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Grade Report

Grade 8 Term: Spring 2017-2018 Norms Reference Data: 2015

District: CSFTA Weeks of Instruction: 32 (Spring 2018)
School: Connexions School for the Arts #325 Grouping: None
Small Group Display: No

Language Usage

Growth: Language 2-12 MD 2011 / MD Common Core English Language Arts Framework: 2011

Total Students With Valid Growth Test Scores 54
Mean RIT 207.8
Standard Deviation 10.5
District Grade Level Mean RIT *
Students At or Above District Grade Level Mean RIT *
Norm Grade Level Mean RIT 219
Students At or Above Norm Grade Level Mean RIT 7

Lo LoAvg Avg HiAvg Hi Mean RIT

Std Dev
%ile < 21 %ile 21-40 %ile 41-60 %ile 61-80 %ile > 80 (+/- Smp Err)
Overall Performance count % count % count % count % count %
Growth: Language 2-12 MD 2011 / MD Common Core English
Language Arts Framework: 2011 25 46% 16 30% 9 17% 4 7% 0 0% 206-208-209 10.5

Goal Area
Writing: Plan, Organize, Develop, Revise, Research
26 48% 11 20% 11 20% 5 9% 1 2% 205-207-209 13.3

Language: Understand, Edit for Grammar, Usage

20 37% 21 39% 7 13% 6 11% 0 0% 208-209-210 10.3

Language: Understand, Edit Mechanics

23 43% 19 35% 9 17% 3 6% 0 0% 206-207-209 10.5

Explanatory Notes
Tests shown in gray are excluded from summary statistics. Either the test occurred outside the testing window for a term, had an invalid score, or was a repeat test for a student within a term.
Due to statistical unreliability, summary data for groups of less than 10 are not shown.
* This data is not available for reporting. Please refer to help and documentation for more information.
Lexile® is a trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc., and is registered in the United States and abroad.

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