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© Ministry of Education, Science,Technology and Vocational Training, 2016

First edition, 2016

ISBN. 978 - 9976 - 61- 422- 0

Designed and prepared by:

Tanzania Institute of Education
Plot No. 686, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road
P. O. Box 35094
Dar es Salaam
Tel: 255 22 2773005
Fax: 255 22 2774420

All rights reserved. No part of this syllabus may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or
by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the Ministry of
Education, Science,Technology and Vocational Training.

FOREWORD…………………………………………………………………………………....... iv
1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... v
2.0 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW................................................................................................... v
2.1 Basic Education Objectives for Standard III – VI ................................................................... v
2.2 Primary Education Competences for Standard III – VI............................................................ vi
2.3 English Subject Competences.................................................................................................... vii
2.3.1 English Competences for Standard III................................................................................. vii
2.3.2 English Competences for Standard IV – VI........................................................................ viii
2.4 English Subject Objectives ............................................................................................. viii
2.5 Teaching and Learning of English Subject ..................................................................... ix
2.6 Subject Assessment.................................................................................................................... ix
3.0 Syllabus Structure and Content................................................................................................. x
3.1 Main Competences.................................................................................................................... x
3.2 Specific Competences................................................................................................................ x
3.3 Tasks to be performed by Pupil.................................................................................................. x
3.4 Assessment Criteria.................................................................................................................... x
3.5 Assessment Levels of Performance............................................................................................ x
3.6 Number of Periods..................................................................................................................... xi
STANDARD THREE...................................................................................................................... 1
STANDARD FOUR........................................................................................................................ 16
STANDARD FIVE.......................................................................................................................... 27
STANDARD SIX............................................................................................................................. 42


The revised 2014 education policy has changed the structure of basic education. Some reforms in the curriculum have been introduced to
facilitate its implementation. Some old subjects have been retained or reorganized while new ones have been introduced in the Standard III- VI
curriculum. In the curriculum reforms, English now begins in Standard III in public schools instead of Standard 1 in the previous syllabus. This
is to allow young pupils to learn language skills first in Kiswahili before they apply the same skills to learn English.

English language is the medium of instruction in secondary schools and tertiary institutions. As much as possible, every child should acquire
a good mastery of English language to excel academically and in other social endeavours in the upper levels. Clearly, the quality of English
instruction in our schools is affected by the quality of curriculum programmes that are presented throughout syllabi and support materials. The
preparation of this syllabus is such a milestone. This is why The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training is eager
to make it available to the schools and other stakeholders.

This syllabus contains the competences, skills, structures and vocabulary required to help the upper primary school learner grow into a competent
user of the English language by the end of Standard VI. This is a developmental process. Thus, the syllabus also provides teachers with guidance
on how to assess learners’ progress at every stage of learning. I believe this syllabus will be a handy tool in the hands of teachers.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training takes this opportunity to thank all organizations, the coordinators
and experts who contributed to the designing and writing of this syllabus. The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational
Training also expresses its gratitude to the teachers for their inputs and regular feedback which contributed significantly to the development
of this syllabus. We will appreciate to receive any relevant feedback from all stakeholders for continued improvement of the English language
curriculum. All recommendations should be sent to the Director of Tanzania Institute of Education.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training urges all teachers of English to make the
syllabus their companion and a useful resource in the planning and teaching of English.

Commissioner for Education

Ministry of Education Science, Technology and Vocational Training
This English subject syllabus is a product of the 2016 curriculum for Standard III – VI. The syllabus is divided into three
parts. The first part is the introduction, the second part is curriculum overview and the third part is the syllubus content.


The 2014 Education and Training Policy (ETP) introduced reforms that reduced the duration of primary education from
seven to six years. This led to preparation of curriculum for primary education for Standard I and II in basic education and
foundational skills development. The curriculum for primary education paved the way for development of English language
syllabus for Standard I and II. The curriculum and syllabus for Standard I and II were then followed by the preparation of
the curriculum for primary education Standard III - VI to complete the initial six years in primary education. Therefore,
the Standard III - VI syllabus also is aligned with, and maintains the organizational structure and learning environmental
expectations reflected in Standard I &II syllabi.

There are some important new aspects to this syllabus namely main competences and specific competences. The main
competences provide an overview of the global goals for English language learning. The specific competences are a set of
competences that provide details to teachers about the specific skills pupils need to meet. In designing this syllabus, special
attention has been paid to the prevailing linguistic situation in Tanzania and the need to enhance the teaching and learning
of English language.

2.1 Basic Education Objectives for Standard III - VI

Basic education for standard III-VI are the purposes of imparting knowledge, skills and activities which are required for the
development of Tanzanian pupils. The following are general aims of basic education, standard III- VI.
a) To facilitate a pupil to develop reading, writing (literacy) skills and arithmetic(numeracy) skills
b) To enable a pupil to acquire Swahili language to use and value it.
c) To enable a pupil to know fundamentals of rules of laws.
d) To enable a pupil to value and appreciate Tanzanians and foreign cultures.

e) To develop pupils’ ability in thinking creating and problem solving
f) To enable a pupil to know the importance of ethics, morals and accountability as essential of a good citizen.
g) To enable a pupil to participate in spots and arts activities to value products of artistic works
h) To enable a pupil to realize and develop his or her talents.
i) To enable a pupil to value and like work.
j) To enable a pupil to know, value and apply technological skills.
k) To prepare a pupil for further education and lifelong learning.

2.2 Primary Education Competences for Standard III - VI

Primary education competences focus on preparing standard III –VI pupil to be able to:
a) Communicate effectively in Swahili and English language orally and in writing.
b) Read simple texts for comprehension with confidence.
c) Apply Mathematical concepts and rules in everyday life.
d) Apply scientific and technological skills in real life situations.
e) Value his/her own culture and other communities’ culture.
f) Respect and tolerate differences in ideologies and faiths.
g) Participate in sports and arts activities.
h) Self-respect and respect others.
i) Act with patriotism.
j) Participate in recognized legal work according to his/her age.
k) Participate in activities which develop his/her practical and logical thinking.
l) Cooperate with others in socially acceptable deeds

2.3 English Subject Competences

The main competences for Standard III – VI are the same, as are the specific competences. One exception is the inclusion of
competences at Standard III, focused on listening and comprehending phonemic symbols (1.2), and listening, pronouncing,
and reading English phonemic symbols (1.3). It is necessary to include these competencies to ensure that pupils have a strong
foundation in English language learning.

2.3.1 English Competences for Standard III

Main Competences Specific Competences

1.0 Comprehend oral and written information 1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally
1.2 Listen and comprehend phonemic symbols
1.3 Listen, pronounce and read phonemic symbols

2.0 Communicate orally and through writing 2.1 Communicate through speaking
2.2 Communicate through writing

3.0 Acquire and use vocabulary through the 3.1 Develop and use vocabulary through listening and speaking
four language skills (listening, speaking, 3.2 Develop and use vocabulary through reading
reading and writing) 3.3 Develop and use vocabulary through writing

2.3.2 English Competences for Standard IV – VI

Main Competences Specific Competences

1.0 Comprehend oral and written information 1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally
1.2 Read and comprehend written information
2.0 Communicate orally and through writing 2.1 Communicate through speaking
2.2 Communicate through writing
3.0 Acquire and use vocabulary through the four 3.1 Develop and use vocabulary through listening and speaking
language skills (listening, speaking reading 3.2 Develop and use vocabulary through reading
and writing) 3.3 Develop and use vocabulary through writing

2.4 English Subject Objectives

The objectives of teaching and learning English in primary education are:
a) To enable the pupils to express themselves appropriately in a given situation.
b) To develop the pupils’ basic skills in listening ( lip reading, for the deaf ) speaking, reading and writing (writing into
Braille for the blind) through English language.
c) To acquire and use vocabulary through the four language skills.
d) To enable pupils to acquire and apply correct English grammar.
e) To provide the pupils with a sound base for higher education and further personal advancement through English language

2.5 Teaching and Learning of English Subject
Teaching and learning of English subject focuses on the three main competences namely; comprehension, communication,
development and use of vocabulary. English subject in primary education is designed for beginners; therefore; it starts
with simple concepts (concrete objects and immediate surroundings) to complex concepts (abstract ideas and distant
surroundings). In addition, the specific competence expectations change from Standard III to Standard VI, beginning with
an emphasis on Listening and Speaking as a first step toward mastery of the language. These competencies are supported
by beginning efforts at Reading and Writing in a supported setting. This follows research-based best practices in second-
language learning, and provides a strong set of foundational skills for real-world applied use of the English language. As
pupils master spoken language, the curriculum gradually moves in Standard IV - VI toward a balance of Reading, Writing,
Speaking, and Listening to support development of well-rounded English users.

Teaching and learning emphasizes on pupils ability to perform tasks by applying all four aspects of any language. The
outcome of the process foresees a learner who is able to communicate through speaking and writing, while comprehending
oral and written information. The teaching and learning of English subject in primary education is important because it is
used as an official language alongside Kiswahili in Tanzania; it is a dominant business language and it opens the door to
learn different cultures and get more knowledge.
2.6 Subject Assessment
The assessment of English subject for Standard III - VI will be done along with three main competences namely;
Communicating orally and through writing, Comprehending oral and written information and Acquire and use vocabulary
through the four language skills. Therefore; the assessment will focus on specific competences that enable the main
competences achieved in teaching and learning the subject. Assessing comprehension competence will involve assessing
listening to information presented orally and reading information in texts. Assessing communication competence will
involve speaking and writing. Both comprehension and communication competences include the development and use of
vocabulary in the four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing)


o defend
This content is comprised of information on main competences, specific competences, task to be performed by the pupils,
assessment criteria, the bench marking and number of periods.

3.1 Main Competences

Main competences represent the long-term language skills pupils develop over time. Main competences are enabled by
several specific competences that are developed within direct instructional experiences, and build on each other to create a
large set of useable skills.

3.2 Specific Competences

These are enabling competences that are developed by a pupil in performing small different tasks within a specific time.

3.3 Tasks to be Performed by the Pupil

These are tasks that a pupil is expected to perform in achieving specific competences based on the pupil’s age and ability.

3.4 Assessment Criteria

These are levels of efficiency in a pupil’s performance towards achieving specific competences.

3.5 Assessment Levels of Performance

These are levels of achievements in each task against the assessment criteria.

3.6 Number of Periods

This is an appropriately estimated length of instructional time estimated against the complexity of the specific competence
and tasks. Generally pupils should engage with English instruction for 40 minutes during each instructional day. Recomended
number of periods per week is 6. However, the number of periods can be changed depending on the teaching and learning


Competences to be Developed by Standard Three Pupil

Competences Specific competences

1. Comprehend oral and written information 1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally
1.2 Listen and comprehend the phonemic symbols
1.3 Listen, pronounce and read phonemic symbols
2. Communicate orally and through writing 2.1 Communicate through speaking
2.2 Communicate through writing
3. Develop and use vocabulary through the 3.1 Develop and use vocabulary through listening and speaking
four language skills 3.2 Develop and use vocabulary through reading
3.3 Develop and use vocabulary through writing

Note: Vocabulary in the teaching and learning process is imbedded in all four language components. The specific competences
3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of the main competence “Develop and use vocabulary through the four language skills” are imbedded in all
skills depending on what skill is in the process. The arrangement of the syllabus content therefore shows how these specific
competences are imbedded following the skills. For example, the specific competence 3.2 appears as 1.4 in the matrix table,
3.1 appears as 2.2 and 3.3 appears as 2.4 in the matrix table.

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods

1.0 Comprehend 1.1 Listen and a) Listen in order Familiar Struggles to Recognizes Recognizes Recognizes 21
oral and comprehend to words and recognize familiar familiar well and
written oral recognize all basic phrases familiar words words and words and independently
information information familiar words concerning and basic basic phrases basic phrases all familiar
and basic self, family phrases concerning concerning words and
phrases and concerning self, family self, family basic phrases
concerning immediate self, family and immediate and immediate concerning self,
self, family surroundings and surroundings surroundings family and
and are immediate with much well immediate
immediate recognized surroundings teacher’s surroundings
surroundings well support

b) Listen in order The main Struggles to Captures main Captures main Captures main
to points in capture main points in short, points in short, points in short,
comprehend short/ clear, points in short, clear, simple clear, simple clear, simple
the main points simple clear, simple messages and messages and messages and
in short, clear messages and messages and announcements announcement announcements
and simple announcements announcements with much correctly and attempts
messages and are captured teacher’s to add more
announcements correctly support coments

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
c) Listen to Simple Struggles Responds Responds to Responds to
simple instructions to respond to simple instructions simple
instructions from different to simple instructions from different instructions
from different situations are instructions from different situations from
situations responded from different situations with correctly different
in order to correctly situations much teacher’s situations and
respond support attempts to
ask questions
concerning the
1.2 listen to a) Listen to Words which Struggles to Forms words Forms words Forms words 70
comprehend alphabetic begin with form words which begin which begin which begin
the phonemic letters to form selected which begin with selected with selected with selected
symbols words which letters are with selected letters with letters letters and
begin with the listened to letters much teacher’s correctly attempts to use
selected letter and formed support the words in
correctly simple

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Listen to and Different Struggles to Pronounces Pronounces Pronounces
pronounce words are pronounce the words with words words
different listened to words much teacher’s properly properly and
words and support attempts to use
pronounced the words in
properly simple
c)Identify Rhyming Unable to Identifies Identifies Identifies
rhyming words words are identify simple rhyming words rhyming words
in stories and identified rhyming rhyming words that are that show
poems read correctly words with much appropriate mastery of the
aloud teacher’s to grade level language
support correctly

d) Generate Rhyming Unable to Generates Generates Generates

rhyming words words based generate simple rhyming words rhyming words
based on a on a given rhyming rhyming that are that show
given rhyming rhyming words words with appropriate mastery of the
pattern pattern are much to grade level language
generated teacher’s correctly
correctly support

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
e) Supply words Words that Unable to Supplies Supplies Supplies words
that rhymes with rhymes with supply words words that words that that rhyme
spoken words spoken words that rhyme rhyme with rhyme with with spoken
are supplied with a spoken spoken words spoken words words and use
correctly word with few correctly in sentences

f) Recognize Similarities Unable to Recognizes Recognizes Attempts to

similarities and and recognizes similarities similarities and supply words
differences differences in similarities and differences in that have the
in beginning beginning and and differences in beginning and same
and ending ending sounds differences in beginning and ending sounds beginning and
(phonemes) of (phonemes) beginning and ending sounds (phonemes) of ending sounds
words of words are ending sounds (phonemes) words
recognized (phonemes) of of words with properly
properly words with few
g) Supply words Words that Struggles to Supplies Supplies Supplies
that have the have the same supply correct words correct words correct words
same beginning beginning or correct words that have the that have the that have
or ending sound ending sound that have the same same beginning the same
(phoneme) as the (phoneme) as same beginning or or ending sound beginning or
given words given words beginning or ending sound (phoneme) as ending sound
are correctly ending sound (phoneme) as given words (phoneme) as
supplied (phoneme) as given words correctly given words
a given words with some without any
difficulty difficulty

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
h) Match pictures Pictures of Matches Matches Matches Attempts to
of objects objects whose pictures of pictures of pictures of subtitute the
whose names names share objects whose objects whose objects whose beginning consonant
share the same the same names share names share names share phonemes (sounds)
beginning or beginning or the same the same the same to make new words
ending sound ending sound beginning or beginning or beginning or
(phonemes) (phonemes) ending sound ending sound ending sound
are identified (phonemes) (phonemes) (phonemes)
correctly with many with few correctly
errors errors
i) Substitute the Beginning Struggles to Substitute Substitute Attempts to
beginning phonemes substitute beginning beginning substitute and create
phonemes (sounds) of beginning phonemes phonemes relevant
(sounds) to rhyming phonemes (sound) of (sounds) of rhyming words in
make new words are (sounds) of rhyming rhyming given stories and
words in substituted rhyming words to make words to form poems to make
stories and to make new words to new words new words sentences
poems read words make new with few correctly
aloud correctly words errors
1.3 Listen, a) Listen to Words Struggles to Pronounces Pronounces Attempts to say
pronounce recorded found in the listen to and words found word found in simple and complete 35
and read materials and recorded pronounce in the the recorded sentences listened
phonemic pronounce the materials are words recorded materials to recorded
symbols words they listened to and materials correctly materials with
hear pronounced with much proper
correctly teacher’s pronunciations

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Use simple Simple words Struggles to Pronounces Pronounces Attempts to
words heard heard from pronounce simple simple words simple words forms
from recorded recorded words heard heard from heard from sentences from
materials to materials are from recorded recorded recorded the words
pronounce pronounced materials materials with materials heard and
them properly properly few errors properly pronounced

c) Read short Short and Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and
and simple simple texts pronounce and pronounce pronounces pronounce
texts aloud in with read common common common common
order to common names, words names, words names, words names, words
recognize names, words and basic phrases and basic and basic and basic
common and basic phrases with phrases phrases
names, words phrases are few errors correctly confidently
and basic read and and
phrases on pronounced independently
simple notices correctly
with good
moral values
issues and

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
d) Respond to Short and Struggles to Responds Responds to Responds
short and simple simple respond to to messages messages on to messages
messages on messages on messages on on cards/ cards/ flashcards, on cards/
cards/flashcards, cards / cards/flashcard, flashcards, posters and flashcards,
posters and flashcards, posters and posters and catalogues posters and
catalogues posters and catalogues catalogues correctly catalogues
catalogues with much correctly and
are read/ and teacher’s attempts to
responded support initiate new
correctly conversation

e) Read in order Content ideas Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and
to explain ideas of simple explain content explains explains content attempts
of the content of informational ideas of simple content ideas ideas of simple to create
simple informa- material and informational of simple informational content ideas
tional material short simple material and informational material and of simple
and short simple descriptions short simple material and short simple informational
descriptions are explained descriptions short simple descriptions material and
(include moral correctly descriptions correctly short simple
values e.g road with few descriptions
safety texts) errors

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
1.4 Develop a) Read words with Words are Struggles to Reads and Reads and Pronounces 21
and use correct read and read words pronounces Pronounces words and
vocabulary pronounciation pronounced with correct words with few words attempts to
through correctly pronounciation errors correctly make sentences
reading using the words

b) Read Sufficient Struggles to Pronounces and Pronounces Attempts to

various texts to words for develop and develops and develops make sentences
develop and coping with pronounce sufficient words sufficient using the words
pronounce simple sufficient words with much words developed
sufficient survival needs teacher’s correctly
words for coping are developed support
with survival and
needs pronounced
c) Read texts to Sufficient Struggles Reads and Reads and Attempts to
develop sufficient words to to read and develops develops read and
vocabulary to communicate develop sufficient words sufficient re-write the
communicate in in everyday sufficient words to communicate words to text using other
everyday simple simple to communicate in everyday communicate words that
transactions transactions in everyday simple in everyday have the same
(such as are read and simple transactions simple meaning
family, developed transactions with much transactions
hobbies and correctly teacher’s correctly
current events, support
moral values
finance and

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods

2.0 Communicate 2.1Communicate a) Use cards or Conversation Struggles to Converses and Converses Converses 70
orally and in through pictures with and Converse and interacts about and interacts and interacts
writing speaking common interaction interact about common about about
topics to about common topics with common common
converse and common topics with no much teacher’s topics topics
interact in a topics are logic support effectively effectively
simple way carried out and
effectively independently

b) Ask and Simple Struggles to Simple Simple Simple

respond to questions respond to questions are questions are questions are
simple in areas of simple responded to responded to, responded to
immediate questions with much correctly correctly and
questions on
needs or on teacher’s independently
areas of selected topics support
immediate are responded
need or on correctly

c) Follow short Short and Stuggles to Follows simple Follows Follows

and simple simple follow simple and short simple and simple and
directions directions and short directions with short short
given orally given orally directions supports directions directions
are followed correctly correctly and
correctly independently

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
d) Use dialogue to Everyday Struggles to Expresses Expresses Expresses
express needs are expreess everyday everyday everyday
everyday needs. expressed everyday needs through needs through needs through
(include financial correctly needs through dialogue with dialogue dialogue
and entrepreneur- through dialogue much support correctly correctly and
ial matters) dialogue independently

e) Ask how people Questions and Struggles Asks and Asks and Attempts to
are and respond to news about to ask and responds to responds to make own
conversation how people respond to questions about questions about conversation
are, are asked questions about news and how news and how with new words
and responded news and how people are with people are
correctly people are some difficulty correctly

f) Use conversation Introduction, Struggles to Makes Makes Attempts to

to make an greetings make introduction, introduction, create own
introduction, and bidding introduction, greetings greetings conversation
greetings and farewell greetings and and bidding and bidding using advanced
bidding farewell are made bidding farewell with farewell words
expressions appropriately farewell much support appropriately

Main Specific Activities to be Per- Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences formed by the Pupils Criteria of
Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
g) Making and Requests are Struggles to Makes and Makes and Makes and
responding to made and make and responds to responds to responds to
requests responded to responds to requests with requests requests
correctly requests much support correctly correctly and

h) Discuss numbers, Numbers, Struggles to Discusses Discusses Discusses

quantities, cost quantities, discuss numbers, numbers, numbers,
and time cost and time numbers, quantities, quantities, cost quantities,
(Include financial are discussed quantities, cost and time and time cost and time
and entrepreneurial correctly cost and time with much correctly correctly and
matters) support independently

i) Indicate time by Time by Indicates time Indicates time Indicates time Indicates time
phrases like next phrases as by phrases as by phrases as by phrases as by phrases as
week, last Friday, next week, next week, last next week, next week, next week,
in November, last Friday, Friday, in No- last Friday, last Friday, last Friday,
three o’clock, etc. in November, vember, three in November, in November, in November,
three o’clock o’clock with three o’clock three o’clock three o’clock
are indicated many errors with few correctly correctly and
correctly errors independently

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
j) Ask and Questions Struggles to ask Asks and Asks and Asks and
answer about self and and answers answers answers
questions about other people, answer questions about questions questions very
self and other where they live, questions about self and other about self and well about
people, where people they self and other people, where other people, self and other
they live, know, things people, where they live, where they people, where
people they they have, they live, people people they live, people they live, people
know, things are asked and they know, know, things they know and they know,
they have answered things they have they have with things they things they have
correctly much teacher’s have correctly correctly and
support independently
2.2 Develop c) Develop and Sufficient Struggles to Develops and Develops and Develops and
and use use oral words for develop and uses sufficient uses sufficient uses sufficient 7
vocabulary sufficient oral expressions of use sufficient oral words for oral words for oral words for
through words for communicative oral words for expressions of expressions of expressions of
speaking expressions of needs are expressions of communicative communicative communicative
communicative correctly communicative needs with much needs correctly needs and
needs, for developed and needs teacher’s sup- attempts to
example used port create short
survival and simple
needs, routine coversation

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
iods the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
2.3 Communicate a) Use different Personal Struggles to Uses different Uses different Attempts to 21
through written forms details on use different written forms written forms give clearer
to complete different written forms to complete to completes open ended
personal written forms to complete personal personal personal
details are used and personal details with details details
completed details much teacher’s accurately
accurately supports

b) Write short Short and Struggles to Writes short Writes short and Attempts to
and simple simple write short and simple simple post card write longer
postcard on postcards and simple post cards correctly and simple
different on different post cards with much post
situations situations are teacher’s
written support

c) Write number Numbers and Struggles to Writes Writes Attempts to

words, days dates, own write numbers numbers and numbers and write a true
of the week name, and days of days of weeks days of weeks fictious texts
and month, nationality, the week and and months, and month, own with numbers
own name, address, age, month dates, own name, name, national- and days
nationality, date of birth own name, nationality, ity, address, age, of weeks
address, age, or arrival in nationality, address, age, date of birth or and month,
date of birth the country; address, age, date of birth arrival in the nationality,
or arrival in form are writ- date of birth or arrival in country correctly address, age,
the country; ten correctly or arrival in the country date of birth
such as on a the country with much or arrival in
hotel teacher’s the country
registration support

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
2.4 Develop a) Write simple Simple Struggles to Writes simple Writes simple Writes simple 14
and use vocabulary when vocabulary write simple vocabulary when vocabulary vocabulary
vocabulary handling familiar are written vocabulary handling familiar when handling when handling
through situations.and correctly when handling topics and situ- familiar topics familiar topics
writing communication when handling familiar topics ation with few and situation and situation
needs familiar topics and situation errors correctly and attempts to
and situations create sentences
using written

b) Write simple simple texts Struggles to Writes simple Writes simple Attempt to
texts; using write simple texts using texts using writes more
letters, reports, appropriate texts using appropriate appropriate advanced
orders, vocabulary appropriate vocabulary vocabulary texts using
(including items are vocabulary items with much item correctly appropriate
environmental written items teacher’s vocabulary
issues) using correctly support items
vocabulary items

The Competences to be Developed by Standard Four Pupil

Competences Specific Competences

1. Comprehend oral and written information 1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally
1.2 Read and comprehend written information

2. Communicate orally and through writing 2.1 Communicate through speaking

2.2 Communicate through writing

3. Acquire and use vocabulary through the four 3.1 Develop and use vocabulary through listening and speaking
language skills 3.2 Develop and use vocabulary through reading
3.3 Develop and use vocabulary through writing

Note: Vocabulary, in the teaching and learning process, is imbedded in all four language areas. The specific competences
3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 in Standard IV, V and VI of the main competence “Develop and use vocabulary through the four language
skills” are imbedded in all skills depending on what skill is in the process. The arrangement of the syllabus content therefore
shows how these specific competences are imbedded following the skills. For example, the specific competences 3.2 appear
as 1.3 in the matrix table, 3.1 appears as 2.2 and 3.3 appears as 2.4 in the matrix table.

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
1.0 Comprehend 1.1 Listen and a) Listen to words/ Phrases Struggles Listens to Listens to Listens to 28
oral and comprehend phrases which which give to listen to phrases which words and simple
written information give orders in orders are phrases which give orders and phrases sentences
information presented order to perform listened give orders performs with which give which give
orally to and and performs much teacher’s orders and orders and
performed support performs performs
correctly corrrectly
b) Listen to oral Main ideas Struggles to Listens to and listens to and Listens to and
or recorded are listened listen to and identifies main identifies comprehends
announcements to and identify main ideas of main ideas of the whole
and identify identifiied ideas of announcement announcement announcement
main ideas successfully announcement with much successfully thoroughly

c) Listen to Main ideas Struggles to Listens to Listens to Listens to

narration about of narrations narrate and narrations and narrations narrations
general topic are listened list main ideas lists main ideas and lists main then lists and
and list main and listed about general about general ideas about explains the
ideas (include well topic topic with general topic main ideas
Good much teacher’s well about general
Governance support topic
and the Rule of

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
1.2 Read and a)Read simple Contents of Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and 65
comprehend various texts to various simple interprete interpretes interpretes attempts to
written interprete the texts are read contents of contents of contents of interpretes
information contents (time and interpreted various simple various simple various simple contents of
tables, menu, well texts texts with texts well various simple
directions, much teacher’s texts with more
instructions in support details
public places and
simple manuals)

b) View warning Warning signs Struggles Views and Views and Views and
signs and match are viewed to view matches matches matches
them with their and matched and match warning signs warning signs warning signs
corresponding with their warning signs with their with their with their
simple and short corresponding with their corresponding corresponding corresponding
descriptions descriptions corresponding descriptions descriptions descriptions
(include road successfully descriptions with much successfully and attempts
signs) teacher’s to give simple
support explanations

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
c) Read simple and Necessary Struggles Reads and Reads and Reads and
short personal parts of the to identify identifes identifes attempts to
letters to identify letter are necessary necessary necessary parts explains the
necessary parts of identified parts of the parts of of the letter significance
the letter correctly letter personal letter correctly of the
with much necessary
teacher’s parts of the
support letter
d) Read simple and Relevant Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and
short personal replies to read personal makes relevant makes relevant attempts to
letters and make personal letters and replies to replies to letters compose
relevant replies letters are make relevant letters with well original
made well replies much teacher’s simple
support letters

e) Read simple Simple texts Struggles Reads and Reads and Reads and
texts from from different to read and comprehends comprehends attempts to
different topics for topics are comprehend simple texts simple texts compose
comprehension read and simple texts from from different simple texts
comprehended from different different topics well of different
well topics topics with topics
much teacher’s

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
f) Read Informations Reads Reads and Reads and Reads and
information and are read and correctly but summarises summarises attempts to
summarize ideas summarised struggles to information information in summarise
in writing correctly in summarise in writing writing more difficult
writing information with much correctly information
teacher’s in writing

g) Read simple Events in simple Struggles to Reads and de- Reads and Reads and
texts to describe texts are read read and de- scribes events describes events attempts to
events in and described scribe events in in simple texts in simple texts write simple
different correctly simple texts with much correctly texts with
topics (school, teacher’s sup- some more
home) port descriptions
(including Road of events
Safety issues)

1.3 Develop b) Read and use Vocabulary Struggles to Reads Reads and uses Reads and 28
and use vocabulary related to time read and use and uses vocabulary attempts to
vocabulary related to time telling are read vocabulary vocabulary related to time use
through telling through and used related to time related to telling correctly vocabulary
reading reading correctly telling time telling related to
with much time telling
teacher’s and other in
support constructing

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
d) Read and use Frequently Struggles to Reads and uses Reads and uses Reads and
frequently used read and use vocabulary vocabulary creates more
used vocabulary vocabulary related to personal related to vocabulary
vocabulary related to related to letters , menu, personal letters , related to
related to personal personal directions in menu, directions related letters
personal letters , menu, letters , menu, public places, in public places, , menu,
letters , menu, directions in directions in such as banks, such as banks, directions in
directions in public places, public places, hotels, hospital hotels, hospital public places,
public places, such as banks, such as banks, and library, and library, such as
such as banks, hotels, hotels, hospital quantifiers in quantifiers in banks, hotels,
hotels, hospital and and library, written texts with written texts hospital
hospital library, quanti- quantifiers in much teacher’s sufficiently and library,
and library, fiers in written written texts. support quantifiers in
quantifiers in texts are written texts
written texts . read and used
through through
reading reading
f) Read short Short and Struggles to Reads short Reads short Attempts to
and simple simple occu- read short and and simple and simple read short
occupational pational texts simple occupa- occupational occupational complex
text to acquire are read to tional texts texts to acquire texts to acquire occupational
occupa- acquire occu- occupation related occupation texts
tion related pation related vocabulary with related
vocabulary vocabulary much teacher’s vocabulary
correctly support correctly

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
2.0 Communicate 2.1 Communicate a) Use conversation Invitations to Struggles Makes Makes Attempts 28
orally and through to make ceremonies, to make invitations, invitations, to converse
through writing speaking invitations to apologies to invitations, and and appologies about any
ceremonies, invitation and appologies appologies invitations and familiar
apologies to expression of to invitations to invitations to expresses topic
invitation preferences and to express and expresses preferences
and to express are made in preferences preferences appropriately
preferences conversation with much
approppriately teacher’s

b)Use conversation Familiar Struggles to Talks about Talks about Attempts

to talk about topics are talk about familiar familiar to converse
familiar topics, talked familiar topics, asks topics, about any
ask and respond about and topics, ask and responds asks and familiar
to questions about responded and respond to questions in responds to topic
travel , shopping to in to questions in conversation questions in
and eating, conversation conversation with much conversation
goods, services, accurately teacher’s accurately
(including support
Education of
Finance )

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
d) Participate General topics Struggles to Contributes Contributes points Attempts to
and contribute in life are contribute points in in debates about contributes
points in debated with points debates general topics in points in
debate about contribution in debates about general life successfully debates about
general of points about general topics in life complex
topics in life successfully topics in life with much topics in life
(include Child teacher’s
Rights and support
and Drug

2.2 Develop a) Use prefixes Prefixes Struggles Forms Forms words Attempts to 28
and use and suffixes and suffixes to form words using using prefixes and form complex
vocabulary orally in are used to words using prefixes and suffixes in different words using
through different form words prefixes and suffixes and situation correctly prefixes
speaking situation to correctly suffixes with much and suffixes
form words teacher’s correctly and
support independently

b) Create simple Simple words Struggles to Creates Creates simple Atttempts

words to that express create simple simple words words that express creates
express preferences words that that express preferences complex
preferences are created express preferences correctly words that
correctly preferences with much express
teacher’s preferences

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
c) Create and Words related Struggles to Creates and Creates and Attempts to
express words to apologies, create and expresses expresses create and
related to countable and express words vocabulary words related expresses
apologies, non-countable related to related to to apologies, complex
countable and and ceremonies. apologies, apologies, countable and words related
non-countable are created countable and countable and non-countable to apologies,
nouns and and expressed non- non-countable and ceremonies countable and
ceremonies. properly countable and and properly non-
ceremonies. ceremonies. countable and
with few ceremonies

2.3Communicate a) Use picture Words/texts Struggles to Writes words/ Writes words/ Attempts to 28
through cards or related to picture write words/ texts related texts related writes a well
writing visual support cards and visual texts related to to picture to picture organised
to write support are picture cards cards and cards and texts related to
words/texts written correctly and visual visual support visual support picture cards
related them support with few correctly and visual
errors support with
more ideas
b) Write simple Personal notes Struggles to Writes Writes Personal Writes
and personal expressing write personal Personal notes to personal
notes various purposes notes to notes to express various letters to
expressing are written express express purposes express
various pur- accurately various various accurately various
poses purposes purposes purposes
with teacher’s sequencially

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
c) Write simple Texts which Struggles to Writes simple Writes simple Writes
and short texts express write texts and short texts and short texts complex,
which express different that express that express that express short texts
different events events in different different different that express
in different different events in events in events in different
situations situations different different different events in
(using are written situations situations situations different
instructed word correctly with much correctly situations
formations) teacher’s
2.4 Develop a) Reads and Words related Struggles to Develops Reads and Reads and 28
and use writes words to quantifiers read and use and uses writes words writes more
vocabulary related to are read and words related vocabulary related to words related
through quantifiers written to quantifiers related to quantifiers to quantifiers
correctly quantifiers correctly independently
with much
b)Use the verb to Verb to be Struggles to Uses verb to Uses verb to Uses verb to
be words words use verb to be words in be in simple be words in
(positive/ are used in be words in simple and and short texts complex and
negative) in short and simple and short texts correctly short texts
short and simple simple texts short texts with much
texts through correctly teacher’s sup-
writing (eg. is, port
am, are, was.

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
d) Write short Short and simple Struggles to Writes short Writes short Attempts to
and simple sentences which write short and simple and simple write longer
sentences express routines, and simple sentences sentences and more
which express obligation and sentences which express which express difficult
routines, apologies are which express routines, routines, sentences/
obligation and written correctly routines, obligation obligation and texts which
apologies. obligations and and apologies apologies express
apologies. with much correctly routines,
teacher’s sup- obligation and
port apologies.

The Competences to be Developed by Standard Five Pupil

Main Competences Specific competences

1. Comprehend oral and written information 1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally
1.2 Read and comprehend written information

2. Communicate orally and in writing 2.1 Communicate through speaking

2.2 Communicate through writting
3. Acquire and use vocabulary through the four 3.1 Develop and use vocabulary through speaking
language skills 3.2 Develop and use vocabulary through reading
3.3 Develop and use vocabulary through writing

Note: Vocabulary in the teaching and learning process is imbedded in all four language areas. The specific competences
3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 in Standard IV, V and VI of the main competence “Develop and use vocabulary through the four
language skills” are imbedded in all skills depending on what skill is in the process. The arrangement of the syllabus
content is therefore showing how these specific competences are imbedded following the skills. For example the
specific competences3.2 appears as 1.3 in the matrix table, 3.1 appears as 2.2 and 3.3 appears as 2.4 in the matrix table.

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
1. Comprehend 1.1 Listen and a)Listen Words Struggles to Pronounces Pronounces Pronounces
oral and comprehend to words presented pronounce presented presented presented
written oral presented orally are presented words with words words in
information information orally in order listened to and words much teacher’s correctly sentences
to pronounced support coherently
pronounce correctly

b) Listen to Important Struggles to Interpretes Interpretes Attempts

recorded messages interprete important important to interprete
materials, from recorded important messages from messages indirectly
radio, materials, messages recorded from connected
TV broadcast, radio, TV from materials, recorded messages from
explanations, broadcast recorded radio, materials, recorded
orally and orally materials, TV broadcast, radio, materials, radio,
presented, presented radio, explanations, TV broadcast, TV broadcast,
instructions instructions TV broadcast, orally explanations, explanations,
which require which require explanations, presented orally orally
demonstration demonstration orally instructions presented presented
to interpret are listened to presented which require instructions instructions
important and intepreted instructions demonstration which require which require
messages correctly which require with teacher’s demonstration demonstration
demonstration support correctly

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
c) Listen to Processes of Struggles to dess- Desscribes the Desscribes Desscribes
explanation making and cribe the process of process of the process better the
about the operating making and operat- making and op- of making process of
process of things are ing things erating things and making and
making and described with much operating operating things
operating correctly teacher’s things
things in order support correctly
to describe the
(radio, phones,
music system,
TV, and

d) Listen to Main ideas Struggles to listen Listens to Listens to Attempts

dialogue on on common to dialogue on dialogue on dialogue on to listens to
common matters are common matters common common dialogue on
matters and listened to and identify main matters and matters and un common
identify main identified ideas identifies main identifies matters and
ideas (include correctly. ideas with main ideas identifies main
environmental much teacher’s correctly ideas
issues ) support

e) Listen to Recorded Unable to Comments Comments Comments and

recorded discussions comment to on discussion on attempts to
discussion are listened to discussion on on everyday discussion argue widely
on everyday and comments everyday activities activities with on everyday about everyday
activities in on everyday much teacher’s activities activities
order to make activities are support correctly
comments made correctly

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
f)Listen to Sentence Listens to Listens to Listens to Listens to
recorded construction recorded recorded recorded recorded
conversation and use in conversation conversation conversation conversation
in order to different and struggles in order to and makes and attempts
learn sentence contexts are are to make and learn and use sentences to use
constructions made correctly use sentences sentences correctly sentences
and use in through in different construction in more
different listening to contexts in different contexts
contexts. recorded contexts
materials with much

h) Listen to Directions of Struggles to Shows Listens to Attempts to

announcements, place and time show direction direction of anouncements, comprehend
messages on are shown of place and place and messages on some abstract
concreate correctly time time with few concrete topics with
topics to show through errors topics and different
directions of announcements shows directions
place and time and messages direction of
(prepositions). place and time

i) Listen to a Main details Struggles to Listens to a Listens to a Listens to

speech on a given from the listen to a speech and speech and more com-
topic to identify listened speech speech on a identifies identifies plex speech
main details are identified given topic main details main details and identifies
(Include Road correctly and identify with much correctly main details
Safety issues) main details teacher’s

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
1.2 Read and a) Read sentences Sentences Struggles to Reads Reads Attempts to 41
comprehend that tell more that tell more read sentences
sentences that sentences that reads texts
written about present, about present, that tell more
tell more about tell more about that tell more
information past and future past and future about present,present, past present, past about present,
events to events are read past and future
and future and future past and
practice correctly events events with events future events
language use much teacher’s correctly
b) Read to get The Struggles to Reads to get Reads to get Reads to get
meaning of anouncements, read and get meaning of meaning of meaning of
anouncements, messages, meaning of anouncements, anouncements, various texts
messages, posters, anouncements, messages, messages, and attempts
posters, brochures and messages, posters, posters, to follow
brochures and texts which posters, brochures and brochures and directions
texts which show directions brochures and texts which texts which
show directions are read texts which show directions show
(to home, correctly to get show with much directions
market, bus meaning. directions teacher’s correctly
stop) support

c) Read texts The texts about Struggles to Reads texts Reads texts Reads texts
about familiar familiar content read texts and responds and responds and attempts
content to are read and and respond to questions to questions to explain the
respond to questions are to questions orally with orally texts
questions orally responded to orally much teacher’s correctly contents
(including orally correctly support clearer
corruption text)

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
d) Read and Description of Reads and Reads and Reads and Reads and
summarize events, feelings, struggles to summarizes summarizes attempts
description of wishes in summarize description description of to describe
events, feelings, personal letters description of events, events,feelings events,
wishes in are read and of events, feelings and and wishes in feelings
personal summarized feelings wishes in personal letters and wishes
letters in order to correctly and wishes personal correctly in personal
correspond with in personal letters letters in
friends letters with much a more
teacher’s organised way

e) Read factual Factual text, Struggles to

Reads Reads and Reads
text, passages, passages, read and retell
and retells retells messages and retells
paragraph on paragraph on messages messages related to messages
common school common school related torelated to factual text, related to
subjects in order subjects are read factual texts,
factual text, passages and factual text,
to retell the and messages are passages and
passages and paragraphs passages and
messages retold correctly paragraph paragraph correctly paragraph
(include Child with much correctly and
Rights) teacher’s independently
f) Read grade Grade appropriate Struggles to Reads grade Reads grade Attempts to
appropriate texts texts are read read grade appropriate appropriate read higher
with accuracy and with speed appropriate texts accurately texts grade texts
speed (leveled and accuracy texts fluently, and with speed accurately and accurately and
text) appropriately accurately and with few appropriately with speed
with speed errors appropriately

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
g) Scan texts to Relevant ideas Struggles to Scans and Scans and Scans and
explain relevant in texts are scan and explains explains explains
ideas scanned and explain relevant ideas relevant relevant ideas
Include explained relevant ideas in texts with ideas in texts in texts and
entrepreneurship approppriately in texts much appropriately attempts
texts (lexical, teacher’s to clarify
syntactical, support comments
dictionary use)

h) Read texts for Specific Struggles Reads and Reads and Reads better
comprehension information to read and identifies identifies and identifies
to identify is identified identify specific specific specific
specific correctly specific information information information
information information from the texts from the texts from the text
from the text. with much correctly with strong
teacher’s support of
support. argument

1.3 Develop a) Reads the Selected Struggles to Reads Reads Reads 20

and use selected antonymous read antonymous antonymous antonymous
vocabulary antonymous and synonym antonymous and synonym and synonym and synonym
through and synonyms words are read and synonym words with words words in
reading words and correctly words much correctly their multiple
teacher’s possible
support meanings

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
s Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Read and write Variety of Struggles Reads and Reads and Attempts to
varieties of words are to read and writes variety writes variety read and use
words by using read and write variety of words of words more
word formation written of words with much correctly words
strategies(simple correctly teacher’s to form
prefixes and support. sentences
sufixes, plurals).

c) Read and write Words Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and
words related to related to the read and write writes writes attempts
selected subject selected words related words related words related to write
areas through subject areas to to selected to selected sentences
reading are read and selected subject areas subject areas using the
written subject areas with few correctly words
correctly errors related to
subject areas
2.0 Communicate 2.1 Communicate a)Ask and respond Questions are Struggles to Asks and Asks and Attempts 26
orally and in through to questions asked and ask and responds to responds to to create
writing speaking orally in various responded to respond to questions questions a simple
situation correctly questions orally with orally conversation
orally much teach- correctly
er’s support

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Use dialogue Personal Struggles to Expreses Expreses Attempts
in selected views and expreses personal views personal views to expreses
contexts to ideas in personal views and ideas in and ideas in personal views
express selected and ideas in selected selected and ideas
personal contexts are selected contexts with ontexts better in
views and expressed contexts much teacher’s correctly selected
ideas correctly support contexts

c) Debate on the Main ideas on Struggles to Identifies Identifies Attempts to

common the common identify main main ideas main ideas explain y main
matters matters ideas on the on familiar on familiar ideas better
around the around the common matters around matters on familiar
school, home, school, home, matters around the school, around the matters
works places works places the school, home, works school, home, around the
in order to are identified home, works places through works places school, home,
identify main correctly places through debate with through debate works places
ideas through debate debate much teacher’s correctly through debate
(including support correctly and
Sex and independently
tion Health

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
d) Re-tell The stories Struggles to Retells stories Retells stories Attempts to
stories that that express retell stories that express that express create own
express past past events are that express past events past events stories that
events retold correctly past events with much correctly express past
(focus on teacher’s events
words when/ support

e) Use short Relevant Struggles to Explains Explains Attempts

speech to information explain relevant relevant relevant to create
explain is explained information information information own speech
relevant correctly using through short through short through short and explain
information short speech speech speech with speech with important
(include drug much teacher’s correctly information
abuse) support

2.2 Develop a) Read words Words related to Struggles to Reads words Reads words Reads and 20
and use related to familiar context read words related to related to attempts
vocabulary familiar to express related to familiar familiar context to create a
through context personal familiar context context to express story using
speaking to express experiences, to express to express personal words related
personal weather and personal personal experiences, to familiar
experiences, season and experiences, experiences, weather and context
weather and every day weather and weather and season and to express
season and activities season and season and every day personal
every day are read every day every day activities experiences
activities correctly activities activities correctly
orally with
few errors

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Read and use words Words Struggles to Reads and Reads and attempts to
related to common related to read and use uses words uses words create own
subject matters in common words related related to related to conversation
conversation subject to common common common by using
matters in subject matters subject subject words related
conversation in conversation matters in matters in to common
are read conversation conversation subject
and used with much correctly matters
correctly teacher’s
2.3 Communicate a) Write a short text Short texts Struggles Writes Writes Attempts 52
through in selected subject in selected to write short texts short texts to write
writing matters in given subject short texts in selected in selected long texts
contexts matters in selected subject subject matter in selected
are written subject matter matter in in a given subject matter
in given in given given contexts in a given
contexts contexts contexts with correctly context
correctly much support

b) Write texts about Texts about Struggles to Writes texts Writes texts Writes better
the impacts of the impacts of write texts about about texts about
selected subject selected about impacts of impacts of impacts of
matters subject impacts of selected selected selected
(include matters are selected subject subject subject
enviromental written well subject matters matters well matters
degradation caused matters with much
by change of teacher’s
weather around support
the school, home,
travel, drug abuse,
corruption, culture
and traditions, etc)

Main Specific Activities to be Per- Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences formed by the Pupils Criteria of
Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
c) Write sentences that Sentences Struggles to Writes Writes Attempts to
express that express write sentences that sentences write a short Compe
present, past and present, past sentences that express that express passage that
future events in order future events express present, past present, express
to practice language are written present, past and future past and present, past
use correctly and future events with future events and future
events few errors correctly events

d) Write a personal letter Personal Struggles to Writes Writes Attempts to

to a friend to convey letters to write personal letter personal writes better
sad /happy information friends personal to friends letter to personal
conveying letter to conveying friends letter to
sad /happy friends sad /happy conveying friends
information conveying information sad/ /happy conveying
are written sad /happy with few information sad/ /happy
correctly information errors correctly information

e) Write compositions Compositions Struggles to Writes Writes Attempts to

with specific with specific write compositions compositions writes better
information about information compositions with specific with specific compositions
school, travel, home, are written with specific information information with specific
festivals correctly information with few correctly information
(include Child Right,
Drug Abuse)

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
f) Compose stories Stories with Struggles to Composes Composes Attempts to
with suggested given endings compose stories with stories with compose better
endings:(Include are composed stories with the given the given stories with the
eg moral values correctly the given endings endings given endings
drug abuse endings with much correctly
compositions) teacher’s
g) Write short Short stories Struggles Writes short Writes short Attempts to
stories to describe describing to write stories stories write long
cultural subject cultural short stories describing describing stories describing
matters(festivals, subject describing cultural subject cultural other subject
dances, clothing, matters are cultural matters with subject matters
food, language, written subject much matters
initiations) correctly matters teacher’s correctly
h) Write notes Notes Struggles to Writes notes Writes notes Attempts to write
conveying conveying writes notes conveying conveying letters conveying
simple personal simple conveying simple simple other relevant
information (to personal simple personal personal information
friends, service, information personal information information
people, teachers are written information with much correctly
and others who correctly teacher’s
feature in everday support

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
i) Compose Guided Struggles Composes Composes Attempts to
guided texts texts with to compose texts with texts with compose texts
with proper use proper use of texts with prroper proper use of with more
of punctuations; punctuations: proper use of punctuations: punctuations: and high level
full stop, comma, full stop, punctuations full stop, full stop, punctuations:
question mark, comma, comma, comma, full stop, comma,
and exclamation question question question question mark,
mark mark, and mark, and mark, and and exclamation
(include women exclamation exclamation exclamation mark and inverted
participation in markare mark with mark correctly comma
decision making composed with few
correctly errors
j) Sumarize main Summaries Struggles to Summarizes Summarizes Summarizes main
ideas from of main ideas summarize main ideas main ideas ideas better from
various levelled from various main ideas from various from various various levelled
texts levelled texts from various levelled texts levelled texts texts by using
are written cor- levelled texts with few correctly own and enough
rectly errors vocabulary

2.4 Develop a) Read and Grade Struggles Reads and Reads and Attempts to create 20
and use write prefixes appropriate to read and writes grade writes grade and to use word
vocabulary and suffixes to vocabulary write grade appropriate appropriate with prefixes
through acquire grade are read and appropriate vocabulary vocabulary and suffixes in
writing appropriate written using vocabulary using prefixes using prefixes sentences
vocabulary prefixes using prefixes and suffixes and suffixes
and suffixes and suffixes with few correctly
correctly errors

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Reads and Appropriate Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and
writes words in read and write writes writes attempts to write
appropriate plural forms appropriate appropriate appropriate more appropriate
vocabulary are read and vocabulary in vocabulary in vocabulary in vocabulary in plural
through plural written plural forms plural forms plural forms forms
forms correctly with much correctly

c) Group words Words are Struggles to Groups words Groups words Attempts to relate
into different grouped into group words into different into different and differentiate the
appropriate appropriate into different appropriate appropriate groups of words
classes/catego- different appropriate classes/ classes/
ries classes/ classes/cat- categories categories
categories egories with much correctly
correctly teacher’s
d) Reads and Words of Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and attempts
writes words subject matter read and write writes writes to write more
of subject related to words of words of words words of subject
matter related to public services subject matter subject matter of subject matter related to
public are read related to related to matter related public services
services and written public services public to public
(Schools, correctly services services
hospitals, with much correctly
home, and teacher’s
community). support


The Competences to be Developed by Standard Six Pupil

Main Competences Specific competences

1. Comprehend oral and written information 1.1 Listen and comprehend information presented orally
1.2 Read and comprehend written information

2. Communicate effectively orally and in writing 2.1 Communicate through speaking.

2.2 Communicate through writing.

3. Acquire and use vocabulary through the four 3.1 Develop and use vocabulary through speaking.
language skills 3.2Develop and use vocabulary through reading.
3.3Develop and use vocabulary through writing

Note: Vocabulary in the teaching and learning process is imbedded in all four language areas. The specific competences
3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 in Standard IV, V and VI of the main competence “Develop and use vocabulary through the four
language skills “are imbedded in all skills depending on what skill is in the process. The arrangement of the syllabus
content therefore showS how these specific competences are imbedded following the skills. For example, the specific
competences3.2 appears as 1.3 in the matrix table, 3.1 appears as 2.2 and 3.3 appears as 2.4 in the matrix table.

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
1.0 Comprehend 1.1 Listen and a) Listen to Questions Struggles Responds Responds Attempts to 37
oral and comprehend recorded related to to respond orally to orally to make own
written information materials about common orally to questions questions questions by
information presented common subject matter questions related to related to writting
orally. subject matter to are responded related to common common
respond to orally common subject matter subject matter
questions orally correctly subject matter with much correctly
(related to teacher’s
family planning support
and surround-
ings cleanliness)

b) Listen to and Information Struggles Retells Retells Attempts to

retell on school to retell information information read a simple
information on subject information on school on school story and
school subject matters is on school subjects subjects retell the story
matters retold subjects matters matters read with own
correctly matters with much correctly words
c) Listen to Main ideas Listens to Listens to Listens to Attempts to
recorded about recorded recorded recorded make own
conversation everyday conversation conversation conversation conversation
and identify matters are and struggles and identifies and identifies and pick main
main ideas about identified to identify main ideas main ideas ideas
everyday matters orally main ideas about about
correctly about everyday everyday
everyday matters matters
matters with much correctly
Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
2.0 Co
competence or
d) Listen to Personal Struggles to Gives personal Gives personal Attempts to th
announcements views about give personal views about views about give personal w
to give personal anouncements views about announcements announcements views about
views are given announcements with much correctly announcements
(Include correctly teacher’s using own
environmental support words
and road safety

1.2 Read and a) Read Different Struggles to Reads different Reads different Reads different 28
comprehend different texts texts related to read different texts related texts related to texts related to
written related to family issues texts related to to family family issues family issues
information \family are read family issues issues with correctly and attempts to
issues., correctly much teacher’s re-write
personal letters, support

b). Read for Relevant ideas Struggles Scans and Scans and Scans and
Scaning texts to are scanned to scan and explains explains gives opinion
explain relevant and explained explain relevant ideas relevant ideas concerning the
ideas appropriately relevant ideas with much correctly text
(include teacher’s
corruption text) support
dictionary use)

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
1.3 Develop a) Read and Selected Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and 28
and use use selected antonyms and read and use uses antonyms uses antonyms attempts to use
vocabulary antonyms and synonyms are antonyms and and synonyms and synonyms antonyms and
through synonyms read and used synonyms with few correctly synonyms
reading correctly errors

b) Read and Variety of Struggles Reads and Reads and Reads and
use varieties words are to read and uses variety uses variety of attempts to
of words by read and used use variety of words words through use variety of
using word through word of words through word word formation words through
formation formation through word formation correctly word formation
(compound correctly formation with much in sentences
words) teacher’s

c)Read and use Multiple Struggles Reads and Reads and Reads and
multiple meaning words to read and uses multiple uses multiple attempts to
meaning are developed use multiple meaning meaning of use multiple
words and used meaning words words correctly meaning words
correctly words with much in sentences

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
2.0 Communicate 2.1 Communicate a) Use simple different Struggles Narrates Narrates Attempts to 28
orally and through conversation events in to narrate different different narrate short
through speaking to narrate various different events events in events in stories that
writing different situations, ask in various various various with full of
events in and respond situations, ask situations, ask situations, ask vocabulary
various to questions and respond and respond and respond found
situations, ask
orally to to questions to questions to questions within the
and respond
to questions exchange orally to orally to orally to surrounding
orally in order personal exchange exchange exchange
to exchange views on personal views personal views personal views
personal views various on various on various on various
on various situations situations such situations such situations such
situations such such as as travelling, as travelling, as travelling,
as travelling, travelling, festivals, festivals, festivals,
festivals, festivals, games, footbal games, footbal games, footbal
games, footbal games, matches, matches, matches,
matches, footbal school day, school day, school day,
school day,
matches, family day, etc family day family day
family day
(include cross school day, with much correctly
cutting issues family day, teacher’s
e.g corruption, etc support
drug abuse,

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Participate in Participation in Struggles to Participates in Participates in Participates in
conversations of conversations participate in conversations of conversations conversations
common of common conversations common subject of common of common
subject subject matters of common matters with subject matters subject matters
matters is done subject much teacher’s actively and attempts to
(include financial actively matters support give views to
management, support ideas
hobbies, travell,
current event and
child labour)

2.2 Develop a) Create and Words related Struggles to Creates and uses Creates and Attempts to 28
and use use words to daily create and use words related to uses words use difficulty
vocabulary related to daily interactions, words related daily related to daily words related
through interactions, personal to daily interactions, interactions, to daily
events and interactions, personal events personal events
listening and personal events interactions to
experiences, personal and experiences, and
speaking and experiences, objects found events and objects found at experiences, create a short
objects found at at school, experiences, school, home, objects found at story
school, home, home, hotels, objects found hotels, playing school, home,
hotels, playing playing at school, ground, hotels, playing
ground, etc ground, are home, hotels, with much ground
created and playing teacher’s support correctly
used correctly grounds,

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
2.3 Communicate a) Write to News and Struggles to Writes news Writes news Attempts to 57
through express news views related write news and views and views provide views
writing and views to various and views related related various related to various
related various contexts related to various contexts contexts beyond
contexts. are written various contexts with correctly the level
correctly context few errors

b) Write Application Struggles Writes Writes Writes

application letter with to write application application application letters
letters with specific application letters with letters with with specific
specific purpose letters with specific specific purpose and more
purpose, notes is wrtitten specific purpose with purpose relevant phrases
correctly purpose few errors correctly and attempts
to immediate
to write other
people in
official letters
order to
convey simple
texts to inquire
for information
to school

Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by the Criteria of
Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
c) Write paragraphs Paragraphs with Struggles Writes Writes Writes
with correct flow correct flow to write paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs
of ideas using of ideas using paragraphs with correct with correct with correct
appropriate appropriate with correct flow of flow of flow of
punctuation marks punctuation flow of ideas with ideas with ideas with
and connectives. marks and ideas with appropriate appropriate appropriate
(but., and, also, connectives appropriate punctuation punctuation punctuation
…), sequence are written punctuation marks and marks and marks and
markers correctly marks and connectives connectives attempts to
( moreover, in connectives with few correctly use other
addition to, errors unlearned
critically, above punctuations
all, lastly, etc) in paragraphs
d) Compose simple Simple and Struggles Composes Composes Attempts
and short short stories to compose simple and simple and to create
stories to express to express simple and short stories short stories short stories
personal/ ones personal/ ones short stories to express to express with high
feelings feelings are to express personal/ ones personal/ vocabullatry
composed personal/ ones feelings with ones feelings use
correctly feelings few errors correctly
2.4 Develop a) Read and write Suffixes and Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and 29
and use suffixes and prefixes are develop and writes suffixes writes writes
vocabulary prefixes to enrich read and use suffixes and prefixes suffixes and suffixes and
through acquisition of written to and prefixes to to enrich prefixes to prefixes to
writing grade enrich enrich acquisition of enrich enrich
appropriate acquisition of acquisition of grade acquisition of acquisition of
vocabulary grade grade appropriate grade grade
appropriate appropriate vocabulary appropriate appropriate
vocabulary vocabulary with few vocabulary vocabulary
correctly errors correctly and above
level words
Main Specific Activities to be Assessment Benchmarking No.
Competences Competences Performed by Criteria of
the Pupils Beginner Developing Competence Beyond Periods
b) Group words Words are Struggles to Groups words Groups words Groups words
into different grouped into group words into different into into different
classes/ different into classes/ different classes/
categories classes/ different categories classes/ categories and
appropriate categories classes/ with categories attempts to
for the grade appropriately categories teacher’s appropriately make sentences
level support using the words

c) Read and Words related Struggles to Reads and Reads and Reads and
write words to common read and write writes words writes words writes more
related to school subjects words related related to related to words related to
common and home to common common common common school
context are read school school school subjects and
and written subjects and subjects and subjects and home context
subjects correctly home contexts home context home context
and home with much correctly
contexts teacher’s


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