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Student Contributed Resource Worksheet

This Assignment is due by Day 3 of Week 3.

Directions: Please type in your answers in the boxes provided. If you need more space
than is provided, the box will expand as you write. Do not write your answers in a
separate document because your Instructor uses the rubric after each question to grade
that section. You may also use the rubric as a guide to make sure you completed that
question correctly.

Popular Culture

1. Find 1 article from the library or credible Internet site that focuses on popular

You may use articles by the authors listed in the Learning Resources section, but you
may also include other authors. Note: All resources included in your Student
Contributed Resources should be in English.

Insert the requested information in the box below

Author name: Jeanita W. Richardson and Kim A. Scott

Year and date of publication: Summer 2002

Name of the article (or web article or website): Rap Music and It’s Progeny: America’s
Culture of Violence in Context

Name of the publication (or website): The Journal of Negro Education

Volume and issue number (for magazine or journal articles): 71(3)

URL (that is, the web address) of the website (if applicable):

Next, attempt to organize the information above into an APA style reference. There are
two examples in the box, one for an article published in a magazine or journal and one
for an article published on a website.

Insert APA reference below

Example of an article published in a magazine or journal:
Ouellette L. (1999). Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class identity and girl-style American
dreams. Media Culture & Society, 21(3), 359–383.
Example of an article published on a website:
Popular Culture. (2015). Cultural Politics. Retrieved from

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Enter your attempt at an APA style reference:
Richardson. , & Scott, K. (2002). Rap Music and It’s Violent Progeny: America’s Culture
of Violence in Context. The Journal of Negro Education, 71(3), 175-192.

Finally, post this reference to the course blog.

2. Write an annotation in the box below. An annotation summarizes the article and its
point of view. It can be thought of as the explanation for why the article relates to the
topic or an Assignment. Your annotation for this article should be 3–4 sentences.

Insert your answer below

This article relates to the topic of popular culture because it addresses the effects that
rap music has on violent behaviors. Rap music is a way for an artist to express their
frustration with issues such as: police brutality, poverty, drug abuse, and violence. This
article points out the connection between the violence in the lyrics and in actual

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