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Race and ethnicity are present in the social media every day.

For example, something positive

that has been shown us through television shows, series, movies, etc. is that people from
different countries and cultures are being including in those formats.

Nowadays, it is possible to see an Asian or African girl as a main character in a movie or Tvserie.
Besides, there are many great artists with different cultures who are famous and admired. These
changes in popular cultures have increased the level of opportunities among people of different
race or ethnicity. Unfortunately, according to the article "Inequality in 1,100 popular films:
analysis of portraits of gender, race / ethnicity, LGBT, and disability from 2007 to 2017" by
ANNENBERG FOUNDATION (2018), "Hollywood is still so white: 70% of the actors are the white
and the percentages of blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other characters have not changed since
2007. "Another negative point is that some races / ethnicities are sexualized and are stereotyped
on the screen. It is very common to see a Hispanic woman as the typical domestic employee.
Over the years, a large part of the audience has accepted scenes of discrimination against people
of another type of culture as normal.

Modern popular cultures show us many messages through the media; however, although the
fact that white people represent the maximum percentage of characters in movies, people from
different cultures and ethnicities cover a lot of channels on YouTube, an American video-sharing
website, where they show their lifestyle, customs, etc. also, little by little, more companies are
doing advertisements including multiracial families.

In conclusion, a part of modern cultures has had a positive impact on issues of race and ethnicity,
while others have reinforced dominant ideas. There is still a long way to go against racial

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