to criticize the common understanding of communication and to

replace it with a different version. I can begin from an uncontested fact. The well-known distinction
between psychology and sociology and over a hundred years of specialized research have led to the
understanding that physical and social systems can no longer be integrated. I would like to

Maintain that only communication can communicate that only within such as network of

Communication is what we understand as action created.

Interpersonal Communication: Performance of members any organization depends on the ability to

effectively interact with their superiors, subordinates and co-workers and consumers, suppliers and
general public outside. Interpersonal communication, therefore is a very important issue involving any
organization. Most organizations have people problems rather than business problems. People
problems are due to faulty interpersonal communications, which hinder the attainment of
organizational goal. Efforts should be made therefore to enhance the interpersonal skills of the people
of work. Interpersonal communications at work have many advantageous impact on both organizational
and individual variables. Research demonstrated that communication at work can improve individual
employee attitudes such as job satisfaction, commitment and organizational support. Maxwell (2004)

observed that a thing bring two persons together to make them remain in the context of relationship.
Such things may be common interest like desire, aspiration or a goal. Interpersonal communication is
the social association or connection between two or more people. Healthy professional relations can be
maintained by effective workplace communication and team work.

In order to gather all the information we have used secondary data. We have summarized the chapter
from book and written overview of the chapter. For writing the scope of communication we have taken
help from book and websites. Each of our members have read an article and summarized their article
which have been included in literature review section.

The limitations of this report are those characteristics of design that impacted or influenced the inability
of make this report more effective. There are some limitations of writing this report

LIMITED SIZE: The size of our report is limited up to 15 pages. If there were no limitations in size then
we could introduce more points and we could describe each point more elaborately.

TIME FRAME: Time frame is very important factor for writing report. If our time was longer then we
could do better.

NO EXPERIENCE: We don’t have experience in writing report. Because it is the very first time that we
are writing a report.If we were experienced then we could write better report.



The topic is communication. Communication is basically the transfer and understanding of meaning.
Communication involves in transfer of meaning and understanding of meaning. For communication to
be successful, the meaning must be imparted and understood. If you write a letter in bangla and send it
to a people who doesn’t know bangla cannot be considered as communication until it transfer into a
language that the person can read and understand. The main function of communication is to convey
your message or thoughts effectively to the reader. Business communication is a process of transmitting
information and thoughts between various parts of an organization and also to people outside the
organization such as customers, investors, suppliers etc. In business communication, the receiver of the
message should be able to understand your message immediately, and this can be possible only when
you write your message with simple and familiar words. So, the right choice of words is very important
for powerful business communication

Business communication occurs between two or more parties to exchange business related information.
The success of a business depends on the efficacy of business communication. For this, communication
is regarded as the lifeblood of business. The role or importance of business communicationis discussed

Exchanging information: Communication is mainly the exchange of information between two or more
parties. Through communication, organizations exchange information with internal and external parties.
Communication also brings dynamism in organizational activities and helps in attaining goals.

Preparing plans and policies: Communication helps in preparing organizational plans and policies.
Realistic plans and policies require adequate and relevant information. The The managers collect
required information from reliable sources through communication.

Execution of plans and plaices: For timely implementation of plans and policies, managers must
disseminate those in the whole organization. In order to disseminate the plans and policies to the
internal and external parties, managers rely on communication.

Increasing employee’s efficiency: Communication also helps in increasing the efficiency of employees.
With the help of communication, organizational objectives, plans, policies, rules, directives and other
complex matters explain to the employees that broaden their knowledge and thus help them to be

Achieving goals: Effective communication helps the employees at all levels to be conscious and
attentive. It ensures timely accomplishment of jobs and easy achievement of goals.

Solving problems: Through various communication channels, the managers can be informed of various
routine and non-time problems of the organization and accordingly they take the necessary actions of
steps to solve the problems.

Making decisions: Making timely decisions requires updated information. Through effective
communication, managers can collect information from different corners and can make the right

Improving industrial relation: Industrial relation is the relation between workers and management in
the workplace. Good industrial relation is always desired for business success. Communication plays a
vital role in creating and maintaining good industrial relation.

Publicity of goods and services: In the modern age, business is becoming highly competitive. Almost
very competing manufacturer produces products of common consumption. However, all of them cannot
sell equally well. The organization that can communicate better, can also sell better.

Removing controversies: Effective communication allows smooth flow of information among various
parties involved in the negotiation or transaction. As a result, conflicts, controversies and disagreements
can be resolved easily.

Enhancing employee satisfaction: If there is free and fair flow of information in the organization, it will
certainly bring mutual understanding between management and workers. Such understanding enhances
the satisfaction of employees.

Enhancing loyalty: Effective communication helps the managers to be aware of the performance of
their subordinates. In such a situation, the subordinates try to show their good performance. Later on, if
management praises their performance, it will enhance employees’ loyalty.


Communication is a skill acquired by an individual to exchange messages, facts, ideas, opinions and even
express emotions. This skill is acquired either without any conscious effort, or by conscious effort
through education. When the skill is acquired without conscious effort (like a child acquiring its mother
tongue), it creates a certain profile for the individual. That is why some people appear aggressive, some
others timid and a few others sly and cunning. Communication is a tool with which we exercise our
influence on others, bring out changes in our and others’ attitudes, motivate the people around us and
establish and maintain relationships with them. Communication makes a major part of our active life
and is a social activity. This social activity is pursued verbally through speech, reading and writing or
non-verbally through body language.

Interpersonal communication: Communication between two or more people. Ex- when a manager is
communicating with other manager in an organization.

Organizational communication: All the patterns, networks and systems of communication within an
organization. Ex- Communication among employees in an organization. We can also tell interpersonal
communication as organizational communication.

Verbal communication: Verbal or oral communication uses spoken words to communicate a message.
When most people think of verbal communication, they think of speaking, but listening is an equally
important skill for this type of communication to be successful. Verbal communication is applicable to a
wide range of situations, ranging from informal office discussions to public speeches made to thousands

of people. Ex- Baby crying (vocal) is verbal communication which express the hungry or pain through

Verbal communication has two types

 A. Oral Communication: A communication which happens through word of mouth, spoken

words, conversations and also any messages or information are shared or exchanged between
one another through speech or word of mouth is called oral communication. Example: Public
speech, News reading, Television, Radio, telephone and mobile conversations.
 B. Written Communication: A communication happens through any word written or often
written sign which refers the languages uses in any medium is called written communication.
Example: Simply any hand written, typed, Newspaper, printed word documents, letters, books
and magazines.

Non-verbal communication: Non-verbal communication or wordless communication based mostly on

visual cues, is most likely the oldest form of communication known to man. Long before the first words
were spoken or the first grunts uttered, man communicated with others through non-verbals. When
early man became angry, his body language indicated his aggression towards others. If he became
fearful, his body language communicated that as well. Ex- It happens through signs, symbols, colours,
gestures, body language or any facial expressions are known as non verbal communication. Traffic
signals are one of the best examples for non verbal communication.

Three things are most important and essential in any communication process they are Sender, Receiver
and the Channel (medium).

The Sender is encoding the messages in any form like voice, written or any signs. So they often called as
Encoder. The Receiver is decoding the message from the sender to understand the message. So they
often called as Decoder.

The methods of communication include message, encoding, channel, decoding, communication process
and noise.

The barriers to communication and the ways and means of over coming them to achieve effective
communication. Barriers to communication result in undesirable reaction and unfavorable response.
The communication exercise fails because the feed back is absent or falls short of expectation. Barriers
to communication are caused by environmental, physical, semantic, attitudinal and varying perceptions
of reality

I. Environmental and Physical barriers:

(a) Time – adopt appropriate fast channels of communication

(b) Space – maintain the distance in the communication exercise as determined by the situation

(c) Place – Avoid overcrowded incommodious and ill-lit, ill- ventilated places to achieve effective

(d) Medium – Choose the appropriate medium oral / written (sign (audio/visual) medium.

II. Semantic Barriers:

Connotational meanings of words – Choose the correct and precise word depending on context and the
receiver’s felicity in the use of language.

III. Cultural Barriers:

Understand and accept the cultural variations in individuals and groups. Appreciate them and adopt
your communication style to them.

IV. Psychological Barriers:

Try to understand the receiver’s mental make up and attitudes.

V. Perception of Reality:

Try to understand the different levels of perceptions of a situation and an issue. Be open, flexible and


Successful businesses use a variety of communication methods to keep people informed and processes
operating smoothly. Those business owners understand that communication is a continuous process
and watch for hurdles that can pop up at any point to get in the way of clear, accurate, timely, effective
communication with employees, customers and the public. By knowing what to look for you can take
steps to prevent obstacles and resolve issues quickly when they do arise.

Diversity: Every person has a unique frame of reference that filters how they view the world.
Differences in age, gender, ethnicity, religion and other factors all create different points of view.
Diversity helps work teams bring more solutions to the table. But those filters can also cause the
receivers to interpret messages differently than the sender intended or create different expectations.

Distance: Businesses must find ways to keep communication channels open with people who are away
from the office, such as a remote sales force or people who work from home. Some companies deliver
information to mobile devices or schedule regular meetings so employees can anticipate and schedule
their trips and sales calls around them. The challenges are even greater for companies that do business
globally. Cross-cultural communication adds different languages, business norms, distance and time
zones to the equation

Technology: Email, social media, the web and mobile devices allow people to communicate with people
around the globe at warp speed. But technology can also present unique challenges. Information that is
not face-to-face lacks the non-verbal communication and the cues we get from facial expressions and
body language. Information posted online can be taken out of context, and the sender may not be able
to clarify a message quickly. Technology enables groups to communicate through web conferences and
teleconferences. But time zones, telephone static and other technical glitches can all create obstacles to
effective communication.

Budget: New companies or those on a limited budget may not be able to compete with other companies
that can afford more sophisticated methods to communicate with employees, customers, distributors
and the public. They need to find economical ways to deliver their messages to their various audiences,
such as word-of-mouth advertising, face-to-face meetings, traditional printed newsletters, bulletin
boards and telephone conversations.

Untrained Work Force: Businesses that employ untrained workers or who do business with
underdeveloped countries may not be able to rely on traditional forms of communication. Illiteracy or
language barriers may be an issue, or employees might not have access to computers or mobile devices
to notify a supervisor of an absence or learn about closings or shift changes.



We have selected SAMPAN RESORT as our company to analysis their performance with this topic. The
resort started its journey from 14th April’ 14. It is located on three acres of waterfront property
overseeing the Bay of Bengal on Marine Drive, and 7 KM before Inani. So, let’s analysis their
performance with our topic

Organizational communication: Sampan resort mainly follows organizational communications. That is,
they communicate within their organization.

Verbal communication: Managers and employee of this resort communicate with each other verbally.
They also communicate with their customer verbally.

Non-verbal communication: They sometimes follow non-verbal communication in critical and chaotic

Downward communication: Sampan resort follows downward communication. They do not follow
upward or diagonal communication.

Communication ethically:Sampan resort try to use all relevant and true information in every sense. So
they use ethical communication which brings goodwill for their business.

Website: Sampan Resort communicate with their customers through website. Customer can book and
can see all the required information through website(

Facebook page: Sampan resort uses facebook page to communicate with their customers. Facebook
page is another way of communication with their customer.

Effective communication enables a company to inform and build relationships with its stakeholders. It is
a two-way process enabling stakeholders to interact with the company. This includes employees
supplying ideas for improvements and customers providing feedback. Enterprise uses a multi-channel
approach to its communication strategies to increase awareness of its key messages. Using a mix of
formal and informal communication helps to improve effectiveness. Its internal communications
strategies ensure the company values and culture are maintained. Its ‘onboarding’ programme and The
Hub intranet encourage employee engagement, knowledge and increases motivation.

To maximize effectiveness of its communications strategies, Enterprise tailors its communication

messages and channels to each specific audience’s needs. This ensures that any barriers to
communication are dealt with. Enterprise regularly evaluates its internal and external communications
strategies to maintain its focus on high levels of customer service and employee relations.


Sampan Resort is quite ok with their communication but according to our review we have some
important advises to them which might help them to increase their communication skill a bit more

Be positive and compliment others:

There is just something about being complimented. We use it far less than we should. It is somehow so
simple to praise people, and we get numerous chances every day to praise people around us.
Complimenting people for certain behavior makes people feel good about themselves. Making people
feel good about themselves will give us advantage in our communication with people. Praising people
will give you some deposit to be honest and serious, e.g. with negative messages or feedback, later on
with less risk of damaging your relationship with that person.

Its not what you say, its howyou say it:

People usually don’t realize the importance of words used, tone, body language, eye contact and facial
expression when communicating messages, (both expressing or receiving). The meaning of the same
word or sentence can vary greatly by how it is expressed nonverbally. Really think about how your
message sounds, or looks like, in the ear and eyes, of the person you are communicating with. Rolling
your eyes, position of hands and pointing fingers, can impact your communication greatly. Of course,
use the appropriate words and language.

We think that if sampan Resort follow these two aspects then they cab be able to increase their
communication skill a bit more.


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