Family 2

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Day in the Life of a Mohan



V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 1 8


Who are the Mohans?


 How Shivani
is adjusting to
college life
The Mohan Family consists Mohan children became local volleyball club. Carol
 How Carol’s of five members: Carol, actively involved in and Raju both balanced full
marathon Raju, Sam, Neela, and sports. Neela took up time jobs with raising their
training is
Shivani. Raju moved to the soccer and became a su- children in order to ensure
United States from India perstar, leading her team they could live their best
 How Sam and
Neela enjoy
for graduate school when to victory in regionals and possible lives. Years have
living togeth- he met Carol. They got in nationals. Shivani took passed and the kids are
er married and began their advantage of her height now adults. This is their
 How cute new life together. They and began playing for a story.
Milo is moved to Encinitas and
their family started to
grow. They had Neela and
Sam first and then Shivani
shortly after. Encinitas was
Carol Life
the perfect place to raise a
family, It is sunny year
round and the beach ten
Carol’s Mar- 2
athon minutes away made for the
perfect staycation. The The Mohan Family at Shivani’s Graduation
Sam’s Life 2

Neela’s life

Raju’s Life

Shivani Embraces the Heat
Milo’s Life 3 This past fall Shivani began Council and has made
a new adventure, college. some great friends along
About the 4 She is studying Elementary the way. She is embracing
Author Education at Arizona State her new found independ-
University. Since she has ence and learning to bal-
started she has learnt to ance her time between
deal with the heat and to school work and a social
even embrace it. She life. She is very excited to
joined Sigma Kappa and see where this new chap-
Shivani and Neela at Shivani’s
the Teacher’s College ter takes her.

Carol Takes on Empty Nesting

Shivani was Carol and to get more involved in ing became more applica-
Raju’s last child to leave local exercise classes ble for the couple. This
the house. With Carol such as Pilates and kick- past September Carol
starting to scale back on boxing. These classes and Raju took a trip to
her job as a relator she kept her mind and body the Swiss Alps to hike
had all this new found busy and kept her from and enjoy their new
time on her hands. She missing her favorite found freedom. They
joined a book club with daughter, Shivani. Carol also have a trip to Eu-
some of her best friends also embraced her love rope to see the World
that consists more of for travel by starting to Cup in the travel plans.
drinking wine and gossip- plan and book trips for
ing than it does reading her and Raju. Without
Carol shopping on a
recent trip to Swit-
books. She also decided the extra luggage, travel-

Carol Races Around the State

Another way Carol kept ting to run in a race
“He is now doing
busy is continuing to run. around the state is
what he loves and She is currently training something she holds very
to run the New York dear. Neela and Raju are
gaining experience
Marathon this upcoming both flying out to sup-
in the marketing November. She was able port her and watch her
industry.” to qualify for her age cross the finish line. You
group which is a huge got this Carol!
achievement. Carol grew
up in New York so get- Carol after finishing the Rock
and Roll Marathon this past

Sam Continues to Climb

After Sam graduated After two years he got
from UCLA he got a promoted to a manager
marketing job for Yelp in position and was able to
Scottsdale, Arizona. The move to San Francisco.
job supported his love He is now doing what he
for business but making loves and gaining experi-
sales calls wasn't his true ence in the marketing in-
passion. Despite this, dustry. Sam and his girlfriend at a
UCLA football game
Sam stuck with the job.



Neela Copes with Independence

When Nee;a Graduated She finally found her fu-
from Georgetown she ture home at Cliff Bar.
was offered a one year The office is located in
internship with Reebok. San Francisco so Neela
She has always had a pas- was able to move in with
sion for business and ath- Sam. She is learning to
letics so it was the per- take care of herself
fect place for her to be. along with how to make
When the internship a food besides toast.
Carol and Neela after finishing
a race concluded, Neela strug-
gled to find another job.

Raju Continues to be Raju


Raju is a very work-oriented clinical trial which is a big

man. He is Chemist that deal for him and the world
runs his own company and of medicine.. While all this
formulates various drugs for work can be stressful, Raju
things such as fatty livers chooses on his beautiful and
and eczema. A lot of his labs happy family. Family is the
are in Europe so Raju travels most important thing to him
there at least once a month. and motivates him to be his
Raju and Carol at the World Cup
One of his drugs is in its final very best everyday.

Milo Deals with being Incredibly Handsome

Milo Mohan is the newest He has currently discovered
addition to the family. He’s a a passion for playing fetch as
rescue dog with a mix of well. He is adjusting to being
German and Australian so adored by everyone he
Shepherd. He is a large boy meets and fears people only
weighing approximately 100 like him for his looks. Milo
pounds. He is a gentle giant. has big plans for the future
Milo loves running around such as taking a nap outside. Milo chilling outside
outside and going for walks. Woof!
Family Founders is an organization dedi-
cated to family's. Our number one goal is
to keep families together and to keep fami-
ly's healthy. We provide healthcare and
lawyers to those in need to ensure that
their loved ones are safe.
595 N Veterans Way, Tempe, AZ, 85281

We release a new family article every

Phone: 858-745-6156 week so subscribe and join the Family
Fax: 654-786-9000
Founder’s Family.

Tell your family you love them today!

We’re online!

I would like to dedicate this port. There are millions of
week’s Newsletters to Aus- animals on the streets looking
sie Rescue, an organization for loving homes so check in
dedicated to finding aban- at your local humane society
doned and abused animals a and see how you can lend a
forever family. When we helping hand.
think of family we commonly
focus on the humans rather
than our furry friends. A pet
can be a wonderful addition
to any family and provide
physical and emotional sup-
The face of family

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