Presente Tenses

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1. Write the verbs in Present Simple.

Tom’s father

1. Tom’s father ___________________ (work) in Rome.

2. His office _____________________ (be) in a big building.
3. Every morning he ________________ (get up) at six o’clock.
4. He ___________________________ (wash) in cold water.
5. He ___________________________ (eat) eggs and toast for breakfast.
6. He___________________________ (drink) apple juice for breakfast.
7. He___________________________ (put on) his jeans and jacket.
8. Then he _______________________ (run) to the railway station.
9. He always ______________________ (take) his umbrella.
10. He _______ (buy) a newspaper and ____________ (read) it on the train.
11. In the evening he_______ __ (come) back home at five o’clock.
12. After dinner he usually ___________ (watch) television.
13. He never________________________(go) to the cinema.
What a boring life!

2. Fill in the verbs in Present Simple.

fly,/ cry,/ finish/,eat,/ live, /drink,/ go,/ speak,/ play,/ like

1. He _____________chips for dinner.

2. I _____________ coffee three times a day.

3. She ____________ to Paris once a year.

4. We ____________ Italian and English.

5. They ____________ in Canada.

6. I ____________ to school every day.

7. My dad ___________work at seven o’clock.

8. We ___________tennis every weekend.

9. My friend __________old films.

10. The baby __________ all the day.
3. Don’t or Doesn’t??? -I
1. He ______________live in Mexico. -he
2. She _____________ work in a bank.
3. I _____________play golf once a week. -you
4. Ron _____________listen to the radio. -we
5. We _____________speak French.
6. You _____________drink coffee in the morning.
7. My cat___________ sleep at night. -it
8. His car___________ work.
9. Shelly____________ eat meat. -they
10. I ____________understand you.

4. Do or Does???
1. ____________your friend like spaghetti? -I
2. ____________the children go to school on Fridays? -we
3. ____________your sister watch TV in the morning?
4. ____________he read comics? -he
5. ____________the girls like football? she
6. ____________they go to sleep at 9 o’clock?
7. ____________she play on computer? -you
8. ____________the dog like to eat meat?
9. ____________you speak English or German?
10.____________ he like cats? -it

5. Put these words into three lists.

armchair parents cousin a pair of socks skirt fridge

trousers dress aunt grandfather coat sofa
bed lamp scarf cupboard uncle son chair

furniture clothes family

6. Tom’s busy day.

 Read and answer

Tom is a student at the university in London .
He studies history there. He is the first year student .
But Tom is a bad student .
Every day he is very, very "busy”.
His alarm clock rings at 7:00 o'clock. But he usually turns over and goes to
sleep because he’s tired. Sometimes, he throws the alarm clock across the room. So he
wakes up late, at about 8:30 o’clock. And he runs to the bathroom to wash and brush
his teeth. He doesn’t have time to have a shower.
He doesn’t have time to eat and he has to drink his tea in a hurry!
He takes his bag and runs to the bus stop to catch his bus. He gets to university only
at 9:30. Every morning Tom is late to the first lesson.
Tom comes home at about 16:00 o’clock and he has dinner. After dinner, he
sometimes watches TV, plays the guitar but he usually goes out with friends.
Tom never does his homework.
He comes late at 2 or 3 o’clock at night…. and he goes to bed because
he is always very tired at this time.
And tomorrow he has another “busy” day!

1. Where does Tom study? _____________________________

2. What time does his alarm clock ring?_____________________________
3. Why can’t he get up? _____________________________
4. Does he have time to have a shower?_____________________________
5. What does he eat for breakfast? ______________________________
6. What time does Tom get to university?____________________________
7. What time does he have dinner? _____________________________
8. What does Tom usually do after the dinner?________________________

7. Complete the questions with: Where,When,What,Who,How,Why.

1. … … … studies history? (Tom)

2. … … …does he go to the university? (by bus)
3. … … … does Tom study history? (in London)
4. … … …does Tom drink for breakfast? (a cup of tea)

5. … … …does he go to bed at night? ( at 2 or 3 o’clock)

6. … … …does Tom never do his homework? (because he goes out with friends)

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